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Kicking and Screaming Ch. 03

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Divorce, wedding, and more.
2.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2020
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"So, it's done now. The divorce is final. And you can marry Consuela now. A smart choice, I might add. Just not one that most men in my experience would have made. You're a rare fellow, Jack Jackson. Incidentally, where the 'Jack' come from, anyway? It's not your legal name, and as your wife, I definitely noticed," Jill commented on the notice that we both received that the divorce waiting period was over and the settlement took effect.

"All that time as my wife, and you never asked. Fascinating. It's simple. I didn't like going around as 'Peter Jackson' for obvious reasons, so I used a derivative of my surname as a nickname. So, you're free to marry Karen, too. Will you take her surname, since Jackson's just a married name from your union with me?" I inquired, knowing that by now, Jill and Karen were officially an engaged couple.

"Yeah, I will be a true-blue lesbian wife! Well, leaving aside the fact that I'm still sleeping with you and Consuela on a regular basis," Jill remarked, nearly making Karen snort out her fancy wine as we sat at the dinner table together.

"I still get jealous about that fact now and then, but mostly I find it amusing. We're an odd quad, aren't we? The middle-aged ginger lesbian with the stereotypically hetero, Christian, white bread, suburban name, the significantly younger, bisexual fiancee, her ex with benefits, and his own fiancee, the cute Latina ex-hooker.

"Hey, at least you guys are helping me avoid lesbian bed death. Plus, I've gotten the chance to eat that sweet brown pussy and ass of Consuela's now and then, which doesn't hurt," Karen blushed a bit, her cheeks matching her auburn hair.

"Lesbian bed death ... is that actually a thing?" Consuela now probed, having heard of this, but only in the rumor mill.

"It's happened to some of my close friends, so I'm gonna go with yes on that one," Karen replied, shocking Consuela, but then my fiancee used to be a whore and was still a very sexual person.

The notion of losing interest in sex just didn't register with her. It was so utterly alien to her, thankfully for me. Consuela certainly lived up to her end of the deal. She put out a lot for me, not to mention Jill and Karen, and we even turned into a money-making venture by setting her up as a cam girl.

So far, only Consuela and I did the cam work. I only participated in the couples scenes, of course, which were outnumbered by her solo sessions more than two to one. I was already retired, as was Jill, thanks to a combination of helpful factors in my life. The cam work just made us a bit more comfortable than otherwise in terms of liquid cash. Jill wasn't ready for that, but both Karen and she more than availed themselves of Consuela's luscious body.

Six months later...

"Do you, Jack, take this woman, Consuela, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked me now.

"I do," I smiled at my exuberant bride, who was clearly over the moon to finally get hitched.

"Do you, Consuela, take this man, Jack, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" the minister now turned to my sweet Consuela.

"I do," Consuela answered, her voice cracking as she choked back tears of joy.

"Then, by the power vested in me by the State of Arizona, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," the minister told me as I pulled Consuela in for a very deep and passionate tongue kiss.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jackson," the minister announced, making me profoundly glad that I had legally changed my given name from Peter to Jack.

If others in my life were bothered by me taking a hooker as my bride, that was their issue, not mine. They weren't in my shoes, getting to take her to bed regularly while still having access to my ex's body with my sultry wife's consent. They didn't get to watch Consuela eat Karen and Jill out often, either. They didn't watch them return the favor now that Karen was over her stupid hang-ups and had better control of her jealousy. They didn't get to watch all three bodies swell up with my baby bumps.

Oh, yes, I was finally allowed between Karen's legs, at least long enough to breed her. For a lesbian, she didn't protest the change of plans as much as one might think. I supposed that this was a "lie down, close your eyes, and think of Jill" situation. It worked, in any case. For at least a short period of time, I frequently fucked all three of the ladies in my household. It probably helped in Karen's case that Jill actually held her hand to reassure her while I pounded the fuck out of her.

