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Considering a Stay

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Chris considers checking into the Bondage Asylum.
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The company you worked with for several years had another round of layoffs. You lost your job three months ago and couldn't find work. The only jobs you could find were low paying, low skill jobs, that you consider yourself overqualified for. Your wife, Heather, still works and is now the breadwinner in the home.

You stay home and keep the house clean, the laundry washed, and you prepare dinner for when your wife comes home. You spend your free time browsing the internet and playing video games, and sometimes looking for jobs in your area. You don't try all too hard to find a job, though. It is kind of nice to relax and do things you enjoy.

You told your wife about your medical fetish years ago. She would often indulge your desires by playing along with it. Sometimes she would dress up as a slutty nurse for sex. If you were lucky, she would have you lie on the bed while she donned disposable gloves to give you a gloved handjob. Some mornings she would lock your penis in a chastity cage, only to let you out later that night. Your wife had fun with it, but it was becoming draining.

It was draining for her because she always felt that she was doing something for you, as opposed to you serving her. Even the times she kept you in chastity, it wasn't about making her feel powerful. Afterall, it was your fetish, not hers.

She wouldn't tell you, but she was beginning to resent having to work to keep the bills paid while you sit on your ass all day. Sure, you do the laundry, but it's mostly your clothes anyways. Sure, you clean the house, but you wouldn't need to if you weren't the one making it dirty in the first place. The only thing she appreciates from you is always having dinner prepared for her when she gets home.

You had learned about the Bondage Asylum from forums on the internet. Everyone always seemed to have positive things to say about the institution. Most of the reviews came from accounts of women, who left glowing reviews about how they treated their husband or boyfriend.

Occasionally you saw reviews from men who claimed to have spent time there, always talking about how professional the environment is, and how nice the nurses are to the patients. There were the occasional reviews of men whose significant other stayed there, or women who stayed for a while. Any negative posts seem to get flagged and removed instantly by moderators, for misleading content.

One Thursday night, you mentioned what you had learned about the Bondage Asylum to your wife, who listened half interested.

You open with, "So I was reading a lot about this place on the south side of the city."

"Oh really? What about it?" Heather responds.

You start off quietly, "Well, you know how I have a thing for nurses and stuff?"

She exhales slowly and looks down at her food. "Yeah, Chris?"

"I found this place, and it looks kinda like something I would be interested in checking out."

You are a bit hesitant to say it. You can tell she was not thrilled that you were talking about more leisure for yourself, on top of the easy life you have right now.

"I'll take a look at it then. What's the place called?"

You pause before you say the name. "It's called the Bondage Asylum."

Your wife looks off to the side. "Oh."

That was a weird response, you think to yourself.

You give it a few seconds before saying, "Umm, have you heard of it before?"

"Yeah. Yeah I have." She pauses for a moment before asking, "And you want to... go there?"

You respond "Kind of. I've been looking at it for a while, and it seems like a fun idea."

"I'll think about it then. Be a dear and wash my plate for me, while I go put on something more comfortable."

"Certainly!" You say, with a hint of enthusiasm. Even her saying she'd think about it is making you a little excited.

You happily wash the dishes. Afterall, you have been doing it ever since you were laid off. Doing the dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. all fell on you, but you don't mind. She comes home from a hard day of work to put food on the table, so you might as well show that you are putting something into the relationship as well.

Heather silently approaches the doorframe of the kitchen, leaning on it with her arms crossed over her chest. You don't notice her come in, and continue scrubbing the food off the plates into the sink. She just stands in the doorway, watching you clean.

As you finish up the dishes, you turn around to put the stack of clean plates in the cabinet. Standing in the doorway is your wife, dressed in black laced lingerie, elbow length gloves, stockings running up her legs attached to a garter belt. Atop her head sits a black nurses cap, with a red cross on the front.

You stand still, saying nothing. Just looking her up and down, admiring the outfit she put on. You realize your jaw is dropped, and quickly close your mouth.

"So, you want to have some fun with some nurses huh?" She asks rhetorically.

Heather beckons you to follow her. "Follow me then, Chris." You cannot resist.

