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Marion and the Art Student

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Marion enjoys posing nude and ends up in a threesome.
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Jack scanned the Student Union hall, searching for his friend. The hall was full with students studying for or recovering from exams before the semester ended for Christmas. After high school, his best friend Angelica had gone off to Art College, so they rarely saw each other anymore, but she'd written and suggested they meet when she came home for Christmas Break. They agreed to meet after Jack's exam for lunch.

He saw her across the room and waved. Angelica was tall and broad shouldered, with full, melon shaped breasts and curving hips to match. Like all large women, she hid herself in baggy shapeless sweaters, thinking herself ugly because she wasn't all legs and tiny perky tits. Jack thought it was a shame. Angelica was quite beautiful and had what a lot of men wanted, she just needed to flaunt it more. She saw him. Her face split into a bright smile and she waved back energetically, quickly crossing to the table he'd saved.

"Jack!" she squealed and wrapped him into a tight hug. Jack returned it and secretly enjoyed being pressed into the massive breasts he'd fantasized about while masturbating during high school. Angelica was a bit taller than him, so it wasn't hard to briefly put his face into the top of her swelling bosom.

Angelica was quite beautiful up close too. Long straight black hair cascaded down the sides of an oval face. Her almond eyes were separated by a long straight nose. Her mouth was wide, but she laughed a lot showing a lot of white teeth in her Mediterranean complexion.

They talked as they ate, filling each other in on their lives, school work, hopes, what they thought of "The Return of the Jedi". Angelica told a funny story of College hijinks that interrupted their nude drawing class. "So Jack?" she asked suddenly changing direction. "Have you met anyone yet? Inquiring minds need to know." She knew Jack had been infatuated with her during high school, but she kept things platonic, because Jack was easy to confide in and talk to and liked all the geeky things she did. That was much more valuable to her than having Jack as a lover, which would have just made it awkward. She'd tried to set him up with a few girls, but he was still quite single and lonely when they parted to go to post-secondary.

Jack brightened considerably. "Oh yes! Marion. She's fantastic! We've been together for almost four months now." Jack babbled on, telling Angelica all about how they met, what Marion was like, even her favourite music. "She's great! She's so smart and is really opening me up to the New Wave stuff coming out of the UK."

"Ooh" Angelica cooed approvingly. "Have you got a picture?"

Jack blushed. "ummm... well. Only this one." He pulled out his wallet and dug out a small black and white snap.

Angelica's eye brows shot up as she studied it. "Oh my!" In the picture Marion was sitting on the bed, naked. Arms folded under her breasts as she looked out the window. Stripes of light and dark slanted across her pale flesh. The art student in her appreciated the composition. "She's beautiful Jack. I'm so happy for you!"

She handed the picture back to him. "I'd love to draw her, just like that. She's got gorgeous curves that would be great to draw. And actually I still have to complete my nude study assignment. I'm looking for a model."

"Well we can ask her. She's coming over tonight for the weekend. Why don't you come by tomorrow afternoon? I'd love for you to meet."

That night after their post dinner sex, Jack and Marion were lying on the couch together. Jack ran his fingers slowly through Marion's auburn hair. "Hey, honey bun?'

Marion looked up from his chest, where she'd been toying with his chest hair. "Mmmm?"

"You remember me telling you about my high school friend, Angelica?"

"Yeah, sure." Marion sat up.

"She'd like to meet you. She'd also like you to pose for an art assignment she's got."

"Sure! No problem."

"She needs you to pose nude."

Marion thought about it for half a second. "Okay."

"Really? That's okay?"

"Why not? She's a girl, I'm a girl. It's not like she's going to see anything she doesn't already have."

"Good. I invited her over tomorrow afternoon."

Marion brightened. "Great! I'll bake cookies!"

The next morning, Marion bustled around Jack's tiny kitchen making shortbread and gingerbread cookies while the newest Eurythmics album played on Jack's cassette player. Jack wasn't sure where the baking supplies or equipment had come from. He suspected Marion had brought them with her. He was doing some dishes when the buzzer rang. He let Angelica in.

"Hey! Merry Christmas!" Big hug and a peck on the cheek. Jack turned to introduce Marion who came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her Christmas themed apron. Angelica gave Marion a big hug too. "Oh my God! I'm so happy to meet you! It was so hard getting Jack a date during High School, I was getting worried."

They sat down, Marion produced tea and a plate of cookies. They chit chatted, which mostly consisted of Marion and Angelica trading notes about Jack. Jack opened a bottle of port. "To go with the shortbread" he offered.

"So," Angelica said after finishing a piece of shortbread. "Did Jack ask you about posing for me?'

"Yes he did. I'll just go and get ready while you figure out where you want me." Marion got up and went into the bedroom while Angelica got out her sketchbook and charcoal. Jack finished up the dishes and poured out some more port.

Marion returned wearing a robe, having fixed her makeup and brushed out her hair. "Where would you like me?"

