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I wonder if Vendalis can hold himself back long enough for Elwin, who leads this dance, to decide to come. His face is red with exertion and sweat runs freely down his face as he gasps and tightens his grip on our cocks, squeezing them almost painfully. For me, this pain is pleasure and I am made only harder. Now, I fear, that I will betray the trifecta by releasing early. Alas, my fears are baseless as, with exquisite timing, we all three erupt our passions as one, hot, white liquid shooting everywhere. I smile as Elwin withdraws his spent cock, a long stream of fluid connecting both men for a moment before it breaks to drip upon my thigh.

Before I grow flaccid, Elwin withdraws a scarf and folds it several times until it is narrow, like a rope. He then wraps it tightly about my balls and cock like a cock ring, which prevents me from growing soft too quickly. He knows it hurts but he knows how to tie it to trigger my pain arousal. Soon, the blood flows back into my thick shaft and I am as hard as ever.

Then as I look up, Vendalis leans over me and sucks my mouth in a long, hot kiss as he ties the doubled scarf over my head. I am completely at their mercy.

I confess that prior to observing the obvious chemistry between my beloved and my brother's old lover that I was wary of getting involved with him. Knowing that he pleasured himself at my expense was disconcerting- at first. But there is a part of me that is voyeuristic in nature and that part is actually a bit turned on by the knowledge that Thalizar put me on display for at least one of his friends. Now, I kind of wish we had been introduced, intimately. But my brother was a greedy sort, even then, and restricted my actions to his bed and his alone when we were together. I doubt he would have allowed Vendalis and I to do anything together back then.

A pity... The man is quite enthusiastic about pleasuring me and I am not complaining. Not at all. I wish I had known what I was missing.

The beginning of my sense euphoria begins, not on my flesh, but in my mind! Both men are aware that I am empathic and they use this knowledge to fill my mind with emotional sensations of pleasure conjured by memory and their own experiences. "Open yourself up to us," Elwin whispers, his breath hot against my ear.

Opening myself up is not a thing I do, usually, because the emotions of others can be overwhelming for my fragile mind. But even though Vendalis is a stranger, his mind is not and I feel safe. Elwin, of course, is my beloved and he has never given me cause to worry, though his emotions can be overwhelming at times.

Shyly, I drop all my mental shields and I am awash with a gentle wave of desire, love and sexual need. I am wanted, body and mind, by both these men. My fears about Vendalis evaporate as he opens himself up to me, showing me that he has wanted me since the first time he observed a much younger me splashing naked in the Green Lake by my clan. The man has truly held a torch for me for many years and having me in this way is as much a revelation of wonder to him as it is to me. I sense from him that this was expected to be one night of pleasure but he is certain that he would like very much to stay.

I smile.

As I absorb their empathic emanations, I feel their fingertips brush my skin, beginning with my face and neck, running slowly down my oiled body with feather-light kisses dancing along in their wake. I hear the soft sounds of smacking and popping above me, lip sounds, as the men kiss one another as they touch me. I can see them in my mind; two men, one black haired, the other almost white haired, caressing mouths against mouths with eyes partially closed and tongues extended to taste the flavors shared between them.

The kissing stops and I feel a new sensation, this one a cold liquid being drizzled all over my torso. My skin erupts in chill-bumps and I shiver with cold and with pleasure as those pink tongues glide along my excited flesh and arouse me further. By now, my cock is impressively hard, dark red and pulsing with need. The band of silk wrapped at the base where my balls meet my body feels tighter than it did before. The pain and the pleasure make me harder, more desirous of the two men who drip honey upon my skin and eat it.

A moment later, an open mouth descends upon my own. We kiss and the mouth moves away. My legs are untied and lifted high, held at the ankles by someone while another rolls my torso in on itself for access to my ass. I feel the blunt pressure of a thick cock push deep inside me. I gasp and moan with pleasure as it withdraws and presses into me again. More oil is applied to the already slick member and the man speeds up his thrusts. I feel a new sensation as another cock joins the first inside me. A double penetration, I think! How divine! I love taking two at once. It is challenging to do but not impossible and purely pleasurable when done well. We grind as one and just as I am about to explode again, the silk scarf is removed from my cock and an oiled hand strokes it hard and fast. I gasp with the sudden release and I cannot withhold myself any longer. For the second time this night, we three come as one and the two men who mounted me flop down beside me on either side of my body.