You follow her through the hallways, up the stairs, and toward your bedroom. Her lingerie clad ass swaying back and forth hypnotically. Your eyes never leave her figure on the walk to the bedroom. You follow her through the bedroom doorway, and your gaze is finally broken when you spot what is on the bed. You inhale quickly, very surprised at what lays before you.

The bedspread is covered with a clear plastic sheet, tucked into the underside of the bed on all sides. On each post of the bed frame, there is a medical looking restraint cuff, with a heavy strap anchoring it to the post. Your jaw drops for a second time, and Heather giggles at you.

"We'll see if you really want to stay at the Bondage Asylum, after tonight! Now, strip!"

You do as you are commanded, and take off your clothes, standing in front of your wife. She notices your semi erect penis and grins while looking at it. Placing each article of clothing into the dirty clothes hamper, you walk to the front of the bed and look to her for instructions.

"Lay down on your back, and place your arms and legs next to the cuffs."

You again obey her commands. Crawling over the plastic covered bed, you feel it crinkle and squeak under your weight. Turning over on your back, the plastic feels cool and smooth against your bare skin. As instructed, you place your arms and legs next to the medical bonds. Heather walks to your side, and fastens the first leather cuff around your right wrist.

"Good boy!"

She walks to the other side of the bed and again fastens the restraint on your left wrist.

"Now the legs!"

The restraints next to your legs are slightly larger than the ones around your wrist. Probably made to withstand the greater force from your lower half. She wraps the restraint around your left calf and tightens the belt, then repeating the process on the right calf. You are helpless to her will, now.

She says to herself, "I guess I shouldn't have put on the gloves, if I'm putting on a different pair anyways...whatever."

Out from her top dresser drawer, she pulls two light blue nitrile gloves from a box of a hundred.

She speaks again, this time with the intention of you hearing her, "I want you to try some of the treatments that you will be subjected to, if you actually decide to commit yourself to the asylum."

She pulls the first glove over her black elbow length glove, letting it go with a snap, then repeating this with the other glove. Watching her do this, you become fully erect. She really does understand what turns me on, you think.

Out of the same dresser drawer comes a bottle of lube. She generously applies the lubricant to the gloves, pressing her hands together and moving them, in the same fashion you would to generate heat in between your hands on a cold day. Dropping the bottle of lube back in the drawer, she closes it by bumping the edge with her hips, careful not to use her preoccupied hands.

Your wife turns to you and walks toward the bottom of the bed, where your legs are spread wide apart for her. She steps with her knee into the plastic sheeting, and leans into the bed toward you. Using her leg as a lever, she pulls herself onto the bed and falls forward in between your legs, her oily gloved hands situated on either side of your erect penis.

"So the first thing they will do there is get you nice and worked up down here."

She grips your hard shaft with her right hand, and begins stroking slowly, up and down.

"They won't let you cum right away. They will bring you to the edge, over and over again, but never over."

Your breathing quickens as she works up and down your shaft slowly.

"This will continue until you are nice and needy. Then they will make a proposition to milk you. It will usually be very tempting."

Her stroking becomes slightly faster.

"They will try to trick you, but you really don't want to cum fast. They will milk you way harder than you could jerk yourself, for multiple orgasms. It's really hard for a guy to go through."

You wonder out loud, "How do you know exactly what it is like in there?"

Her grip on your dick tightens.

"Well, you see..." She begins the sentence but then places her left hand over your sensitive head, and starts rubbing it while still stroking with her right hand. "I used to work there."

The thought shocks you, but also makes you even more aroused. She can feel your penis swell and flex slightly in her caring hands.

"Really?" you say, "When did you work there?" Your sentence is interrupted by your breathing picking up, as you start approaching an orgasm.

She responds, "Oh, just for a few years when I was paying my way through college. It was a really lucrative job. I almost didn't want to finish my degree, because then I would feel obligated to find other work. I had lots of fun there."

The thought of your wife being a real nurse excites you more. You are right on the edge of climaxing, but she slows her expert movements. Your muscles tense up as you ride the edge, hoping that you go over, but eventually the feeling subsides when she stops moving her hands altogether.

