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Mom, Is It Time?

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Divorced, sex starved Mom craves her son's huge cock.
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Mom, Is It Time?

It was nice to have a birthday celebration dinner. Rocco and I hardly ate out together due to our schedules. We never saw each other except in rare occasions like tonight, even though we shared the same home and bed.

Our marriage morphed to be in name only in the past year.

It wasn't like that 22 years ago. Married at 21, Elon arrived in a year. Like any other first born parents, we were extremely doting. Parents working as a team.

But, as our careers grew, we began time sharing Elon with a nanny. We convinced each other that in the end, it was best for Elon.

Well, it worked out. Elon was not only a star athlete in high school but also the valedictorian.

I wondered how that happened with Rocco and I putting in the minimum necessary time with Elon.

Elon fielded several full scholarship offers both football and academics. He chose an academics scholarship from Penn State. The four years went fast.

It was his senior year when he found his match with PSU student Violet.

They hit it off. But soon they were in a competition for valedictorian. His major astrophysics with a focus on exoplanet research - whatever that is. Double major in Math.

Elon would talk to me about his studies. It was way over my head. I smiled a lot and always say 'that is amazing'. He figured out this Liberal Arts grad was lost and so he stopped talking about astrophysics. I am better at sports talk, so is he, thank god.

Violet was a Broadcast Journalism major with a minor in Visual Arts. Such polar opposites! Both pulling perfect GPAs into their final semesters.

The extraordinary aspect of their relationship was their births. Born on the same date, in the same hospital. Violet one minute ahead. Crazy! We probably saw her in the nursery.

They were destined to be together!

She was appointed valedictorian. They tied with GPAs. But ...

A committee looked at things beyond the GPA like difficulty of major, graduate courses taken, research, extracurriculars, publications, outside activities, getting along with the department, and contribution to the school community.

They were close there as well. What tilted it for Violet was the documentary she produced, scripted, directed and edited about the homeless in New York City. It received national attention. Netflix grabbed it and for weeks it was the number one viewed documentary on their site. She appeared on Rocco's 10 PM newscast which then drew the attention of NBC Nightly News. She was featured as someone making a difference.

Then the news of the Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary came!

Can't wait to see them on the red carpet. Yes!!!

Elon was extremely happy for her and was the loudest applauder when she delivered her valedictorian speech.

He was heading to MIT on full scholarship to work on his Masters and Doctorate in exoplanet research. Violet decided to look for a producer position at any of the NYC TV stations.

I don't know if the Violet Elon relationship (Violon?) will burn brighter or extinguish in this geographic challenged love story.

They had all summer to figure that out.


The Announcements

After dinner we headed back home for the birthday gift exchanges.

Rocco and I scratched our heads on what to get Elon. He was heading off to MIT. What do we get a budding scientist?

Rocco asked around at the station. A team member suggested books like Walter Isaacson's biographies of Elon Musk and Leonardo DaVinci. And the latest best seller from Neil deGrasse Tyson, To Infinity and Beyond.

I thought it was about Buzz Lightyear. Rocco just shook his head.

Rocco and I added in $10,000 for Elon to buy a super desktop for his dorm room. He can pick it out. Way smarter than us.

I picked out Violet's presents. Yes! Diamonds! Lots of diamonds.

Tennis bracelet, earrings, necklace and a wedding ready tiara. Fingers crossed but I don't think Elon has it in him.

Elon is a speed reader. He immediately opened up the Musk bio, oblivious to the gift exchange. Oh Elon.

Rocco touched Elon's arm to get his attention.

'Elon, your turn.'

He dropped the book and hustled to his room.

He returned with a huge gift wrapped box adorned with an oversized bow.

He presented it to Violet. She took the bow off and placed the sticky side in her hair. So cute.

Tearing off the wrapping paper gingerly, the box top was next. She placed it on the couch. She looked into the box. Her mouth agape, her hand covering it.

'Elon, yes, yes, oh my god yes.'

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Elon reached into the box, retrieving an open, elegant ring box. The diamond ring sparkled under the lights.

'Allow me,' he said.

He dropped to one knee.

'Violet, I love you. Will you please marry me?'

She lunged forward, nearly knocking Elon over.

'Yes, a thousand times yes. I love you Elon.'

They kissed in a passionate way. I have never seen this side of Elon, but I like it.

