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Click here"Hey, Reg, you okay? You look like you've swallowed some non-alcoholic beer," John Laskey said.
"Just got something on my mind, John. Everything's good," I responded before wandering off.
I was quiet for the rest of the get-together. When Hess and her two companions showed back up, I sensed that I was being watched, and smirked at. Maybe I was getting paranoid, but after a while it seemed to me that virtually all of the women at the barbecue were smirking at me.
I waited until the end of the night after the kids were in bed and we were done cleaning up to express my disappointment with my wife. She was sitting in one of the chaise lounges sucking on a wine cooler, looking quite pleased with herself. I sat down on the chaise next to hers.
"Was there anybody at our house today who doesn't know that you're a cheating slut?" I asked sincerely.
She gave me a shocked look, trying to act innocent. I glared back at her.
"I might have told a few of the girls in the past few months. After all, it was an amazing experience for me," she giggled. "He's a handsome senator. It was a great experience for me. I just wanted to... brag, I guess."
"So first you cheat on me, then you humiliate me to your friends. Which means the husband of every woman you told also knows you're a slut and I'm a cuck..."
"I am not a slut, and you're not going to keep calling me that!" she yelled. "I had one... adventure. It's not like I fucked some random guy in a sleazy motel!"
Her eyes were practically glowing as she rose from her chaise.
"Look, this has been going on long enough, and I'm sick and tired of it," she continued, her voice rising in volume. "You've been pulling this shit on me for over a year now. Poor you. You wife spent a night with another man... a handsome, strong man. Get over yourself.
"You're not going to hold me hostage any more. If you can't figure out how to move on from that, that's your problem. Just fucking file for divorce. I'm tired of living like you're Mr. Perfect... and I'm waiting for absolution. File already, you Goddamn pussy, or accept what happened and we can move on already."
I'll admit I didn't see that coming. I sat in shock for what felt like hours, but was probably only seconds. When I came back to reality, she had walked off and I was alone.
By nature I am a quiet person, reflective, and probably slow to react. I don't tend to panic, and I rarely go off half-cocked. Some people, my wife among them, apparently see my reticence as weakness. I was going to miss seeing my children every day.
While I was hoping to keep my family together, I didn't live in a cave, so I had an attorney who had all the information ready to go to battle for me. First thing Monday morning, I dropped the dime. Hester was served at her work before the day was over. No surprise, she wasn't a happy camper.
My phone started blowing up about five minutes after she was served, I assumed. I didn't answer any of her calls. I knew the whirlwind was coming when I got home.
"You stupid motherfucker!" Hester screamed at me when I walked in the house from the garage. "You little male ego gets bruised, and you embarrass me in front of my co-workers."
"Like you embarrassed me in front of our friends and neighbors the other day?" I responded. "You begged me to file. I did."
She sneered at me but didn't verbalize. I put my stuff down and went to find my kids for a quick discussion, explaining that I still loved them and always would, although I wouldn't be living in the same house after tomorrow. Elise understood, since several of her friends at school had divorced parents, but Nate was cloudy on the concept. I had my work cut out for me with him, although I was pretty sure my daughter would help on that front.
We lived in a no-fault state, so the divorce should have been easy. She was going to get primary custody of the kids, she would get the house, child support and some alimony. But no-o-o-o-o. For some fucking reason known only to her, she fought it... hard. Her lawyer tried almost everything to delay things, get me to meet for conferences and she even wanted marital counseling.
"The fuck, Hess? You don't love me near as much as you pretend you do, or you couldn't have done what you did. Then you brag to your friends he was the best you've ever had. Why would I want to stay married to you for all the aggravation I get. I love my kids to death, but if I stay with you all they're going to remember about me is that I was a bitter man," I said at one meeting.
"But I do love you, Reg. You're so hung up on one date. Yes, he was an amazing lover, but it was a one-time thing. Let it go."
"I can't, Hess," I responded. "You cheated. You broke your vows, and you don't see it as a big thing. I do, and I always will. You promised me..."
I wasn't going to do it. Really, I wasn't, but a person can only be pushed so far.