The only real fly in the ointment, aside from the end of that little affair with Karen, was the presence of another blast from my past. Nadia. For some reason, she was able to charm all of the ladies in the household and become very fast friends with each of them. My plans and schemes to cut my crazy, but drop-dead gorgeous Russian ex-girlfriend completely out of my life had failed as miserably as my ambitions to achieve great wealth and a great love life had succeeded of late.

In fact, she had managed to turn what was originally intended as a double wedding for two couples into a triple one to include herself and her new boyfriend, James. I had caved only because Nadia had been unrelentingly kind to me since our reunion, shockingly so in fact. I still felt suspicious, not quite trusting the former ballerina or model or whatever she claimed to be of late, but I couldn't justify denying her wishes in this regard. I could only wait for her to unmask herself someday, somehow, as the psycho bitch that I was convinced that she was deep inside.

I put those thoughts from my head as I watched Jill and Karen take their vows now. The minister, an openly gay friend himself, happily married to his high school sweetheart, seemed especially thrilled with this same-sex union. Gabriel Dominguez also happened to be one of Consuela's brothers, one of three siblings disowned by their family for various reasons.

"Do you, Karen, take this woman, Jill, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" Gabe now asked Karen.

"I do," Karen blushed and smiled as she answered, clearly delighted to wed Jill at last.

Her blush almost hid her freckles. Almost.

"Do you, Jill, take this woman, Karen, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" Gabe reinforced with the wedding vows which lady held the power in that lesbian union.

"I do," Jill licked her lips and from what I knew of her, she clearly had thoughts of eating Karen out.

I grinned as I saw that and Jill winked at me, a brand new woman far removed from the harridan of the past. She was happy now, after all. She had even sold her gun, no longer feeling the need for it. Her repressed, latent bisexuality was open and freely declared. She had nothing to hide anymore.

"Then, by the power vested in me by the State of Arizona, I now pronounce you lady and wife. You may kiss the bride," Gabe intoned, though it wasn't clear if by "the bride" he meant Jill or Karen or both.

It didn't matter too much to either lady, both of them very much engrossed in a steamy French kiss that left no question as to the ardor of their passions. Though some might doubt it, due to her liaisons with me, her ex, as well as with Consuela, Jill was madly in love with Karen, and vice versa. I had seen more than enough evidence for that fact just from living with them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Karen Cardigan," Gabe introduced the couple formally to all of us.

Now it was time for Nadia and James, and I couldn't help but wonder if she had really improved. She seemed to have her new man firmly under her thumb, though that could have been his personality responsible for that part. He didn't seem exactly that impressive or aggressive at all, rather timid and passive, in fact.

No wonder she and I didn't get along as a couple! Deep down, she needed a submissive man in her life, didn't she, one that she could control? I just wasn't cut out for that kind of relationship. I just hoped that it was real D/s, or some other healthy expression, not abuse dressed up as kink.

"Do you, Nadia, take this man, James, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" Gabe flipped the script a little, though evidently with the blessing of the couple in question.

"I do," Nadia said as she winked first at James, and then at me for some unknown reason.

"Do you, James, take this woman, Nadia, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?" Gabe asked James to my complete surprise, and I wasn't alone.

"I do," James blushed a little as he basically admitted to the entire audience who wore the pants in their relationship, not that anyone couldn't already guess.

"Then by the power vested in me by the State of Arizona, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," Gabe informed James, not that he had much time before Nadia took the initiative and planted a vigorous lip lock on her groom's mouth.

Whatever else they enjoyed about their union, Nadia was clearly passionate about her new man, even as docile as he was. I long wondered what a loving femdom, wife-led marriage might look like, but I didn't have to wonder anymore. Nadia might crack the whip, but she would also love, care for, and nurture her submissive hubby.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Nadia Komarov," Gabe stunned us even further in the ways that this new couple broke tradition.

