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More than Life Itself

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Flash story. Was she cheating?
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Somehow I wasn't prepared for the blood; it's so red, so warm, the way it squirts out; there's so much blood!

Yvette and I were childhood sweethearts, we had married soon after school. Three kids raised and gone.

I sat next to Yvette and watched Steve Hammond bleed out.

"Look what you made me do Yvette. This is all your fault. Look what you made me do!"

Yvette looked at me with pleading eyes, struggling against the duct tape securing her to the dining room chair. I could tell that she was screaming into the gag.

"You know that I always mean what I say. I told you that I loved you more than life itself and I really meant it. When I found out that you were leaving me, my life ended - literally. So if I'm already dead; what's to stop me getting revenge on lover boy here?"

It was less than a week since I'd found out about Yvette and Steve; less than a week since my world collapsed. One week ago I was so happy; coming up to my 50th birthday: good job, lovely house, gorgeous wife; and then I noticed Yvette secretly texting.

She'd always been very open with her phone (her passcode was our wedding anniversary); suddenly she was guarding it, and when I did grab it (while she was in the shower), her passcode was changed. I asked her why she had changed her passcode and she had blown up at me about invading her privacy.

Even taped to a chair with her mascara running down her face; Yvette still looked lovely. She was still dressed as I had found her when I burst into the bedroom. Red bra panties and suspenders, black stocking, high heels.

I'd stood outside the door listening to them discussing which heels made her legs look longest, which bra made her breasts look fullest. I'd stood there until I couldn't take any more.

"You didn't expect me home so early - I know, I've read the texts." She snapped around and stared at me, realization showed in her eyes.

"Yes that's right, I got into your phone and read all the texts between you and your lover!" The horrified look was replaced with sadness and she shook her head.

"It's too late to deny it, look". I grabbed her phone and cruelly wrenching her thumb up, presented it to the button; the phone unlocked.

"Look at your last message you cheating whore!"

'Steve, everything is ready, come around at 4:00 PM and help me pick sexy Lingerie, I feel so naughty. Don't worry, we will have plenty of time, Mike doesn't get home until 8:00. It's been so cold, I can't believe that tomorrow I'll be leaving and we'll be flying off to the sunshine. Then it will be Sex on The Beach time :)!' Yvette hangs her head and sobbed.

The shock on their faces when I'd burst into the bedroom. Steve was sitting on MY bed playing with the catch at the back of Yvette's suspender belt.

"What the F..." I smacked him around the head with the barrel of my Glock 17; he fell to the floor dazed. Yvette screamed.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP YVETTE AND KNEEL ON THE FLOOR!" I grabbed a discarded pair of panties off the bed and shoved them in her mouth. Then I secured it in place with duct tape. She was screaming through the gag and tried to grab me so I put the gun to her head. When she calmed down, I taped her hands together, led her downstairs and secured her to a chair.

I dragged Steve downstairs by his feet. His head banging on each step. It took some effort to tape the unconscious bastard to a chair. There was no going back.

Last Tuesday night; as soon as she started snoring, I got her phone and used her thumb to unlock it. That's when I found the texts from Steve;

'How does the new bra fit?'

'What kind of question is that for a gentleman to ask :o?'

'You know I'm NOT a gentleman :p!'

'OK - since you've already seen it all' the whore had sent a selfie in front of the mirror wearing just a red bra and panties. I'd seen enough, I'll teach the cheating bitch!

Last night, I'd checked the text again. It was much worse than I'd imagined; she was going to leave me the day after my birthday! The whore was looking forward to fucking him on a beach somewhere.

Once Steve was secured to the chair, I got out a craft knife. I carefully fitted a new blade. Yvette's desperately pulled against the tape.

"Don't worry honey, this is not for you. I want you to live with this memory. You should have realized that there would be consequences to your cheating. You get to watch your lover slowly die!" and with that, I sliced his right carotid artery. I jumped back - I hadn't expected it to come out like a firehose!

I was surprised how quickly he bled to death.

"Sorry Yvette, you'll never get to have sex on the beach with your lover, and we'll never grow old together." I put the Glock in my mouth and pulled the trigger.


"SURPRISE! Happy Fiftieth Birthday!"

At 8:15 PM the door flew open and twenty of our family and friends burst in with balloons, streamers popping. As the smoke and streamers settled, the screaming started. Steve's husband and fellow party organizer ran to his side, cradled his head and sobbed.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

She created the problem, she lives with the results. Actions have consequences. Thoughts have consequences. Words have consequences.

willyk1212willyk12122 months ago

o wow didnt see that coming 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It felt too forced. He'd really murder the guy and then kill himself without letting them get any word in? That's just too convenient not to mention stupid. Good try though.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

For some clueless commenters, last line shows Steve was gay. The husband read to many LW BTB stories that rotted his mind and instead of confrontation to clear the air, he killed Steve and committed suicide. Yvette will never be the same. Feel sad for her. Not the MC as he was a maniac. Why is this not rated higher?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

First read, I thought she was leaving her husband. then having read another comment, I realized she was planning a trip with her husband and the so-called lover was helping her....

James G 5James G 5over 1 year ago

Surprise parties & April Fools jokes are bad ideas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is the one anonymous asking about the last line really that fucking stupid?

And not even gay men should be in a wife's bedroom with her half naked. Stupid bastard! Stupid bitch!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Steve's husband and fellow party organizer ran to his side, cradled his head and sobbed. What does this line even mean?

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Sorry but I saw that coming a mile away. Theres a couple others along the same line so this was pretty clear.

