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Our appetizers consist of several different varieties of meat, cheese, bread, spices and oils, all baked, fried or left raw or designed for dipping, each bearing its own distinct flavor. There are different liquors as well, each one designed to create a different melody of flavors with each tasty bite. We experiment, mixing them and trying different combinations. Vendalis is beside himself with delight.

"You never answered Veranon's question, Vendalis," Elwin says as he sits behind me, his hands on my chest and the shirt open wide. He is stroking my nipples, teasing them to hardness and thrilling my senses. Vendalis leans in, a snifter of red brandy in his fingers as he runs his fingertips down my torso. My body is awake, my cock firm though not yet erect.

"To feel the pressure of his hot body embrace my erection, of course. But, ah, you are discussing business, of course." He kisses me, pushing his tongue into my mouth and devouring my lips and jaw with hot kisses. "Veranon is an empath. I need that magic to discover, and prevent, betrayal I suspect will occur as soon as I pass him the coins. I want to know the contents of his head before I can check the contents of the bag he offers me."

"I am not a mind reader, Vendalis," I remind him between mouthfuls of his lips. "I can only uncover intent if it is betrayed by emotion. And anything I discover is inadmissible in court so you will have to deliver justice on the spot and that may undo any attempts at keeping your hands clean. Are you certain you want to do that?"

He nods, his fingers teasing the front of my pants. His eyes are on the vine as it dips below my waistband. "I want those stones... They are worth more to me than his life and the price he offered them to me for is unbelievably low. I made him sign an agreement for it so that I would have the amount in writing!"

Behind me, Elwin pushes himself up so that he can help Eloise bring in the next course, a mixed course of the combined entrees, sides and various samplings of meat, shellfish and poultry as well as multiple breads and vegetables. "You held them in your hands long enough to appraise them, did you not?" he asks as he hands us each a plate.

Vendalis nods and helps himself to some crab, shrimp, a tender slice of red beef and some olives blended with tomato, soft cheese, onions and oil. "Yes, absolutely! I had to ascertain their quality and, of course, whether or not they were fakes. They are quite real."

"Why didn't you pay for them then?" Elwin asks suspiciously as he settles back in behind me, a plate of food held out for me. First blood, my love!

"Would YOU take a full pouch of gold out into the docks at night?" comes the rebuttal from in front of me. Touche!

From behind, Elwin counters with, "Of course not! But I would have chosen a safer location than the docks!" Ouch! The verbal joust between the man sucking on my nipples in between bites of tender lobster and my beloved, whose hand is now gripping my cock possessively, was becoming vicious.

"When a potential client offers you something you desperately desire that he will only reveal at a location of his choosing, you go to that location," Vendalis spits with a tone that all but accuses Elwin of being a neophyte.

That Is all my lover needs.

He rises to his feet and carefully steps over me, his mouth twisted in a snarl. For a moment, I fear Elwin's temper will make do something stupid like strike the pale-haired elf. Instead, he drops to his knees beside us and grabs a handful of Vendalis' hair then uses it to snap his head backwards.

"Rank amateurs show their desperation and go where they are told. Professionals like Veranon and I convince the client to go to a location of our choosing under our chosen conditions or we walk away from the deal. Of course, you wouldn't know this... Would you?" Vendalis winces but keeps his reply safely locked inside his mouth.

Just as Elwin closes the distance between his mouth and our client, I feel a hand close around my shaft, which has grown beautifully erect during the verbal duel. It is Vendalis' and he pulls, urging me closer. I rise up on my knees and I let him pull my silky pants down as low as they will go. He smiles as his finger traces the vine tattoo from its beginning at my groin, all the way down my shaft and to the fat, red head of my cock. It twitches as he teases the glans near the hole.

"Fuck... Veranon... This is... You are..." He pushes me, urging me to stand. I rise. He then removes my pants entirely so that I am wearing only the open shirt. He opens his mouth and draws me deep inside his wet, hot orifice. I can feel pressure as he sucks on me, thrilling me with a shivering of his tongue. His fingers dip into a jar of lube and push up between my ass cheeks, spreading them and plunge deep into my tight hole.

Elwin comes up behind him and pushes his head to the side (gently, as he is still nursing firmly on my cock) so that he can nibble the tall elf's neck and ear. He's always loved being in a position where he could watch other men take me. Still, business demands we negotiate a price. He asks Vendalis what he wants.

