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Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion Ch. 12


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"Heather! No. Leave Walter alone, it wasn't his fault. Och, look what you've gone and done to him. Take hold of him and stop the bleeding."

"No, I'm not touching that thing, it's disgusting."

"Damn you, give me an elastic band off the dresser."

Walter was gasping still, afraid to scream and make it real to him. Millie grabbed it at the base and squeezed it tightly, then undid the cock ring. She snatched the elastic out of Heather's fingers and began winding it around and around, until she couldn't pull it out enough to get it over the head and began working the tourniquet down to the base. She let it go and the blood stopped flowing, but his flesh was shredded deeply and it could never be repaired to a functioning unit again.

"There, he's not going to bleed to death at least, so what do you mean, men? What men? Joe?"

"Yes and two others. One of them did this to me twice. I want him dead. I want them all dead. All men should die, all of them."

Heather was screaming out her diatribe about her hatred for men, stemming from her childhood and the abuse from her father and brothers. She sought out love and affection with Victoria and the sexual introduction she was given, left her little in the way of understanding a gentle way of loving. Victoria accepted her way and anything she wanted to do, Victoria would allow her her body to use for her pleasure. However she wanted to be pleasured by Victoria, she would willingly do it to her satisfaction, or be punished for not doing it well enough. No matter what Heather wished her life to be, it was tainted by her past and she would relive it every time she was with Victoria, finally being the one in control of what happened.

Vic pulled in Bert's driveway and stopped. He shut it off and they all looked about to see if there was any sign of Heather. Vic and Bert opened their doors and got out, both looking on the roof to see if she clung on. They both sighed in relief as they looked at each other and Joe got out beside Bert.

"Coast is clear, go open your door, Bert and get some lights on, so we can see what we're doing."

Bert rushed to the door and unlocked it, going in and turning lights on inside to guide the way to the spare room. He pulled the sheets down to lay the girls on the bed and passed his room and stopped. He picked up his dirty laundry and tossed it under his bed, then straightened the sheets out. He gave it all a quick look over and rushed back to help with the girls."

"Maid not show up today?"

"Something like that. Okay, let's get them inside. Those two in the spare room and I'll put Olivia in mine."

They opened the doors and picked up the unconscious girls, cradling them in their arms and carried them inside quickly. Last thing they wanted was someone passing by and seeing them like that with three young women who were naked and barely covered in sheets. Vic closed the door behind him with his foot and they headed to the bedrooms. They put the girls in the beds and came back to the living room.

"So what should we do with them?"

"No idea Bert, but they need to sleep it off or whatever they need to do. That was some seriously fucked up shit they were going through. I don't know you, but seeing them glow like that, from between their legs, that's freaky."

"I know, so what do we do about that stuff on them? Is it okay to leave it and let them wash it off tomorrow, or what do we do?"

"I can't say, Bert, but if that was my little girl, I would want her as clean as possible and a little modesty for them wouldn't be a bad idea either."

They all agreed, but no one moved to do anything.

"Look, fellas, forget that they're great looking women and show a bit of care towards them. They need our help right now and this town and its people have always stuck by doing that. Bert, go get some cloths and some bowls of hot water, we each take a girl and clean her up the best we can. All I know is, any of that stuff that's on them, best it comes off of them."

"Yeah, take no chances on anything coming back to haunt us."

Bert and Joe looked at Vic and realized the pun in it, making them laugh and ease up about what had happened. Bert went and got bowls of water, while Vic got face cloths and towels. Joe helped with the bowls and carried them to the rooms.

"Okay, here's a cloth and towel and let's get to it then."

"Thanks bro. So ah, Joe? Just how clean, you know, are we supposed to make them?"

"If you're talking about between her legs, then yes. Don't leave a trace of that stuff on her, either of them. We can figure out what it is after it's off them."

Vic and Bert raised their eyebrows, knowing they had to become very intimate with women they barely knew. Joe and Vic went in to Chelsea and Lisa, and looked at the girls lying semi-naked, the sheets barely covering them.

"Damn nice looking girls, have to give them that. This Chelsea is a stunner, isn't she? Makes me wish I was a whole lot younger."

"Well, you're not and she is. Think daughter Vic, makes it a whole lot easier to get through without getting caught up in things, if you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get you, Joe."

They sat on the beds and began washing them down from head to toe, while Bert was doing the same to Olivia. He couldn't help but stare at her body and feel a desire for her, as he washed her breasts. He touched her with a loving care for her, already having feelings of a romantic nature. It was hard to imagine such a beautiful woman doing anything like she was. He tried to put the events behind him and put it all down to the possession.

Joe and Vic did their best to clean everywhere intimately, being as perfunctory and diligent as they could. They patted them dry and covered them with the sheets.

"What do you suppose Bert has we can let them wear? Can't really leave them in their birthday suits to wake up to, wouldn't feel right at all."

