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Joining the Local Theatre

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Long intro to explosive finish for woman with the acting bug.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, or non-consensual sex or scenarios.


Hi, my name is Michelle and before you ask, No I am not going to tell you my last name. It's bad enough you know my first name as I don't want people trolling their Local Theatre trying to find me after they hear my story. My husband is a businessman and trying for partner at his company so I won't give his name either.

The company he works for is very interested in making him partner but due to the fact that it must all remain above board so to speak they are making sure to cross their tees and dot their eyes. Although we're recently married we have not gone on our honeymoon yet. The company has promised to pay for a very luxurious honeymoon for us several months from now when my husband is made partner.

Because of the long hours he puts in and all the travelling he does he is seldom home and often exhausted when he is. Although we're newlyweds we have yet to even consummate the marriage if you can believe that. This has left me with a lot of free time on my hands.

My husband suggested I find a hobby to keep myself busy. As luck would have it one soon found me. I had stopped into a coffee house for a break while I was out walking and ran into an old friend from high school. I had lost touch with Paige and almost didn't recognize her with the short dark hairstyle she had now.

"Paige! Hi, it's me Michelle. Remember, we went to Downsview Secondary together?"

She blinked for a second and then gave a little smirk, "Michelle, hello! You look good. What have you been doing? I heard you got married. Any little ones on the way yet?"

"No, not in the immediate future. My husband is up for partner but who knows, maybe in a year or two." I motioned to a table, wordlessly inviting Paige to join me so that we might catch up a bit.

"So what are you doing while he's going for partner? Don't tell me you're sitting around the house watching soaps?" Paige took a little sip of her coffee to test how hot is was.

"Yeah, I dunno, I need to find a hobby or something. I didn't think being married would be so boring sometimes." I sipped a few times on my coffee and then rubbed at my forehead feeling a mild migraine starting, I couldn't help but wince and frown a little.

Paige fished a pill bottle out of her purse and offered me a little yellow pill. "Here, this will take the edge off."

"What is it?" I took it and looked at it for a second.

"Don't you trust me?" Paige asked nonchalantly and popped one herself.

I had never been one to take any drugs, even prescribed medication, and this was a prescription that belonged to someone else to boot. But in the end I succumbed to peer pressure and swallowed the yellow pill with some coffee.

"You know," Paige added, "I might be able to help you out with that hobby."

"Really," I asked, "how so?" I couldn't help blinking a little and massaging my temples to alleviate the pain forming behind my eyes.

"Headache coming on huh?" Paige inquired. "Here take one of these." She fished out a slightly larger, oval red pill.

This time I just took it and washed it right down with some coffee. "Thanks. What was that you were saying about helping with a hobby?"

"Well, I joined the Local Theatre several months ago and I find it very rewarding." Paige offered.

"The Local Theatre huh? I'm not sure. I mean, on the one hand I've always had dreams of being an actress, but isn't it expensive? I can only afford one hobby right now so forgive me for being selective but whatever I choose, that's it, at least for the foreseeable future."

Paige was quick to add, "Well, you're in luck because there's still room for a few more and we have a professional actor as our acting instructor, Theo Sheffield."

"Really, isn't it more expensive having such a big name actor as the instructor?" I was curious as to whether I could afford it.

"I'm sure you can afford it and it's worth every penny, come on, live a little Michelle." Paige could be very convincing.

"Alright, I'll join up. I need something to keep me busy anyway. When do they meet?"

A big smile lit up Paige's face, "As luck would have it there's class today, I was stopping for some coffee before heading over there."

Feeling much better now that the pills were kicking in, "Good. Now that I've agreed I'm eager to meet everyone."

We both left and began walking, making small talk on the way and catching up further. It didn't take long to reach the Local Theatre. I followed Paige inside and down one of the aisles toward the stage where about a dozen more men and women were gathered, talking among themselves while waiting.

Paige introduced me, "Hello everyone, this is Michelle, an old friend from high school. She's caught the acting bug and decided to join our ranks."

