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Martha My Dear

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Wife discusses her affair with lover.
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Martha Henson was admiring the rose bushes she had recently planted along the garage when her phone rang. Checking caller ID, she saw Bill Murphy's name. Her face lit up in a smile as she answered the call.

"Hey, Bill. I thought you weren't going to call me when I'm at home with Joe. It's okay right now because I'm out checking my rose bushes while I'm waiting for him to see a man about a horse. We're going to be taking my new Prius on a little road trip as soon as he's ready. Don't call me again today, okay?"

"I just had to talk to you again, Martha. It seems like every time we have sex, I start feeling really lonely the next day. I wish we could get together more often," complained Bill.

"Why don't you just get a piece off Sue? She can't be that bad in the sack, or can she?" responded Martha with a chuckle. "Your problem is you've been to the Promised Land and everything else pales in comparison."

"She just lays there like she can't wait for me to finish up," admitted Bill. "You have that amazing snapping pussy that nibbles on my cock and then squeezes it hard. Joe's lucky to be able to tap that every day."

"I've told you Joe doesn't get my little kitty every day. He only gets it when he deserves it," responded Martha with a laugh. "Today he's taking me for a ride in my new car and then we'll stop for a nice dinner. If he plays his cards right, he'll be up to his balls in paradise tonight."

"The lucky bastard!" whined Bill. "I can't even get Sue to suck me off. I think having two kids has made her a frigid bitch. I'll probably be jerking off thinking about Joe tapping your sweet ass."

"Joe doesn't get my ass very often. I save that for special occasions, like your birthday."

"Are you saying Joe's going to get your ass on my birthday?" asked Bill. "That's not fair!"

"Yeah, I promised Joe he could fuck my ass to celebrate your birthday, you dumb shit," responded Martha with another chuckle. "That's why I like sleeping with you. I always feel in control, not to mention how I enjoy being a ton smarter than you."

"You like my big cock and how I eat pussy. We both know that," asserted Bill.

"I admit that does help sway me in your direction," answered Martha. "Listen, I can't talk any longer. Joe should be done pissing by now and I have to find out why he's not out here ready to leave. Think of me tonight while I'm riding Joe cowgirl style. I know that's one of your favorites."

Martha terminated the phone connection with Bill and walked to the front of the garage only to find her husband sitting behind the wheel of her new car. She wondered who he was speaking with since he was holding his phone in front of his face.

"Are you on the phone with someone?" asked Martha as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Actually, Dad's on the phone with me," came a voice from Joe's phone.

"Bev! It's nice to hear from you. When will you be coming home next?" questioned Joan. "Your father and I have been thinking of driving up to Dallas to see you."

"I was going to come home for your birthday next weekend. Sue Murphy, Dad, Grandma and I had a big surprise party planned for you. It doesn't seem like it'll be happening now, though," admitted Bev.

"Oh? Why not? I know it wouldn't be a surprise now, but I'd love to have a party and celebrate with friends and family," responded Martha.

"Because your new car has Bluetooth. Dad's been on a conference call planning your party with Grandma, Sue Murphy and me. We've been on the phone for several minutes."

"Sue and Mom are on the phone with you? This technology is amazing. How's everyone doing?" asked Martha cheerfully.

"For a soon to be divorced frigid bitch, I'm doing okay," was Sue Murphy's bitter reply.

"Your conversation with Bill was enlightening for us, Mom. We were having a conference call when your new car picked up Bill's call to you. Dad and the rest of us heard the entire thing. I don't think Dad's all that excited about getting your ass for Bill's birthday, but maybe I'm wrong. Why don't you ask him?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

4 Stars as it was a Prius . I have ridden in one Prius and that was enough for me . My next door neighbor gives his Prius rave reviews about the Gas Mileage . I have an Old Stang and an Old Camaro with a 396 that has been Balanced blue printed and bored . So it is basically a 427 on Steroids . It puts out north of 600 horsepower . The Mustang will be getting a gen 2 5 .0 engine .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Ouch! I’ll bet that was painful for someone. Thanks, HDK, very nice little short one.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA2 months ago

What is there to bitch about in this one ? .Geez, it was a short story about a couple of dumb asses getting too cocky. Nice.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The Prius deserves better. Hope the daughter gets it after the divorce.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Stupid ending my gawd finish the story

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ouch!! Bitten in the ass by 21st century technology.

Thanks, HDK, another great one.

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A funny snippet. Even for a short, non-story, I think five stars is in order..


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Funny and a good story.

RGRollRGRoll7 months ago

Oh, Gee Whiz. How great life is. I've rolled on the floor laughing at this story. You gotta love trchnology.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


IrrumatioIrrumatio8 months ago

A neighbor of mine got in trouble this way. He had fiancée No. 1 in the car when he parked and got out to check his mailbox. He then got a call from fiancée No. 2. When he tried to answer the call, it answered on the car speaker via Bluetooth and the fiancées were speaking to each other. He had some 'splashing to do and, eventually, fewer fiancées.

