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Not Your Typical Damsel Pt. 02

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Their family is growing, but could it grow faster?
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/26/2021
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"Okay, girls, have a great day at school!" Francesca shouted after Sasha and Katya as they ran across the street to get to the bus door.

"We will, mom!" called Sasha as they climbed aboard, leaving me and my fiancee (who was 2 months pregnant) alone for a full day for the first time since we met.

"Hey you two!" Carla greeted us as we walked back to the house. Well, maybe not alone...

"Hey, Carla," Francesca greeted her, rolling her eyes a bit at the disappointed expression that flitted across my face. I had been foolish enough to hope for a non-stop sexual festival with my lover... so sue me!

"So what are we doing today?" she asked innocently. "Oh! I know! We could paint the nursery? Or go make a registry for the shower? Ooh! Or I could give you both the gift I had planned for this day!" she teased us.

"That... wait, gift?" I asked, not sure what was going on.

"Yeah! I know the girls and I have been keeping you 2 from fucking as much as you'd like to," she laughed, "so I figured today I could give you some encouragement, and then go to Kate's to work on something we had thought of and leave you guys alone until the girls get home!"

"Oh my god, thank you, sis!" Francesca raved, thrilled at this turn of events. We had definitely been having a lot of sex, especially with her hormones ramping up in a very pleasant kind of way, but having to sneak around the girls and my sister-in-law was a little bit stressful.

"I mean, you know I'd always be willing to give that little one a half-sibling," she teased, though she really did mean it, "but I get that you might need longer to become comfortable with that idea. For now, here!" She handed us a gift certificate, which said it was good for a couple's massage at the spa a town over, and Francesca's face split into a huge smile.

"Oh Carla! This is amazing!" she gushed. "You know my feet have been so sore, and this is going to be amazing!" she praised her sister's thoughtfulness, and Carla just beamed and gave her former guardian a big hug.

"Well I'm off to Kate's!" she told us enthusiastically, and walked over to her car. I had bought her a cute little Mini Cooper, and she loved that thing. She was going to use it to get to school when she started her senior year next week, and had used it this past summer to help with errands and other stuff (including a few times she drove the girls to Kate's so I could have a date night with her sister).

"Have fun!" I told her gratefully, and she just winked at me.

"You too!" she giggled, and headed off to my sister's. Those 2 had become exceptionally fast friends, and formed what they called the Aunt Squad. It was adorable.

"So, shall we go get pampered?" Francesca asked hopefully, and I smiled.

"Indeed we shall, my love," I told her. "But hey! I thought you liked the massages I gave you!"

"I do! And it's so sweet that you do that! But you have to realize that professionals probably can do a bit more?" I nodded grudgingly. "Plus, every time you start massaging me I get so horny we stop and fuck! I want a full massage for once," she laughed. I had to agree; when she started moaning, it was almost impossible to resist her!

"Alright, let me just get my keys and we'll go to the spa," I laughed, and soon we were pulling up to the spa entrance. I handed the keys to the Humvee to the valet, and we walked into the building to the sound of a gently babbling brook.

"It is so sweet of Carla to book this for us!" Francesca raved, looking around with big eyes.

"It really is," I agreed. Giving my little sister-in-law an allowance was a good decision!

We were led into a private suite with 2 massage tables, a small waterfall, and a bunch of pleasantly scented candles. "I fucking love this!" Francesca gasped, and closed the door. As soon as we were sure we were alone, she immediately stripped down and started making out with me, pressing her perfect body against me.

"Hormones acting up?" I teased, loving how inflamed her libido was.

"Who the fuck cares?!" she demanded, kneeling in front of me and starting to unbuckle my pants. "Let's see how quickly I can get you to cum in my mouth! We are not skipping these massages, but I need your sperm in my belly..."

She had me so close, but then there was a knock at the door. "Just let us know when you're lying down and ready," a friendly voice called. Francesca redoubled her efforts and looked at me meaningfully.