I said "Hi" and was well received by everyone. Before the Instructor showed up we were joined by two more latecomers. I recognized Mike and Scott who i had also gone to high school with, they were a couple of stoners who never seemed to show much interest in anything. I was surprised that they would end up here but everyone lands somewhere i guess.

Paige introduced me to Sally who was the Stage Manager and in charge of most of the goings on and keeping things running smoothly. She was very friendly and had me quickly read over the membership contract and sign it. She explained that on such short notice I wouldn't be expected to come up with my own scene and to just find someone to partner up with for today.

Sally noticed my nervousness and offered, "Don't sweat it, it's your first day and no one will be expecting the moon and stars. Here take this, it will help you relax." And she gave me two flat round white pills. I didn't want to seem like a square so i looked around for something to drink with them and Mike offered me a metal flask. Thinking it couldn't hurt to also have a drink, which would probably help cam my nerves down. I thanked him, swallowed the two pills and took a large swig of whatever was in the flask. It burned a little on the way down but seemed to do the trick as I was feeling no pain.

I had even begun feeling a little buzzed from the pills and booze so when Mike and Scott offered to accept me into their scene I happily accepted. They said we should step outside for a minute while waiting for the Instructor and relax a litle further by burning a joint.

Now I haven't smoked anything since college and figured my experimenting was well behind me but since the pills and booze was combining for a pleasant buzz I figured why not.

"That's the spirit Michelle." Scott complimented me.

"What's the scene we're supposed to be doing today?" I asked after taking a few deep drags off the joint.

"It's how a couple, that's you and I," Mike said, "visit a beach while on vacation and realize too late it's a nude beach. They are further embarrassed by a new European friend they make, played by Scott, who is a little too handsy."

"How do we portray a nude beach? I mean it's Local Theatre so it's all theatre of the mind right? We don't really get nude do we?" I asked while giggling a little nervously.

"Oh yeah! No worries, I mean we just got this new Instructor, Theo Sheffield, so we don't know what he's like exactly but we're all lucky to have a professional." Scott added quickly.

"You don't strike me as self conscious or a prude, Michelle. You're not worried about maybe having to really get nude on stage are you?" Mike asked.

Feeling quite relaxed by now and taking another couple of deep draws on the joint I tried to bravely add, "No, not me. I'm a consummate professional." I couldn't help sharing a fit of the 'giggles' with them.

After we finished the joint we went back in and shortly after Theo arrived and began with the introductions of everyone and giving a little speech about realism in acting and his unique style of teaching. A lot of it went right over my head as i was quite buzzed and light headed at this point.

There were a few scenes that played out before our turn. A mugging on the street, someone not giving up their seat on the subway to a pregnant lady, and even some boring conversation over a dinner party.

Before I knew it we told we were next after a barroom brawl scene. That scene shocked me a little as Theo stopped it and got up on stage and told one of the actors he had to really sell it and that he should hit the other actor for real. He then turned to the other actor and asked if he could take a punch. When the actor confirmed he could, Theo slugged him one and told the other actor that was how you added realism to the scene.

When it was our turn Sally gave us some last minute instructions about Theo's 'realism' style and that we would have to indeed get nude for the scene as we choose a story around a nude beach.

The scene began with Mike and I walking along on the stage. There were a few props, like beach umbrellas and stuff set up to add to the imagery. When Scott walked onto stage and approached us he was already showing the full monty. I couldn't believe it. There he was in nothing but his birthday suit sporting quite a large boner.

I mean it was really impressive. And then Mike adds his line, "When in Rome, I guess." and he removes the swim trunks he was wearing. I couldn't help but look down beside me and that's when i saw Mike also was sporting a huge boner. This was a little embarrassing, here I was on a stage, wearing nothing but a flimsy little two piece bathing suit, with a naked man on each side of me.

It was now my turn to remove my swimsuit but i suddenly got a case of the nerves and couldn't go through with it. Theo had been reading along with the script of our scene and when he realized I wasn't going to take off by bikini he yelled, "Cut!" and then jumped up on stage again.

