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"He took the babies, Laura! It was Henry. He took them!

"What are you saying, mom? Henry did this to you then took the girls?"

"Yes, him and some friends; Army guys I think. I don't know. They came in, tied us up, and Henry took the girls and left. He said he's leaving the country and we'd never see them again!"

My head was reeling with this information. Had I so completely underestimated him? I would never have thought he was capable of something like this. There must be another explanation. I finished untying her mom and told her to get dad out, then punched in Henry's cell phone number. I'll fix this, I thought. He'll get his ass back here with my kids or he'll be damn sorry.



The phone rang with the anticipated call from Laura. I had kept this phone and attached international service to it solely for this phone call. I let it ring 4 times before answering. "Hello?"

"You son of a bitch. Where the hell...?" I hung up the phone. It rang again moments later

"Don't you fucking hang up on me..." I hung up again. The phone rang yet again.

This time I spoke first. "Laura, this is your last chance to have a civil conversation. If I hang up again it will be the last time you hear my voice. Understood?"

I could almost hear her scowl through the phone. "Yes, I understand. Now what's going on? Why were my parents tied up and where are my children?"

"Well, let me answer those in reverse order. First, you no longer have children. Those that used to be your children are here with me where they will remain and you will not see them again."

"Bullshit, you bastard..."

"This is your last warning on language, Laura. Keep a civil tongue in your head or I'll just end this now. I only kept this phone number open as long as I did so we could talk one more time. After I hang up the next time this number will no longer work. So if you want answers you better watch how you talk. Clear?"

The tone of Laura's voice changed immediately. She likely thought she could still get to me but needed to seem chastened at this point. She was wrong, of course, but she didn't know that yet.

"Yes. I'm sorry, I'm just very upset. Imagine how I felt finding my parents tied up and my kids gone."

"And imagine how I felt being told I would be forced to support my slut of a wife while she screws anything that moves or face being denied my children. None of this would have happened if you had stayed home instead of going off and fucking 3 different guys? Yes, I had you followed. I know exactly what you did."

"Henry, baby, I didn't really mean it. I was just trying to get you to fight for me and show me how much you love me."

"We've been married for 7 years. I shouldn't need to fight for you anymore."

"A woman just likes to be reminded how desired she is, that's all."

"That's a crock of shit and you know it. Your mother explained it all to me: my role as 'provider and child rearer', my being rewarded with sex if I do a good job, and all the other men that will serve to satisfy your sexual needs since that was all they could manage. Well now you are free to try and pull this on someone else. You were a fool to think I would accept what you were trying to pull."

"Henry, please, I'm sorry. Just bring my kids back to me. I'll do anything."

"Sorry Laura. You've shown your true colors and that's the end of it. As I told your mother, you're welcome to try and find us, but we're living under different names and in another country. We have new birth certificates that don't even list you as their mother so there's no paper trail for you to hunt through. This is the first time I've ever been glad my parents died in that car crash. That would have made it harder to leave. Goodbye Laura."

I could hear her screaming my name as I disconnected the call and tossed the phone into the water.

I turned to my 4-year old companions. "Okay Lucy, Janie, what should we do today."



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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Lovely fantasy. A good bump for guys to both be more vigilant and be more creative with alternative bail-out scenarios. Doesn't hurt to make friends in low places....

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

: what's a whimp?

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Good, fun story with only the plot-hole of MC maintaining his normal phone, functioning, for her to call.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

I just wonder how her friends, the one's that were thinking about doing the same thing, reacted.


AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

You finally gave the MC some balls! Way too far unreal, but loved the outcome even if it was brief.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Good story, especially lived the outcome. An epilog describing her and her parent's lives and regrets could have made the story even better, but still it was good.

ReadyOneReadyOne24 days ago

At last! BG33's MC is not a whimp!

