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My Corruption Pt. 01

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An alien woman calls to me in my dreams...
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 02/02/2024
Created 02/01/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


I knew everything was going to change the day we found the alien's corpse, fossilised. I just had not realised quite the extent to which that was going to be true.

The labs were underground -- the kind of job I would never have taken unless I was desperate but, well...that's exactly the position I'd been in back when I'd started there. I'd worked there for several years, digging into the findings of archaeological sites and the like, weird artefacts that were dug up.

Apparently, we were working for the government -- and that meant we had to stay on site too in attached dorms where, blessedly, I did at least have my own room. The accommodation was pretty basic, however, and I didn't spend much time in the mornings checking my reflection in the cracked mirror in my small bathroom. There was only a shower in there too and, really, I could have done with a long, hot soak in the bath.

My hair had grown longer and it felt like it had been a long time since I'd had it cut, the dark brown strands curling around my ears. It itched and tickled but I just didn't have the time to go off site to get it trimmed, not when there was so much going on there.

I hadn't believed they'd found a fossilised alien, but I was permitted to see it too and, looked just like that. The bone structure seemed foreign and there was an imprint of the exoskeleton in the hard mud around it too, wickedly hooked claws suggesting a predatory species. The head was huge and elongated and the ribcage didn't seem as we'd have expected for a creature of Earth -- especially not with that long tail strung out through the fossil, some of the vertebra missing.

But fossils were very rarely pure and complete, which we already knew from examining the fossils of dinosaurs, where the bones were fossilised and the imprints, tracks and the like, were much the same in other substances. There were many ways to read fossils, though the government rarely developed into them in my department. No, we focused on extraterrestrial activity, though it kept me engaged and entertained, always wondering what it was exactly we were going to be looking at next.

I pored over the writing, digitally transcribed -- though we could never be sure, when it was not in its pure form, whether it was accurate. Part of my role was to decipher it and I leaned over the table where I was working, a beaker bubbling away over a Bunsen burner a short distance away, corroding a sample that had been found at the site. At least, if it corroded, it would tell us something of the type of metal that from the site around the fossil. Every little thing was a piece of a much larger puzzle, after all.

"Did you see what they've made?"

Another scientist (I think his name was Jameson?) grinned, leaning on the doorframe. He never seemed to do all that much there, but, well...some people just seemed to get away with things like that.

"No, what?"

"The clone, man, the clone," he said, spreading his hands out wide. "They really did it! The team... Ah, come on, you'll have to come see it."

So, I followed him, sceptical, not really sure what I was going to see in the end there. I didn't really think anyone would have managed to clone anything, especially if we were still talking about the alien remains we were investigating.

And there I was, forced to eat my words as I paused before the containment chamber, set up with strong, metal bars. She stood in an eerie blue light, but she was not quite like the fossil. She was more defined than that.

No... She stood taller than me with blue-grey skin that differed in shade across her body. Her arms stretched out to either side with an almost reptilian-amphibian gleam to them, her skin pulled taut over them as if she would have been able to walk on them. They reminded me something of a pterodactyl's wings, purely in how they bent, though they were arms and not wings, very definitely.

My eyes ran down her body as she stood there, her head long and elongated with a long horn-like protrusion, just one, rising from the back of her head. Her jaws were extended and parted, teeth on show, though they were small and neat, lining her mouth and making me recall the fish-eating dinosaurs I'd seen in books before. Plesiosaurs or something like that?

Ah, much of my younger years had been spent obsessing over dinosaurs, to be fair. But they were an easy thing for me to compare the alien to as I took in her chest, the ridges there, as if plates were layered over one another, running down to the smooth, tucked-up flesh of her lower stomach. Yet that was not quite right either, for in the blue light I'd missed that the ridges on her neck and upper chest melded into something that looked like mammalian breasts.