"Yeah, I'd be feeling pretty fucked up if I woke up naked in some strange woman's house in her bed and know shit about it. Yeah, little something to wear would be good. Marge always likes wearing my shirts around, so maybe he has ones for them to wear."

"Let's go ask."

They walked in and Bert was softly caressing Olivia's hair along over her ear, looking at her fondly.

"Hey, got any shirts we can let them wear? They need a little something on to wake up in."

"Oh yeah. Well, what do you think would be good?"

"Vic says women like wearing men's shirts, got some of those?"

"What? Like the dress kind?"

"Yeah, yeah, like in the movies. Woman's always walking around in some guy's shirt, looking better in it than he ever will."

"Yeah, got that."

Bert opened his cupboard and took his three white dress shirts out and laid them on the bed.

"Those should fit them okay. Shouldn't be too big for them to wear."

"Yeah Bert, you're fucking twice their size and they fit just fine. Stick to woodworking, fashion ain't you're thing."

They had to laugh quietly, trying not to wake Olivia up.

"What about something for their bottom half?"

"Like what?"

"Shorts or something?"

"Right Vic, you know I fucking hate shorts."

"Okay, underwear then. Gotta have something we can put on them."

"Boxer briefs?"

"Better than nothing."


Bert went to his drawer and took out three pair of underwear and tossed them by the shirts.


"Fuck off, Vic. Not a woman's fashion store in here, is it? I got what I got, live with it."

They had to chuckle at the silliness of everything. Vic and Joe took a shirt and undies each and went back to dress the girls, while Bert began sliding his up under Olivia's legs. He spoke his thoughts barely above a whisper to her.

"I was imagining what it might be like taking your panties off before and here I am putting mine on you. I sure hope you don't hate me for it, best I could do sweet woman."

Bert struggled to get the waistband over Olivia's ass and worked it bit by bit under her. He adjusted them so they looked like they sat comfortably on her. He worked her arm into one sleeve and pushed it under her and rolled her to pull it out the other side. It was like trying to dress his niece as a baby, except on a bigger scale, as he wrestled Olivia's other arm into the sleeve and straightened it out on her. He did most of the buttons up and left the top three undone. He stood up and looked at Olivia with fond admiration and voiced his thoughts in whispers again.

"Never thought I'd have a gorgeous woman like you in my bed."

He went out and Vic and Joe were finishing dressing the girls. They went out to the living room again and sat down and talked. The first thing they wanted was the history of it all from Joe, then they wanted to know about Millie Lancaster and how she fit into all of it. Joe gave them all he had on everything, whether it was fact or rumour, it all mattered at this point. He finished up with what Millie said and that left them with an even stranger feeling, knowing the woman for so long. It was getting late and Vic needed to get home before Marge started asking questions he didn't want to answer. Joe left to get a ride home, leaving Bert alone with three sexually possessed women. He went in and pulled the covers over Chelsea and Lisa, making sure they were okay, then went in to see Olivia. He pulled the covers over her and bent sown to softly kiss her forehead. He was about to leave and sleep on the couch, when a weak voice called out to him.


"No, what, Olivia?"

"Don't go... stay."

Bert sat on the bed and Olivia's hand reached out and found him, holding his arm in comfort. He was asked to stay, so he lay down beside her on top of the covers and Olivia weakly rolled towards him and laid her arm over his chest. No sooner did she do that and she was out again, softly breathing as she went back to sleep. Bert lay there a bit taken by it, then settled in to the feeling and turned the light out.

Millie was trying to figure out what to do about Walter, his cock needing medical attention immediately. The blood had stopped flowing, but the reality of it had set in on Walter and his panic ensued. As he started to wail out in terrified screams, Heather calmly reached over and put her hand over his mouth.

"So, what are you going to do with him?"

"I have no idea what to do? I can't take him to the hospital, not like this. They'll be asking a million questions how it happened and I don't have an answer. But he needs help fast, Heather."

"Why? Let him die, like I said. He's not good for anything."

"He was my pet and he made me happy, Heather. How is he supposed to make me happy now, after you've gone and done that?"

"I don't know?"

They looked at Walter still tied to the bed and the large dildo still fully inserted in his ass. Millie pulled the dildo out slowly, making Walter scream in pain into Heather's hand. His cock lay flaccid and a raw exposure of the gaping wounds was making Millie's decision difficult. She knew Heather would do nothing to help her and she had little idea on what to do, but something needed to be decided on quickly, before it went any further.

Millie looked at Walter lying helpless and writhing in agony. It broke her heart to see him that way and a tear came to her eyes.

"You're not actually sad for him, are you?"

"Of course I'm sad, Heather. I do love the man, unlike you, who hates every one of them."

"I do and I don't see why he's so important?"

"Because he is, or was. He'll never be able to please me like he did, you made sure of that."

"So? Get rid of him then."

Millie shot a look of fierce anger at her, her treatment of Walter and the results of her actions not causing her the least bit of concern to the situation.

"I can't just get rid of him."

"Why not? They got rid of me and no one cared."