I feel a blast of cold air on my long member as Vendalis releases me. "I need Veranon's magic, a couple or three big, strong men, you and the illusion of isolation," he replies to Elwin.

I stroke my cock absently to maintain the erection as I consider the necessary tasks important to what he needs done. The "illusion of isolation" is the tricky part. He must appear to be alone when no fewer than four or five people are lurking nearby. Not impossible, of course but brutes will be out of the question. Finesse fighters, then. People who use martial skills and are light on their feet, who appreciate stealth. Assassins, perhaps?

I make a few mental calculations as I pull Vendalis' mouth back upon my cock, which I fear is growing limp, and I say, "What you desire will be extremely expensive. Elwin alone comes at twenty-five gold. Me, without my empathy, is another twenty-five. Add my magic, and you are at about twenty more gold. The warriors you seek will cost, at minimum, five or ten gold each, times two or three... Plus various expenses... Rough estimate is around a hundred gold."

Vendalis blinks up at me, his teeth bite into my shaft ever so slightly. Elwin looks up from the pointed ear he is teasing with his mouth to appraise me with adoration and approval.

Suddenly, Vendalis redoubles his effort to please me, his mouth sucking me hard, so hard it is nearly painful. I gasp, I moan and I take his head in my hands as he swiftly devours me to wave after wave of intense, euphoric pleasure. Before I know it, he has drained my cock of its juices and stands to crush me in his arms.

"Surely there is something I can do to bring the amount down..." he murmurs against my mouth.

Elwin rises to his feet and presses into him from behind, his right hand stroking the elf's impossibly long cock through his pants. "There might be," he murmurs as his other hand opens Vendalis' shirt and teases a plump nipple. Our closeness results in Elwin's sweeping fingers awakening my own. "What do you have in mind?"

Vendalis is sandwiched tightly between us and I can feel his erection against my groin with Elwin's hands tight around it. The tall elf is biting my neck, sucking my throat and running his long fingers up and down my body to my delight. He draws in a breath and says, "Lower that estimate to around fifty gold and I will sweeten the deal with a gem of my choosing- as long as I get Veranon's body to play with as I wish."

I raise an eyebrow and smile at him slyly. "Clever offering us one of your coveted stones. And making me a bargaining chip is... dangerous. However, we'll not dip lower than eighty gold, seventy-five with the added gem. What do you want to do with me, specifically, mon ami?"

Before our guest could answer, a soft knock at the door announces the arrival of the final course and some sweet aperitifs. Due to the buffet nature of our meal, the sweets are plentiful concoctions of sugar, cream, pastries and chocolate with rich caramel and fruits for flavor and decadence. Each miniature morsel is a work of art, designed and prepared by one of the most delightful chefs we could find. For our more decadent pleasures, there are bowls of honey, whipped cream, chocolate and caramel to use as we desire, where we desire. The man is a genius and knows our craft very well. "Will you need anything else?" Eloise asks with a smile as she drinks in my naked, aroused body and Vendalis' stiff package.

"Nay, madam. Leave us be unless you are summoned. I think we have..." I look our client over with a smile, "...everything we desire."

For a moment, negotiations pause as we are distracted by the treats before us. Elwin takes the spoon from the caramel and drizzles it in swirls along the shaft of my cock then leans forward to devour the sticky sweetness. I smile and indicate the velvet pillows and the cover we are laying on. He nods and we step out before things get too messy, which we emphatically hope will occur. We pull the tray of sweets and the remains of supper close to our new location, a part of the room designed for such messiness and Elwin and I slowly remove Vendalis' clothing.

"Now... What do you want of me?" I ask as I lean forward to the impressively long, straight cock at Vendalis' thighs. His balls have a nice sagging quality which exaggerates their impressive size and his cock's girth. It is a nice penis for a man of his slender build. I tease him with a bit of whipped cream and my tongue, causing him to bounce slightly.

I hear his voice strain as he replies, "Anything I want, short of causing pain. I once observed Thalizar tie you to two posts in his room, cover your eyes and ravish you. I wanted to be him so badly that day I could taste it. I orgasmed twice within minutes of each other and almost betrayed my presence!" I remembered that day so long ago... I was barely more than a boy, a man with his brands fresh from winning my presence among the adults of my clan. Thalizar had helped me celebrate by giving me the most incredible night of my life, much of which was spent coated in oil and tied between four posts, immobile and completely at his mercy. It was a fetish of mine to be rendered so completely helpless, blind and open to every sensory assault he could dream up. I think I came more than he did that night.