The best thing about a two-party political system is that there are two parties, however you want to label them. Sen. Dickhead belonged to one party, which meant the other party would be only too happy to receive information which didn't reflect well on him.
I had set up this contingency over a year ago after Hess's date. I had a well-connected attorney in our city contact the chairman of the political party not associated with the senator. Mr. Party Chairman was very excited about the possibility of having something to derail the senator's next election, which would certainly end any chance he would ever have of getting to the White House. He wanted the information immediately, and even offered a healthy monetary reward, but he finally had to settle for the promise that he would get the evidence if, and only if, the person in possession of it wanted it made public.
My attorney called me every month to inform me that Mr. Party Chairman had called and begged some more.
This month, we were going to make the chairman's day. The meeting, which was the first to include me, was set for my attorney's office. After introductions were made all around, I reached into the briefcase by my side, pulled out a sealed plastic storage bag and tossed it on the conference table. The chairman's eyes just about fell out of his head when he saw what was in the bag.
"Oh my God," he whispered. "Is that what I think it is?"
"If you think it's the end of Sen. Dickhead's career, yes," I responded.
The chairman stared at the bag as if it was filled with gold bars. He never reached out to touch it; just kept staring with this look of... astonishment.
"How..." he whispered.
"Cocky bitch came home and went upstairs to shower," I related. "She does the laundry, so I guess she felt pretty sure I would never go through the laundry basket. I waited until I heard the shower running, slipped into the bathroom and found the panties at the bottom of the basket. Anybody who watches TV nowadays is aware of DNA. I'm sure when you have these tested you will find two sets.
"By the way, here's her toothbrush for DNA comparison. I'm assuming you'll be able to get the senator's sample to match... if you don't already have it," I said, giving the chairman a hard look.
He blushed and looked away. Thought so.
I knew he had already been apprised of the whole situation, so there was no need to rehash anything. Still, I could see the unasked question of why on his face.
"Because she's just not smart enough not to fuck with me. She cheated, but she thinks she's just so fucking wonderful that I'll eventually give in and absolve her of that crime. Now she's even started to rub it in my face. Fuck her, and the senator she rode in on!" I cried.
"Career over, Tomas Norberto. Fuck you, you piece of shit."
"Goddamn, you stupid slut! How the fuck could your wimp husband have gotten evidence of our weekend? I knew he knew... but evidence? How?" Norberto screamed at Hester through the phone a week after my meeting with Mr. Chairman.
"I-I-I don't know. I have no idea what you are talking about," she rasped.
I was surprised when the call showed up on the phone I was using to clone hers. I basically told her I had her phone bugged several months back, and the two hadn't been using that method of communication, if they had been communicating at all.
"What the hell have you done, Reg?" she asked when I answered her call 90 minutes later.
I knew exactly what she was referring to, but I was in a playful mood. At least I thought I was playful.
"Huh?" I responded. "I just ordered a pepperoni pizza and garlic bread. Why the fuck would you care what I eat. Wait. How could you even know what I'm eating?"
She growled at me. From experience, I knew she really hated my stupid act. She was apparently good believing I was a wimpy puss, but she knew I wasn't stupid. Well, I guess one out of two wasn't bad.
"I don't know how you did it, but it seems you've gotten some kind of revenge on Sen. Norberto. He threatened to slap me around for something you've done, but he wouldn't tell me what it was. Thanks for that, too. My parents are pissed at me, your parents are pissed at me, Elise has been surly to me and you just can't seem to get it out of your head that what Tomas and I did was separate from you and me."
"Yeah. About that..." I said.
Two months after my meeting with Mr. Chairman, Sen. Norberto, practically a shoo-in to retain his spot, abruptly dropped out of the Senate race, eight months before the election, claiming severe mental fatigue.
With everything going on in my life, looking for female companionship was way down my list of things about which to worry. I actually hadn't even looked at a woman in a sexual way in months when my daughter of all people asked me about it.
"When are you going to start dating other woman, Daddy?" Elise happily chirped the second weekend my kids spent with me. "Linda's mom really wants to go out with you."
I know my jaw was hanging open. I guess I was so caught up in the divorce I wasn't really thinking too much about my future, beyond taking care of my kids every other weekend and two fucking weeks in the summer.
