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Lost and Found Ch. 01

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After years of searching, Daniel finds his long lost Mother.
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Part 1 of the 21 part series

Updated 02/15/2025
Created 09/16/2023
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Lost and Found

Chapter 1 - Daniel's Discovery

Daniel was standing outside of a house, unremarkable to anyone else, but to him, a house he had been searching for his whole life. On the other side of the door was a woman he had been desperate to meet, a woman he had imagined in his head countless times, the woman that had abandoned him. As he stood before it, one thing became clear, his long estranged mother, a woman he had never met, never seen, whose voice he had never heard was getting fucked, hard.

*24 Hours Earlier*

Daniel stepped through his apartment door, closing it behind him as he sighed deeply, glad to be inside and out of the rain and wind. He hung up his keys and coat, dropping his bag in the corner of the hallway, heavy with textbooks, his laptop, and all the other supplies required for a student. He stretched, arms wide as he let out a long groan. It had been a long day. He tousled his sandy blond locks, making sure every single hair was in place and his fringe was out of his eyes. He walked into the living room, scanning the small, cluttered space until he spotted Louise laying on the sofa, facing away from him, head buried in a book, as per usual.

"Hey Louise!" he shouted loudly, making her jump out of her skin, launching her book across the room.

"You shit!" she yelled, grabbing a cushion and launching it straight for his head, quite the feat considering his six foot, four inch frame. He dodged the cushion before jumping onto the sofa, tickling Louise's exposed midriff. Her choice of attire perfectly summed up who she was. Comfy gray joggers, a t-shirt with a cartoony drawing of Jane Austen's face on it and a cute pair of llama slippers. Her chest bounced as she writhed and jiggled, showing off her ample assets delightfully as they jiggled. Her long black hair plumed all over her face as she squealed and tried to fight Daniel off. He was far stronger than her and eventually she gave up, relaxing her body as a sign of surrender, causing the tickle onslaught to finally stop.

"Say it," Daniel said sternly.

"No!" Louise replied stubbornly, pouting at him.

Daniel resumed his all-out tickle offensive, causing Louise's hips to buck, rubbing against something hard in her roommate's trousers.

"UNCLE! UNCLE! UNCLE!" she shouted.

Victory achieved, Daniel climbed off her, plopping himself down on the sofa next to her, a smug grin on his face. "So, let me guess, you've just been laying here reading all morning?"

"Not ALL morning!" Louise replied combatively, "I washed up the pots and did some hoovering too!" She once again pouted, deliberately over the top and dramatic, causing Daniel to smile at her. They had first met during freshers week at the student union. She had been sitting alone in one of the booths reading and one of Daniel's old roommates had struck up conversation with her. Apparently she had read the same book. As the night went on, she ended up gravitating towards Daniel, finding his shyness cute and his appearance extremely attractive. She was a little chubby and undoubtedly a massive nerd, cute round spectacles adorning her face, framing her pretty blue eyes beautifully.

Daniel had offered to buy her a drink and before either of them knew it, they were drunkenly tearing each other's clothes off as they pushed into his tiny student room. They had fucked for the first time that night and spent the next few days enjoying a whirlwind romance where they only left the bedroom to eat or visit the bathroom. They had clicked sexually instantly, neither of them being particularly experienced, but this was by far the best sex either of them had enjoyed.

They dated over the next few weeks, but as time went on, it became clear to them both that they weren't suited to being a couple. They had continued to hang out and eventually, thanks to the inclusion of alcohol and youthful exuberance, they once again ended up in bed together. Shortly thereafter, they had agreed to be friends with benefits moving forwards and over the rest of the year, their bond only grew. When it came time to find private accomodation after their first year was over, they had found their own little place and had been living together for the past two years. It was a perfect arrangement, friendship and sex all under one roof, with no pressure.

Daniel smiled at her. "So you're not the only one that's had a busy morning, that's my final exam done. Now I just have to wait I guess."