If Vendalis' goal is to recreate this night from the past, I cannot fight down my pleasure. I struggle with the expression, focus myself to look firm, dangerous, and thoughtful. My body, however, betrays me with an immediately impressive erection and a bead of clear, thick liquid crowning the hole. If either of them touch me, I know I will ejaculate.

Damn the man. He knows me well and he smiles, his fingers caressing my nipple as his other hand moves slowly down my body. "You remember, I see... I want the oil as well. I want you to gleam like gold! And I want Elwin added as another component, to add to your pleasure beside me and to finish you off, all three of us, as one. Bring the price to sixty-five and you will have the gem and as many orgasms as we can give you."

I look eagerly at my beloved, who is smiling thoughtfully as he considers. "My love, the decision is yours." I look at Vendalis and ask, "You have certainly made the pot sweet for me but what about my partner?"

Vendalis looks at him and says, "I have a thriving business on my own but I can always use help and, of course, there is no such thing as too many good connections. Perhaps there is room for me in your enterprise?"

"You have proven yourself to be an amateur, Vendalis. You make shitty deals. What more can you offer?" Elwin says sternly. The fact that he is asking is impressive and means that he is, in fact, intrigued.

Our client pauses and then, after a moment of consideration, he says, "Gem clients often have needs, everything from safe transport to cutting to setting the stones to where they can make the most profit off of their item after they procure it. We might make something off of an exchange, don't you agree?"

Elwin looks at me and I sense through my empathy the unasked question, "Well?"

I nod one time. It is a code that means, "Accept without exceptions." Two nods would have encouraged him to press harder but he was emanating contentment with the plan and I saw nothing in Vendalis' empathic aura that would betray him as untrustworthy.

"To make things more exciting, I would ask that all three of us slicken our bodies with oil," Vendalis suggests with a grin. Elwin nods and rises to fetch the necessary implements, which consist of several scarves, four rods which screw into the floor, a thick, leather cushion which requires my help to bring to the hidden screw-holes for the rods and a heavy glass carafe of lavender scented oil that tastes like cinnamon. The nice thing about our oil is it tastes incredible, it washes clean away and it doesn't stain anything.

Once everything is in place, I go to lay down on the mat. I lay first on my back so that the two men can coat me liberally. Elwin doesn't worry about how much is used as we have barrels of the stuff on hand because we use it constantly. Oil is a favorite of our most exclusive parties. As I lay with my arms and legs apart, I feel two sets of hands rubbing the cool oil all over my body, resisting nothing as fingers dip between my buttocks and tease my anus. At one point, I feel a tongue probing my tight hole and a finger slides in deeply while a hand strokes my balls from behind. My toes begin to curl.

"When shall we finalize the agreement?" Vendalis asks.

Elwin nudges me to roll over onto my back and says, "Negotiations aren't done until you pay up this part of the deal. Satisfy Veranon and I as you promise and we agree to your terms. Otherwise, you are stuck with Veranon's original agreement of eighty-five." "Accept with no exceptions" means we have chosen accept but what we tell the client may be riddled with all kinds of loopholes and wrangling. Elwin is clever and I applaud this cleverness as Vendalis makes a face.

The two lovely men then each withdraw a length of silk from the pile of colorful fabric at my side. Elwin smirks as he ties my ankles in blue and teal whilst my curious client wraps a bit of pink silk about my left wrist and red for my right. Vendalis lifts a black one and doubles it with a bit of red and holds it out to cover my eyes! No! Want to watch! But Elwin, as if sensing my dismay, places a hand on Vendalis's shoulder, causing him to look back behind him at my partner. He shakes his head and gestures to the bottle of scented oil and the tall, pale-haired elf grins wickedly. Oh, but to watch the gears in those boys' minds turn would be a fascinating thing for me!

Elwin indicates that they should kneel down by my thighs, across from one another. He lifts the bottle and pours it over Vendalis' shoulders so that it flows slowly down his body. He then upends the bottle on his own shoulders, face and torso. I watch the rivers of silky liquid slowly ooze down their bodies in slow channels of glimmering light. They do not bother to rub it in, instead trading the bottle between them so that Vendalis can pour it down Elwin's elegant back and firm ass.