"Heather, what my family did to you back then was wrong, we've gone over that and I've done my best to make it up to you. I can't change what's happened and neither can you. I agreed to let you have Olivia as your Victoria, so you'd be happy and you'll have her. Right now, I need to attend to Walter and do what I can to help him."

"Fine, do what you need to then."

Heather's huffiness only raised Millie's ire more.

"I don't think I have a choice. I'll just have to cut off the damaged part and cauterize it to stop it bleeding. It's a shame too, he had a lovely cock I enjoyed playing with. I'm going to miss it, so I will. Okay, you watch him while I get a sharp knife and the torch and I'll be right back."

Millie got up and started walking out the room to the stairs, when Heather called her to come back, a rising panic in her voice. Millie turned and came back into the room to see Walter suffering a heart attack and die right in front of her. She rushed to the bed and pulled Heather's hand from his mouth.

"Walter? Walter? Speak to me. Oh God, breathe man, breathe."

Millie tried in futility to make his heart beat and take a breath, but it was too late. Walter's face was a look of shock and terror, the idea of his penis being removed like Millie was going to do, being too much for his mind to fathom. Millie stood up and glared her hatred at Heather.

"He's dead, Heather. You killed my Walter."


"What do you mean, so? Leave, I'm done. I will never do another thing to help you. I've done all that I can and all that I'm ever willing to do. Now go and never return to me or this house."

"I won't leave. You made me a promise to get Victoria back and you have to keep it."

"Fuck the promise! Fuck Victoria and fuck you! Get the fuck out of my house and never, ever come back."

Millie was in a rage now, her emotions colliding inside her from her loss, the anguish of knowing she caused an innocent woman to become possessed and now faced with explanations she had no answers for and a ghost that had ruined all that was her life till now.

Heather became furious at Millie for her refusal to help her win back Victoria and once again abandoning her. They could see the hatred in each others eyes, as allies soon became mortal enemies. Heather came at Millie and went to slash her face, but she moved in and used her own nails to rake her face over her left eye. Heather reeled back from the shock of it and looked at Millie, now set in fierceness of attack.

"I am going to make you pay for that old woman."

"Come and try, you heartless bitch."

Heather flew at Millie and knocked her over onto the floor and pinned her body, holding her arms at her sides with her legs. Millie's face was exposed to Heather and saw the look in her lavender eyes. She knew she was going to suffer at her hands and faced her fate.

"I don't care. Kill me, Heather. I've lived a good life and now that my Walter is gone, you can send me to be with him. Go ahead, do it.!"

Millie spat her defiance out at her and waited with a stern set on her face for her demise. Heather started smiling at her in a most evil manner.

"This worked on me, let's see how it works on you."

Millie's eyes showed a sense of fear and then Heather raised her fist up high and drove it into her face. Millie reeled from it, hovering around a conscious state, then Heather drove her fist into her again and knocked her out completely.

"What do you know about that? It does work."

Heather got off Millie and looked at Walter's body still tied to the bed. She undid the cuffs holding his hands and feet and rolled him off the bed, onto the floor. She grabbed Millie under the arms and dragged her limp body onto the bed and dropped her. She tore her robe open and bared her body clad in a nightdress. With one handful of material, she tore it from her body and used it to gag her mouth. She put the cuffs on and secured her in place, then looked at her with evil intent.

"So, I'm a heartless bitch, am I? Then maybe I need one and yours will do just fine. I'll rip out of you from your old, useless cunny."

Heather reached down with her fingers and worked them into Millie's pussy roughly. She stretched her open as wide as she could, making her gape enough to see everything inside. She took her hand away and bared her claw-like nails, ready to shove them inside Millie and tear through her inside to get to her heart.

She was about to thrust it in, when she felt her arm held fast and couldn't move. She tried over and over again to get her hand into Millie, but a force held her back each time. She looked about and saw nothing, yet her arm was held tight and couldn't penetrate Millie.

Heather tried to rationalize what was happening and something dawned on her what it could be.

"Livy, is that you holding me back?"

She smiled at the unknown presence and then the smile was wiped away and replaced with shock. Her leg was pulled open forcefully and a strong pressure against her pussy could be felt.

"Ah, want to play with me while I take care of this old hag, do you? That's a lovely idea."

All she heard in response was a whispered no floating around her, as the pressure against her pussy continued to grow.

Heather stood wondering what she meant when she said no, then felt her own pussy lips split apart rapidly, as an invisible fist was brutally pushed inside her. It hit the top at her cervix and rammed against it hard, almost making her go pass out. Again and again the fist kept pounding against it, the pain so intense it took her over with no chance to fight it and weakened her to drop to the floor unconscious.

Livy began appearing above her, as Josie appeared between her legs, her arm almost up to her elbow inside Heather's pussy. Livy looked at Josie and then at Heather.

"She needs to die."

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JohnCKJohnCKabout 9 years ago

Some serious stuff, not at all what I thought would happen. But YAY Olivia safe

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Shit just got real

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