Number1516Number151624 days ago

Everybody’s been in the army or the marines or the whatever! I was in the service too and most people are not all that bright that serve, Most are dropouts or it was join up or go to jail. I am not putting down the military….well maybe a little but these stories are beyond believable. Everyone can do anything because they served! Get real or at least somewhat real life!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Enjoyable but there should've been a bit more drama. Even the dialogue was stilted. But I liked the ending. Some kind of soldier? Really? He showed them. 4 stars still, even with the improbable addition to his army buddies. Bob

Booboo12629Booboo12629about 1 month ago

No drama, no emotion, no real ending just a predictable outcome in the fantasy world where every husband has a cadre of army buddies ready to solve all his problems.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Another woke ideology brought into the pain of reality. Never marry a man if you want to live this way. Marry one of your beta boys or metrosexual punks. Absolutely zero sympathy for any of the three. You took you shot and missed enjoy the reward you reaped. Might want to start by beating the shit out of mamma for raising you with these entitled beliefs. Would normally try and pity the dad but not this time. If he had stood up to the bitch when she pulled her crap them the vile offspring they have might have had a better chance at a happy life. Nope, men like him are enablers and should be given no respect or understanding.

Oh well at least she has proven to have a marketable skill. Her and mama can hit the streets laying to help pay for the debts they need to cover.......Oh such a pity for the poor whores.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

a youtube channel has this story going for ad income:


SuedeDenimSuedeDenim3 months ago

1: Have a cheating wife.

2: Have a team of world class spies and hackers at your disposal, plus a private jet.

3: Live happily ever after.

These kind of stories are dumb.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It still baffles me why men still get married, there is no women worth marrying anymore.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"He wants my pussy to be only for him." - How will he know? Because she says so? Because cheaters are SO honest, LOLOL!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I pity the fool! Had a whole A-Team vibe goin for it. Very silly. This is what happened to Murdock and why he's single. LOL

desecrationdesecration3 months ago

He marries outside his tribe, then gets owned, but instead of heading to the hills he doubles down on his mistake.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ignore all the sissy cucks who have hurt feelings because MC took care of business.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

How about this epilogue:

Gary and Margret sparred no expense and they finally found and confronted Henry in a small obscure town in the Italian Alps. They were sure they had him until, too late they discovered he'd become the local Don. Nobody ever saw those two pieces of shit again since parts of them had been scattered in several places. When the cheating skank slut Laura tried to show up she was intercepted. Henry met her in an abandoned warehouse. "Laura, you stupid whore bitch, let me share some final thoughts with you. Both your parents have been murdered in cold blood. Guess they should have stayed home. Their last sight was me laughing at them. Now for you, death is too good. Some pals of mine own whore houses in Moscow. Enjoy the rest of your short life until the STDs get you! BTW, the kids don't even remember what you look like. Chow trash!" Laura was never seen west of Moscow again. Dad and kids lived happily ever after.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd24 months ago

Great story! A bit over the top, but great job. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ridiculous....absolutely unbelievable. Its only saving grace is that it was so short.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It needs a follow up with one of your excellent romantic endings.

Pleeeease ??????

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Could have been a great story, but boy did that get stupid at the end. Why go off and make it so unrealistic with all the superhero crap? Not even believable. Should have put it in the fantasy category.

Schwanze1Schwanze14 months ago

One thing I love about this story is it's by Bigguy33 and it's NOT a cuck story!

Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright4 months ago

🎶Secret Asian man🎶

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Way over the top! 0 stars

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Only in fiction. What about his army buddies? They all get off scott free? Kidnapping is a federal offense. No epilog. The wife and her mother were maniacal. The husband went nuclear. Not believable on both sides.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This can never happen in the cold real world, but a good BTB yarn nevertheless.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Finally , one of your sluts get a tiny bit of punishment

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good story, but it's missing the aftermath including their reactions/regrets.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

: I presume that you didn’t intend to raise your son to abuse his future wife. There are legitimate reasons to remove children from a parent, and the vile, evil, demonic plan of the mother and grandmother in this story certainly warranted it!


Frankly, to ensure that the witches don’t try again with another man, and more children, the MC should have used his resources to “disappear” the villainesses, instead of leaving.



AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Our system is broken. It's good we don't have more people acting out. We see women using guys as ATMs. We support malicious behavior in women. This is one of many negative outcomes. The destruction of the family is a way to conquer a nation without firing a single shot.

gasperguy69gasperguy695 months ago

Read this story a couple times. I'm sure my take won't sit with the BTB crowd, but I have issues with parents stealing kids away from the other parent and never letting them be seen again. But then having an Ex take my son away at 7 years old and me never having seen him since might be the reason for that!

Harvey8910Harvey89105 months ago

This was a good story and I gave it five stars. The consequences of Laura’s actions were justified. She tried to threaten Henry with financial ruin if he did not go along with her fucking other men while he remained married to her and support her financially. This was a well-thought-out plan and a very good short story about the consequences of cheating on her husband. Great job!!!

AmbulAmbul5 months ago

With her love of cock and now insufficient funds to support herself and her parents, Laura will no doubt become a whore, selling her body to strange men. She already is comfortable fucking strange men, so that will be no problem. Avoiding unwanted pregnancy and STDs will require constant vigilance, and she may even come to embrace her new life. Drugs could of course intervene and she could end up as a junkie whore on the street sucking and fucking for her next fix. This was quite a fantasy story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Fourth time through and it is just as much fun as the first time. She should feel lucky, if she really thinks about it and he could pull this off then imagine what he could have done to all three of the losers in that house. I would have taken a page from another story and had all 3 tied up and explained like he did except that they wouldn’t have time to look for him since their days and nights Luke be filled with working in the whorehouse that they were sold to down in Mexico. I would even have them surgically altered to really fuck with their minds. Still this is a great story that I love to read. Five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!

deependerdeepender5 months ago

"brothers in arms" = "exmilitary gang"


The cities have the Bloods and the Crips. The burbs have the Nerds and the Vigilantes.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

"(though he had no problem handing it out to his buddies)"

That was an unwarranted cheap-shot by the author at the MC. Very bad form: -2 points.


enderlocke77enderlocke775 months ago

lol that anon "very realistic" i hope that was sarcasm

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Check Mate. With a little help from his friends... more than a little more help from her friends. (Accept It?)

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very realistic.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief6 months ago

Nice story but I think it ended too soon and there wasn't enough BTB. Poor Gary, he got fucked so many times he should just drift off into the night and let the two bitches fight over what's left. Laura got off too easy as did her date. He deserves at least a busted kneecap or a crushed testical or two. With Henry's connections I'm sure he could have arranged for Laura to be dumped naked in the middle of a bad section of town. If she made it home she could count herself lucky. I guess Henry still had a soft spot in his heart for her, lol. I know it fiction but it just kind of brought out the dark side of me when she did what she did.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Nasty, soul crushing btb. No one is a nice person here. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Turbo-solution, and fun to boot, would recommend!

Chimo1961Chimo19616 months ago

A sequel showing her frantically spending all her and her parents money in a vain search for the kids, would suit this tale.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I love this! Well, it might seem or actually be a little too much and unbelievable, it was still a good and fun read. Unlike the poster about a week ago, I seen nothing to me that was a cuck at all. The poster might be right saying he produce some things that made her think she could get away with it, but that doesn’t mean she should try that.

Even if they were those things, doing what she planned, and ultimately did was beyond disrespect and betrayal. Five stars on this fun read. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So rather than hit or physically restrain his wife he lost the war and just gave up and let her go. Totally cuckish behaviour.

Let's not forget that a woman doesn't just come to the conclusion that her husband can be disrespected and cheated on without serious pointers from his prior behaviour.

The after showing what a loser cuck he is, he goes through a whole load of unnecessary bs.

It isn't easy to take young children out of the country without both parents. It isn't easy to get credible false IDs birth certificates etc., especially without marking yourself to criminals as someone to be fkd over.

While it might seem cool to have a whole team of ex-squadie wannabe criminals, it does mean that once again a military man is a cuck loser, and ironically is so lacking in awareness and intelligence that he'd marry such a woman and into such a family.

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