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I laid there with Karen curled into my chest like Traci used to do, breathing heavily, my face covered with Karen's juices. I stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out in my mind exactly why I did what I had just done. I'm sure part of it was revenge, but I know part of it was pure lust. I know in my heart that I still loved Traci -- at least somewhat -- and Karen was as close as I was going to get ... without all of the baggage. Oh, yeah, I know there was some baggage here -- I had just broken one of my personal codes by knowingly fucking another man's wife -- but I owed Dave less than nothing. And considering Karen was part of the unholy triumvirate, I didn't have any problem with doing her just for my own pleasure ... and hers as a byproduct.

I awoke Saturday morning spooned around Karen, my hard-on pressing firmly into her ass. I knew what my little brain wanted, but the big brain was conflicted and confused. The little brain won out when she reached back and slowly wrapped her fingers around my dick. This time we took things slowly, and we only had one orgasm apiece, but at least for me, it felt very satisfying.

"Traci always said you were a good, generous lover," Karen said as we lay side-by-side looking at each other, "But she never went into specifics. I'd say she undersold you by a lot.

"You know, I meant what I said last night. She was absolutely sure you'd let her have her way. Otherwise, there was no way she would have given up what you had to offer for just a couple of more inches of dick.

"But it also was about love, Roger. Seriously. The three of us just grew stronger in our love for each other. I knew we were shutting you out, but Dave and Traci said our love was different than what you two had, and it was OK for us to have that. She was so sure of your love for her. She was so sure you'd never go through with the divorce.

"Then when you let it go through, well, it was only right that we let her and the kids move in with us. She had given us so much. But I started feeling uneasy the longer she was with us. I knew she was developing feelings for him, and him for her, but I tried not to see it. She was bearing us children."

Karen and I continued to get together for sex night every few weeks until her divorce was final sixth months later. Then, when she and David got a regular visitation schedule worked out for the kids, she would spend the entire weekend with me at my apartment on the weekends David had the girls. It started out almost completely about sex for us both, but gradually developed into a real friendship. I had always gotten along with her when she was my sister-in-law, but spending weekends living with her gave me new insight into who she was. I know for her it started out as penance, but I think we both grew as friends, even though we knew it could never be more than that.

And then it got to be more than that.

About a year later, Karen had woken up before me on a Saturday morning after a big Friday night of sex and padded off to the bathroom. I was vaguely aware of her leaving my bed as I was half-awake at that point. Next thing I hear is rather loud vomiting, so I jumped out of bed and knocked on the door.

"You OK, Kar?" I asked.

She vomited a second time, then gathered her wits and answered. "Yeah, I'm OK. Be right out."

She looked a little pale when she came out and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe I've picked up a bug," she said. "That's the third time this week I've thrown up when I got up. It kinda reminds me of when Traci was pregnant with the girls and had morning ..."

She stopped talking and looked up at me with a look that bordered on fear and exultation, if there's such a thing. I didn't need to be a mind-reader to know where this was going.

"Wait. I thought you couldn't get pregnant, nor could you carry a child," I said in a somewhat shaky voice. "We've never used protection because of that."

The doctor never said I couldn't get pregnant; just that the odds of it happening were rather slim. He called it a million to one shot, and said the odds of me carrying the baby to birth were about the same."

"Wow," was all I could think to say.

We jumped in the shower, and for the first time since we started our fuck-buddy relationship, we didn't have sex in the shower. We were both preoccupied.

We were silent as we fixed coffee and toast. Coffee poured, toast buttered, we sat down at the kitchen table, instead of in front of the TV as usual.

"Look, I don't believe in abortion, except in emergencies, but I'm not the one who would have to carry this child," I started. "But I will be there for you in every way I can, and I will support this child with both love and money if you decide to have it and by some miracle can. I mean to be there always, even if one or both of us ends up getting married again."

Karen started to cry, and I got up, went to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly. Then she started to sob uncontrollably. I just let her go until she was cried out.

"Maybe this is God's way of evening the score, the ultimate way for me to pay you back for ruining your marriage," she finally said.

