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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 02

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Martin is required to sit for his portrait as Lady Vargos.
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Part 2 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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To the new reader. The Life and Times of Lady Vargos is the second book in the Martin Hastings Saga. The first book, The Marriage of Martin Hastings is posted here on Literotica.


Chapter 2

"Family Portraits"

Martin had now been married for just over two weeks. He and his husband, the Baron, had consummated their marriage together with the traditional "Three Nights of Consummation" ceremony, at the end of which time Martin was introduced to the public as Lady Vargos. It was an extravagant ceremony for the Baron's de-flowered and newly seeded wife.

After the Consummation Ceremony banquet, the Baron had left town with a beautiful young female concubine named Tiffany on a business trip and he was just now getting back into town. He had actually arrived the previous evening, rather late, so Martin was put up in a guest bedroom for the night while the Baron and Tiffany shared the Master suite together for one last evening.

Martin would have had no problems with this arrangement normally. It would have been like a stay of execution in a way for him. He didn't want to sleep with his husband. He knew how the Baron would use him as if he were a real woman, and the thought of that disgusted Martin.

His husband had thoughtfully selected two concubines to take care of Martin's sexual needs while he was away. After all it was only right since the Baron had taken a pretty young concubine with him. The concubines were to keep Martin company and comfort him in his lonely nights as lovers while the Baron was away. There had apparently been some misunderstanding with Lisa in the Baron's instructions for the concubines. Lisa did not realize that the concubines were to alternate nights taking care of Martin needs, and she had mistakenly instructed them both to attend him nightly till the Baron returned home.

Martin longed for the day that the Baron would come home now. Anything would be better than these two men taking turns with him. They ignored his protest, holding him down for each other all night only to have some grand finally early in the mornings, where they both used him at once. It was all done with love and care so the bride didn't feel lonely while his husband was away. All done approval of the Baron of course.

There were to be two paintings of Martin being done. One for the grand foyer that would hang on the wall with the three existing paintings of The Baron, the Baron's mother Constance, and her husband. The bedroom painting would be done by a different painter and hang privately in their bedroom above the bed, away from curious eyes. It was to be a personal and intimate painting for the Baron and Martin to share.

The paintings would take some time to complete, and the Baron would be there, at least in the beginning. Photos would be made for references and the Baron would sit for the first session of the painting, mainly for perspectives. Martin would have to sit for as many sessions, as requested by the painter. Leanne would be very busy as to make sure his look was consistent on a daily basis.

Martin hated the thought of this day coming and it was finally here. The only thing he felt would be worse than being a model for his painting would be the huge gala planned at the estate to unveil the painting in the grand foyer for the stuck up socialites to admire and secretly laugh at.

The bedroom piece would not be revealed publicly and only those staff members that had access to the Master Suite as part of their daily routines would be able to view it.

Martin was already awake when Leanne entered the bedroom. His eyes filled with tears as the concubines had just finished with him and left minute earlier. He was wearing a short pink satin nightie. His hair was set in brush curlers. It was difficult to sleep in the curlers, but he wasn't sleeping much anyway. Leanne had no problems with putting him in curlers during the afternoons and having him wear them all the way through the night, especially since the Baron was out of town and Martin's hair didn't need to be primped and sprayed for his husband admiration every evening.

Martin gave little physical resistance to his feminization since the Baron had left, though he still didn't accept the fact that he was being forced to be a man's pseudo woman. He did his morning routine, a walk on the treadmill, his bathroom duties with an assisted bubble bath. Then he stood in a white terry cloth robe staring at the styling chair he had to sit in daily. The straps hanging waiting for him to have a seat, were a daily reminder that he had no choice in this matter. The straps still intimidated Martin and he slowly had a seat amongst them so they could be snuggly tightened all about him. As Leanne finished strapping him in she turned the chair to face the mirror.

"There now," she said patting his curlers as she adjusted his head to face straight ahead. "Let's get these curlers out of your hair. Can't have you looking like some 60's housewife when you're getting your portrait done for the family gallery," she said as she removed curlers from the back of his head.