SyzyguySyzyguyabout 2 years ago

Neat final twist; you don't need to say any more. Thank you.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 3 years ago

A great, but, evil story.

QuintiusQuintiusabout 3 years ago
This reminds me...

... of an old episode from the show Tales From the Crypt called, "Three's a Crowd". Same sort of premise, turned out at the very end the wife wasn't having an affair, she was planning a surprise party. The MC killed his wife in that, though. Still, interesting concept and the way his emotions were portrayed were well done. Good job.

MightyheartMightyheartover 3 years ago

Nice twists but 5he end is too dark for a misunderstanding tale

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

I had forgotten this little gem. That really was a surprise for everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Clever. Bloody clever.

This is a great story revealing how many of the "readers" have no reading comprehension!

HarryVA blames the author because HarryVA can't understand a clearly written story.

pugetman thought the author meant Steve's wife.

gingerhunter asks -- What happened when Mike learned he had killed his truly loving and faithful wife?


gingerhuntergingerhunterabout 4 years ago
There's more to this story

What happened when Mike learned he had killed his truly loving and faithful wife?

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I read it again...

...and it is still top shelf. You know, gay or not, I don't get the whole "My gay friend gets to see me naked." thing. I mean, maybe he doesn't want any of it, but it still isn't right. I can understand the husband getting the wrong idea.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Part 2?

Could we see a point of view from Yvette's side and the aftermath of the murder/suicide disaster?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Nice story with a twist- however, some guys are bi-sexual and the wife shouldn't be undressing and showing off in front of men in the bedroom without your knowledge. Also wouldn't he have to pre-plan some time off work to leave the next day with her? And who has a party with a late night and clean-up, expecting a morning flight? Story doesn't fully work as presented. I guess the other guy was a party planner/ travel guide/ bra salesman. Unusual but deadly combination apparently.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

So if I reread correctly,

you’re a rocket scientist?

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 5 years ago
So if I reread

It’s entirely possible the guy was gay and helping her look better for her husband......

Jetcrash747Jetcrash747over 5 years ago
A very confusing story.

This tale had a great plot, but the most glaring statement is: 'OK - since you've already seen me naked' the whore had sent a selfie in front of the mirror wearing just a red bra and pants. I'd seen enough, I'll teach the cheating bitch! When did the wife pose naked in the story? Was this just a deranged husband jumping to conclusions from his wife's photo in front of the mirror. it needs a rewrite to be any good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Looked like a duck

Quacked like a duck.

Sadly, Mike fupped duck. 😉

A_BierceA_Bierceover 5 years ago
Upon third reading, first two confirmed

This is brilliant, a perfect response to the "It's not what it looks like" trope and BTB zealots.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Miscommunication and lack of communication are lazy plot devices. Poe? Not even close!

Oh, if he had just let her explain. Oh, if she hadn't changed her phone password. Oh, if the wife had just started shouting her explanation when he burst into the room and began beating her supposed lover. His life and future for a few words, miscommunicated, or left unspoken. Oh, what a shame.

At least there won't be much brains to clean off the ceiling.

You have great potential. I hope you develop it.

Thomas_MaloryThomas_Maloryover 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you thecarolinadreamer

thecarolinadreamer is right! I'm very new to this. Does anyone know how to make a correction?

"They are a bad author" - who?

Sorry about the "Nome de plume" - blame my parents.

Harryin VA - I wish my stories were as good as yours

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
No Pugetman...

Steve was gay and married. Yvette was planning a party and vacation with her hubby not her gay friend. Duh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I'm not much of a fan of killing, let alone oneself.

This is really a pretty dark story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

So this is more like a homage to Edgar A. Poe than that "Forevermore" crap story Thomas.

Much better 🎭 dramatic action and horror at the irredeemable error of his actions.

Good job Thomas _Mallory.


P. S. You probably should drop this nomdeplume because you really attract a lot of critics when your writing can't carry the weight. Just a thought 😉

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
I didn't

I didn't catch it until the end. I have not seen anything like this before in LW, and I can appreciate your twisted imagination. It really wasn't what it looked like. Who whouda thunk it. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
too confusing

A little more info would dispel the feeling of "Am I missing something?" that any NORMAL reader may encounter.


etchiboyetchiboyover 5 years ago
Two thumbs up

Or, rather — 5-stars

pugetmanpugetmanover 5 years ago
Presumably meant “Steve’s wife” or else ...

... there’s a lot more to the story that we don’t know. Nice final scene though — well-wishers bursting in on what they thought was a surprise party, but finding a love triangle/murder suicde instead.

Yvette might have a hard time living this down.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 5 years ago
Different--Very Different!

An excellent story with a few mistakes. Ex: He found text from Mike, but according to Yvette's "Oh God, Mike, its not what it looks like." he is Mike, so who is she sending the sexy pictures to--the gay guy?

I gave you a 4!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I liked it.

Keep writing

silentsoundsilentsoundover 5 years ago

I picked up on it quickly and it is definitely a dark tale.

His outraged response is very plausible. Crimes of passion are very real.

I do have to wonder at the wisdom of a wife behaving that way with any man, homosexual or not, and why it never occurred to her just how bad her behavior would be viewed by anyone not in the know.

Good but terrible story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 5 years ago
Sad tail.

The mind can play tricks, work on a person, and create a self-perpetuating fiction. I haven't been there, but I do get it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

LOL. He killed a flag.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 5 years ago
I liked it, very sad

Nice twist.

HikingThruHikingThruover 5 years ago
one nit...

I got it, but would/should a woman ask a gay man to help select a woman's lingerie? He should have zero experience or interest, no? Still, a different take on "it's not how it looks."

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