"If that's the case, then He certainly has a sense of humor."

She smiled at me, and suddenly the world seemed a little brighter. We got dressed and had a full day out, first visiting an art gallery, then a craft show, and then finally going to dinner. Throughout the day, we each thought of a bunch of little things we needed to do if Karen was pregnant.

We bought a home pregnancy test and it confirmed Karen was pregnant. Her OB-GYN visit a couple of weeks later was the final confirmation, and the doctor explained to both of us the risks of Karen carrying the baby. Karen didn't flinch a muscle when she told the doctor that not only would she carry the baby to term, but it would be a perfect, beautiful, healthy baby.

"I owe you that much," she said to me as the doctor looked confused.

Karen had never told any of her family about our relationship before, and considering the way my marriage had ended, that was more than fine with me, but she wanted to make a big splash with this news -- and she wanted me there. I sucked up my personal feelings and went with her to her parents' house for the "family meeting."

The meeting included her parents, Traci and Dave, who had gotten married since Karen and Dave's divorce, and a couple of other aunts and uncles. It was a cake and coffee kind of thing, with various kids running around outside the house. By design, we got to her parents' house last, and when I walked in after Karen the place went deathly quiet, at least until my former mother-in-law found her voice.

"What's he doing here?" she uttered with disdain practically dripping from her words.

"I would think that the father of your next grandchild should be here for the announcement," Karen said icily.

I just stood there with the biggest shit-eating grin I could muster.

The room practically exploded in a cacophony of shocked utterances.

My former mother-in-law went from bitch mode to grandma mode in the blink of an eye, bursting into what looked like happy tears. I spied shocked faces and smiles all around until I glanced over at Traci and Dave. Traci looked gobsmacked, while Dave was gritting his teeth and turning red in the face.

The next thing I knew my former father-in-law had his hand on my shoulder and was leading me into the kitchen. He didn't look happy.

"You son of a bitch! This is how you get your revenge on Traci?" he snarled.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Fuckhead!" I snapped back at him. "Traci and I have been divorced for over seven years. She's had three kids with Dickhead and married him. And Karen came to me, not the other way around!"

Jerry sat down in a kitchen chair, looking defeated, while the noise in the living room continued on at a good level.

"I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but Karen and I have been friends with benefits since she split from Dave. Since nobody thought Karen could get pregnant, we never used protection. This just happened.

"No, we're not getting married, but I care for Karen very much, and I intend to be every bit the father to this child that I am to Jeremy and Sandy."

"Then I guess I need to shut my stupid mouth and congratulate you two," he said as he stood up, shook my hand, and then pulled me in for a manly hug.

"Wait, I have the perfect way to celebrate this," he said, reaching up into his liquor cabinet above his refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of 18-year-old single malt and poured each of us a shot. He led me back into the living room, and suddenly the room got quiet again. Everybody was looking at the two of us.

"L'chaim!" Jerry exclaimed.

The noise resumed. We clinked shot glasses softly, then sipped the scotch. You don't throw an 18-year-old single malt down your throat, regardless of the occasion.

It was amazing how fast my stock grew among the family. Despite the fact that Traci cheated on me, I was still the bad guy for not letting her do her "good deed" and getting the divorce all those years ago, but suddenly, I was a hero for accidentally knocking up Karen. The irony wasn't lost on me.

I saved up my vacation and admin times and used them for Karen's doctor appointments and stuff like that. And when they decided to do a C-section on her a little early at 34 weeks, I was in the room with her. Knowing that I was involved in a miracle buoyed my spirits, and I handled all the childbirth stuff as easily as I had in my 20s when Traci had our two.

Miracle Wyatt Platt was perfect, beautiful, and healthy when he came into the world on July 18, 2019, at 10:22 a.m. I didn't think about it at the time, but just before I closed my eyes and went to sleep that night, I wondered about what Dave had to be thinking about me having a son with Karen. Call me a cruel bastard, but I smiled inside as I drifted off.

