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My Turn


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I gazed at him as the implications sank in. It made a weird sort of sense, if you were a sociopathic twelve year old. You have to shit on your old team to prove you've abandoned them and then you share something of irreplaceable value with your new team-mates to prove where your new loyalties lie. It was absolutely fucking insane to any reasonable person but, to a nut-job, perfectly rational. It reminded me of the ostensibly weird rituals in Amazonian tribes that I'd seen on The Discovery Channel, only this was in a supposedly civilised Yorkshire town.

"Are you telling me," I asked in my calmest voice, "that you think John, having screwed his friends' wives, is now going to try to persuade me to fuck his new team mates as his membership fee?"

"Sorry, Nichole. Truly I am. But, yes; I believe that's exactly what his plan is."

Now, obviously that thought could have put a damper on my enthusiasm that evening. It didn't! It goaded me to new heights, or lows depending or your views on sexual morality. Keira and I wrung every millilitre of semen out of Marty's dick over the next two hours. He took us both on our backs and our knees, at one point alternating strokes between vaginas. When he stopped to take a breath, we were all over each other, grabbing breasts, biting nipples and plunging fingers into glistening cunts. Keira and I were on heat; if a stranger had walked into that room that evening we would have fucked his brains out too, and not even asked his name.

Marty watched as we explored each others most intimate places with our tongues and then he'd follow with his chemically assisted seven inches. I licked Keira's juices from his dick and then shared them with her and then she returned the favour. We rode him until we came and then he'd throw us face down and try to pound us through the mattress and into the room below. And while he was fucking one, the other would be sitting on her face, or tweaking nipples or massaging her clit until she screamed and begged to stop.

By nine o'clock, we were completely spent. We were sore, sweaty and bedraggled. I looked at Keira and she looked like a woman who had been fucked to heaven and back. She had a stupid contented grin on her face that would probably take surgery to remove. In fact, she looked like I felt. I glanced at Marty: he seemed to be in a fugue state, laid on his back, eyes closed, just repeating, "Fucking Hell." Over and over again.

It was another half an hour before I could bring myself to stagger to their bathroom, my hand cupped between my legs to collect any, you know, 'seepage'. I felt a little better after my shower but I was still knackered. Keira rallied long enough to answer the door to the pizza guy and we chatted about Marty as we ate. She loved him so much and really regretted her escapade with John, and Marty was not going to forget what my idiot did.

Eventually we finished our supper and she put the left-overs in the fridge for Marty. We hugged as she saw me out and she gave her word that they'd both be there for me on Friday. Marty was still dead to the world but she promised to give him some hygiene attention before she collapsed herself. We were quietly confident that we'd sleep well that night. As they say, 'the only sleep sounder than the sleep of the just is the sleep of the just after.'

Again, John was asleep on the sofa when I got home. This time there was a porn channel still playing on the smart TV. He still had his pyjama pants round his knees when I found him, with a soiled tissue clutched to his chest. That was about the most fulfilling sex he was going to get in this place from here on in, the twat! This time I couldn't even be bothered to throw a blanket over him. Soon he was going to have to explain himself and his delivery would have to be positively Churchillian if he had a hope in Hell of me not ditching him. The reality was, of course, we were already through, the issue was really a matter of choosing and meting out the appropriate punishment.

Friday was my turn to experience my fantasy, though my selection was more for effect than any deep unmet sexual ambition. I'd told Trevor what I was planning and he offered some suggestions: The first was that we should use his house so that we didn't have to worry about John's schedule, and the second was to video the proceedings properly and produce a nice little highlights clip for my wayward soon-to-be ex-husband.

I sent a text to the four women with a time and Trev's address and they all replied to confirm that they would be there, with their significant others. After a fairly normal day in the office, Trev took me to his house. He was doing alright for himself. A large four bedroom house with a really spacious living room and gorgeous open plan kitchen/dining space. The outside was nice too. Loads of off-street parking at the front and a big, well landscaped and private garden at the rear.