StubbyoneStubbyone10 months ago

Funny ! A great, short little slice of life. Well wtitten and to the point.


AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Isn't technology wonderful? Good old bluetooth has not worked for me all the time but for this story it is great!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Too short - can’t give it a 5

Tundah50Tundah5012 months ago

If it's connected to the cars Bluetooth how is she hearing Bill? He could hear her be his responses would be to the car audio

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

HDK at his comical best! 5 stars.

6King6Kingabout 1 year ago


iammweaseliammweaselabout 1 year ago

C'mon it was a fun one. Will the bluetooth bit might have been off this is LW, if the fucking husband was a Navy Seal, with CIA connections and a Golden ticket from the President of the United States, and several other countries and he blew Bill up with a drone strike, you'd be wetting yourselves with glee.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 1 year ago

I found myself hating her so much early in the story that the ending only illuminated everything. She was truly an unlikable human being. Good to be rid of her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don’t think if one is connected from a blue toooth…conversation can happen in the normal manner if the phone is with you. No sound will come from the phone as the sound wil be relayed from the Bluetooth speakers!! This story seems too out of touch withbreality

Helen1899Helen1899over 1 year ago

Great little story, every cheater should be wary of modern technology.

OdessaLesOdessaLesover 1 year ago

A very possible scenario. A few weeks ago I was going to take my wife’s vehicle to gas it up for her because she was taking a short trip the next day. I kissed my wife goodby and told her I would be back in a few minutes. I walked through the door and into the garage, started the car and started to back out of the garage when the Blue Tooth kicked in and I was suddenly overhearing a telephone conversation that my wife had just made. I just sat there and listened, I won’t go into detail of what I over heard, but I can assure you her call was very enlightening !

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundassonover 1 year ago

Needs a follow on chapter.

Karma is a bitch :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

that's what you get for driving a Prius . I think I can see the future on this marriage and it ends in Divorce Court

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If you can't ejaculate then you might as well not masturbate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Funny stuff. Wish it had a more detailed ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice start of a story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The exact same thing happen to me. My wife was sitting in the patio next to our garage talking on her phone. I was backing her car out of the garage to go and get the oil changed. When the blue tooth system kicked in on her car over the speakers. I just sat there acting as though I was looking for some papers in the glove box, all the while she just kept on talking. Obvious to the fact I was hearing both sides of the conversation. Technology is great, but sometimes it’s AWFUL.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is one I wish kept going it was a wonderful ultra short but the probable reactions all round would be epic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good concept but the ending is short

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 2 years ago

bluetooth phones can't support both using the phone and the car at the same time, but that's techie details and not part of HDN's world.

SomehowyouSomehowyouover 2 years ago

Very clever. Be careful. Eyes and ears are everywhere.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wife is just another Narcissistic bitch, that thinks the world revolves around her. Most of the time, they never achieve real happiness. Another 40 something woman, enters the divorce pool...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Jeez, what technology can do. She sure got the surprise of her life.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 2 years ago


Just one thing to say. Fucking cunt.

skruff101skruff101over 2 years ago

Pretty funny but I have to ask, who the fuck is Joan?

ibuguseribuguseralmost 3 years ago

Have to agree... Fucking hilarious.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Sex is like Football .. It is a Contact sport

CascadelimeyCascadelimeyalmost 3 years ago

Fucking hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣

Omart57Omart57almost 3 years ago
Very funny!

Read it through once, went back to the top and read it again, Laughing all the way!

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66almost 3 years ago
Great Story

I'm new to these reviews. But, this looks like a great one. Funny. Good beginning, middle buildup. and end.

Thanks for writing it.

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Really great short story. Reed, you’re beginning to sound like Lue making the same lame comment on every story. Some people just don’t accept cheating.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 3 years ago
Hey, Martha isn’t denying Joe anything

She’s just spreading the love around, is all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Lol. Too funny

ffrank16ffrank16over 3 years ago
Really...Great Story

And I remenber it happen !!

But in my story the husband was cheating !!

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 3 years ago

Just absolutely FUCKING-A-GREAT!!!! Thank you so much for the nice rolling on the ground laugh, I needed that this morning to kick start the day. LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great convo

johsunjohsunalmost 4 years ago

Got to love technology. Every time my wife gets in the car, and I'm in the living room, I get a notification how far it is to where ever she's going - stops by the time she's at the end fo the driveway.

FirstBorn374FirstBorn374almost 4 years ago
Home run!!!

Terrific! Just great!

Jedd Clampett (carvohi)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Loved it!

ChagrinedChagrinedover 4 years ago
Ahh Ohio,

I had heard that HDK liked to fish and baited a good hook, but I was unaware he was a master at it. :) Anyway, great read, HDK. I'll mention you in my next missive. LOL!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Where is the rest?.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Gotta watch technology! especially if you have secrets and a loose tongue!

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