"On the couch. Turn to face the window." Jack moved out of the way. Marion turned to face them and undid her robe, revealing herself like a goddess to her worshippers and letting it slide down her naked body like water to pool at her feet. She sat on the couch, legs tucked up on the cushions, turning sideways to look out the window. Open on the cushion in front of her was one of Jack's large text books. Jack went to move it. "No, leave it" said Angelica. "I like it there."

Angelica started to sketch quickly. A few quick lines to establish proportions, then slowly roughing in the shapes, then adding details and shading. Jack watched as his beautiful Marion took shape on the rough sketch paper. After about twenty minutes or so, Angelica seemed pleased. She turned the sketch book so Marion could see. "What do you think?" Marion clapped her hands in delight.

"How about you draw the two of us next?" Jack suggested.


"Sure! You've got to draw men too right? Extra credit!"

"weeeeeellll..." Angelica hesitated.

"It'll be fine" coaxed Marion. Jack was already shedding his clothes. "Like one of those Romantic pictures of naked lovers."

Jack sat beside Marion and they turned towards each other. The wrapped arms around each other and Marion hooked one leg over Jack's thigh. They bent their heads together to kiss.

"That's great guys! Hold that pose right there."

Marion parted her lips slightly, the tip of her tongue sliding out to push Jack's lips apart. Jack opened his lips to receive her, letting her wet tongue search inside of him. His tongue rose to meet it and the two tongues caressed and wrestled back and forth between lips and teeth. Hands started to move, caressing each other's backs.

"hey... uh... guys... hold still!"

Jack could feel his arousal growing. His shaft thickening and hardening. His breath started coming in shallow pants.

"Oh my God, Jack! Your cock!"

Without breaking their kiss, Marion reached down and wrapped her hand around Jack's erection. Slowly, deliberately, for Angelica to see, she stroked it to full hardness. Marion lay back on the couch, spreading her thighs. Staring into Jack's eyes she pulled his cock into her waiting, wet tunnel. Jack sighed as he slid completely inside of her. Marion grabbed his ass and pulled him in deeper, pushing on his ass with each stroke and keeping him from sliding out. She wanted him fully inside of her, his thick cock moving like an animal in its warm burrow. Marion controlled the tempo, keeping Jack from going too fast, letting the orgasm mount slowly. She wanted this to go slowly, so Angelica could watch them and draw them, to make a visual record of their love making. She arched her head back and closed her eyes, giving herself over to the waves of pleasure flowing up from her center.

Eventually Jack started to quicken, his breath faster, his cock stiffening even more. Marion could tell his climax was building. She locked her ankles behind his back and pulled him in as far as she could. "Come inside me!" she whispered in his ear. Jack's panting punctuated with a gasp and she could feel the warmth of his seed filling her up, mixing with the waves of contentment flowing through her body.

Marion poked Jack in the shoulder. "Hey, I think your friend needs some help."

They looked over to the arm chair where Angelica was softly moaning, jeans open and fingers desperately searching for relief inside her panties. Sketchbook abandoned on the floor. They got up and hand in hand the naked lovers crossed the room to go to either side of Angelica. Marion looked down at the sketch, a rough depiction of the two of them in full embrace, but the artist's needs had overtaken her before she could smooth out the edges and add shading. They began kissing Angelica on the sides of her face and neck, behind her ears and on her lips. Hands caressed her exposed thighs and brushed over the top of her cotton panties.

"Would you like us to help?" Marion whispered in Angelica's ear.

Angelica nodded assent and made a faint whimper.

Together they got her shapeless college sweat shirt off and undid her bra, releasing enormous, melon-shaped breasts. They each took one in hand and sucked at Angelica's brown nipples causing a tiny squeak of ecstasy.

"Oh my Jack! Angelica's breasts are just beautiful! Magnificent! Wonderful!" Marion exclaimed. "I bet you stroked off a lot in high school imagining these."

Jack released a nipple from his mouth. "Oh, you know it!"

He moved down to kneel between Angelica's thighs and tugged at her jeans and panties. Angelica lifted her bottom to let them slide off and Jack tossed them aside. He started kissing the insides of her thighs, working his way inwards until his nose was rubbing in her thick black bush. He breathed in her musky scent and opened his mouth, His tongue reached out to touch her wetness, sliding up and down, swirling in her hole and over her clitoris. A wordless "oooooaaahuungh" came from Angelica. Marion was still caressing and fondling Angelica's breasts. He could hear Marion whispering in her ear between kisses.

"Would you like Jack to fuck you?" she asked. "hmmm? Would you like that? Would you like his thick cock in your hungry pussy? Would you like to fuck Jack after all these years?"

"Please" she whimpered faintly.

Marion pulled Angelica to her feet and with each of them holding a hand they lead her into the bedroom. Marion pulled Angelica down onto Jack's narrow bed and resumed kissing and sucking, licking and caressing Angelica's full beautiful curves. Angelica turned her face, passive no longer and eagerly returned Marion's kisses, mouth open, tongue searching. Her hand reached for the back of Marion's head, pulling her towards her eager mouth.