The gift box discarded on the floor, I picked it up and looked inside. 'Will you marry me?' inscribed in marker on the bottom.

So glad he had the formality of bending down on one knee. I love this guy!

Violet said, 'I have to call Mom and Dad.'

She looked at her phone, touched something, then another. Speaker phone broadcasting the ringing.

'Hello Violet.'

'Mom, Elon proposed to me, and I said yes!'

I heard a male voice say, 'Violet, Elon asked me for your hand in marriage yesterday. I said yes. Glad I made the right choice. Mom and I agree you two were destined to be together. We are so happy for you.'

Wow, Elon went through the abandoned tradition of asking permission of the father before proposing. Where did this romantic guy personality come from? Don't care. Just love it.

Violet's mom Elle said, 'Daisy, looks like we have a wedding to plan.'

'Yes, I am ecstatic Elle. These two were made for each other. Let's get together soon.'

Call ended. Rocco spoke up.

'I have a few more things to add to this joyous evening.'

Dramatic pause.

'I have permission to offer Violet a producer position at my station. A very generous salary due to her accomplishments in light of her documentary success.'

Violet started crying again. She composed herself.

'Mr. Taylor, I am honored with the offer. I need to discuss with my fiancée before accepting. ... in private of course.'

She is so fucking smart! Perfect response. I would have said yes without thinking. Love this girl.

Rocco acknowledged.

'Next bit of news. Our station was given a heads up on the daytime Emmy nominations. A nominee is in our viewing area.'

He was good at building drama like he did on the news.

'I had to action our producers to be ready for tomorrow's nominee announcement ...'

'Someone very close to us is a nominee ...'

'The nomination is for best actress in a daytime soap opera that nominee is ...'

It had to be me. No one else met that description.

'Daisy, you have been nominated!'

After six years of toiling in this role, I agreed this was my best year. I knew the plot and lines were great and I delivered with emotion. Not only do I deserve the nomination, but I also deserve to win.

Violet was the first to hug me. Elon.. oh my gosh ... he hugged me so hard I couldn't breathe. What has gotten into him? Rocco was reserved -- jealous my take, a polite peck on the cheek with a mumbled congratulations.

Rocco had huge aspirations to get the top news anchor job on any major network.

His next planned move, go national on a major as reporter. Reporting from the field was not his strength. He had hope to sub for the anchor on weekends. His good looks are a plus.

I am pretty sure his background strategy is bed down anyone who might be of help. He is really good at bedding down females. He has already started.


The Wedding

What a collage of guests. Elon's nerdy physics friends that sat at their tables challenging each other with complex math and physics problems.

Violet's outgoing Broadcast Journalism friends on the dance floor. Most of them eager to sidle up to Rocco for advice or share phone numbers with him.

Rocco's station friends mixed in nicely except for a group of females staying close to him, hoping they would be the chosen one tonight. Maybe more than one knowing Rocco.

My daytime actors and actresses drew a lot of attention. All of them so attractive, sexy and popular with the soap opera fans surrounding them.

OK, Rocco is sexy. People call him Tom Cruise with height. He had me at hello 22 years ago. Great in bed, although I don't know if that has changed in the past year. No sex with him in the last year. No sex for me at all. I try not to think about it.

Rocco cheats liked crazy. But I have not. Although there are day long shoots of steamy sexy scenes. I was so close to being fucked, a hunk on top of me in just his tiny briefs, me in low cut bra and thong panties.

We are professionals right? But more than once I could feel his erection up against my pussy lips. I wanted it, just fuck me. It has been so long. Fuck me.

Oh well...

The perfunctory reception events were only marred by Elon's best man Krishna spilling the red wine for the toast on Violet. She shook it off, smiled and we moved on. She is so good.

Her older sister caught the bouquet. She was a looker. I saw Rocco leering at her. Like he needs another conquest for his stable?

The most disturbing event of the evening occurred when Rocco took Violet out on the dance floor for a slow dance. He held her close, nuzzling her ear and neck. His whispered something in her ear. She nodded yes.

He dropped his hand down to her cheeks, pulling her into his crotch area.

They were both drunk, so I blew it off. She probably didn't recognize what was going on.

They will be spending a lot of time together. I must be vigilant. Fucking his daughter-in-law would be the last straw.