"I'm sure you are very excited!"

"Does it really matter?" he said staring at her with total disdain in the mirror.

"Oh Mrs. Vargos! Not really," she said while pulling the pins form the curlers.

Martin didn't give a lot of physical resistance the last couple of weeks. The public humiliation he had experienced of going to the courthouse dressed completely as a woman so he could be registered as a crossdresser, and get a "Public Crossdressing Permit" had crushed much of his resistance.

His husband was out of town, so at least Martin thought he would be spared the humiliation and physical aspects of being married to a man. Then he was introduced to his concubines.

The humiliation he felt when being paraded around in public dressed as a woman, was still a very prevalent part of his life, even more so it seemed with the Baron gone. Seems there were many more public appointments that had to be attended to than usual. Maybe it was part of his development to get him comfortable in the public arena as Lady Vargos. Lisa seemed very energetic about his public outings. He didn't know, but he knew one thing, it was just as embarrassing each time as it was the time before. It didn't get better. It seemed he was hearing more and more of the snickering from the public as he went out more and more.

He was still intimidated though by what these people would do to him if he acted in a way they deemed improper for a socialite wife. His testicles had been massaged and his penis knob polished with a firm bristled hair brush as deterrents to improper behavior, and he didn't want to experience either one of those again.

He did however continue to voice his disagreement with his attendants as they worked with him, on what was being done to him. Nobody seemed to have any real problems with him whining and complaining, especially Leanne who seemed to be very methodical and even professional in her duties to feminize him. Lisa however seemed to find his complaining somewhat amusing and even taunted him when she had the chance. They all seemed to have an understanding of his reluctance to be a bride, at least they did for right now.

Martin still couldn't believe that any of this charade was legit. It just couldn't be. He was a captive, an innocent prisoner who has been condemned as far as he was concerned. Some kind of a legalized sex slave, being forced to serve as a woman, even though he was male and he had no idea how to fight it.

Leanne removed the curlers from Martin's flaming red hair and tossed them one by one into the plastic box. His red hair had always made Martin have a sinking feeling inside. It was such a bold color especially when the light hit his hair just right making it glow with orange highlights. Leanne had dyed his hair red after his little scuffle with her before just after his wedding day. To him it was her way of retaliating. That and the knob brushing she gave him, but she claimed his hair was nothing more than a fashion statement and she adored him as a redhead.

Leanne took her time today as she teased his hair into a huge frizzed mass of hair, and then sprayed it. She smiled at the wild look of his hair standing wildly teased on his head. She lifted Martin's chin as she was smiling.

"Look at yourself in the mirror sir." Martin raised his eyes to see the huge mass of teased hair then lowered them again. Leanne giggled to herself, picking up a comb and placing box of bobbi pins next to the chair.

"You think this is all funny don't you?" Martin said in a authoritative tone, but his eyes tearing up. "I don't think it's funny at all. I'm a person not a joke."

After all he was the so called male/mistress of the house now and he did have a lot of new found authority, even the ability to fire staff members, which he had done earlier in the week just to prove to himself and others he could do it. He also found that he had little authority when it came to Leanne or Lisa. Their orders came straight from the Baron himself, and they were given a lot of freedom to use best judgment and improvise when it came to Martin.

"Oh no. It's not funny at all sir. It's all very exciting though. Don't you think?" she said as she now tucked and pinned his hair. "I'm creating a masterpiece with your appearance today so that a well known painter can paint a portrait of you that will hang publicly in the family foyer for all to see. Your image will be immortalized there."

Martin's hands gripped the ends of the arms of the chair. The thought of this feminized image of himself hanging boldly in the front entry was now sapping the last bit of male dignity he had left. After two weeks of this aggressive treatment he had a hard time even remembering how he used to look as a man, after only seeing himself in full makeup day after day. This also had the ring of long term intentions for him on their part.

Leanne continued her work on Martin's hair, remembering each detail so it could be reproduced daily. There was a knock at the door and then Lisa stuck here head in.