"Linda's mom told you this? You would be okay with this, sweetie?" I asked, feeling somewhat shocked.
"Well, she didn't tell me, Daddy, but she told Annie's mom, and I overheard it," Elise said. "I would be okay with that, Daddy. I don't want you to be alone. But please, Dad, don't go out with Marcy's mom. None of us kids like her. Kids know things, Dad."
Linda's mom had been divorced from her lowlife, scumbag of a husband for about five years. She was an adorable blonde sprite of a woman with lots of curves, and the bubbly personality like the former cheerleader she was. I had no clue that she was interested in me. You know, when you're married, you don't go around assessing the prospects with other women... at least I didn't. Was I stupid?
I didn't realize Elise was carefully watching me.
"It's okay, Dad. I'm almost nine. I know all about things like divorce. We'll be okay, Nate and me. You take care of you.
Just like that, apparently, I was in the dating game.
Linda's mom, Julie, was my first, and we had an enjoyable date. I felt I owed it to her to tell her I was just getting back into the dating scene, and I certainly wasn't ready for anything with meaning. She smiled at me like I was a five-year-old and told me she understood, and that I didn't need to explain myself to everyone I would date. She gave me a lot of really good information, like it was Divorced Parent 101.
She also told me not to be surprised if most of the divorced mothers of my kids' friends came out of the woodwork looking for me. I had earned a reputation as a good guy, a good father, had a good job and... was not bad looking. She blushed as she said that last part.
I dated Julie and several of the other divorced moms from time to time. I rarely had time to think about Hester and our former marriage. When I did, I had to admit I was lonely, but not lonely enough to ever consider giving her a second chance. I wasn't going to spend any time wondering if, or when, she would cheat on me again.
For her part, Hess wasn't shy about reminding me her fling was just a "silly mistake" and that she would never again do anything like that.
"A silly mistake?" I sneered. "Poor judgment, a lack of respect, ultimately just selfish thinking. You chose sex with the senator over the love of your family."
Her mouth opened and closed... twice. I know she wanted to respond, but there was nothing she could say that would make her case. I still expected her to keep trying, especially since the senator seemed not to be an option anymore.
"He told her to never contact him again," my ex-mother-in-law told me one Saturday when the kids and I were over for dinner. "He seems to think you had something to do with him dropping out of the senatorial race, and seems to think she didn't do enough to stop you."
I raised my eyebrows and kept chewing my food. I didn't comment.
Several of the guys from work wanted to try this fairly new high-end bar with a dance floor one Thursday evening a couple of months later. I used to stay away from those kind of outings like the plague when I was married, but as a single guy, I started going out on a regular basis. There were four of us, we got a table and ordered our drinks, all of us scanning the surrounding tables and dance floor to check the heat of the place.
I spotted the two women as soon as they walked in. The first looked to be mid-40s, but was dressed maybe mid-30s and was trying to act younger than that. Her silky blue blouse was unbuttoned halfway down her body, revealing a nice pair of milky-white boobs, and her mid-thigh length skirt showed she also had a nice pair of long, athletic legs. She had short dark brown hair and green eyes.
Her wingwoman appeared to be totally out of place in this bar. She looked to be a little older than her friend, maybe early 50s, but she was dressed like she had money: her sweater and skirt obviously came from a high-end place and she looked classy and beautiful. She had shoulder-length silver-blonde hair and dark eyes.
The women sat down at a table a ways from us, and were instantly besieged with guys asking them if they wanted company or to dance. I had to admit that I wouldn't mind dancing with either of them. The dark-haired one in particular looked like she was up for some fun, maybe more.
The dark-haired one had no problem getting out on the dance floor with every man who asked, and wasn't shy about shaking her assets. The light-haired woman only danced a few times, and seemed much more reserved when she did.
An hour later, I decided to ask the light-haired woman to dance, but just as I got to the table, the dark-haired one reached out, grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the dance floor. She was rubbing herself up against me, and between watching her boobs bounce and her rubbing on me, I totally forgot about her friend. We danced two fast songs together before the music shifted to a slow song and she wrapped her body against me. I was hard as a brick in my pants, and when she reached up and planted her lips against mine, I was lost. We walked out of the club together and drove to my apartment.