Jack paused to enjoy the vignette before him, his cock stiffening again in primal anticipation of a new female to mate with. Jack moved forward, cock erect, standing between Angelica's spread thighs. He reached down to touch her pussy and spread the labia. Both women reached down to grab him, guide him into Angelica's waiting hunger.

He slid slowly in, taking pleasure in the warmth as it flowed along his shaft. Feet on the floor, he grabbed Angelica's hips to steady himself as he thrust, taking long slow strokes in and out, taking pleasure and enjoying every moment. Savouring every sensation. He'd wanted to fuck this woman for years, he was going to enjoy it.

Angelica broke her kiss with Marion and looked at Jack, smiling. Then she closed her eyes and arched her head back, giving out a long groan. Marion sat up a little to watch. Intently she stared at Jack's cock as it slid in and out of Angelica's black, thick pussy. She watched his face; nostrils flared, mouth slightly parted, eyes half closed in ecstasy. With her free hand she started to play with her own clitoris.

With every thrust, Angelica's heavy breasts bounced. "Jack" she moaned. "You feel so good... Inside me."

"I want you to come inside me... I want to feel you... fill me up... at last."

Angelica's panting increased in tempo. "Oh Jack!" she gasped. "ooooo...!"

Unable to hold back, Jack started thrusting quickly, finally plunging deeply, cum spurting inside of his friend. He collapsed between the two women with a contented sigh. Kisses and caresses flowed freely between the three of them as they relished the post-coital languor.

Finally Angelica had to get up to use the bathroom, breaking the mood. "Well," she said slowly, gathering up her clothes. "That was... um...fun?" Once she was dressed she made to leave. She stopped at the door, kissing them each fully on the mouth. "That WAS fun. Now I wish I'd slept with you during high school, Jack. But my loss is Marion's gain I guess. I'm so happy for you Jack." Another kiss and a hug. She turned to Marion, kissing her again. "You're quite beautiful. Thank you. Thank you for loving Jack." To both of them. "Thanks for helping me with my art project. Merry Christmas!" And then she left.

After the door closed, Marion cupped Jack's sticky, flaccid penis in her hand. "Well, that was fun! But let's get cleaned up and have some supper." She gave Jack a calculating look. "Because once you've got your strength back I'm going to ride you until your eyes pop and you're going to make me howl like a beast. I can't have you day dreaming about Angelica's wonderful tits all evening, can I?"

A few months later, Jack came home from the post office with a small flat parcel. Marion was sitting cross legged, naked save for her bath robe, research notes for an essay on German literature fanned out around her. "What have you got sweetie?'

"Don't know. It's from Angelica."

Marion sat beside Jack on the couch as he cut the tape. Inside were some canvasses each about eight inches square. "There's a letter."

"Read it"

Jack began: "Dear Jack and Marion

Thanks again for the help with my art assignment. 'Nude with book' got top mark in the class. And you were right Jack, 'Lovers' did get me extra credits. The other two I did from memory for our private pleasure. I definitely didn't submit those! Anyway, thanks for a memorable afternoon. Love Angelica."

The top canvas was an acrylic, clearly of Marion on the couch, the light glowing on her face and breasts with an open volume in front of her. But instead of Jack's apartment the scene had been moved to an Old World garret.

"I like how she changed the couch and back ground from your second hand store find to something classier" Marion observed. Jack turned the sheet.

"Oh wow!" Marion exclaimed. "That's really good." The second painting was the two of them naked and kissing on a bench surrounded by vines and Grecian columns. Angelica was definitely trying to capture the style of the Renaissance masters with her lighting.

They both gasped as they looked at the third. It was more impressionist. Bolder colours and passionate brush strokes. Again they were both naked. Marion's head was back and mouth open in ecstasy with her legs and arms wrapping around Jack.

The fourth was of the three of them. Jack standing between Angelica's raised thighs thrusting, while Marion and Angelica's faces met in a passionate kiss.

"Oh my!" Marion laughed. "Those would cause people to wonder if we hung them over the couch!"

"Perhaps we'll keep the last two for the bedroom. But 'Nude with a book' and 'Lovers' are pretty fine. I think we should hang them proudly. People can wonder!"

"Maybe" Marion wondered. "Maybe I should get some extra work as a nude model for the Art Department after I graduate."

"Why not? You're beautiful and we could use the extra money." Jack kissed her. "Just don't go fucking all the art students okay?"

"Oh poo! You take away all of a girl's fun!"

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MarionsLoverMarionsLoverover 4 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I hope it inspired a fun evening for you and your wife.

Horny CoupleHorny Coupleover 4 years ago

What a great scenario. My wife and I really enjoyed ourselves while reading it. Thanks.

HectorBidonHectorBidonover 5 years ago

Lovely story. You've beautifully captured three distinct and memorable characters. You've beautifully portrayed the warm-hearted openness that can sustain a polyamorous encounter.

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