They remove my scarf, untie my hands and smile as they caress my naked body with their fingers. I am panting with exertion and they are as well. "Shower?" I ask Elwin, who nods. Vendalis rises, or tries to, and loses his footing on the oil-slick, padded leather mat. He tumbles down on top of me and we all laugh as he perches himself up on his arm to look deeply into my eyes. I am still open to him and between us, something snaps, a kind of empathic connection is made and I realize that I have done it again and entangled myself emotionally and magically with yet another man.

But this man is not forbidden to me so I reach out and kiss him hard. Elwin smiles and picks himself up with greater success than Vendalis and reaches out his hands to us. My spent cock, still red from being tied up, is tender as it brushes my thighs. We gather what things we need and depart the room, which is a mess now. As we exit the room, I see a familiar face. The startled servant girl from earlier stares at us with wide eyes and I grin wickedly. "You'll need some help in there... We made quite a mess."

We head down the hall to our Master's Suite, which is thankfully not far. I am dripping oil and semen in a long trail that runs from my ass, down my leg and to the floor. The servants will have their hands full; they are used to this by now, however, save the new girl. Give her time, I think.

In the luxurious cavern of our boudoir, we three head to the impressive marble-tiled bathroom to shower each other and wash away the pleasures of the past hours. Scented soaps, gentle loofahs and sweet shampoos work together to foam away the evening's desires, swirling them down the drain. There is a great deal of kissing and touching along with laughter and a few jokes as we bathe. We behave like men who have known one another for years, not potential business partners.

It is good.

Under the covers of our huge bed, Vendalis stretches his long body out against the golden sheets and looks at Elwin and I with dreamy, blue-violet eyes. "Is this where you tell me it's a deal?" he asks softly.

I open my mouth to reply but Elwin holds out his hand in front of my mouth, silencing me. "Tell me, Vendalis, what kind of clientele do you have? Buyers? Distributors? What is your business? Your goals?"

Odd questions, I think, as I roll over onto my stomach and perch up on my elbows. I am the shorter of the three men but much more gloriously built; my biceps bulge nicely under my delicate skin. I listen closely to the conversation at hand, wondering where my love is going with his questions.

"As I said before, My business is... new. I have a loyal clientele but they are few in number, though word of mouth has helped. I am good with a sharp eye and a keen sense of worth! I can tell a chiseled piece of glass by touch and I know the names and values of any stone I view, even before faceting, even when fresh from the ground." He seems nervous, his brow damp with sweat. His emotions are jumbled, fearful, worried. He is wondering what Elwin wants as much as I do.

"I see..." Elwin muses thoughtfully. Then, without warning, he slides out of the bed and pulls me out with him. I think he is dragging me into the bathroom but the tile will echo our voices so he drags me out into the hall. We are naked, of course, our hair still damp and our cocks slowly reawakening into a semi-erect state, which we are accustomed to. He kisses me and looks up as the new girl, alarmed, holds her mop in both hands with wide eyes. I am still trying to recall her name; "Nadine," Elwin supplies with a smile as she approaches us, her cheeks red. "Is your shift done soon?" he asks conversationally. His tone belies the absolutely lack of clothing on our bodies and the pleasant state of our arousal.

She blushes deeper and curtsies politely and smiles. "Two more hours, sirs. Is there something I may fetch for you?" Her eyes are fixated on our cocks, showing us that she is intrigued, shy and completely heterosexual.

"Champagne, an expensive bottle, three glasses and a tray of assorted chocolates. Once you do that, you may retire for the evening if you like. I doubt we will have need of anyone until morning," he says with a polite nod. She curtsies again and backs away slowly, mop in hand and scoops up her bucket. She was, evidently, the one assigned to clean up my spum-trail.

Elwin turns to me and takes both my hands. "Do you like him?" he asks me.

I raise a thick eyebrow and nod slowly. "Yes, of course. He's a decent enough fellow- and probably useful in the long run."