"Oh my god, I was so close!" you say. "How did you know to stop?"

"It's just a trick I picked up in my time working there. If you are really experienced, you can almost feel right when the patient is about to orgasm. Some of the other nurses there were super skilled at it. I just want you to understand that it will be much tougher than what I can do here."

You respond, "I trust you on that, but can you finish me off?"

"No." She says harshly, the tone causing you to recoil slightly.

"What? Why not?" You say, almost begging.

"I told you, I want you to know what it will be like if you actually committed yourself there! That's why I have to do this."

She takes a hold of your penis again, slowly stroking up and down. Her left hand moves over your penis head just as before, and starts massaging in a circle. You let out a low moan.

She tells you, "Just put your head back and relax. We are going to be here a while."

She speeds up her stroking while polishing your head with her gloved hands.

The next hour and a half is agony. Every time you think you are about to climax, she slows down just enough for it to fizzle out. You test your bonds as you attempt to reach for your penis, but the medical restraints on your wrists give no slack. Your mind feels muddled as you ride the edge.

"Please! Seriously! I can't take it! Please! Let me cum!"

You beg repeatedly over the course of the session. Each time you beg, her response is always, "Just a little longer! I'm almost done."

After what feels like an eternity of mind melting edging, over and over again, she stops massaging your member.

She moves back off of the bed, and walks out of the room. It seems like she was gone nearly a minute when she returned to the doorway holding something. It looks like a sheath, but the way she's holding it makes it look like she doesn't want to be touching it. Walking to the dresser, she pulls from the drawer a pink plastic thing that looks hollow. With each new item in hand, she returns to the bottom of the bed.

"This will happen a lot at the Bondage Asylum. Just stay strong for me. We will get through this together."

She picks up the sheath looking item, and you can see the air around it. It looks extremely cold, like it came out of the freezer. Moving it over to you, you come to the realization that she intended to put it on your dick.

"No no. No! Wait! Heather?!"

Heather hovers with the sheath over your rock hard cock dripping precum.

"I'm sorry babe. But this needs to happen."

The moment the icy hole is lowered over your sensitive head, you make squealing noises, that only makes Heather smile and say, "Cute!"

She continues to lower the sheath over your penis to envelope the whole shaft. You are breathing heavily and whining the whole time.

"Fuck! Ah! Heather what? Ah!"

Your penis is going completely numb from the relentless cold walls of the sheath shaped ice pack. The once rock hard dick slowly shrinks and reduces in stature. Now completely flaccid, she removes the sheath.

"Sorry, but there's more."

She puts the icy sheath on the clear plastic sheeting covering the bed, and picks up the pink plastic item she pulled from the dresser drawer.

"This is called a chastity cage. Its purpose is to prevent your penis from becoming erect, and prevent unwanted stimulation."

Your wife brings the cage to your flaccid penis, and expertly maneuvers it into the appropriate place in the cage. She pushes the external ring at the base of the device around your ballsack, and closes it with an audible 'click'. Your penis is warming back up again, and you slowly regain feeling with it.

She moves off the bed, bringing the sheath with her. Leaving the room, you are left alone for a moment with your thoughts running wild. After she places the sheath back into the freezer, she returns to the bedroom holding a small padlock. Once again, she is at the bottom of the bed, between your spread legs. You watch in terror as she places the padlock into a hole in the pink chastity cage and snaps it shut, taking out the key.

"There're still more treatments I want to show you!" She says excitedly. All you can respond with is a quiet whimpering noise,

Heather brings the key to the dresser drawer, and drops it in. She then takes off the disposable gloves and drops them in the small trash can beside the dresser. Donning a new set of light blue nitrile gloves over her black elbow length gloves, she refrains from using the lube this time. She closes the drawer with her hips and moves to the bedside.

Looking her up and down, she looks more stunning than ever. You've never been so attracted to her like this before, but you don't understand why. Still in her black lace lingerie, stockings, gloves, and nurse cap, she looks so beautiful.