"Well good morning Lady Vargos. And how are you this morning?" Lisa said in her youthful but cheery voice.

Lisa was dressed in jeans and a white blouse. She wore a pair of platform slides with three inch heels. Her hair hung over her shoulders, parted in the middle with swept bangs across her forehead.

Martin didn't like Lisa. He liked her even less than he did Leanne. She was so young and this seemed to be more of a game to her. He didn't understand that even if all this was true, why they would allow such a young girl to be in charge of his training in social skills. After all to Leanne it was all a process of feminizing this man so he would fit into his role as a male wife and be placed into society according to the plans that were already in place for him.

Lisa though, wanted Martin to actually be a girl it seemed. She wanted him to think and act like a girl. She always referred to him as a girl, and even pushed the limits of the plans for Martin when she had the opportunity. She didn't seem at all embarrassed being seen with him in public places, or making a scene with him in public that drew unwanted attention. She always accompanied him when he went out. Leanne often had to restrain Lisa's enthusiasm, or calm her down and reminder her what she was suppose to be doing when she got too zealous in her endeavors.

"Are you ready to bring his dress in?" Leanne asked looking up from the styling.

"I have it right here on the dress stand," she giggled pulling it in the room behind her. "Isn't it beautiful?" Martin lowered his eyes after seeing the dress. His image was going to be immortalized and placed in a portrait, then hung in a place of prominence for the entire public to see and admire. A portrait of his feminized image wearing that very same designer dress.

Invitations that would go out for future galas, parties, charities and social events, holiday greeting cards, and any other correspondence would all have the image of him in that dress on them. Martin took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment knowing full well he could do nothing about it. Martin had no idea at this time that he would have to personally send out the invitations requesting attendance at these functions. He was just a pawn in this game.

"This dress is an original design just for you by Felix." Lisa clapped her hands in excitement. "How very special. Felix will be by to make sure the dress is fitted properly," Lisa said, then she approached Martin who was strapped securely in the chair.

"How nice," Leanne said looking up from her task. "Felix has done a beautiful job on that dress," Leanne commented as she returned to her work on his hair. "Felix is the top designer for women's dresses and gowns in your social group Lady Vargos." Leanne said.

"Great. I'm not a woman," Martin said without emotion.

"Felix is such a wonderful and popular designer, but I think he's such a fag," Lisa said with dismissive gesture.

"And how is our girl doing today? Anything new? Hmmmm?" Lisa said as she reached and pulled back Martin's robe to reveal his penis laying limp between his spread legs. Martin jumped in his restraints as Lisa picked up his penis giving it a quick shake.

"Nope, it's still here I see," she said grinning as she released her grip and then she covered him back up with the robe. "How have your concubines been treating you this week Lady Vargos? I just saw one of them this morning as he was leaving. I must say he appeared to have a very satisfied look on his face. They are very sexy too," Lisa added.

"How would you like it if two men had their way with you every night. Fucking your brains out under the pretense of comforting you as concubines?" Martin said through gritted teeth in anger.

"Well Lady Vargos, I think that would be just so exciting. I would like that very much," Lisa said pretending to swoon at the thought.

"That will be enough of that Lisa. Lady Vargos needs to have his toes redone this morning. Do you know when Brittney will get here?"

"Just talked with her on the phone. She's on her way now," Lisa said. "Getting your toenails painted by Brittney today. I bet your very excited about that. She's such a cute girl isn't she."

"Yeah. I can't wait." Martin didn't even look at her.

"Well now, we seem a little cranky this morning Lady Vargos. What's wrong? Is it that time of month for you? Hmmm? Do we need a tampon inserted today?" she said grinning ear to ear. "You have tampons in the vanity you know if you need one."

"Leave me alone," he hissed.

"Oh that's right. You don't have those monthly issues do you. I almost forgot, with you looking so pretty day in and day out, and you wearing those thick sanitary pads all the time. Oh, but that's for other reasons isn't it Lady Vargos." Her finger touched his cheek.

Martin snapped his head away from her only to have it firmly put back in place by Leanne.