"Lucccky!" Louise replied enviously, "I still have three more before the end of term." She frowned, spotting her book sitting on the carpet. She got up from the sofa to pick it up, giving Daniel a nice view of her jiggly ass, images flashing through his head of all the times he had spanked, kissed, and fucked it over the past few years. As she turned back round, she caught him looking. A huge smile spread across her face and her cheeks blushed a deep pink. She never got tired of the feeling of being wanted and sexy and the look in Daniel's eyes made it completely clear what he was thinking about. She walked back to the sofa, swaying her hips as she gently straddled her roommate.

"Have you got something hard in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" she cooed softly, as she gently rubbed her crotch against Daniel's swollen length, contained by his jeans.

Daniel couldn't help but laugh at her clichéd attempt at seduction, "So corny!" His laughter was stopped by a soft moan as he felt her body pressing against his hardness. Due to his intense revising for exams, they hadn't been able to be intimate for a few days and the sexual tension in the apartment had been palpable.

"I'm sorry, I can't," Daniel said, frowning slightly, "I've got a call with Lost and Found Family in ten minutes."

"That's ok," Louise replied reassuringly, leaning down to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek, her hair brushing against his ear. "Have they had any luck?"

"I don't know, Siobhan sounded optimistic last time, but I've been let down so many times before, I'm not getting my hopes up." He grabbed Louise's ass roughly, squeezing a cheek with each hand. "Now get off me before I change my mind!"

Louise winced and giggled, feeling a flood of wetness down below before climbing off Daniel and laying back down on the sofa. She opened up her book and got comfortable.

"Don't disturb me unless you have food or cock for me!"

Daniel got up, laughing as he walked towards his bedroom. He closed the door behind him and checked his watch. Ten minutes before Siobhan would be calling. He pulled off his clothes, tossing them towards his laundry basket in the corner. He took a moment to admire his reflection in the mirror before slipping into a pair of loose shorts and an old tee with Van Gogh's 'The Starry Night' on the front.

When he was younger, he hated his body, tall and gangly, with thick glasses and braces, the stereotypical "nerd." As he'd gone through puberty, his body had started to fill out and his love of sports had kept him active. By the time he was headed off to college, he had started wearing contacts, the braces were long gone and he was a strong, stocky young man. He'd played Rugby at college and been one of the star players. This had brought attention from girls, but deep down, he was still that shy, art-loving nerd he'd always been and so other than a couple of minor instances, he'd remained single until he met Louise.

His quiet contemplation was interrupted by the sound of a Zoom call coming through and he quickly grabbed his headset and took a seat at his desk. He answered the call and was greeted by the warm, smiling face of the woman who had been helping him try to track down his mother. Daniel could instantly tell that she had big news for him, just from the expression on her face.

"Have you found her?" he asked breathlessly. Siobhan nodded in response, a tear rolling down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away.

Daniel had been abandoned when he was only two weeks old, left outside a hospital, with a hand written note, asking that he was taken care of and giving his name. There was no explanation for why he had been abandoned, or who had left him. Daniel had been lucky, quickly being adopted by Frank and Denise, who at the time were a young couple that had found they were unable to conceive. They had spent years scrimping and saving to achieve their dream, and when he was just six months old, they introduced Daniel to his first home. They had always been honest with him, telling him that they weren't his birth parents, but they loved him more than anything and that they chose him.

They had been wonderful, loving parents, but as he got older, he found himself starting to wonder about his biological parents. Why had they abandoned him? Didn't they love him? Wasn't he wanted? Where were they now? These questions had led to the fateful day, one year earlier, when he did a web search on how to find lost family members. He had discovered Lost and Found Family and after using a sizable chunk of his student loan, he had enlisted their services, being allocated to Siobhan, who would handle his case. He didn't claim to understand how it worked, a combination of medical records, electoral registers and some old fashioned sleuthing, but his money and his faith had been rewarded. After a few tearful minutes, the call ended and an email popped up on his screen.

He sat for a few minutes, tears still falling, unsure if he was ready for this. Ready to find out his mother's identity, to be able to go and visit her, to finally get answers to his questions. He clicked on the email, opening up his own personal Pandora's box, his future uncertain and stretched out before him.