"I love you, baby," I gasped. To the masseuses, I answered, "just a minute!" Francesca really kicked it up a notch, using the back of her throat and her tongue to devastating effect. It took 15 more seconds, and then I exploded in my lover's mouth. She proudly swallowed, and we both climbed onto our tables before telling the staff they could come in.

The next hour and a half was spent in bliss. The middle-aged women who worked on our sore muscles were magical, and if I didn't know any better I'd say that Francesca's foot massage made her cum... Then again, I don't really know that didn't happen! Either way, when our appointment was done and we were both feeling fully relaxed, we more or less floated to the Humvee and drove home.

"That was amazing!" I sighed when we were on the road.

"It really was," Francesca agreed, smiling tiredly. "I might just rest my eyes, if that's okay?" she asked calmly.

I laughed and told her of course it was fine. When we got home and she didn't wake up, I walked around and picked her up, carrying her inside the house and to the bedroom while she slept soundly in my arms.

As I was leaving the room, after tucking her in and kissing her forehead, she mumbled after me, "I love Carla... maybe she does deserve to have your baby..."

An hour later, I was sitting in my office when Francesca stormed in, looking furious. "You let me sleep!" she shouted, outraged.

"Yes..." I replied slowly, "I let my pregnant fiancee sleep, after I carried you to our bed..."

"What I mean is, Leo: You didn't wake me up and fuck me!" she screamed, absolutely irate.

"I thought you needed your sleep!" I said defensively. "You're carrying our child; I didn't want to wake you!"

"Yeah, whatever... I guess that's not evil. I did enjoy my nap," she admitted, smiling at me to let me know she was just teasing. "But now..."

"Still just us here for... 2 more hours," I told her, glancing at my computer to check the time. "Which room?" We had made love (and also, separately, fucked) in every room of the house, but some served best when she was in specific moods.

"How about... the basement?" she asked. So she was feeling naughty! The basement held the playroom, and Francesca had loved being fucked surrounded by the girls' toys and games, saying it made her feel particularly dirty to be taken in such an innocent place. To make it even naughtier, she had insisted on being treated like a fuckfoll there, an absolute slut who obeyed my every command and came like I had hardly believed.

"Oh?" I asked, getting excited.

"Yeah!" she responded, sticking her tongue out. "This is my first first day of school as a mom, and, well... I want to really remember this!"

"Well this sounds fun!" I told her earnestly, and we practically raced downstairs.

"Okay, Leo, let's do this right!" Francesca said excitedly, and bent over the couch with her legs spread. She had been wearing a skirt, and when she lifted up I noticed a conspicuous lack of panties.

"Oh so you wanted to be fuck, is that right, slut?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes, Leo! Please! You already impregnated me, but I want to be taken so hard I can't walk for the rest of the night!" We had actually managed this a few times, and those occasions will stay with me forever as some of the best events of my life - you know, aside from my 2 weddings and the births of my 5 children.

"Well, you filthy whore, I'm going to make sure you feel this for a week!" I shouted, and without warning I thrust my entire cock into her with no warm-up. It was a good thing her pregnancy had her so horny, and almost constant dripping wet, because I actually managed to penetrate her without tearing anything.

"FUCK! Oh Leo, OUCH!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs, back arching and voice cracking at the pain which quickly morphed into supreme pleasure. She loved being dominated, and I loved giving my slut what she needed.

"Feel good, slut?" I asked cruelly, starting to pound into her as soon as she adjusted to my size enough to make that possible.

"I fucking love it!" she answered without hesitation, but pausing between every word to breathe or moan. "I love when you use me like this. Pound what's yours, baby! Show me who my hot, pregnant body belongs to!"

"Yeah? And who owns you, slut?" I asked, knowing this set her off like crazy.

"You own me, Leo! You own my heart, and my mind, but most of all right now you own my body! You own my pussy, and my tits, and my mouth!" she raved, orgasming almost ceaselessly and dripping her juices all over the floor.

Just then, I knew exactly how to bring her to a whole new level of pleasure. "Do you remember what you told me when I brought you to bed from the car, Francesca?"