The bride and groom left the building. Rocco went to work on his nighttime score. She was a friend of Violet, very attractive, half his age. She was trying to find a job in the broadcast industry willing to do anything to achieve that goal. She waved at me as they departed.

I really don't give a fuck. Just don't get anyone pregnant I thought.

Speaking of that, Violet confided in me that they were going to try have a kid right away. Grandkids!!! Yes, I am so ready to spoil them all.


The Beginning of the End

Violet's parents set her up with an apartment in Manhattan, close to the TV station. They would pay for it until Elon and Violet could afford it.

Violet had a decent starting salary thanks to Rocco. Elon had his meager teaching assistant crumbs most of which went to pay for the dump he called an apartment.

At first, they made the effort to trade weekend visits. Elon called them 'procreation events'. Really?

I can't imagine what it is like to have sex with a scientist. Did he develop a theory on what would turn on Violet and then run an experiment to prove this theory? The scientific method. I hope not.

Eventually work picked up for both of them. Rocco had to pull the weekend shift after the female anchor was fired for sexual harassment.

Fancy that. Someday, someone will blow the whistle on Rocco. Someday.

Violet was his top producer. She had to support him now seven days a week. ten to twelve hours a day. She must be exhausted.

Elon was a sought after Teaching Assistant willing to tutor students. Finally he had somebody to talk exoplanets.

To my surprise he was turning into a good teacher. Bodes well for a university position. When we talked about it, he was so excited, especially when he discussed a female student Yolanda. He called her Yo.

He had a high level of respect for her work ethic. She had her class load, plus she works an evening job. That's why Elon's tutoring could only be on the weekends.

Best I could figure, it had been more than month since Violet and Elon had a 'procreation event.' My hopes for grandkids were fading fast. He was our only child. When he came to town to see Violet, I was able to see him. I miss that.

Then out of the blue, Elon called!

'Hey Mom, I am coming to the city. Finally, no student meetings this weekend. Yo is going home to San Francisco. Her mom is ill.'

'Sorry to hear that Elon. Sounds like Yo is good person.'

'Mom, she is great. I really like her. Is that bad because I am married to Violet?'

'Elon, it is fine. It is good to have friends especially someone like Yo.'

'Mom ...'

That sounded ominous.

'Yes Elon.'

'Yo wants to have sex with me.'

'Elon, have you ...'

He cut me off.

'No Mom. We haven't had intercourse. But ... I have thought about it.'

'Last weekend in my apartment, we began kissing on my couch. I got a ... I got an erection. She saw it and touched it. She tugged my workout shorts and briefs down to the floor.'

'She held my erection. I closed my eyes, when I opened them her mouth was centimeters from the head.'

I don't no how many inches that is, it sounded close.

'She said she had never seen a cock that big. She said she wasn't sure if she could take all of it in her mouth. She told me she likes to deepthroat.'

'She took the head into her mouth! It felt so good. I wanted more but ...'

'I stopped her Mom. I couldn't let her do anymore although I wanted it.'

'Mom, Violet doesn't like oral sex. She says it is nasty to take a dirty penis in her mouth. That's why I wanted Yo to do more.'

'Ok, let's unbox this situation Elon.'

'Number one -- stop seeing Yo on the weekends, you have a wife, you are trying for kids. Spend time with your wife.'

'Number two -- do not meet with Yo in your apartment or her apartment. Too much opportunity to be weak. You need to be strong, you don't need the temptation.'

'Number three -- get another TA to help her.'

'Mom, I really like her.'

'Do you love her like you love Violet?'

He thought too long on that question. I got a chill.

'No, I love Violet. But ...'

'But what!,' I screamed at him.

Silence on his part, I shouldn't have screamed at him.

'Elon, sorry I screamed at you. But what?'

'Is it OK to have sex outside your marriage like Dad does?'

Jesus Christ! How the fuck to respond to that. How does he know? Violet? She is around him at work, hard not to notice his antics.

I composed myself.

'No, it is not OK. Do not ask the next question. When are you coming to the city?'

'Should be about five. I will go straight to Violet's apartment. Maybe we can all have dinner tonight.'

'Elon, that sounds great. Let me know what you and Violet decide, and I will meet you there.'

'Thanks Mom. Thanks for the advice. You are right. I can't do anything to hurt Violet.'

'That's my man!'

After all that, I was exhausted. I sat in my favorite recliner and fell asleep.


