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My Summer Subway NYC Gang Bang

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Taking advantage of the NYC blackout, 7 guys gang bang.
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INTRODUCTION- Esteemed Readers, I live in an apartment building on the west side of Manhattan. I made the acquaintance of a young lady. On an occasion when we were both using the laundry room in the co-op basement. Over a period of several months we became quite friendly.

I enjoyed talking to Stella because she had no problem being frank about her sexual adventures. So many women are unable to admit that they are sexual creatures as are men. Since there is a good bit of an age difference between us we became confidants and friends, not lovers.

I soon realized from her stories that she was quite promiscuous. I found her very sexy. She is a 30 year old 5'6' blond with a pretty face, two great tits and a great ass. She usually wears short skirts and her legs are to die for. Because of our age differences I consider her off limits.

She texted me, the evening of this upsetting occurrence on the Subway, asking me to come by and give her a hand. She was to my consternation, beat up, bruised and had trouble walking. I had to help her get to the bathroom so she could pee.

Of course seeing her in this condition, she told me what happened.

This story is as close as I could get, to putting it in her own words. She gave me permission to write it down. as It is a painful story, but quite erotic. I thought it would make a good entry in the summer contest. Please read on and give it a good vote if you enjoyed the story and please favor it.

Thanks. As always, your comments and emails are welcome.

All the best to each of you, Erectus123

MY SUMMER NYC SUBWAY GANG BANG ( as told to the author)

Call me Stella, everybody does.

It was a warm summer New York evening. I was just beginning the summer term of graduate study. When the class ended, I was on my way back home.

I walked over to 8th Avenue where I take the Express Subway train uptown. I share a small one bedroom flat with Harriet, my girlfriend. She pays a little extra and has the bedroom. After all it is her apartment. I use the living room where I have a Queen Size bed.

The arrangement works nicely, although being right next to the entry, I've been surprised on occasion in the middle of orgasm, when Harriet and her Mom, returning from a shopping trip, burst in on us.

If I'd been using my vibrator under the bed sheet I would have gotten away with it. It's hum is not that loud. On that day, I was busy entertaining the Chinese Delivery guy. I call him Long Dong, that's more or less what he calls himself. He hardly speaks English, but he is a good fuck and cums fast. He drops by when he has to make a delivery in our building. He prefers rear vaginal entry so there I am, nude, bent forward on my knees as the door flew open. Naturally both of the ladies got a quick glance at his big yellow cock skewering me under my red ass. Oh well, too late to cry over spilt cum.

Anyway, the day of the blackout I was returning from a graduate Anthropology Seminar class. My mind was somewhere out there in Papua, New Guinea imaging I was Margaret Mead. Mead wrote some seminal literature about the sex customs of the natives and the inside word is she had plenty of sex with them as well. Why not?

If you open her book, the first photograph is of a Papuan couple nude. Wow, does that guy has a gorgeous penis? Too bad it is flaccid.

Maybe some of you have heard about the New York blackout. It occurred two months ago in the early summer, to be precise on July 13. It lasted about 6 hours. If you were outside that evening when the blackout struck, it got dark, no lights were working and stores closed up their metal gates, afraid of looters. The traffic lights were off and traffic slowed to a crawl. Private citizens began to direct traffic.

Anyway, that is what I was told, because you see, I was in a stopped Subway car, stranded underground, in the dark, being gang banged by 7 people.

Ok, I'm very promiscuous, I am a damn whore who doesn't charge, but believe me girls, nothing beats seven fast sex acts by strangers in the dark. Even as I'm writing this my pussy is cranked up and swollen, damp and pulsating. I'm excited to even think about that night.Yeah, I know. Call me a dumb blond.

It started innocently enough. Ok, maybe I was dressed a bit provocatively, but it was summer and I wanted to look sexy as I had my eye on the grad assistant who I wanted to fuck. Unfortunately that evening I'd learned from one of the students, that he was newly married, so that plan went up in smoke.

So there I was, seated on one of those molded light blue plastic Subway seats. There were only a few people in the car since it was dinner time and rush hour was over. There were two Hispanic guys directly across from me. They were dressed in blue jeans and colored tee shirts with those Japanese Manga figures. They were both about the same build, maybe 5'6". Their hair was shiny black and long, over their ears.