They just didn't seem at home on her body, not even as she tipped her head and surveyed him. The breasts were small and stretched, not like a human woman's breasts -- but she was very different from that, of course. She was never meant to be human and perhaps that was why I was instantly infatuated by her, captured by her eerie beauty.

And then there were her strong hind legs, her skin pulling taut over muscle. She stood on two legs, facing the front of the chamber, something beeping above her, though I merely supposed that was monitoring her vital signs. They had all kinds of tech at the facility, most of which I didn't get to use.

She had a long, twisting, prehensile tail too, which seemed to balance her as she tipped forward, standing as if on her toes with enormous claws hooking down to scrape into the metal floor. It didn't seem a very comfortable cage for her, but a cage was never meant to be comfortable.


I exhaled as she shifted. If not for the subtle rise and fall of her chest and the gleam of intelligent life in her forward-facing eyes, I might have thought someone was playing a trick on me. But she was alive, very clearly so, even if my mind grappled with the reality of it.

"Is it female?" I asked, realising no one had told me the alien's sex, I had just assumed. "How... What..."

Jameson shrugged, crossing his arms, surprisingly nonchalant about the whole thing.

"Dunno, does it matter? They cloned a fucking alien!"

And so they had. We had, kind of. For it was all of our work going into the research that came to a head in the alien's presence, her head held high, looking down at us.

Looking down at me.

I couldn't stay there, not with her, for my work was elsewhere -- but they didn't seem to tighten up security around the cloned alien's cage either. I slept fitfully when I rested, always wanting to return to her, though I put that down to my own fascination with an alien.

Or was she not really an alien if she had been cloned? The nuances of that were impossible to say and I didn't worry about it too much. Even as she slipped into my dreams.

I saw her walk, in my dreams, her movement fluid and subtle, commanding the land around her. In my dreams, she was free, not caged, and my heart pulled for her.

Was it right that she was in a cage? There was intelligence in her eyes and a caution to how she held her body... I didn't know if what we were doing down there in the lab was right. But I studied the texts we found too, getting my hands on the originals and even stone slabs that came from the very location the alien fossil had been originally extracted from. I could only imagine just how damaged the fossilised remains would be after all that had been done to them.

But that was not my call. I didn't tell anyone of my dreams, especially as they turned...well... Well, they weren't the kind of dream I was going to readily relay to anyone else, let's put it that way. But they were my dreams, standing nude before her in a barren landscape, her tail curling around my body to draw me in closer to her.

Maybe that's where I was supposed to be. But...I wanted her, my heart pounding, something leaping and twisting that I could not put a name to in my chest.

In my dream, though I only knew it was a dream when I woke, heart leaping, chest tightening, my stomach lurching with raw, powerful need, she moved over me. I folded back to the ground as if it was nothing at all, as if the moment was just right for us to be together. My need pooled hotly in my crotch and my shaft rose to hard attention, swelling up big and full, the length of my cock tingling.

I needed her and she needed me -- at least, that was what I thought. Her tail curled almost possessively around my ankle and, of course, I was naked, though the rugged, rough terrain we were in didn't seem like anything I'd ever seen before. Maybe it was what my mind thought was her home planet and yet I didn't want to be there, the cold chill of fear seeping down my spine as I moaned and she pressed a large claw right down in the centre of my chest.

"Oof... Why..."

I breathed the word but there was no question behind it, not really, not as something hot and wet closed around my cock. With a jolt I realised she was riding me, her sex closing around my shaft as she rose and fell on my length, taking me.

And I didn't know if I wanted to be there or not, confusing feelings swirling back and forth, even in the dream. My cock wanted to be inside her, that much was certain -- but she was an alien! How could I ever have wanted something like that?

Her raw power rolled over me, controlling me, dominating me. Her tail latched on to my leg with a vindictive tightness, closing on me as I struggled, grunting under her. But the alien didn't seem to want to let me go that easily and I groaned, twisting, rocking, but that only seemed to drive my cock into her even more firmly.