Between my older two and the baby, life, in general, was pretty full and happy for me. Karen and I still spent our weekends together, although she went on the pill after Miracle was born. We both agreed one was enough.

Two more years passed by, and I was happy with my life as it was, but you know women; they just have to tinker in a man's life. At that point, I hadn't been out on an actual date since Karen and I became a duo almost four years ago, and I wasn't looking for a woman. Apparently, however, Karen was looking for a woman -- for me. Just before taking Miracle home on a Sunday evening, Karen said we needed to talk, so we sat down in the living room while Miracle played on the floor in front of us. She looked more than a little nervous, and I started to get a bad feeling that my happy life was about to change.

"I know we've gotten past the part I played in your divorce all those years ago, but I still feel like I owe you for that. So next Friday night, you're going on a date with a friend of mine -- a co-worker, actually."

I started to protest, but she gave me the stop sign hand, so I shut up and listened.

"Roger, you've become my absolute go-to person in the world -- my best friend, my lover, my child's father. I love you ... but I'm not in love with you, not in that way. But you are absolutely husband material for the right woman ... and after looking for the past few years, I think I've found her for you.

"I've looked long and hard, and I never wasted your time asking you to go on dates with women I thought might be good for you. But I've known this woman for 10 years. I've seen her deal with a lot of life's worst situations, including the death of her husband to cancer seven years ago, and she's shown me the same thing you've shown me -- a tremendous strength of character. She finally started dating again just last year, and I think the two of you would be a great fit. She knows about our relationship, but I've told her, like I am telling you now, that I would gladly step out of the way for you two ... providing I could still stay a part of both of your lives as a friend."

Karen had tears in her eyes as she finished speaking. I had tears in my eyes.

"I can't make you any promises, Babe, but I'll do my best," I whispered.

Sherry Langford was everything Karen said she was ... and more, much more. At 48, she was two years older than me, but I would have guessed she was five years younger than me. She had flawless mocha-colored skin, the result of an English father and an African-American mother, shoulder-length dark brown hair, a pretty face, and a toned hourglass figure that screamed out "gym rat."

I took her to a good Italian restaurant a couple of towns over. Over the three courses of the meal, she told me most of her story and I told her most of mine. She was incredibly easy to talk to and talked like a very smart person. Maybe because she knew me so well, Karen had somehow found what my soul had been missing since I left Traci.

Within three dates, I knew Sherry was right for me, and I think she felt that I was right for her. I explained to Karen that we needed to end the sexual part of our relationship, and she smiled back at me with a smug look that said, "I told you so." We still got together from time to time -- we were still great friends and shared a child -- but she no longer spent the night.

We were married a year later in a small ceremony. She was given away by her son, John, who not only became my stepson but also a trusted friend. And for my best man ... well, she was actually a woman. It just seemed right that Karen was by my side.

Sherry completely understood my friendship with Karen, considering she was another close friend of Karen's, and the three of us often did things together, especially kid things with Miracle. "Sherry-Mom" quickly became one of my son's favorite people.

I'm not saying life was perfect, but we were pretty happy and I had few complaints ... except with a certain Social Studies teacher of Miracle's in fifth grade, who gave my kid a failing grade on his genealogy project. Seems she had a little problem following Miracle's tree. Hell, I'm living it, and I have trouble following it.

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Cerebus0444Cerebus04449 days ago

I’m glad he did divorce her, and not let things simmer. Every reader saw the female babies coming. Glad it had a happy ending. Nice job.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Wow immature babies are not trophies there going to need a lot of psychological help wen they hit the teens this is one fuck up-family of weirdos

Soulquencher69Soulquencher692 months ago

I guess I get why Karen and Roger didn't fall in love. They really should have. For their own but Especially for Miracle's sake.

Roger should have had a heart to heart with MIL. Find out why she didn't think he was good enough. At least Roger didn't punch out FIL in his own home.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Since from 19 days ago is stupid (and cheap with the stars) I'll give 5 stars. Anyone with half a brain knows age doesn't have to define a person or a couple. Thanks Hooked.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You made the guy settle for an old woman again .