When Daniel stepped back into the living room, it was obvious that had been crying, his eyes red, puffy, and swollen. He was a little unsteady on his feet, shaking slightly as Louise continued to read. Her head was buried in her book, so he cleared his throat to get her attention, unable to speak. She looked up at him, their eyes meeting, her face covered in concern, wonderment, and delight.

"They found her?" she asked hopefully. Daniel could only nod in response as the waterworks started up again. Louise bolted off the sofa, rushing to him and wrapping him up in her arms, head nestled against his chest as her own tears started to fall. They both just stood there for a while, holding each other close and basking in the moment, before Louise spoke again. "What's her name? Where is she?"

Daniel wiped his eyes, steadying himself, glad to have the small girl there to help him stay upright. "Candy," he finally said, voice breaking as he spoke, throat dry from the emotions galloping through his body. "She's in Birstall...near Leicester." His eyes were bleary and his body felt heavy, weighed down with the years of pain and trauma the abandonment had caused him.

"When are you going to meet her?"

"Tomorrow morning, I have a train booked at 6am."

"So soon?" Louise asked, surprise filling her eyes as she hugged Daniel even tighter, her tears drying on his shirt.

"I've waited twenty one years for this moment, I don't want to wait for a second longer than I have to," Daniel replied, gently kissing her on the forehead as his thumbs stroked her back lovingly.

They moved to the sofa and talked for the next couple of hours. Louise made them food as they discussed everything. What Daniel imagined his mother was like. The questions he would ask. The feelings he would experience. With such an early wake up in the morning, Daniel turned in early, kissing Louise on the cheek as he headed to bed. He tossed and turned under his duvet, butterflies in his stomach as his brain raced thinking about what the next twenty four hours would hold for him. Finally he drifted off to sleep, nervous and excited for what was to come.

Daniel woke up with a start, eyes heavy with sleep. The dawn light squeezing around the edges of the curtains revealed a large bulge under the sheets, in line with his crotch. He pulled back the duvet to reveal Louise smiling up at him as she gently peppered his stomach and thighs with kisses.

"What are you doing?" he asked groggily, the fog of sleep still shrouding his mind.

"Well," she said in between kisses, Daniel's cock starting to slowly swell, "You're going to be away for a while." She took his member in her hand, "So I figured you'd need some relief before you leave." She started to gently stroke his semi-erect penis. "After all, it's not like your mum is going to do this for you." She realized what she had said, eyes darting up to meet Daniel's, fear in her eyes, but he said nothing. In fact, her words caused his cock to stand firmly to attention, throbbing and veiny. Louise giggled to herself before returning her attention to the task at hand.

When they had first met, Louise hadn't sucked a cock in her life and their early encounters were admittedly enthusiastic, but clumsy and uncertain. Over the following years, Daniel had helped to guide her and she was undoubtedly a dick-sucking master. She knew exactly how to drive him crazy, able to tell when he was getting close so that she could push forward, or take a step back, depending on the mood she was in at the time. Unfortunately there wasn't time for a long, languid morning of teasing and edging and so she slid her tongue from between her soft lips, licking Daniel's shaft.

He was just above average size, around six inches, but very, very girthy. She had struggled to take him at first, but now she loved the feeling of being filled by him. She dragged her tongue from his heavy, full balls along his length until she met his frenulum, flicking her tongue back and forth on his sensitive spot, causing him to moan and grasp the sheets. She started to mix her licking with soft kisses on his swollen head, dragging Daniel into being fully awake as pleasure overtook his body. He was going to miss living with Louise, he thought to himself as he moved his hand to her head, feeling her soft hair against his skin as she worked him.

Over the years Louise has become addicted to Daniel's musky, salty, masculine scent, and she took a deep sniff, releasing a rush of endorphins as she took him into her small welcoming mouth. The familiar sense of fullness overtook her as she lapped and sucked at him, causing his eyes to roll back into his head.