I am fixated on the way the oil glides down the channel made by his spine and into the tight groove between his butt cheeks. I want to drink it as Vendalis parts them, exposing the red, puckered hole and helps it coat the tight anus. He grabs Elwin from behind, pulling his balls back and rubbing the oil into them so that they gleam like marbles. This is, of course, for my benefit and I am riveted to the sight before me. Without thought, I reach out with my tongue and Elwin sees, smiles and positions himself over my face so that I may dine on his ass.

After only a few licks, a bit of probing and a nip or two at his balls, he rises and allows Vendalis to finish coating his back. The object is to put a heavy layer of oil on their bodies so that they are slippery with it. The padding beneath me is made of a leather that has been carefully treated and polished so that the oil does not absorb in and pools around me so that I am laying in about a quarter inch of the stuff. It is a fine skin conditioner as well as an excellent tasting, excellent smelling lubricant.

Vendalis, who, like Elwin, has yet to have the oil rubbed into his front (which makes me wonder if they are planning to really enrage my lust!) turns his body so that his back is facing Elwin. I watch, mesmerized as oil drips slowly from the head of our client's impressively large cock. It bears a single piercing, a stud, on the underside of the thick head, where my hoop usually is. I am not wearing my piercing today, though part of me wishes that I had. Of all the gifts of my days of being a sex slave, my cock ring is one of my most prized possessions.

After coating one another's backs in as sensual a fashion as two naked, aroused men can get, they turn to face one another again. Smiling, Vendalis holds out his hands as Elwin pours oil into them, the thick fluid running out over his palms to fall in a stream across my erect cock and hard thighs, which are pulled slightly apart. The rods can be moved, will be moved, if I know Elwin, so that they are spread wide, granting both men access to all I have.

Additionally, there are four long straps that can be pulled down from the ceiling and strapped about the wrists and ankles. All the party rooms possess these but the Velvet room has the best ones, as they are soft, padded and very elegant in a deep crimson. To use these straps, suspending me above the floor, would grant them each unfettered access to my vacant hole.

I am eager for them to decide to do this.

My mind wanders from what may happen to what is happening and I feel my cock jump, my nipples harden as Vendalis raises his oil-filled palms and flips them over on Elwin's lean, tightly-muscled chest. My lover is slender but wirey in the lithe way of many elite dancers. His hard nipples, like his hairless scrotum and long, curved blade-like penis, are dark, a reflection of his southern roots. There is a slight dusting of soft, black hair above his cock but he keeps it minimal to enhance his beauty, like I do. Watching the pale hands slide down Elwin's body, the fingertips just grazing the shaft of his erection and down his thighs arouse me. I love watching my beautiful lover being touched by other men. It is a pleasure we both share in abundance.

But my greatest pleasure comes from watching Elwin pour even more oil across Vendalis' face, his throat and chest before he puts the bottle down and begins to touch the other man. They lean over me, dripping oil as Elwin pinches our client's pink nipples and runs his hands down the tight abdominal muscles until they reach the pink balls and large cock, which dances with every touch of Elwin's fine-boned fingers.

Then... They kiss. I watch their tongues reach for one another and plunge into the opposing mouths. Kissing... I love to watch kissing. The way Elwin kisses is raw, powerful, like watching an athlete at a sporting event. His passion is great and his need is clear. Vendalis pumps Elwin's cock, the lubricant making the stroking easy. I fixate on the sight of Elwin's dark red head, gleaming like it is made of glass, disappearing and poking through the tight hole made by the other man's fist. A bead of passion-drool appears in Elwin's hole and I am certain he is going to explode all over us. I watch with anticipation as the muscles strain in his body and I listen as he moans with eyes tightly closed.

Vendalis flips around, displaying his pale pink anus and he straddles me so that the prominent head of of his cock rubs against mine as Elwin plunges himself deep inside the other man's body. Our slick members stroke one another and Elwin, clever, wonderful Elwin, helps position Vendalis so that his at an angle where he can make a "hole" with his hands so that both our cocks glide against one another with each hard thrust. When Elwin can no longer keep the friction going, the other elf grabs my cock and holds it against his own. I close my eyes and gasp but I open them, forcing them to lock on the beautiful sight of my love and our lover in their synchronized dance of penile passion.

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