I thought they were kind of cute until they kept eyeing me and talking rapidly. I could tell they were talking about me, the "puta blanca con las tetas grandes." I know enough Spanish to figure that out. (the white bitch with the big tits). I didn't know whether to be insulted or complimented but when one of the guys touched his crotch with his pinky and with his second finger pointed at me. I just looked away. In retrospect I'd have to call on Don Tete and Don Cono based on their preferences.

There was a middle aged black guy a few seats away who looked like an executive, well dressed in a tan summer suit and thin tie, reading the evening newspaper. He had a brown textured leather briefcase that he held in his left hand . On his right wrist he wore a large gold colored watch with a white face that would flash as he turned the pages. He hardly ever looked up except to glance when we passed a station. He was the kind of well manicured man you would welcome into your neighborhood. Probably had a bunch of college bound kids. He told me to call him Mr. Charles.

Standing a few feet away, hanging onto the overhead strap, was a clean cut college boy with a head full of curly hair. He was wearing a Harvard Tee shirt. He looked to be in his late twenties. I wondered if he actually went there or it was an artifice. I came to call him Torpedo for obvious reasons. He was about 5'10" wearing tight khaki shorts. Not the short ones the gay guys wear, but down to a few inches above his knees.

He smiled at me a few times but I just looked down. Every so often he touch his crotch as if it was a careless gesture but each time he did it, a protuberance underneath seemed to grow. I felt like laughing but in trying to hold back, I couldn't help grinning at him. When my grin slipped out he caught it and winked. I thoughtlessly nodded my head, too surprised to do anything else. I came to call him Torpedo because his actions were unexpected.

There was a homeless guy seated five or six seats down across from me. He was dark skinned, maybe from the Caribbean. At first glance I thought he might be retarded. His head was at an angle to his body and his eyes seemed unfocused. I figured he was planning to ride the subway all night so he'd have a place to sleep. His shoes were broken and a thick piece of black duct tape was strapped around them holding the sole to the upper. His brown soiled pants were loose and baggy with holes.

Instead of a belt he had a white electrical plastic cord passed through the belt loops and tied tight around his waist. His gray long sleeve shirt was stained and his dark uncut hair was headed in all directions. There was a curious oval of grey hair on the side of his head facing me. He had a scruffy beard and a mustache that melted into the unshaven whiskers on his face. He kept talking to himself or maybe he was singing but with the subway noise I couldn't figure it out. He seemed to be in his own fantasy world and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

A nice looking tall muscular young white guy seated to the far left. I'd call him Max. Maybe he was 23 or 24 years old, wearing shorts and a cut off tee shirt. He had a military buzz cut, a thick neck and a small anchor tattoo on his shoulder. He had rested a gym bag on his lap. I wasn't sure if he was coming from or going to the gym. He had a cigarette stuck over his ear and a small Christian medallion around his neck. Every so often he took a drink from a clear plastic water bottle. I had to admit, most women would have found him attractive. The ripped physique, the military manor, what's not to like?

He wasn't paying me any attention. I took my eyes off him fairly quickly. There was something hidden about him that I didn't want to know. Maybe he was just well manered or perhaps he was gay. I learned to my cocernation tha he was neither well manored or gay although his interest in anal might have qualified him as a bisexual? I'm told that guys into ass don't care if that ass is male or female and male is as easy to find as entering any gay bath house.

A dikey looking short gal with a big nose was seated to the left of me near the sliding door. She had a ridiculous dye job. Her hair was strawberry colored. She had a teardrop tattoo under her left eye. She was wearing a colorful blouse slit at the top so you could get a look at her cleavage. The blouse had big flowers on it. She had a piercing on one side of her nose that looked like a small golden sphere. From one nostril septum to the other was a silver piercing. She had a small pocketbook on a thin strap that went over her head. She was busy reading a paperback but I couldn't make out the title, Something by Daniel Steel. She was to surprise me, she looked dikey but she have other tastes.