"Fuuuuuckkk Louise...." he moaned softly, tussling her hair as she started to bob up and down on him. She took him deep into her well-trained throat until her nose was pressed against his stomach. She pushed her tongue between her lips and his shaft, licking as she held him in her throat, fighting her gag reflex as she breathed through her nose. Her eyes flicked up to look at Daniel, whose eyes were fluttering as he moaned and groaned at the sensation of her throat tensing and squeezing him. She could tell he was close, releasing him from her mouth and stroking him aggressively as she spat onto his balls, gently licking and sucking at them while her hand pumped away. She knew full well how much he loved having his heavy balls played with like this, and it didn't take long for her to feel his body tense.

Daniel let out a long, low, guttural moan as his legs twitched and spasmed. His eyes clamped shut, toes curling, pressure rising in his balls as his climax hit him, a fountain of cum erupting from his cock. He had been backed up for a while and it seemed like he would never stop cumming as his seed splattered onto his stomach and Louise's cheek as she continued to pump him. Jizz pooled against her hand, adding to the lubrication as she jerked him, until finally the sensations became too much making him beg her to stop.

Louise lay between his legs, satisfied at a job well done as she watched him breathing heavily, eyes closed, sweat on his brow. She pulled herself up next to him, gently running her fingers through his hair until he finally turned to look at her. They kissed tenderly, before Louise glanced over at his alarm clock.

"You better go and get a shower, not long until you'll need to go catch your train."

"Yeah, you're right," Daniel said, "It's a big day."

"You'll keep in touch, let me know what's going on?"

"Of course," Daniel replied, softly kissing her forehead before climbing out of bed. "I'll miss you," he said, smiling at her before heading to the bathroom.

When he returned from the shower, Louise was passed out in his bed, sleeping soundly. Daniel smiled, quietly grabbing his clothes and the suitcase he had packed the night before, not wanting to disturb her.

He walked out into the cold morning air, making the short walk to the train station and boarding. The journey was a few hours, but the time flew by as he listened to music, foot tapping away with nervous excitement. He couldn't believe this was finally happening, a day he had pictured in his head so many times. He allowed himself to fantasize about what Candy would be like, how she would greet him. In his mind, she would instantly recognise him, wrapping him up in a huge hug and telling him it was all some huge mistake and she too had been searching for him for years. Reality told him that this wouldn't be the case, but he allowed himself to indulge in the moment.

The train pulled into the station and Daniel hailed a cab outside the station. He hopped into a cab and gave the driver the address. His mum's address. As they drove, he stared out of the window, taking in everything he saw, every building, every tree, every person. Somehow, knowing that his Mum had seen the same things made him feel warm inside, knowing that with each passing second he was getting closer to her.

He was dropped off on a non-descript street full of small, detached houses. Candy clearly wasn't living a luxurious life, but as he spotted the door number and walked to stand before it, he found himself rooted in place, unable to knock. The door was a clean white PVC one with a doorbell off to the side. The window was adorned with a lace curtain and he could make out flowers sitting in a vase on the windowsill. Maybe Candy loved gardening and had grown them herself?

He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.

"You've waited your whole life for this, you've traveled across the country. You deserve this. You deserve answers." he told himself.

He opened his eyes and stepped forwards, pressing the button. The doorbell rang. As the digital chime rang out and faded away, another sound filled his ears, the sound of a woman moaning in pure unadulterated pleasure.

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LacastrianLacastrian7 months ago

6 inches is definitely average.

inno0cent_bystanderinno0cent_bystander12 months ago

You know you can group these so they're ready to navigate, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good beginning, can't wait to read part 2. If there's no part 2 then everyone's negative comment is warranted. This reminds me of a similar story posted here nearly 20 years ago. That story started slow and got really hot quick! Good luck and we'll stay tuned!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What the hell was this you get going like a run away train and then STOP just a 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A bit disappointed, but a good start, with a cliffhanger worthy of finest episodic television.



muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Wrong category, no incest in this 1/2 a story, wait until you have a more complete story before submitting....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great start. I personally love slow build ups

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not good to draw a story out like this. My recommendation is to have significant substance in each part. You've got me interested, but I have no idea when you will release part 2 and who knows if I will even see it.

sp9983sp9983over 1 year ago

That's it? F you want people to read it, don't drag it out.

LucieLou007LucieLou007over 1 year ago

Great start looking forward to more :D

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