For a minute I actually thought he might slug me like he did with the actor in the barroom brawl scene. He simply approached me and began talking very sternly, asking me questions about whether I've ever been to a nude beach, and have I ever done a nude scene before.

I told him I hadn't and that I was shy. He said he had a cure for that ordered everyone else off the stage. He then took me by the arm and led me to the front of the stage. He positioned me facing the rest of the troupe in the seats and told me to take off my bikini.

I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly and asked him to repeat what he had said. He started to get angry and called for Sally. She soon appeared by my side and Theo asked if there was anything she could do to help. Sally produced a bottle of water and a green pill.

She told me it would help with my shyness. After taking the pill and some water Theo again instructed me to remove my bikini. I guess the reason that I had always felt self conscious is that I have very large breasts, they're an obscene triple F. There was something about the way Theo told me to undress. He had such a commanding presence that I found myself slipping out of tiny swimsuit.

Before I had given any further thought to it I was now standing there in the buff. I guess the buzz from the booze and the pills and the joint all added up to cloud my mind enough not to feel so self conscious about being nude in front of others. Looking at Theo I smiled at him to show that my new found confidence wasn't mere bravado.

Now perhaps is the time to mention that Theo was Nigerian in descent and was as black as night. The contrast between my pale white flesh and his dark as night skin was evident and hard to ignore as he put his arm around me and began to dance me around the stage.

"This will help you get over your nerves permanently. No other scene you do will probably be as embarrassing as this." He then placed me in front of everyone at the front of the stage again. I found my breathing was heavy with anticipation. I knew there was something else he had planned.

"You need to feel something shameful that will stay with you and always remind you it can always be worse. That way you won't ever have any hang-ups about getting naked again when a scene calls for it." Theo stated.

Then he asked, "Do you trust me?"

After a brief hesitation, "Yes... ah... of course. Whatever you think is best."

Theo then moved around behind me and started caressing the sides of my arms, the curve of my hip, and finally cupping and massaging by overgrown watermelons. He really got a couple of big handfuls and really went to town working them diligently and pinching my oversized nipples like he was milking a cow.

The tingles began racing up and down my extremities to the tips of my fingers and toes. Suddenly he slid a hand between my legs from behind and began sawing it back and forth through the fold of my pussy.

"Spread your legs." Theo ordered, and I complied immediately without giving it any thought. He inserted first one thick black digit, pumping it in and out between my thick pussy lips. Then he used his other hand to spread and expose my pussy to everyone and added a second finger.

The sawing and pumping motion sped up and the thumb of his other hand be rubbing over my fat clitty. Soon my legs began quivering and I couldn't hold it back any longer. I just released all my pent up energy and the best orgasm of my life began rocking through my shaking a quivering body.

I actually began to squirt. And squirt quite strongly. I actually reached the first row where Mike and Scott leaned forward in their seats and opened their mouths to get a taste of the nasty married whore who was letting a black man frig her off on stage in front of everyone.

It went on for nearly two minutes and afterward Mike and Scott gave each other high fives. Their faces were drenched but they didn't seem to care. Theo was right I would never forget this shameful moment for as long as I lived.

Before getting dressed and leaving to go home Theo blocked my graceful exit and told me next week that I would have to come up with a scene to do with Mike and Scott and that he hoped I was over any 'self conscious crap' as he put it. I quickly agreed just to get out of there with some small scrap of dignity.

Paige and Sally comforted me a little before I left to help me get my composure back after that shameful and slutty display on centre stage. They also reminded me of the contract I had signed along with the fee I had paid, and the fact that there would be no refunds.

My husband simply wouldn't understand any of this and wouldn't accept that I had spent so much on acting lessons at the Local Theatre and now wanted to just quit. So I had little choice but to agree to return next week and do another scene with Mike and Scott. This time around I would make sure not to balk at whatever they came up with for us to perform.

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topcattoponetopcattoponealmost 3 years ago

Sorry! You lost me when the pill popping started.

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