I've learned you can't tell who or what people are by their outward appearance, another reason I don't do internet dating. I made my judgements but I was far from accurate. Wearing a Christian medal doesn't mean you are a Christian, and easy smile doesn't mean you have mercy, a downward glance doesn't mean you have piety. After all is said, when men have the opportunity to display their power over women, watch out. They will fuck you without a single thought. Just be glad they don't kill you after they fill your cunt with their seed!

So there I was on my way home. Never expecting the situation I was to find myself in moments later. Some of the passengers were looking up at the adverts or the electric sign showing the trains progress. The young Latin guys were scanning the other passengers. I was leaning back, fiddling with my button down white blouse and thinking of what I planned for the next day when the Fed Ex doorman came up to my apartment with an Amazon package I was expecting.

I figured I'd open the door in the nude and no doubt he'd come on in and fuck me like he's done before. On one occasion it was his co-worker but he must have been sent and told what to expect. I knew it was a set up but took advantage of him, insisting he eat me out before I let him fuck me. I would have showered first as I was a little ripe, but what the hell, he wanted to get laid so I pulled the strings and he got the taste. I let him use the bathroom afterwards and I could hear him loudly gargling for a while.He used up most of my mouthwash.

I was laughing to myself about that incident, when the lights in the Express 8th Avenue Subway car flickered a few times and went out. The car rolled on in the darkness coming to a stop somewhere in the tunnel between the 42nd street stop and 50th street. Stoppages with the lights out are not uncommon, but they usually last only 30 seconds. If more, the conductor will blurt some hard to understand garbled message over the intercom to explain the reason for the stoppage and how long the delay will be.

After about two minutes of darkness we began to suspect something was amiss, but that 3rd rail, which might still be charged can kill. The idea of opening the doors and climbing down into the dark tunnel and trying to walk out of this mess wasn't attractive.

A few more minutes into the blackout, all was quiet. That was when the two hispanic guys crossed over the aisle and sat on either side of me. Next thing I knew a hand from the right was grabbing my big breast and another hand from the left was going up my short skirt.

"Just be quiet honey, we ain't gonna hurt ya, just wanna fool around."

I didn't say anything although I was scared. I stupidly reflexively spread my thighs wider as if an invitation to let those fingers do the talking. My blouse was quickly unbuttoned by his friend and my bra unhooked. Before a minute passed my tit nip was being sucked and my thong panties were soaking from the fingers that curled under and quickly entered my pussy.

Then to my embarrassment the lights flickered on momentarily and my plight was now public. Then the lights went out for good. My titties are very sensitive to sucking. I can cum even without a finger or a dick in my holy hole.Within a few minutes I had climaxed twice from the excitement of being publicly two timed by these young guys.

Not surprisingly, having such an easy time of it, things got a little more complicated. The guy sucking my titties stood up, unzipped and stuffed his cock right into my mouth. What's a girl going to do. It was too late to say no, so I sucked it. It was sweaty and there was a bit of piss taste but maybe it was a testament to my skill as a cock sucker that in no time he came and that slug of cum washed away any other taste right down my throat. His cock was probably five inches long, an easy suck and not very fat. But his sperm shot was quite healthy, very fluid and I almost gagged on it but recovered. He said,

"Gracias Mama."

As he pulled out a bit of cum juice and saliva leaked onto my bare tit and rolled down to my belly.

"Si Papi," I answered as if I was a Latina girl.

I wiped the cum away with the back of my wrist and flung it into the darkness. I didn't want his cum to drip into my vagina. The other guy was still busy finger fucking me. I was very wet and that cum load would have added unneeded lube. I thought to myself,

"Thank God I have been on birth control pills since I was a teenager."

That was when his buddy abruptly stopped finger fucking me, stood up and rapidly jerked himself off. His exertion paid off quickly because he came with rocket blast of royal jelly right on my bare tits. His semen started dripping down my chest and he said a few things that I imagined were dirty words I didn't understand .

I had thought that the darkness was providing me with some semblance of privacy. I was as well oiled as a bucaki supplicant. When I opened my eyes, I could see that the black executive had wandered over to observe the goings on and was using an iPhone to illuminate my distress. I realized he was photographing me as well.

When Don Pedro, the name I made up for one of the Latin guys finally pulled his soft cock out of my mouth and moved away, the black guy moved in for the kill, he spoke very politely,

"Dear young lady, would you mind sucking my wang? I have no intention of molesting you if you are not willing?"