We both showered, separately, and worked together giggling like kids as we rearranged the furniture. Around seven, the couples started to arrive. We both met them at the door and Trevor took them into the kitchen and offered drinks. Red and white wine, beer or soft drinks for drivers and Jade.

When we were all assembled I explained my vision to humiliate John. The payback sex we'd already had was private; It was not to be mentioned, there were too many innocent people who could be hurt. My fantasy was an 'up-your's' to John. I wanted the four women to masturbate their husbands and dump their jizz on me. When they had all finished they would all line up behind me with the appropriate fingers raised to the camera in a traditional English Archer's salute dating back to the Battle of Agincourt; Index and middle fingers, the bowstring fingers, raised in defiance and contempt to show, "We can still shoot, so fuck you!"

I stripped first; it seemed only fair, but the others seemed reluctant. Trev spoke up. "Sod it!" He exclaimed. "I'm not even directly involved but I'll do it for Nichole, and I'm only the bloody cameraman." And, so saying, he stripped off too. Hell, he was fit! Toned body and a decent sized cock. The girls were all quite intrigued. Anyway my tits were out, Trev's dick was swinging for all to see so eventually the others started to strip.

There were a few admiring glances going round, and I was pleased to see that several went Debbie's way. Why that woman felt insecure, I'll never know. She'd make a fortune on OnlyFans. None of the guys needed to feel inadequate either: every single one of them had given me all I needed to be happy over the course of the week.

Trev, of course was as happy as a pig in shit, getting to scope out some straight guys' dicks but I noticed that he and Ian, Carla's bloke, seemed to share some meaningful looks. I'd have a word with Trev about that very soon.

After we'd finished our drinks, Trev led us into the lounge where he'd set up an actual video camera on a tripod. We'd also laid out a shower curtain on the floor and some disposable wipes were set around the room for afterwards. Then it was time.

Trevor was brilliant. From behind the camera he got everyone into an ideal position and then shouted, "Action!" And they did. Each woman wanked their man erect (they were most of the way there anyway) and then kept going, with occasional oral assistance, until each guy announced that they were on the verge, at which point they would step forward and dump their load on me as Trev zoomed in on their spatter. I revelled in it.

As each guy finished his partner would stand and join him behind me until, after the last one, I turned to the camera as Trev closed in on me to see me collecting the cum from my tits and my face and rubbing the jizz into my skin and licking it from my fingers. Trev zoomed out and panned across the others, fingers in salute, then we were done.

Once he was happy, Trev suggested that we all go back to the kitchen which we did, wiping ourselves as we went, still naked. It was odd, standing or sitting there nude as we drank another wine or beer, or even a cup of tea, chatting, unconcerned about our bodies. The women were talking to Jade about her baby bump, the men discussing filling John's place in their team. Greg looked thoughtfully at Trevor and asked if he played. Trev said, "Yes, but for the other team." He had a huge mischievous smile on his face as he spoke.

Greg just grinned. "That's not an issue. Come and try out tomorrow at nine."

By the time we'd finished our drinks, the lads were reloaded and ready to go again so we did another round so that Trevor had plenty of 'footage' (see what I did there?) for the video. This time round I noticed his dick was chubbing up nicely too. What a waste!

After the final shots, (smutty smirk!) we hung out a bit longer then eventually dressed and the others started to drift off home. I stayed to shower and help Trevor put his room back to normal, me wondering how to broach the subject of Ian.

"He's curious, that's all." Obviously Trev knew what I'd been thinking about. "If Carla asks you to invite me over to talk or even join them, then fine. But you have my word, I won't pursue him."

I smiled. "I know. Thanks Trev." And I gave him a massive hug and a kiss. "You know I love you like a brother, don't you?"

He clutched his heart, dramatically. "Argh! I've just been friend-zoned." I slapped him on the arm, gave him another kiss and left.

