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Memoirs of a Shared Wife Ch. 38

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John hears all about his wife's fun afternoon with Sammy.
2.6k words

Part 38 of the 45 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/15/2022
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After arriving home from Sammy's place late that afternoon, I was greeted by a very excited John.

Fortunately, as it was quite late, gone 6, both of our boys weren't in and we had the place to ourselves, albeit for a short time.

I had told John a little about what happened on the phone previously, answering his eager questions.

The main two being, had I managed to do anything with Sammy? And how far had it gone?

He became very enthusiastic at my short, to the point answers.

My husband had been under the impression that the 'old geezer' may not have had it in him.

He couldn't have been more wrong.

John was clearly very excited about what I'd done at Sammy's, and he was eager to inspect me...

He loves to see the 'evidence' of me being used by another man.

And so, I was whisked away to the kitchen, where the door was closed and I was instructed to bend over a chair.

Having no knickers on I knew that some of Sammy's spunk had already leaked. I could feel it on the insides of my thighs, right at the top.

I did as I was told and John lifted up my skirt, bending over to have a good look, instantly exclaiming, "Oh fuck yes!....I can see it....very nice."

He let go my skirt and grabbed hold my hand, pulling me towards the outer door.

I knew where he was taking me.

We hadn't done this for a little while....

Although the boys weren't in it was possible for them to come back at any point and disturb us, both had a key.

So, we made use of our large shed out back in the garden.

There, once safely inside I was bent over the work bench and roughly taken by my husband.

It was difficult to stay quiet. The shed is close to our neighbours dividing fence and if they happened to be out in the garden....

Laid sprawled with my top half pushed down hard onto the bench all I could do was cover my mouth with one cupped hand while John showed me what he thought of his wife's infidelity.

My moans and whimpers... hardly muffled.

He whispered things to me while he did it, obscene things, dirty things....that he knows I love to hear.

The same things my new boyfriends eyes had conveyed to me in that stare of contempt I'd so relished just a short time earlier.

I came quickly, screaming my own dirty words into a sweaty palm.

John came shortly after, pounding into me so hard I thought the bench would collapse.

And so, I received my second belly full of warm seed, leaving me....dripping.

John does so enjoy having me when I've recently been used, his fascination with sloppy seconds was by this time in our journey, fully developed.

After we'd calmed down and cleaned up as much as I could, we went back in the house and I had a quick shower.

It was only then while undressing that John noticed Sammy's mark....the love bite, low down on my neck.

He was concerned but I assured him that it was only a little painful initially.....and I'd enjoyed it....a lot.

Later, in the living room, relaxing with a glass of wine on our sofa, I told my husband all about that afternoon at Sammy's...

John listened with great interest, interrupting constantly with annoying but understandable questions.

He asked the obvious, about Sammy's size? I told him the truth, my new boyfriend was a bit bigger than him and Dave too....but not by much.

John also asked if I knew if Sammy had to take the little blue pill? Being so old?

A question I'd been pondering myself, but how do you get to know? You can't just ask the guy.

It's awkward.

Later, when we spoke with Dave, he didn't know either. Sammy had never spoke about needing anything so we assumed it was all natural....very impressive at 86.

I did notice that during sex with Sammy, although he did get hard, it wasn't very hard. Not like John and Dave can get, nor the other three men that I'd been with up to that point in our journey.

Not surprising really, given Sammy's advanced years.

I continued describing to John, coming to the part where Sammy spoke of my hubby being angry if he could see what his wife was doing, and when he said I preferred his desi cock to John's.

In fact, during our afternoon session, Sammy became very excited when he spoke in this way, taunting me about John, and the fact an Indian man was taking care of his white wife....

We knew from what Dave had already told us, Sammy had a liking for white, blonde haired women, and I could certainly vouch for that!

He especially liked imwf porn, got off to it most days, from what he'd revealed to Dave.

But it appeared that Sammy had yet another kink....the more the merrier I say.

And that kink, was cuckold.

Apparently, he saw himself as the bull and my husband John....the unwitting, hapless cuckold.

John had been cuckolded before of course, with my past boyfriends.

However, this had always been a means to an end. Our ultimate goal had been to find a nice guy who could join us as a threesome.

This, we had already found with Dave.

Of my other boyfriends... Neil was terrified of John finding out anything. I never went all the way with him and he was ultimately an test the to speak.

Next came Harry, the big tough womaniser. He was not interested in sharing or getting a kick out of cuckolding some guy.

The fact that he had cuckolded many married men was to him, incidental.