With a slightly open mouth, you admire her body and lingerie. You begin to get hard, but you feel your penis constricted considerably by the cage. The cage bounces up and down as you try to flex your penis. She watches your locked cock try desperately to escape its prison, but ultimately it fails. She smiles and nods in approval, admiring her work.

You watch as your wife climbs onto the bed, and straddles her legs over your stomach. Her ass pressing into the top of your locked dick only makes you more aroused.

Looking down at you, she says, "Now, bear with me. This is going to feel a little weird."

She then pinches both of your nipples with her gloved hands, and begins rolling them between her fingers. After doing this for a few minutes she says, "So now let's talk."

"Okay." You say, wincing from the sensation of your nipples being played with while she presses her ass into your throbbing locked cock.

She begins, "All of this is completely normal for nurses to do to you at the asylum. There are more advanced treatments that I can't do here without the proper tools, but it gets more intense than this, by a long shot. Do you really still want to go there?"

She starts twirling your nipples faster between her gloved fingers.

"I... I think so? I don't know."

She picks up on your indecisiveness and says, "It's ok. We have all night to think about it. Just think about it. A bunch of hot nurses in latex dresses playing with your dick, plugging your ass, teasing your nipples, tying you up, just taking care of you for as long as they like.

The thought of it makes your cage bounce. There is a small stream of precum building up on the front of the cage, occasionally dripping down onto your balls.

She breaks your train of thought.

"And it's not like you are doing anything important any time soon. You don't have a job to go to. You could stay there forever, if you wanted to. It makes me so wet thinking about all the things those nurses will do to you. I wish I had the time to do it, but I would totally support you if you wanted to go there for a while. Think of it as a vacation."

Everything she said is true. There is no real reason why you couldn't commit yourself to the Bondage Asylum. You have no deadlines to meet, no boss to ask for permission to take time off from work. It is starting to look like you really should go.

She shifts forward a few feet so that her panties are right in front of your face, but resumes playing with your sensitive nipples by moving her arms behind her.

"So, are you going or not?"

She starts grinding her crotch against your nose and mouth, and you feel like your cock is being crushed in its cage by how hard this is making you.

"Yes!" You exclaim.

"Oh really? I don't believe you yet. You really wanna go?"

"Yes! Yes! I wanna be a patient! I want to play with nurses! I want to live in a medical fetish heaven! Yes, I wanna go!"

"Alright, I believe you."

With that, she moves off of you and off the bed. From the nightstand on her side of the bed, she pulls a wand vibrator. She gets back on top of you, but facing the other direction. Grinding her wet pussy through her panties into your face, she turns on the vibrator.

"You've got me all worked up, so I'm just going to play with myself a little while you strain in that cage."

She presses the head of the vibrator against her clit, and gasps with pleasure. "Oh!"

Your cage is dripping precum at this point, and you instinctively start humping the air. Thrusting your hips up and down, desperately trying to find relief, she watches and presses the vibrator

harder into herself.

"Oh! Fuck!" She screams over and over.

You can feel her whole body shaking as she achieves orgasm right on top of you. Holding the wand in place still, she rides your face as she grinds forward and back with her hips. You are swinging your chastity cage around, your cock desperately seeking relief from the pent up arousal.

"I haven't forgotten about you, baby!" She moves the vibrating wand off her body, and leans forward. She grips the cage with her left hand and the vibrator with her right. Placing the head of the want underneath the cage, in the curved place in between your locked penis and your balls.

She turns the wand to its highest setting.

"Oh fuck, fuck! I'm gonna cum!" You scream out.

"Do it! Fucking cum for me!" She yells back.

The relentless vibrations send you over the edge, and you achieve an earth shattering orgasm that sends your hips bucking all around. You spurt your load all over the plastic sheeting. You pull on your bonds as hard as you can, and you hear the bed frame creak under your strength.

"Ah! Ah! Fuckin! Hah! Oh my fuck! Hah!" You can't help but scream out in pleasure.

After holding the vibrator firmly in place for 20 seconds after your orgasm, she finally relents and turns it off. She sits up and looks back at you, both of you breathing heavily. Then she starts laughing.

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