I was in a better mood when I got in that evening; I was positively civil to John as I made a coffee. I even offered to make one for him. There was some action movie playing on TV so I sat and watched some bloke kill a lot of other people who had apparently hurt his dog (I missed the first bit). After I'd finished my drink, I still hadn't a clue what was really going on so I pissed off to bed. John had been starved of sex and affection for a week now, and it was about to get worse.

John was working another Saturday and he thought he had a match at nine that evening. There actually was a match; he just wasn't in the team any more. So when he came into the living room, thinking he was going to watch porn with me and get lucky, his world started to fall apart. It started as he saw me on TV, naked, rubbing other men's jizz into my skin. Trevor had done a tremendous job editing the previous evening's events into a really slick video.

As the camera panned out onto the naked bodies of his supposed friends and team-mates accompanied by their women, I think the penny started to drop. His stunned gaze flicked from the screen to my face.

"What?" I asked innocently. "Is there a problem? Something you want to share?"

"Why?" He stuttered. "Why did you...?"

I looked at him in faked puzzlement. "But John. I thought that's what we did now. After all, you fucked all the women, why should the guys miss out?"

He slumped into the nearest chair. "They all know?"

"Oh, yes. The girls all 'fessed up last weekend. Good news, though. We managed to stop the lads coming round to sort you out."

"Shit!" He exclaimed. "That's going to make tonight's game fucking awkward."

I looked at him in absolute bemusement. I stood and crossed the room to where he was sitting. "If you truly imagined, for a second, that those men are willing to allow you to play alongside them, ever again, then you are even more fucking delusional than I could have believed."

I reached down to caress his cheek and then slapped it as hard as I could. "We agreed. No. Fucking. About. Four women, John! In less than a month. We've not even been married two years. Was it a short term memory loss? Was I not clear? Or didn't it count 'cos you already knew them? Come on! Enlighten me, why?"

He knew he was in deep shit and he also knew there was no way of talking himself out of it. Didn't stop him trying, though. Bless him. "It didn't mean anything," he whined. "It wasn't even about sex. It was just something I had to do the join the other team. You know? Prove I've burned my bridges."

I thought for a moment, and slapped his other cheek, even harder. "Fuck, Nic. Will you stop hitting me?"

"Probably not," I admitted. "Because you deserve it. Those were real people John. Married with children. How many lives were you really prepared to fuck up for the sake of a shiny cup no other fucker cares about?" I realised that I hadn't hit him for a while so I slapped him again. "Well?"

He tried, God knows why. "It's all I'm good at Nic. I'm not clever but I can play. So I wanted to be in the top team. The girls didn't complain and I never intended to date them or anything so I figured it'd be okay."

"Tell you what Nic." He had a shifty look on his face.

Oh no! He'd better not even think of going there. He did.

"Seeing as how I screwed up and had sex with those four lasses, what if I hooked you up with four blokes? A free pass with all of them and no hard feelings on my part. Then we'd be square. Right?" He leant forward with a hopeful smile on his face.

No slap this time. Nope! Screw punch straight to the nose. I heard something snap so I rang his parents and asked them if they could come round and give him a lift to Accident & Emergency. I wasn't going to waste the Ambulance Service's time on this half-wit. When his Mum asked what had happened, I suggested that it was probably something she'd best ask her son.

While they were gone, I packed his stuff into some boxes that I'd brought home for just that purpose. After all, he'd be out of work by the middle of the week, after two customers complained to his employer on Monday morning that one of their drivers had conned his way into their homes and molested their wives. There was no way that he could afford the flat with no job, so I was keeping it. That simple.


Well, it's over. Eight months from Trev helping me to submit my divorce application, the final decree has come through. I'm still in the flat. Money has been a bit tight on just one wage but Trevor gave me a rise in recognition of me taking on more responsibility at work.

Debbie and Greg are still good, as are Jade and Wayne and their gorgeous baby daughter, Rosie. Keira and Marty are engaged now but Carla and Ian seem to be drifting apart. Trevor swears he hasn't approached Ian, and I believe him, but he says that Ian has started to drink in Trev's local a lot of late. I think he has a man-crush on my boss.