"FUCK! Yes! Wait, no. No, baby I don't! What slutty, needy thing did I say to you?" she asked, quivering with need as I thrust deep into her swollen pussy, making her huge breasts squish obscenely against the couch.

"You sure you want to know?" I asked, teasingly withdrawing my cock until only the tip stayed inside of her.

"You cruel bastard, YES! Tell me, please Leo, and PLEASE fuck me! I need your cock!"

"I'll tell you first, and then I'll fuck you," I promised her. "Well, first you said how much you loved Carla..." she nodded, thinking this made sense. "And then, you told me you wanted me to get her pregnant, too. You wanted to be a pair of sexy, pregnant sisters, each with my baby."

"Fuck. You." She whispered the words like a curse, and I thought she was upset with me for bringing up the possibility of sleeping with her sister, but when I felt her pussy pulsing on the head of my cock, I grinned wickedly. She wasn't angry, she was so overwhelmed with erotic energy that she couldn't speak, or move, or probably even think!

"And you know what? I think I might just do it!" I told her cheerfully, and as she gasped I thrust my entire 9" length inside of her.

"YESSSS!" she hollered, completely consumed by the thoughts of her and her sister both pregnant, and the feeling of being stretched open by my substantial shaft.

I fucked her until she was fully satisfied, which took about an hour, and then filled her pussy with a huge amount of hot cum. She was deliriously happy, and we lay on the couch for a few minutes before stirring.

"We should... we should clean up," she offered, and I nodded in agreement. We tidied up and made our way upstairs, to be ready to go wait for the girls' bus, when she suddenly surprise-hugged me.

"Did you mean it?" she asked excitedly.

"Mean what?" I asked, having a pretty good idea.

"Are you really going to make us both pregnant sister-sluts?" she demanded, her voice dripping with lust.

"If you'd really be okay with it, I think I might -" she kissed me so hard I couldn't finish my thought.

"I'm so excited to tell her!" Francesca exclaimed.

"I wasn't going to tell her," I laughed, "I was going to wait until the moment was right, and then the 3 of us can have sex, and make another baby." Her eyes went wide, and if her pussy hadn't hurt from the pounding she had just taken, I could tell she would have jumped me right then.

"I am so excited for that to happen!" she moaned, quivering with arousal at the thought.

"Baby, I know your pussy is sore, but... here," I offered, savagely mauling her tits through her shirt and pinching where I knew her nippes would be.

"Oh my god YES!" she gasped, panting and shaking through a nipple-orgasm. These weren't as powerful as when her pussy came, but did come close, and she clearly enjoyed them. That should keep the slut sated for a little while!

"And just think, Carla's going to be pregnant in high school..." I suggested, and Francesca pouted at me.

"No fair, she gets to be - wait!" she interrupted herself. "I'm going to be doing my GED! We can both be slutty, pregnant schoolgirls for you!" A vision of pigtails and short skirts flashed before my eyes, and I had to admit I saw the appeal.

"Let's go get the girls from the bus," I suggested, not wanting to be tardy or to actually wear out my lover's pussy by fucking again. She had to be pretty careful when greeting her step-daughters that day, as she couldn't move too quickly due to her soreness.

After the girls' bedtime, the 3 of us adults were sitting around the living room chatting. "How was your day with Kate?" I asked. It meant a lot to me that my sister got along with Francesca and Carla, and it always made me happy to hear of their sistery adventures.

"It was fucking awesome!" she told us. "We planted a fall garden! Squash, beans, even pumpkins!" For a woman had almost been forced into prostitution, she was excited about astoundingly mundane things. It was adorable.

"That's so great!" I commented, happy to know she hadn't been too bored all day.

"Ooh! We can get some of the beans and use them to make..." What followed was an excited, rapid conversation in Spanish. They hardly spared me a thought, and I just looked on in amusement. "What do you think, baby? Would Kate appreciate coming over for a nice, big Mexican-style dinner?" Francesca asked hopefully, clearly wanting to do something to impress her sister-in-law.