"Hello, Jack," Nadia said to me now as she brought her bridegroom along by the necktie.

"Hello, Nadia. I see that you have truly found your own kind of domestic bliss, as have I," I was tactful, even if still on edge around her.

"We need to talk ... and yes, that includes you, James. Where can we meet? I have a ... sort of proposition for you," Nadia proposed, much to my shock.

"Applebee's good enough for you guys? 7 pm tonight," I suggested, getting nods from all quarters, not that James was likely to have much say at all.

"Very well, then. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a marriage to consummate and so the rest of you," Nadia agreed, walking away with more than a little spring in her step now.

"What the fuck was that about?" I asked aloud.

"Oh, don't worry, babe. All of your patience with our chumminess with Nadia, as much as it has pained you, is about to pay off for you, papi, in a very good way," Consuela told me as she put her arms around my waist.

"That's one way of putting it!" Jill replied, making Karen and her both burst into laughter.

"Okay, well, in the meantime, I got some consummation of my own to do," I told each of them as I took Consuela by one hand and fondled her lovely ass with the other.

"Si, es verdad, mi corazon!" Consuela whispered in my ear, her passion for me more apparent by the day.

Damn it, were we actually falling in love? That was another mystery sure to be unraveled, just like what form of "consummation" did Karen and Jill intend for their wedding night. Most of all, what did Nadia intend for me and James?

One way or the other, I would find out after I fucked Consuela and she fucked me back with the same brazen lust as ever.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I just don't care any more

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

Just too bizarre for me

YouamiYouamiabout 4 years ago

From a technical viewpoint your tale was excellent. But I found the plethora of couples a little difficult to follow...especially the bloody mass wedding scene. Very repetitive to the point of annoying! Your obvious objective was to portray polyamory and you did at the expense of plot and character development. Not one of your best.

SevMax2SevMax2about 4 years agoAuthor

There is a reason for the Karen part. It's not something that I felt like getting into in that particular chapter, but in the follow-up story, it will probably be discussed. There were a couple of reasons, in fact. One, Karen felt it would help her bond better with Jill if she conceived naturally rather than clinically at the same time that Jill did. Of course, this was just for the pregnancy and Karen cut him off after that.

The second was atonement for pushing Jill to kick him out. Karen being a decent, if flawed woman, she actually felt bad about that afterward, since it was his own house from which she had him evicted. She never expected Jill to go to the extreme of gunpoint.

Now, does moving back with that pair make perfect sense? Not for me, but for Jack, he feels that with backup, with a shotgun that he now has access to again, and with plenty of locks, he can try to make it work. If it doesn't, then they might have to work out something else. I'm not ruling out this whole thing going up shit creek without a paddle. He's taking a risk that I frankly wouldn't take myself.

As for that question about his name, did it occur to you that perhaps Jill is a bit more self-absorbed than other wives might be? I mean, hell, she wasn't even aware that she was poly or bi until later.

By the way, sbrooks, the reason that she needs both isn't because she's bi. I never said that it was. It was because she was poly. She's just not very mature about how to handle those kinds of emotions. She's a hothead, to be frank. Another reason why I would be a bit more hesitant to move back in with her myself.

hindsight2020hindsight2020about 4 years ago

Story is loosing steam. Get to it.

shadowjack17shadowjack17about 4 years ago
Why is this rated so low?

Yeah, it's a little off the beaten track, but so is all of SevMax's stuff. I liked it and I'm curious if it will continue.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

Too short. We shouldn't have to wait to find out what's on the agenda with Nadia (and James?).

I don't buy him "pounding" Karen. I can just barely accept intercourse rather that artificial insemination.

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 4 years ago

... Immediately stop reading when the ex-wife asked Jack where his name came from.

The woman was MARRIED to the man, yet never bothered asking him this obvious first date question until their divorce? And we're supposed to buy that?!

Naw - fuck that. This is too stupid to keep on reading.

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