In between our first and second fucks of the night, she filled me in on her life. She and her friend were there to celebrate her divorce becoming official earlier in the day.
Rosie was a helluva fuck, and we dated for about a month before she told me she didn't want to get tied down so quickly after her divorce. I totally got it, and we went our separate ways. I never did get around to asking her about the friend she was with that first night. I have a feeling I missed something with that woman.
A few weeks later I was sitting at the bar in another fairly high-end place, except this time I was alone. I had just stopped off for a couple of drinks at the end of a long week, just by myself, to chill. It wasn't my weekend for the kids, so I was going to be alone.
She walked in alone, and I mean, heads turned. She had a lux body like Megan Thee Stallion, and had a high pile of loose brown curls on top of her head and falling down past her shoulders. She literally sauntered over on four-inch stilettos, which caused her braless breasts to sway wonderfully as she moved to the chair next to mine. Holy fuck. I was pretty sure I died and went to heaven.
My brain was working overtime trying to come up with a killer opening line when she looked me square in the face and asked me what I was drinking.
"Angel Envy rye," I responded, smiling, my brain rapidly turning to mush when I heard her smoky alto tone.
"Ooh, nice. A man with taste," she cooed.
She ordered what I was drinking, neat like I was drinking, and proceeded to spend most of the evening telling me all about the boutique marketing company she started several years ago. Wow. She was gorgeous and smart, and owned a successful business.
We left together a couple of hours later and went to her apartment, which really was gorgeous. She pointed out to me she preferred to have sex in her own bed, as most women did, and then proceeded to tell me all about that psychology.
When she got stripped down, I could see that she was no stranger to the gym. I seriously had my doubts that she was 45 as she claimed because her body was that tight. Yet, she was also limber like a Gumby, and by the time we finished two sessions, I had to admit I had several sore muscles. We fucked hard doggy the first time, then made passionate love both cowgirl and missionary the second time. She was an amazing kisser as well, and I felt a connection with her that had been missing since Hester's date.
I got more honesty out of Mariel Washington in one night than I got from Hester after nine years of marriage. Mariel told me that she was basically married to her business and never wanted children, but had several men with which she had friends with benefits relationships. I really think I could have fallen in love with this woman, but since that option wasn't on the table, I accepted her offer of being a friend with benefits.
We got together about once a month for the next year, until she surprised even herself by falling in love with a much younger man. Lucky bastard.
It wasn't unusual for me to get an occasional phone call from my ex-mother-in-law. My in-laws and I had stayed close after the divorce. They understood why I had to divorce their daughter, and there was the matter of the grandchildren. Hell, I still called them Mom and Dad.
"Can I beg a favor, Reg?" she asked tentatively.
"Always, as long as it doesn't involve your daughter," I answered.
The favor involved being the escort for my mother-in-law's personal administrator for their company's upcoming Christmas party. Really?
"She's a good kid, Reg. She got divorced a couple of years ago from an abusive philanderer, and I don't think she's gone out on a date since then. She's wounded, Reg, and she needs a good man to show her that not all men are scummers. I know you are that good man," my mother-in-law said.
How weird is it when your former mother-in-law tries to fix you up on a date?
"Just tell me one thing, Mom," I asked. "Tell me she doesn't have a great personality."
Mom got the joke and chuckled.
"I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised, Reggie. You might even let us have the kids for an overnight or two," she said.
Mom was right. I was pleasantly surprised. Cherilynn Sarito was 5-foot-nothing of adorable, wrapped in a physical package that featured nice-sized boobs and a bubble butt. She was outgoing without being bubbly and had a cute way of wrinkling her nose and scrunching her green eyes when she was happy.
Just as important, she really did have a good personality.
I made sure to stay by Cherilynn's side the entire night and be completely attentive to her, just like I would have done with my former wife. Cheri seemed thrilled with the attention. She was an excellent conversationalist, although she had a tendency to defer to others. I suppose that was to be expected with her background.