One star

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Bit of a bullshit story. Who waits to serve the wife planning to make you a cuck. I know it’s a story and your rules etc. but come on…

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Why didn't the dumb fuck have her served BEFORE she fucked Dave? Think that might have gotten her attention? Tired of stories that rely on flawed premises.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Seems like Traci got exactly what she wanted. Two sets of kids paid for by men and one set looked after by another woman, on top of that she got a husband with a big dick.

Karen got what she wanted, a child of her own, and a male one at that. So two big fingers to her big dicked ex.

I don't know what Dave got to smile about. 3 female children to pay for and a definite sense of shame and failure the likes of which drove King Henry VIII to have his wives executed.

The MC, well he got the shame of being a cuckold and for sets of child support payments. OH, and an older WIFE because you just know that's what every middle aged man is just desperate to have.

WelshGent21WelshGent218 months ago

Miracles family tree sounds as complicated as my brothers family tree! His sperm donor is married to our stepfather's sister, his sperm donors sister was married to our mothers brother, lol! My brother and me don't share a sperm donor!

InfosaugerInfosauger9 months ago

There are two parts I would have changed:

1) „… We want Karen and Dave's child to be conceived in love”

My change: “So you and Dave are already in love? I didn’t know you fell out of love with me and now are in love with Dave. Otherwise, how could this child be conceived in love if you don’t love him and it would be only sex?”

2) "I would think that the father of your next grandchild should be here for the announcement," Karen said icily.

My Change: “Well, it seems Traci can easily be breed by any male with a hard-on. Karen on the other hand needs a really loving man to be get pregnant. Dave seems to just stick his big tool in for an easy fuck and that was all that was necessary for Traci to get pregnant. However, I made love to Karen and that did the work pretty fast. So, dear MIL, you wanted the children conceived in love? It seems that Daves children were conceived by fucking and only my children are really conceived in love!”

nixroxnixrox9 months ago

3 stars - I know that after reading about 1000 LW stories on this website, you begin to notice how they all seem to blend together.

This one is a bit different, and it also stretched the credibility thread to its absolute limit - But I like it.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196912 months ago

Traci and Dickhead didn't pay enough of a price. otherwise it was good as usual. Married into a clusterfuck of a family though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 Stars as I married a blind date . I am so glad that I divorced her for cheating on Me

tsgtcapttsgtcaptabout 1 year ago

Great story, except the stupid ending... thanks.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 year ago

Hey at least this time the protagonist ends up with a woman who is ONLY 2 years older than him. Maybe some day Hooked will write them at the same age, or god forbid, even younger. LOL.

orion2bear2orion2bear2over 1 year ago

What wife would throw away her marriagefor bullshit excuse baby conceived in love

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

Interesting story and lives. BUT, so silly as they could have done invitro with any woman or even taken 1 of Traci's eggs and his sperm and implanted it into anyone. However, Roger now has another son, Karen has a son and all involved are part-time parents. Also, why is Karen stuck with the other 3 girls? She isn't a biological parent to any of them, just leave them with Traci and dickhead.

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

His ex is pregnant with someone else’s baby and one night he ends up banging her because “Hey I’m human” I don’t think that’s the way you spell ‘moron’.

So then he’s starts banging the ex SIL? Conveniently forgetting she was one of the perpetrators of a conspiracy against him…no, just…NO.

Martyr2002Martyr2002over 1 year ago

Bit of a wacky one, but hey at least you ended it ok.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I agree this is a fucked up story.

Cracker270Cracker270over 1 year ago

Good story, well told. Thank you.

