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Money Honey - The Stories

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Read tales about about how money affects lives - and love!
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Money Honey: An Invitational Author Challenge

Please see this announcement for full details about this special themed story event.

And now - the stories!

A Second Chance Ch. 01 by Androgynousother

A Second Chance Ch. 02 by Androgynousother

All My Loving by Harddaysknight

Bob and Salley by Just Plain Bob

Comhlacht Gadaí: The Body Thief by Lost Boy

Delayed Retribution by PAPATOAD

Do You Love Me by Bh76

Egg Money by RichardGerald

He Couldn't Believe it Was All Gone by Tnicoll

Hunters Journey of Self Discovery by Cagivagurl

Inheritance by Hooked1957

Luck of the Irish by Fredoberto

Mayfield Enterprises Pt. 01 by K.K.

Mayfield Enterprises Pt. 02 by K.K.

Money Changes Everything by sbrooks103x

My Ugly Suitcase by stev2244

No Visible Means of Support by Trionyx

Nobody Ever Dies by dtiverson

Option Three by blackrandl1958

Redneck Rich by qhml1

Taking Care of Business Pt. 01 by PostScriptor

Taking Care of Business Pt. 02 by PostScriptor

Taking Care of Business Pt. 03 by PostScriptor

The Inheritance by SW_MO_Hermit

The Proposal by Cagivagurl

The Redhead by laptopwriter

The Signing by MattblackUK

The Wrong Pen Pal by SouthernCrossfire

Us Against Everyone by Ahazura

If you've got an idea for a themed writing challenge, feel free to !

If you're interested in writing in any of our ongoing author-organized Challenges, please check the .

If you've got an idea for an Authors Challenge and would like to organize it, please for full details.

A big thank-you to blackrandl1958 for the above text and for arranging this event. Another huge thank-you as always to all participating authors!

Thank-you also to all the authors who contribute both to this themed challenge, and to Lit readers every day. We hoped you enjoyed these tales of Money, Honey!

Our Comments Policy is available in the Lit FAQ
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SsacamSsacamabout 3 years ago

You javelin done a great job Randi putting this together. Thank you!

And to all the authors who contributed to this, I have looked at your home pages and will be reading a great deal more of your stories Great Job everyone


TeggeTeggeabout 3 years ago

A real treat! I have a handful left to read but am so glad those involved bring these to us. You are appreciated! 😎

jakie1jakie1about 3 years ago

A big thank you to everyone involved with all the stories, please keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Thank you Randi, a lot of very good tales by very fine writers (and their editors). I was looking forward to seeing a new story by Ephesus14. Thank you one and all!

somewhere east of Omaha

ChloeTzangChloeTzangabout 3 years ago

What a great collection of stories. Congrats to Randi for organizing, and to everyone who wrote for this. I know how hard it is to organize these events and talk us into writing for them. Kudos to Randi for herding cats :) xoxoxoxox ........Chloe

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wasn't at my computer yesterday, so on this day after, this is an even bigger mountain to climb than I'd anticipated! Not an all-star game, more like an all-star world series. Given time restraints, guess I'm going have to read these over the next few weeks, and I sure look forward to it! Also, props here to the explanation about how these challenges work, and as always, props to Randi for all she does. First impression, by the way, is that no one picked up on the famous song of that name. Guess it's not that famous anymore.


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