Speaking of Trevor, his young brother, Andrew, has moved back into the area to join a local dental practice. He's like a younger version of Trev, but he's straight! I am so setting my sights on him! Trev just laughed, gave me a big hug and said, "Go for it." So I did. It's our third date next week and he is getting properly laid that night, whether he wants to or not!

I still see John's mum In town from time to time. She's sad we parted because she thought I was the only person who could keep her son on the straight and narrow. She's also sad it won't be me giving her grandkids, and I am too. I liked her. I just couldn't though. It wasn't the sex so much. I just couldn't even consider raising kids with a man who thought what John did was okay.

John's moved away; don't know where and I didn't ask. No local five a side teams want him after rumours started to go round about him hitting on his team mates' wives, and the Black Ox lads won't have him because I refused to fuck them. Morons! Oh, yeah! And every couple of months two guys in balaclavas kept beating him up on the way home from the pub. Eventually I told Wayne and Marty to stop.

So that's my story so far. I'm twenty four, divorced and hoping that Andrew turns out to be as sweet as his brother. If we hit it off as well as we are now, I'll be happy. Yes, I dicked around with John's mates and yes, I enjoyed it. But I would have been happy with the one man, but he cheated. I won't!

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MattblackUKMattblackUK4 months ago

That was different. He was so stupid he really shouldn't be allowed out by himself! 5* story.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well that sucked. What a terrible read - 1 Star for wasting my time.

WisquejacWisquejac9 months ago

Loved the story. Came across a word I’d never heard before most probably because I’m American but it’s such a perfect word. Churchillian. Just seems right. Thanks.

Calico75Calico759 months ago

This one isn't for me, but I appreciate your efforts.

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0359 months ago

Not your best work, and your best work is very good.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Not an easy read for sure .

To be honest , I felt the only way to get through it was to skip a lot and get to the end . Having got there I judged that for me , this was a story I was not going to enjoy so I gave it up .

Thanks anyway for posting . It's true to say you can't please everyone .

DK .

3 * for making the effort to entertain .

60022Mallard60022Mallard10 months ago

Novel scenario, Thank you.

Hopefully she managed to extract any visual evidence of his misdeeds to prevent wider distribution!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Very rarely is the woman the MC, and not the transgressor, around here. Really liked it, thanks for using your imagination. KS

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Get an editor, it was not an easy read.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

No even remotely likeable characters. Not really a LW story but a group sex story IMO.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Awesome delivery. Great story telling, worthy of novella comparison

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It was entertaining for sure. I have to confess I skipped the sex scenes as I'm not into cheating, deserved or not. In my mind, two (or more) wrongs don't make a right. I did laugh a couple of times!

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundassonabout 1 year ago

It's for stories like this that I follow this author. Original, entertaining and the karma is strong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very clever and well written. Thanks for the tale.


OnlyInMyMindOnlyInMyMindabout 1 year agoAuthor

Erm. If I could offers some thoughts here:

If you didn't like the story, sorry but that's how I write. It certainly wasn't the most popular piece of my work, but I wondered how it would be received when it was the husband who cheated first.

Regardless though, nothing that I wrote justifies using the comments on my story to engage in swapping childish insults based on nationality. The story was set in the UK because that's where I know. I read and enjoy stories set in the USA, Canada and Australia without judging their merit based on their location.

I don't know if my sense of humour is typically British but, really, does it matter? Just enjoy the tale or not. Some folks just seem to cruise Literotica looking for excuses to troll anyone and everyone. I don't care where they are from, they are just generically jerks. Pleas don't get drawn into their toxic world.

I've reluctantly decided to delete any comments that cross the line that I've drawn, though I will leave comments that criticise my work on merit rather than culture.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry! I like most of your stories, but i lost interest in this one fairly early and just skimmed to see what was going on. I didn’t find the story or the characters engaging.

xhristianjxhristianjabout 1 year ago

Wow 😂😂😂 that was stupid

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

seriously, do you know any woman who would be a slut like this as a means of revenge? I don't know any woman who would lower herself to that level. They would get revenge some other way for sure. He guy would feel no remorse as he could care less about her. Her "girl friends" would maybe feel something and the cuck husbands would be getting revenge on their cheating partner, I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So, they're both pieces of shit. Got it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Can’t fix stupid, LOL Great story, liked how it started, then explained from there. Kept me entertained throughout. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, some tale about irrelevant people playing idiotic games in their boring little world.

