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My Wife at a Nude Beach

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Wife visits nude beach & is seen by her boss.
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When my wife and I were first married, we took a car trip to San Francisco to see the sites and visit the Oceanside. Although Tabitha was a modest woman when we were dating, she was very intrigued when I mentioned that some of the beaches in the area permitted nudity. Expecting her to groan or make a sarcastic comment about my desire to ogle her, or worse, other women, I was surprised when instead she actually insisted that we visit one.

After we arrived at our hotel room, Tabitha picked out a beach from our travel brochure and called to confirm that it was clothing-optional. After she was assured that it was, we packed up and were ready to go.

Tabitha was nervous and excited while we were driving towards the waterfront, and once we arrived, she hopped out of the car and immediately proceeded to strip completely naked in the parking lot.

I opted to wear my swimming trunks, but Tabitha proudly tossed her clothes into the car and slung her beach bag over her shoulder. I could see she had visible tan lines over her bikini area, but she was clearly looking to remedy that.

The beach was deserted except for a small number of people and my wife was the only one who was nude, yet she didn't mind in the least. We picked a spot near the water where my wife sprawled across the sand and relaxed in the sunlight. I had never seen her so calm and carefree in her life, that is, until she spotted Mr. Kreiling, the Principal of the elementary school where she taught fourth grade, arriving at the beach with his wife.

Suddenly, Tabitha went from completely serene to being on the verge of a panic attack. She kept her face in my direction, whispering frantically that if Mr. Kreiling recognized her she was certain she would die of embarrassment. I told her to relax and put on her swimsuit but she said she left it in the car.

Having no other option and Mr. Kreiling coming closer to where we sat, my wife grabbed a filthy cardboard KFC bucket that had been discarded nearby, and she placed it over her head.

Trying to suppress my laughter, my wife grabbed my arm and ordered me to walk her back to the car.

I carefully led her up the sandy dune back towards the car, walking right past Mr. Kreiling, who looked perplexed at having seen a man walking a naked woman with a dirty bucket over her head.

When we arrived at the car and I assured her that Mr. Kreiling was out of site, she discarded the bucket and put on her clothes, apparently having decided never to venture out of her clothes in public again.

While driving back home she repeatedly asked me if Mr. Kreiling had recognized her, and I assured her that he hadn't but was most likely scratching his head over her strange behavior.

The following September, when school was back in session, my wife was still nervous about the incident and was praying that her first confrontation with Mr. Kreiling would be uneventful.

As she walked into the teacher's lounge at the start of her first day, she found Mr. Kreiling, and several other teachers smiling, while seated around a table where an empty KFC bucket sat.

My wife took one look at that bucket and her face burned beet red, and the entire room lit up with laughter. She told me she later asked him how he recognized her and he said he suspected it after he saw her car in the parking lot, but that her reaction to seeing the bucket in the teacher's lounge confirmed his suspicions.

For the remainder of the year Tabitha's incident became an in-joke between the teachers at her school. Some would make many innuendos in their classes, and one teacher went so far as to come to school on Halloween dressed in a beach towel and a KFC bucket over his head, but with he front cut out to allow vision.

Tabitha took all of the jokes in stride, and as far as she knew none of the students ever found out about what happened.

Even I occasionally tease her about it, and fortunately my wife did eventually work up the nerve to visit a nude beach again, although she always keeps a swimsuit at hand in case of emergencies. Meanwhile I've kept Tabitha's parents and family members entertained by my retelling of the story every year at Christmas dinner, and it never fails to bring a smile to everyone's face, including Tabitha's.

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PervbrolyPervbroly11 months ago

sexy teachers are on nude beach sign me up

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, when we went to a nude beach we encountered not my wife's boss, but several of her employees!. In fact, she was asleep, laying on her back with legs wide open when they happened upon us, so they got a really good look before she woke up. I didn't know who they were, so didn't know to cover her up. They had set up their towels right in front of her, and when she finally did wake up and recognised them she was mortified. But being their boss she had to act cool. They agreed to not tell coworkers, but nonetheless word spread pretty quickly at the office and she eventually had to come around to accepting the jokes. She didn't so much mind being caught naked, but was somewhat bothered that they had such a good look at her spread open vagina, clitoris, and even her asshole, which she felt went way beyond innocent nudity.

jman337jman337about 2 years ago

I'd love to see a story about this where a student did see her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Tabitha is hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Now take this true (?) portion and add to it with your fantasy about Mr. Kreiling taking advantage of the situation and going for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Nice, realistic, sexy story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
☆☆☆☆ (4.0)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I agree with anon 04/14/16: NOT EROTIC ENOUGH BUT FUNNY. TOTALLY REALISTIC. Tabita is a Keeper.

I always LOVED to expose my wife on the beach: topless in Caribbean, full nude where allowed!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is so cute oh my god

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago


Tabitha is a keeper.

jman337jman337almost 12 years ago
This story had so much potential

Rewrite and use your imagination

ErotonautErotonautalmost 14 years ago
Funny story

Actually quite believeable, too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

just plain silly

ErotonautErotonautalmost 17 years ago
Not exactly erotic, but mildly amusing

Of course, her boss and his wife were probably going to get their kit off as well, so he'd hardly be able to use it against her in any case.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Ehh! Nice try.

This story belongs in Readers Digest, not literotica. Only mildly amusing and certainly not erotic. And I don't believe that erotic=graphic either.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Cute teenager story

Orion623Orion623over 17 years ago
Nice Story

Amusing and it sounds as if it could have happened exactly as written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Fun story,thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

nice story for a change. This author should write more on this line instead of the garbage listed on this site lately.

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