She roared -- and then I woke, sweat dampening the sheets around me, which twisted around my body, my legs all tangled up in the sheets. For a moment, I fought like I had to get free, but...I was okay. I was safe.

It was a shame my mind didn't really believe that.

I avoided going to see the alien, still referring to them as "her" as no one else had told me if they were or were not female. Others still went down, but I just couldn't, my trepidation of her and my dreams building more and more with every passing day. Enveloping myself in my work, I sought to decipher the stone tablets, disappearing into the very thing that my mind was still so caught up in.

They didn't stop my dreams, however, not as I was carried, on feet light in the dream world, to the aliens' cage. I didn't want to me there, though I at least had on my nightclothes that time, just a loose pair of pyjamas, my feet bare, toes curling coldly.

Huh... It was strange that I could feel cold in the dream, like that. Usually hot and cold sensations came with my emotional mood, yet I tried not to think too much about the dreams when I was awake. They were just too disturbing, this twisted attraction to the alien nothing that I wanted to delve into. I'd certainly made up my mind on that.

But there I was, standing before the alien's cage again and shaking my head. She swayed her tail back and forth, the end couple of feet curling and uncurling, drawing my eye.

"Why am I here?" I said, without really hearing the words coming from my lips. "What do you want with me?"

She crooned, a clacking sound emanating from her maw, though I had no idea how she was able to make such a sound. Could she understand me? Or maybe it was the dream conveying more than I was ready to take in the moment, trying to apply meaning to something that really didn't need anything more being made of it at all.

I watched as she slid her tail through the bars, my eyes casually roaming her body, though my heart leapt and jumped, all jittery and juddery in my chest. An electric thrill shot through me the moment her tail brushed my arm, sliding down from my biceps to the crook of my elbow.


It seemed even more real than it had in the other dreams but, still, my mind did not realise what was happening. I was too tired, too sleep deprived, wavering as she curled her tail around my wrist and pulled my arm forward.

I tugged back against her, but the alien, undoubtedly, was too strong for me, pulling my hand forward as it brushed the metal of the bars. The cold nip of them chilled me and gave me pause, but I was no longer in control.

Perhaps I'd never truly been in control.

Her tail tightened, a little ridged, guiding my hand to her breasts, though the multiple ones layered down her body, six in total. Even though they were not all that big, I traced my fingers over them, edging a spot that looked like a nipple, but it was not pert at all, didn't stand out, but I still explored it, under her guidance.

She moved my hand up and down and I shuddered, torn between arousal and horror, blinking again. Something felt wrong... It didn't feel like a dream anymore, no... It felt too real for that.

Wait a moment...

I sucked in a breath and pulled back hard against her tail, but the alien wasn't having any of it, forcing me to explore her. Her eyes bored into me, darkening to a rich, penetrating blue, as if they were piercing into my very soul, and I gasped, my chest tight, fear clawing at me.

Oh no...

"Please... No..."

My cock ached, heat warming me through -- but that didn't even feel like it was real anymore! It wasn't because of me, no, not because of any attraction I may or may not have held, but it was there, even if it did not feel like it belonged to me. It was as if someone, or something, had implanted the notion of attraction in my head, allowing me to feel everything that went along with it without wholly buying into the sense of need.

My body was no longer my own, not as the alien made me grope her breasts, a sharp, squeezing pinch of her tail catching a pressure point on my wrist that made my fingers tense and clench. I squeezed her breast inadvertently and let out a low croon that didn't quite seem quite right coming from her maw, it was too tender.

But I didn't want tender, not as I trembled -- not in revulsion, but fear for what was to come. How could I even tell what it was the alien wanted me to do when my heart was pounding so heavily, sucking in short, sharp needy breaths, though they did not feed my lungs the oxygen they truly needed.

It wasn't a dream anymore and I moaned, shaking my head, wondering if I should scream, if there was anyone there, in the lab in the dead of night, who could even hear me. Someone could have been working late...