"Hmmm. Then it must be because your husband has been gone for so long and you've missed his company so much. Concubines can only do so much, isn't that right Lady Vargos," she taunted him now.

"Well don't you worry. He's back in town you know. He and his concubine spent the night in the master suite. I'm sure he's anxious to catch up where the two of you left off."

"Lisa, please go and get the rest of his attire," Leanne said giving Lisa a firm look.

Lisa gave Martin a satisfied smile as she left the room to get the rest of Martin's clothes for the painting.

"I hate that cunt. Why can't I fire her. She's a useless bitch," Martin said after she had left the room.

"Now, now Mrs. Vargos. Lisa just get's a little too excited sometimes, but she does have a job to do."

"I'd like to see how she reacts to getting violated by two guys all night, every night and then forced to sit strapped in this chair being degraded daily by other people. Bet she wouldn't like it so much then. I'm not sitting here strapped in this chair because I like it."

"She does say things at the wrong time I grant you, but everything she said is true sir. She just needs to learn when to say things and when not to say things. She's young and you are the first male bride she's worked with. We all have to start somewhere you know."

"So I have to be the guinea pig for her learning process on how to demoralize and humiliate men into being good little girls for their men? Is that it?" he said in a sarcastic falsetto voice at the end of his statement.

Leanne laughed.

"Well yes. Since you put it that way. She doesn't realize how gradually this has to be done sometimes."

"She's still a cunt," Martin spat out.

"She's learning."

Leanne then took the curly hairpiece that matched Martin's hair color perfectly and place it on top of the curls she had already pinned in place on top of his head. She then blended the hair in creating a high fashioned updo, with his hair pulled up tight on the back and sides of his head, to be topped with a high mound of luxurious curls sprayed very firmly into place. Two tendril curls hung in front of each ear. Leanne looked at the finished do. She held Martin's chin up again.

"Well, what do you think Mrs. Vargos? Do you like it?" she asked.

"Yes. I look ridiculous. About what I would have expected you to do to me," Martin said looking at the extravagant hairdo his hair was now styled into. He wasn't sure if it was glamorous, elegant, or just plain over the top extreme 70's. But then again Martin, even though he was male, was the reluctant fashion trend setter for the women in his community.

He looked up again at the flaming red hair, as Leanne sprayed and gently patted it again with her palms. Leanne took a very ornate tiara and placed in the front of Martin's hairdo right where the curls started, and pinned in place. Martin's eyes lowered once again after seeing the final humiliating results. It was going to be so embarrassing wearing such an extravagant hairdo. Nobody, not even a woman would wear this styling that Leanne had given him, at least not publicly and he knew it.

Leanne put a small cape around his neck.

"It's time for your make up. Any request?" she asked holding the foundation in her hand waiting for his reply.

"How about stop, and you let me go and have Lisa take my place," he said in a mono tone voice.

"Sure. Just as soon as we get your make up done," she said cheerfully and then began applying his makeup. Leanne took her time applying the face that would be forever hanging in the foyer with the other family members. She shadowed his eyelids and applied false eyelashes, tweezed his eyebrows some more, lined his eyes, and blushed out his cheeks. She looked at the finished product.

"We will put your lipstick on just before you are escorted out for your sitting." she said seeming satisfied with the results.

Brittney showed up just as Martin's makeup was being finished.

"Hi," she said. Brittney looked like she was still in high school, but she was actually 21 and had received her cosmetology license right after she left high school. She had very long straight black hair that hung to the middle of her back. She wore little makeup but had a beautiful glow about her. She wore white capris that covered her knees and a pair of jeweled flat sandals that displayed her pink toenails beautifully.

Martin was tilted back slightly in the chair so his toes were offered to her more easily for his pedicure. Leanne braced his neck so his hair didn't touch anything, and made moving his head difficult.

"I'll leave you two alone," Leanne said as she left the room.

"How are you today sir?" Brittney asked as she began removing the nailpolish from Martin's toenails.

"Doesn't it bother you at all knowing that you are doing this to a man against his wishes?" he asked watching her remove the nailpolish.

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