I felt like laughing. "What's a wang?" I mumbled, as part of the cum load dripping was dripping from my mouth.

"I'll show you." He had a high pitched voice for such a large man.

From his iPhone light I watched as he undid his belt and removed his pants. He carefully folded them and put them on a seat two over from me. Then he reached into his white boxer's underwear and pulled out his "wang."

In the darkness I hadn't seen the two latin kids cocks, I'd felt them, but Mr. Charles, he later told his name, used the light of the iPhone to show off his very large cut penis. He was already excited and erect. The circumference of his "wang" was a normal, easily a little over an inch, but it was a good 8 inches long. I was amazed at how light the cock skin was and how red the crown of the penis head. Even in the dim light I was aware it was probably the most perfect beautiful penis I'd ever seen.

"Let me see your balls," a strange hungry voice echoed from my mouth as I reached into his draws with my right hand and found two perfectly round skin tight walnut sized testicals that were warm and moist to the touch. I pulled them out of his drawers so they hung magnificently beneath his penis. With my left hand I drew him closer. As I was seated and he was standing, his cock slipped right into my mouth. Of course every so often I'd try to slurp my long tongue out to tickle his balls, a trick a gigolo once taught me.

Oh my God did I relish sucking that cock for the longest time as he gently humped it deep and deeper down my throat. When I could begin to taste his pre-cum I pushed him far enough away so I could lean back in the plastic chair and lift my legs. My thong was long gone as I urged him forward.

He gripped both my legs helping to lift me into position. His cock was too high to make entry so I grabbed on to it and helped insert the stiffy into my vag. Oh my God did that feel good as my vag tightened around his long cock. Cock sucking is always fun, but I was ready to be fucked. I purposely contracted a few times as Mr. Charles plunged into me. A tight vagina is always appreciated.

Mr. Charles, with the wisdom of an older man, took his time fucking me. He pulled his cock almost out hitting my clit and then bucked in. I was gorged, but not only was his stiff dick enough to satisfy me, but an added extra were those big walnuts that kept smacking me right at the base of my vagina.

Mr. Charles was in no rush, but when his moment arrived he grabbed my ass tightly in his big hands as if it were a big basketball. He crushed me to him as his breath quickened and my fevered excitement matched his. With the first squirt of his fire hose I climaxed again, fully, and my vag went spastic in a fit of pleasure.

I moaned and tears welled up in my eyes, that fuck was so exquisite. Mr. Charles kept his piston rod plunging my depths, deeper than ever before, and even after he cum lubed me completely he didn't stop. His cock stayed rigid and he kept fucking me for at least another minute or two before his Louieville slugger began to shrink.

I like to believe that although I've played "catchup" successfully with more than one monster cock, his was not the biggest but it was the best. Of course Mr. Charles didn't wear a condom, as is the habit of most black men who've fucked me into the next world. Finally he pulled out, his cock semi-stiff and drooping, still sticking out of his cut out hole in his white undergarment and dripping cum.

He bent forward to pick up something. Then I realized it was my flowered thong, which he used to wipe off the sperm still oozing from his protuberance. He leaned forward and kissed me on my forehead, pinching my left nipple hard at the same time. Then his light went off.

I was exhausted and fell sideways on the seat, trying to recoup my energies, nearly exhausted by Mr. Charles. My eyes were still closed when some big hands gripped me and turned me upright. I realized in the darkness that it was the tall white guy, I call him Torpedo. I knew who he was when I reached up and felt his curly hair. He wasted no time, grabbing me by the ankles and lifted my legs . I was no longer in control, like a rag doll I let myself be arranged to his plan.

I waited for the thrust of Torpedo's cock in the darkness. I could feel it raw against my inner thighs as it approached my leaking vag. It was warm, hard and wet and he certainly wasn't wearing a condom. But no, it wasn't destined at that moment for my vag, he was now lifting me up so my plump ass hole was aligned with his cock's head and with a mighty shove, his wet cock, that he must have spit on, mingling with Mr. Charles' cum shot leakage, rasped my inner ass hole like a piece of wet sandpaper.


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