The End

The slamming of the door awoke me. It was 7 PM, why didn't Elon call?

'Elon, what are you doing here?'

He was walking to his room.

'Elon, what's wrong?'

He stopped, stared at me and said, 'Don't ask the next question!'

He entered his room, slamming the door behind him.

I was totally perplexed. We were going to do dinner. He would stay at Violet's tonight to 'procreate.'

I can't imagine what is wrong. I had to find out. I knocked softly on his bedroom door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. Fuck it. I opened the door. Elon was lying face down on his bed sobbing into his pillow stripped down to his boxer shorts.

I sat next to him on the edge of his bed. I gently stroked his hair not saying a word, no resistance from him. That went on for five minutes. He finally rolled on his side facing me.

His penis slid out of the front opening of his boxer shorts. Oh my, so big. I stared at it tempted to be helpful and tell him about it. No, just leave it out my bad voice said.

'Do you know a good divorce attorney? I need one, and you probably need one too.' he said.

'Elon, what are you talking about?'

He was gaining his composure. He rolled onto his back, moving the pillow under his head. He crossed his legs pushing his penis further out. Now his ball sack hanging out of the opening. I felt tingling in my pussy.

Bad voice saying touch it, go ahead and touch. He will like it.

He put his hands behind his head. His thinking position is what he calls it.

'If we both file at the same time and use the same attorney, would it be possible for the judge to hear the cases together and save us money?'

Elon was asking himself not me.

Thank goodness because I couldn't focus on anything but his penis. I moved my hand to the top of his thigh. Good voice saying stop it, stop it, pull is back. I ignored it.

'I need more data on that. I can evaluate attorney's and ask them that question in the interviews. What do you think Mom?'

I am so lost. I have no idea what he is talking about. My focus elsewhere.

'Elon, start from the beginning. You gave me the ending.'

I leaned in like I really wanted to listen. He didn't notice that I moved my hand right next to the big head of his cock. I think I can take it all the way in.

He broke my reverie.

'Oh, you are right.'

'I arrived at Violet's apartment right at five as I planned. I entered the living room, Violet not present, nor in the kitchen. I know she can't be in the bedroom. She works odd hours, so I sat on the couch, launched a YouTube on her TV focused on exoplanetary science. It was terrible. I am going to make one and post it. I ...'

I interrupted, 'Elon, please focus.'

I should talk.

'Oh, yes, I am sorry.'

'I thought I heard a sound from the bedroom. I muted the speaker. Nothing. Back to the video. This time a heard a muffled voice from the bedroom. Someone is in there. The door was cracked opened. I pushed it in. There they were.'

'Who? Who was there?'

'Dad and Violet.'

'What were they doing?'

He said nonchalantly, 'Fucking. They were fucking. Violet was on top, Dad on the bottom.'

'I videoed them in the act. They were so into it, they never noticed me.'

'Dad was having fun. Violet was really working Dad's cock. I am going to miss that.'

'Minutes later Dad came. He came in my wife. By the way she is not on birth control.'

He was getting an erection talking about it. The head brushed up again my hand as his penis filled with blood, the length growing right in front of my eyes. Touch it, touch it, touch it.

'When they were done, I held up my phone and said to Violet 'see you in court.''

'I grabbed an Uber and here I am.'

He noticed what was going on with his penis.

'Sorry Mom. You should have said something.'

It took some effort to put it back in the barn given his erection pointing straight up. He pushed it in and down his leg, the head poking out of the short boxers by his thigh.

Show over.

'Oh, I didn't really notice,' I said.


He wasn't buying it. but he moved on.

'Mom, let's do some planning.'

'Can you give me a minute to absorb all this Elon?'

'Sure Mom, take your time. We have lots of it.'

I was shocked. Not only on what Elon observed but his third party attitude towards it.

I was raised a devout. I confessed my sins every week. I had to do it now.

To my self I said, 'Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been forever since my last confession. I had impure thoughts about my son. I am sorry for these sins and all the sins of my past life and ask forgiveness. Amen.'

I feel better... I think. My mind drifted back to Elon's....

I might need to confess everyday.


A New Beginning

Neither Violet nor Rocco contested the divorces. Elon's video was insurmountable.

Three months have passed. Elon suspended his masters work and moved back home with me. I kept the home out of the divorce. Rocco moved in with Violet.


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