And Alan? Well, I cared a lot for Alan and we tried to make it work as a threesome....but with embarrassing results and ultimately ending in failure.

Alan was the first guy who became aware that John knew what we were doing.....and that my hubby was ok with it.

However, he didn't get a kick out of the fact he was cuckolding John, he was simply aware of it.

Sammy was different, here we had a dominant man, a man of colour who likes white, blonde haired women.....and a man who really enjoyed the fact he was secretly 'entertaining' another man's wife.

This 'kink' of Sammy's, intrigued and excited both myself and John equally.

However, ultimately we had the upper hand as John not only knew of my infidelity, but approved and, was heavily involved right from the start.

It was John for example, who had chosen my lingerie for Sammy to lust over.

Our conversation that evening was 'in depth' and lengthy.

I went on, describing to John the talk we had after having sex.

Sammy spoke of his past, telling me more about his personal life. He'd moved over to england from India in 1962 with his wife Kavita.

They had settled here in yorkshire. Sammy had started out working in a factory.

It turned out he'd had a variety of menial jobs before landing the role of bus driver, this he loved doing and he stayed in that position for many years, making a lot of friends and becoming well known throughout the village as a kind and generous man.

Unfortunately they had no children, despite trying for several years.

It just wasn't to be.

He didn't reveal to me what the problem was despite my careful attempt at asking.

Sammy just clamped up and said he didn't want to talk about it.

He changed the subject, going on to tell me about his wife's passing 8 years previously.

Despite her advanced age of 76, and failing health Kavita was fiercely independent just like her husband.

Unfortunately that quality does not mix well with old age.

One wintry day while out shopping, she slipped on a patch of ice while crossing the road.

Landing hard and hitting her head on the kerb.

She fractured her skull and never regained consciousness.

Her death had knocked him sideways. He was devoted to her and loved her very much.

Sammy was quite frank and very open about his personal life and we talked for some time.

The conversation slowly drifted back onto sex, and I revealed that he was my first Indian man.

This excited him immensely and he went on to tell me that I was his first white woman and also the only other woman after Kavita.

A truly devoted husband....rare breed indeed.

Sammy had chances with other women throughout his life but always backed out, "It just didn't feel right....I knew somehow....that she would know....we were that close...and I would hate to try and lie to her."

He'd explained.

Sammy told me that he'd always had a 'thing' for white women, especially those with long blonde hair.....he'd said as he ran his fingers through it.... a twinkle in his eye.

However, it had always been a fantasy, untill now.

He then spoke of our mutual friend Dave and how he'd described me and our affair.

This is where I had to follow our cover story which had already been agreed between myself and Dave before I met Sammy.

Although very excited about cuckolding my husband, Dave was sure that Sammy wouldn't be comfortable sharing me with his friend so we had to make something up.

Sammy had been told that although it was over between myself and Dave, we were still good friends.

The affair had only lasted a short while and ended because I had been nervous about my husband finding out.

Apparently John was becoming suspicious about all the time I was spending at my friends house and at the gym, which is supposedly, where I'd met Dave.

I had broken off our affair once before because of nerves and guilt, but had grown too fond of Dave's 'affections' so it started again.

The final straw had been an incident in which one of John's friends had seen me out with Dave....and he'd told him.

This, I'd managed to squirm my way out of by pretending Dave was an old school friend I'd happened to bump into.

This scare, ended our affair. And in the intervening time between Dave and Sammy, Dave had conveniently acquired a new remained just good friends.

But, I had an itch that needed our agreed story went.

I'd already had a taste and although still anxious about my husband finding out....was eager to take another bite.

Apparently, I was a shy, disillusioned, sexually frustrated wife of a man who didn't take care about my needs anymore.....and I'd started to come out of my shell.

Because I was still friends with Dave he knew I was on the look out for some more fun....and that's where Sammy came in.

Sammy asked a few questions, probing our cover story but I knew exactly what to say.

And I had some questions of my own, regarding what our mutual friend had revealed about me...

It transpired that Dave had told Sammy a few, but not all of my kinks.

He'd told him that I was very submissive for example, and that I adored being called a 'good girl'.

And also, I was very good with my tongue...

Our in depth discussion that night was interrupted from an unexpected quarter, the boys expected arrival home usurped albeit briefly by a phone call from Dave, who had just paid a visit to Sammy....

Our friend had noticed two missed calls while at the gym after work late that tuesday evening, both from Sammy.