FenixreignFenixreignover 1 year ago

Solid story. I thought the impregnating the ex-SIL was a bit cliché, but at least the relationship started as a drunken, one-time thing and not as intentional, premeditated revenge. Schadenfreude (man, German has some amazing words that cannot be done justice when directly translated to English) doesn’t require vengeance. They both took advantage of a situation that neither sought. That is the very definition of karmic justice as I interpret it. And since many believe that karma tends to pay back more than invested, the divorce made Roger’s actions karmically neutral, the sexual relationship with Karen made them “even”, the pregnancy and gender were the karmic “lessons”, with the gender hitting extra hard on Mike (I wish you had included a small bit from Karen’s, Mike’s, or Traci’s POV answering for us — the audience — the questions Mike wonders about at the end) since his family’s name (not the lineage, sorry but so many males still don’t get that. I am not saying that the author feels the way Mike does, but it is an attitude that still seems prevalent among many males, especially from those descended from areas where the separation of social classes were/are strongly enforced) would not continue through his offspring. Mike going 0 for 3 on children after his schadenfreude over Roger’s near-powerlessness to save his marriage, and the Roger going 1 for 1 with the woman Mike discarded after her unlucky draw regarding reproduction was the extra “lesson” — though I doubt he (Mike) learned it — the cheaters deserved. I also would have liked Traci and Karen to be a bit more realistic regarding Roger’s voiced concerns. Maybe even a companion piece from Traci’s POV involving her talking first to Karen, then the two of them approaching Mike who subsequently convinces them not to alter “the plan”, but somewhere in-between where Traci and/or Karen acknowledge Roger’s concerns. Then after talking with Mike, Traci coming back to Roger with Mike’s arguments and THEN putting her foot down. In a truly healthy and loving marriage — which is hinted at Traci and Mike enjoying before the story — both partners would at least hear out and give consideration to the other’s concerns and/or arguments.

- I have to disagree about Roger (the MC) or Karen (the SIL) being a “slut” — yes males can be sluts as much or more so than females, especially since males tend to get celebrated for their sexual conquests as opposed to being shunned or shamed like females tend to be. First, after her husband had unapproved extramarital sex with Traci (the ex-wife), he violated the spirit — not just the letter — of his (likely) vows. That voids the (verbal) contract and she is no longer bound to keep to her end, basically making her single awaiting government recognition. Second, having a sexual relationship outside of a romantic relationship doesn’t make one a “slut” either, especially since it was inferred that Roger and Karen were not only committed, but even monogamous. She was looking for a long-term romantic partner for him. He did not seem to be looking to “move on”. Many couples in their 40s, that have been married for long periods find themselves in similar circumstances where the all-consuming love paired with unabashed lust from early in the relationship has given way to love paired with the comfort that comes with unchanging familiarity. Third, we had no indication that ANY of the characters had “slut” periods that are not detailed here, where there are strings of anonymous partners or most other “slutty” behaviors.

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Perfect way to handle the bitch wife in the “natural” insemination story. Having a son was the perfect slap in the face to the cheating wife and brother in law.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A delight.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

ah, "i love you but I'm not IN LOVE with you...but I'll let you bang me enough to knock me up, ex-brother-in-law..."

A family of sluts, plain and simple. And dumb at that. The gender of a child is based solely on whether the man provides the Y chromosome. Dude should know if he has that capability or not.

Moreover, I don't give a flying fuck if someone can't get pregnant on their own. Sucks to be you, is how I feel. There's adoption, foster kids, finding someone in the family who doesn't want, can't take care of one or more of theirs. Fucking my wife for a kid is not something I would accept. NOR would I want to compound my mistake by fucking a relative of that bitch. YUCK!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Appreciate the gentle humour as I do those who fail to see it for what it is. Fice super stars.

Arinderk75Arinderk75almost 2 years ago

I, also, had trouble following the story. Too much of a cluster-fuck.

secretsalsecretsalalmost 2 years ago

Not sure what's funnier - that his friends would shun him for not wanting his wife to carry a full-term pregnancy for another guy (even in vitro), or that he would actually be thrilled to have a child with Karen and be dragged back into that psycho family.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 2 years ago

Maybe he should have a negociated a one and done pre-nup. Where after she was pregnant the first time, if she ever had sex outside the marriage she would lose everything including custody of her kids. So they wouldn't get to play him like they had planned and eventually did.

Or maybe charge for his wife's services. :-)

He obviously didn't have a great divorce lawyer and was too wimpy to get the facts out there. Divorce for adultry and make it very public.