Yet the moment the thought entered my mind, it was gone. It slipped away, just like that, and I blinked, reaching for the idea again. Even though I knew I had thought about shouting for help, about trying to find someone who could rescue me, I just couldn't do it, as if there was a disconnect between the passive thoughts and the active ones, the ones I wanted to focus on.

"Please... I don't..."

I pulled more weakly against her, breath quickening, huffing shortly as she held me fast -- so tight that I may well have broken a bone if I fought back against her too roughly. I whined, a high-pitched note leaving my lips, my throat tight and raw, though I had to try, still had to fight back against her.

And then she pulled my hand down, tracing a path down the front of her body, all the way down between her legs. I knew what was down there, somehow, but the wet heat of a creature's sex was all that I anticipated. I'd felt it wrapped around me enough in my dreams, after all, and there was nothing else it could have been, my breath catching and hitching in my chest.


I breathed out the word, eyes wide and glassy with fear, strained as if I was not blinking enough. Yet there was nothing at all I could do to make the situation any better, any more palatable, bathed in the blue light they still had shining down on the alien, giving the scene an eerie sense.

Maybe if I didn't think about things too much, I could put it down to another dream, I thought desperately, licking my lips, though my mouth was already too dry. Maybe it's not actually real. Maybe I can get through this.

But she used my hand as if it was a tool for her to masturbate with -- maybe that's exactly what the alien creature had in mind from the very beginning. I was not to know, no, not as she had never asked my permission or even what I'd wanted.

I'd just been taken, even as a lightly spicy, almost musky scent clawed its way into my nostrils.


A finger pushed crudely into her and I tried to jerk my hand away, though she only chattered at me again, a strange pressure grinding at the front of my skull. Yet I couldn't do it, no... I couldn't pull away, my body so light and airy that it felt like I was floating, as if I didn't really belong there, not at all.

Maybe I'd been wrong.

Maybe it was all a dream.

Maybe that was easier for my mind to believe.

So, I took my own lie in hand, breathing as slowly and evenly as I could, turning my cheek to the cold bite of the bars. I rested the side of my face against the bars, surprised they weren't electrified or reinforced in some way, but that was not really for me to either think or worry about.

It was just a dream, I told myself, even as her pussy clenched and flexed around my finger. Dimly, I added a second, though it only seemed natural to straighten that second digit out so it could slide into her sex. She didn't really have folds at the entrance to her pussy, no, but a slit that closed tightly around my fingers, sucking and pulling at them as if she was trying to drag my hand deeper.

Ah, but that was something the alien could not do, not even then, not as I groaned and tried to press in a little harder to her, flexing and stretching my fingers, just a little, further apart. It was easier if I bought my own lie that it was all a dream, that everything was okay and as it needed to be, right with my little corner of the world.

Yet I could not stop the chill seeping down my spine, like a thousand icy fingers -- or claws of aliens, all coming for me, all wanting something from me. My back arched a little, as if something had put pressure on the small of my back, but it all felt natural to do, as if my limbs were being controlled by something beyond my understanding.

Perhaps it had never been my position to understand at all.

"Oof... Please..."

What was I asking her for? Her eyes bored into me, holding me fast, like I was frozen in place. I worked my hand back and forth, not held as tightly by her tail anymore, though the alien didn't let me go either, my hand sliding, fingers curling lightly inside her. She bucked her lower body against me and I smiled faintly, my lips parted. That didn't feel as if I was the one smiling but, as long as I was smiling, did it even matter anymore?

She was beautiful, the alien, and it was no wonder I had been as fascinated with her as I had been, so drawn to her she had entered my dreams, time after time again. I swallowed hard, the alien crooning and chattering, her jaws parting to reveal strung-out drool laced between her upper and lower sets of teeth.

She humped and ground on my hand and a vindictive rush leapt in my chest, like a wave of warm air washing over me. It was okay there, surely, as long as I was pleasing her, though confusing feelings twisted within my chest, my heart pounding too hard for comfort.


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