"What would you say to agreeing to his offer of a partnership? I know this is fast but allies are important and the gem industry is a lucrative one that could net us quite a few expensive clients that need jobs done. We could market his skills to our existing clients and he would in turn refer anyone new that he meets to us." Elwin's excitement would have been palpable even had I not been empathic. His words run into one another with the force of a carriage being drawn by wild horses. This is unlike my cool, measured lover and I touch his brow, checking for fever.

"I would not be opposed but, ah, what brought this on?" I ask with raised brows.

"He needs us, Veranon. This is more than a one time job. He needs us! He needs our business expertise, our connections and our client base," he replies.

"And what do we get in return, besides amazing sex? Are you thinking of getting into gemstone brokering? Are we expanding our business?"

He laughs and pulls me into his arms. "I don't know. But I think his line of work is lucrative and the possibility for profit is impressive. We help him for a percentage of his profits, he helps us by getting us work, like the job he wants us to do for him. That is the reason he came for us, not this job alone but for the chance to work with us!"

I look back at the door and then up at him. "You're certain about this?"


"I see... Ah, was there something else you wanted to discuss?" I ask shyly.

He tilts back my head and drinks in my lips. "I was hoping you would have an answer for me..." he murmurs against my open mouth.

"About the job or...?"

"My proposal?" he says, his mouth now against my throat.

"Ahh... You see, that is a problem. You know how I am with certain men, my brother and his boy especially. You have a tendency to be excessively jealous, especially of the boy and I abhor jealousy of any kind. You know this, Elwin. I cannot marry someone who treats me like property." My words, like my voice, are firm and give him no leeway, no space to maneuver. He looks down at me and nods slowly.

"I know," he replies. "No matter what you ask, it is yours. Even if the boy and Thalizar want to move in and become our permanent guests, even if you want to share our bed with them, with anyone, I don't care as long as you are my husband."

I am admittedly skeptical as I take his hand and hold it tightly while I press the back of my free hand against his brow again. "Has the cognac altered your brain?" I ask.

He pulls me tightly against him, his lips press against my mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. When we pull away for air, he smiles, his eyes alive with joy. "I know this sounds mad but I am absolutely, without reason and without logic, more in love with you than I ever have been and I will do anything you ask, even-"

"Yes," I say simply.

"Yes? Yes! I know I sound like I have lost my mind..."

I laugh and pull him against me. "I meant, 'yes, I will marry you,' if you are sincere in what you are saying you will do."

He laughs and picks me up in his arms, whirling me around in a circle in his excitement. "I won! I won the contract!" he cheers as he reaches for the door handle, his other hand supporting my weight against him. "The most lucrative contract in the country and I have won it! The hand of Veranon Krae is at last mine. Mine!" His joy is infectious and I cannot help but join in with laughter of my own. Vendalis looks up with sleepy, confused eyes as Elwin throws me down onto the bed and begins smothering me with kisses.

"Did you come to an agreement?" he asks as he leans over me, his fingernails running down my chest and awakening my body.

"The negotiations went very well but now we have a deal for you, my friend," I say as his lips join Elwin's on mine and his fingers curl tightly around my reawakened cock.

Needless to say, negotiations for our partnership went quite well and Vendalis eagerly accepted our terms, which left plenty of room for success for all of us. He set up his office in our estate and quickly blended in with the rest of our clients as "Master Belvin DasVivenne." The idea for our next business venture was, in fact, partly his idea. But one thing I will always remember about the negotiations of that night...

Elwin's proposal.

Because I said "yes" to everything.

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JuliaHandelJuliaHandelabout 11 years ago
Romantic Love Story

The ingénue character is attractive, everyone enjoys himself, and the political observations lend realism.

WyldefantasyWyldefantasyover 11 years agoAuthor
Yes, This Story *IS* Homoerotic!

Hello, I am the author of this story. I placed this story under "group sex" because it is about a threesome, a group, of men. Homoerotic fiction belongs anywhere, even under incest and bondage and host of others. The next comment I receive that bashes me (without being usefully constructive) or gays (that is an absolute) will be deleted without question. Wyldefantasy writes gay erotica. PERIOD. I might throw in a woman now and again but expect gay erotica and I will place it in any group that is appropriate for that story. I shouldn't have to defend my position, especially not on this cute bit of fluff, but let this be a warning before anyone comments without actually reading the story. I do this for fun. Let's keep it that way. I love my boys.

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