None to like, all to forget.

Cheers anyway, no score on this.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story, pay back is a bitch LOL

njlaurennjlaurenabout 1 year ago

I liked it, it was as they say a cheekie British story. I liked that her revenge was trying to help the couples as well as get her revenge,she wasn't using them. She isn't a slut, despite the fact she was sexually experienced, she wanted to be monogamous even though it is obvious John likely isn't a great lover. And of all the reasons to have sex outside marriage, to do it as an initiation ritual?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What is it with you guy's? If HE had done the average you where over the moon how good it has been! But in a reverse story you give such a low raiting. Some times i wonder with which intend you to women. In ALL the stories the pursurer knew these women are married but they do it nevertheless. So hypocrite!

And to lujon is this all you understand about the story? Me suggest you read it again and switch on your brain mybe you understand it better.

Flar 1958

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Too long to say nothing. A real flying sicko!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

i agree with lujon 2019... John is no good, and Nic is a tramp and no better than

john. waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So you turned her into a slut? Way to go to get revenge. Glad to see you think so little of woman lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nic is as pathetic as John. Yes he tricked his teammates spouses into having sex with him. Nic flat out offered herself to the other women's husbands. And then included the wives in the four parties to boot! Nic's four wrongs didn't make her right much less saintly in her errant combined acts of retribution and amends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why would anyone want the village bike? This was quite the terrible story as everyone is a worthless piece of trash.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

Sometimes guys think with their small heads!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Umm I tried to like this story, but the MC's spousal abuse dropped my score to a 3. It's a pet peeve this story advanced that a woman can slap a man multiple times and break his nose and nothing happens. She should have been arrested.

KiwihunterKiwihunterabout 1 year ago

you need to remember that this is set in a civilised country where being a little more sophisticated than the hillbillies, they are not so over the top about such inconsequential matters. It's all a question of class

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I sense double standards here: it's ok on Lit for a woman to hit her man when he cheated. But if the husband who has been cheated and humiliated and strikes his cheating wife it's violence and won't be published?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You decribe the low lifes of this world - both scum and not worth to exist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great theme and represents the antithesis a loyal spouse. He got what he deserved and the story line never went to a place where couples were destroyed. I forgot und the flow very organized with a few good surprises to keep it more interesting. 5.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 1 year ago

LOL. Thank you. I loved the story. Well written, with a dash of humour mixed in. Quite ridiculous of course but that's the fun of Literotica. Cheers.

MwestohioMwestohioabout 1 year ago

I was fully prepared to hate this at the beginning but by the end enjoyed it. Well done

JH4FunJH4Funabout 1 year ago
Outstanding Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Great read. I like touch of the British “Fuck You V” from all of the people Jonno crossed. Telling this tale, the way you did from the wife's point of view made it realistic. But the sub-plot showing the interactions between the couples as well as Nic’s concern about each couple being able to recover made this tale a very special one for me.

The interaction of Nic with each couple bringing the husband into the realization that the spouse was truly sorry for their actions. Making the tale more realistic was the fact that one of the subplots was not like the others. This subplot may or may not have a happy LWL ending.

Leaving Nicole LWL a potential makes way for a future tale using her and Trev’s brother or someone else. It is your tale anyway. You earned the Outstanding Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I gave it.

Keep Writing


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow, what a waste of time. Unreadable rubbish

lujon2019lujon2019about 1 year ago

Trevor seems like a piece of shit to not warn his brother that the MC fucked 8 people in less than a week.


If I ever wound up with a woman my brother had those details on, and he never told me I'd set his fucking house on fire

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