Having to go past beaulah grove on the way home he decided to call in on his old friend, correctly guessing that the meeting with me had been a success.

With the call on speaker I listened to Dave describing his visit.

"Oh fuck me....I've never seen him as happy....he never stopped grinning the whole time I was there."

Dave excitedly told us.

Sammy thanked him profusely for introducing us and said that afternoon with me had been the best thing that had happened to him in many years.

He even showed Dave my skimpy white knickers, passing them to him and asking if they, smelt familiar?

I listened with great interest and a growing excitement to Dave as he continued relating their conversation.

How he described what was said and the way in which I was was getting me wet.

They were talking about me like I was a piece of property, to be handed around....

Absently crossing my legs did not go unnoticed by an alert John, who knows my little signs and signals when I'm becoming aroused.

Giving me a wolfish grin before asking Dave, "So....did your old friend make our pippa scream?"

Dave chuckled before replying in confident tone, "Oh yeah!..... definitely....he really got her going John....made her gush... in his face no less....and he mentioned the nice noise she makes while he fucked her....I told him I knew exactly what he meant."

John was staring right at me as Dave continued revealing more details, including near the end when Sammy asked me if I wanted him to stop.....and I'd answered no, very positively.

John's eyes narrowed at hearing this, the intense passion evident in his lust filled gaze.

Dave told him everything Sammy had said and by the time he'd finished I could feel the damp spot between my legs, and also.... see the large bulge in my husbands trousers.....we were both highly aroused.

John had now heard what Sammy had done with me from two different perspectives....

He was buzzing, we all were. Even Dave, just relating this to us on the end of a phone....I could hear the tell tale tremor of excitement in his voice as he described the explicit details.

John, boiling over with lust fuelled energy, now took control.

Asking Dave if Sammy wanted me to visit again this week?

Dave chuckled before replying, "Oh yeah.... I'll say....he was asking after her..... when she can visit again?....he's a randy old bastard."

Staring into my eyes as he spoke, my husband told Dave to give him a message from me, "Tell him she wants to meet him again on thursday afternoon.....and tell him.... she's really looking forward to it."

He was arranging my next meet without me having any say in it..... John was giving me to this man.

There was no objection from me, only eager obedience.

This was a whole new level.

I was being 'loaned out' like a possession, for this old Indian use.

The way this made me feel, is indescribable....there are no adequate words.

That feeling of total submission, left me trembling.

It was not until the return of our boys a short time later, that the true extent of how turned I was, became apparent.

I was so wet downstairs that it had actually come through the thin material of my nightie, leaving a visible damp patch at the rear.

The realisation of which caused me to make a hasty exit from our living room and back upstairs to the bathroom as Chris and Steve were coming in.

There, with the door locked, I touched myself....I couldn't help it....I had to.

So needing the relief....

I came quickly, sat on the toilet, gushing into the basin.... trembling and trying so hard not to make a noise....

Our boys presence within the house, pushed to the back of my mind by sheer lust for satisfaction moments earlier, suddenly came sharply into focus....causing a brief moment of guilt.

However, as I sat there shaking and trying to control my breathing, the shame of what I'd done was overshadowed by another looming emotion.

The old familiar mix of nervous my thoughts turned to thursday...

And the arranged meeting with Sammy.

End of chapter 38.

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Anjin1962Anjin196211 months ago

Hi Pippa, just an amazing progression, you are truly fortunate to have a number of men share your passion and lust, that are so aroused by, and supportive of your adventures. Of all the wonderful series that I have read on, your stories resonate at another level. Perhaps it's because I can relate to many of the feelings discussed. Well done!

Gazza6969Gazza6969about 1 year ago

So,we finally arrive at the Cuckold word.

I'm not sure of my emotions over this.

I love Pip to bits,but have a great deal of empathy with John.

Wiz1002Wiz1002over 1 year ago

You’re an angel from heaven in your desire to help the aged!!

Sammy is a very lucky recipient if your charms (& knickers!)

UrVesseUrVesseover 1 year ago

Wonderful writing Pippa.

MetalRabbit51MetalRabbit51over 1 year ago

The anticipation you're feeling about the upcoming encounter with Sammy, as orchestrated by your loving husband, is palpable! Fresh from the amorous exploits earlier in the day with your new boyfriend and your husband, your old boyfriend Dave gives an explicit account of your activities to your hubby. It is electric how you describe your arousal at being objectified, your intimate responses spoken of so shamelessly by these men. Your delight at being made to submit to their sexual needs is real, and very arousing. The story gets hotter as it evolves.

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