And why he would have started up with the sister after her betrayal too. Way too forgiving.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hey, if they want to have a baby conceived in love, maybe all of the other males in the family should try to get Kathy pregnant.

After all, it's OK because it's to make a baby, right?

Or maybe should see about a nice human interest story. Wouldn't the local media just love to cover a story where Traci loves her sister so much she deigns to let Karen's husband fuck her repeatedly so she can give them a child...?

Oh, Traci's husband is against her doing that? Well, how insensitive can you be - after all, the whole rest of the family sees nothing wrong with it.

OlFrog14xOlFrog14xabout 2 years ago

Karen must have a REALLY bad attorney to get stuck with custodyof all three daughters if she didn't want them!!

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 2 years ago

Upon reading the story a second time several singular thoughts stand out to me: how unbelievably stupid and ridiculous the story is and how incredibly stupid most of the readers are who give this story such a high score. I see all these comment s about “ good revenge “.


What the fuck are you morons reading? There was NO revenge here at all. Getting a Divorce is the bare minimum thing to do here.


After Traci is engaging in this false pregnancy but actual long-term sexual affair with Dave why does he have sex with her one more time? Tis makes no sense at all and actually increases the strength and resolve of Tracy because she is now thinking that husband is accepting this. THIS IS NEVER EXPLAINED… except perhaps well the husband has a dick and therefore like all men he simply incapable of controlling himself around tits and pussy,


SECOND - The husband correctly deduces and Tracy later admits to this that she will continue Fuck Dave until a son is produced. This is the KEY POINT of the matter since it shows that this is really just a sexual Affair and has nothing to do with getting pregnant and producing a boy for Dave and karen


Yet In the initial family meeting on page 1 all the adults are giving a husband hell for not allowing this . Yet h the husband never raises this key point - whether or not he is SUPPOSE to have a legitimate say in this decision? As a hypothetical and as a person married to Tracy Do the other adult members in the family think that the husband should he or should he not have a say before the decision was made?.


Yes ort no. Simple question


THIRD.-- after the divorce WHY is the Husband STILL letting Traci set the narrative? After all this time how is he not telling everybody including Tracy's friends what she actually did? why does it become a surprise that nobody else knows about the real truth until he finally says something ?


FOURTH why doesn't this wimp pathetic pussy cuck ass loser husband say anything to other adults in the family when Traci keeps getting pregnant by Dave and NOT stopping and NOT producing any male offspring ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This author remains completely off the wall……..no way the MC and Karen would not have bonded. Nothing magical about love…..always follows a deep friendship that includes sex with two people that respect one another and after many years together trust would complete the picture. But the author NEEDS diversity so brings in an African American………..so ridiculous an effort. R. H.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 2 years ago

At a second read I still like this, the only thing I dislike is the ending, Karen setting him up ? No

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

What a load of convoluted nonsense

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

What a load of convoluted nonsense

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like this story but for me I would have had the kids living with me because the kids would have noticed their mother sleeping where they'll uncle that would be confusing for the children

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like the story before me I would have to take the kids and live with me

rn2711rn2711over 2 years ago

Good story, thank you.

OdessaLesOdessaLesover 2 years ago

Good story well written. What was Roger thinking having sex with Traci during her six (6) month of pregnancy. After all the hurt and bullshit he still couldn’t resist. But at least he stood his ground and divorced the piece of dog shit. What about Dave, no ass whipping. I guess Dave and Traci lived happily ever after. To be blunt, Traci’s entire family was fucked up. A total bunch of morons.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Where's the payback? He gets cuckold and Dave gets his wife. Further, he's pushed aside by the family for disagreeing. TERRIBLE! Yes, his having a bit is a small bit of karma, but nowhere near what should have occurred. Plus, what about his own kids feeling. No justice here!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

Read it again! This is such a good story. It runs the range of emotions and leaves me very happy for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why would he want anything to do with Karen? I don't care if Dave and Traci "broke her heart" she was one of the three people who betrayed him and fucked up his life. Just a terrible ending to the story.

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