"Of course she would; that's such a nice idea!" I told her, and was met with much joy. "And we should really have Mexican Night every so often, to keep our family tied to that part of their heritage!" You would have thought I'd just given the women a million dollars and a brand new puppy, their smiles were so huge.

"You're the best, Leo. My bitch hermana is so lucky to have a guy like you," Carla said wistfully, and Francesca winked at me so she couldn't see.

"Well anyways, Carla, wanna hear about our day?" Francesca teased. Carla knew what we had been up to, but the sisters seemingly never tired of embarrassing me by discussing my sex life in front of me.

"You know I do! Did my sister's baby-daddy take advantage of her again after they went to the nice, relaxing spa?"

"Oh, you have no idea," Francesca said mischievously. "I blew him in the massage suite! I had his cum in my tummy while the nice lady was massaging me. It felt so naughty!" Carla practically moaned, not-so-secretly fantasizing that she had been the one who got to be with her rescuer. She idolized me, and seeing how I treated her sister didn't hurt either - that is, how I treated her normally (like a perfect gentleman) and sexually (like an absolute gutter-whore when she wanted it).

"Bitch," Carla teased, sticking her tongue out.

"Prude," the older of the 2 taunted back.

"If I was such a prude, would I always be dreaming of your fiance's massive cock splitting me open and making me a teenaged, high school, pregnant slut?" Carla demanded, eyeing me hungrily.

"You know what, puta?" Francesca asked. "If you want him so bad, why don't you try to prove to me that you deserve to have my baby's brother or sister growing inside of you?"

Carla started to respond sarcastically, but then processed what she had just heard. "Yeah, well... what?" she asked, completely taken aback.

"You heard me, slut! Strip for us, and show me why I should want you to give our family another baby. Come on, hurry up!"

Carla looked at me, and I just shrugged. I mean, I knew I'd love to fuck Carla, but I was letting her sister run this show.

"Wait... is this for real?" the younger woman asked, barely above a whisper.

"You won't find out while you have clothes on!" Francesca teased her, sticking her tongue out.

"You know what, sis?" Carla said, her tone defiant. "I don't care if you're kidding. You opened the door to this. I've wanted Leo to make me his since he saved me from Marco and the guys, and at the very least I'm going to get him to look at my body!" With that, she ripped her shirt off over her head, and quickly unclasped her bra. She threw the clothes off to the side and stood proudly before me, topless.

She was the picture of youthful, perky femininity. She was a bit more petite than Francesca, especially in the breast department, but her hips were still pleasantly curved out from her thin waist. She was smiling, laughing, and looking between me and her pregnant sister, waiting for us to tell her we were kidding.

Instead, Francesca just looked at her sister with an eyebrow up. "How's he supposed to get your slutty, teen pussy pregnant while you have pants on?" she asked.

"Hold on... you mean I really... Leo..." she stammered.

"I think it would be so hot for us both to be pregnant together! Plus, taking care of the babies will be so much easier if we can both breastfeed them!" Carla's eyes went wide, and I could see her nipples harden a bit, poking out and slightly up.

"And Leo, you...?" Carla moaned, staring at me and clearly thinking of every sexual story her sister had told her. Her face was flushed, and chest heaved with her panting breath.

Instead of answering verbally, I just pulled my pants down, allowing my 9" cock to spring up and slap against my abs, clearly showing her how rock-hard I was.

Her mouth dropped open, and I thought she was just shocked, but before I could even process what was happening she was on her knees in front of me, sucking on the head of my cock. "Good girl, Carla!" Francesca giggled, encouraging her craving for my cock.

"Fuck!" I gasped, and the young minx just looked up at me, grinning around my shaft. "Carla, you're so fucking sexy," I told her with a groan, loving the feeling of her nimble tongue around the crown of my cockhead.

"Isn't she?" Francesca agreed. "You know, before you saved us from that gang, they were going to make her work the streets just like me... but because of you, she didn't have to. She never got abused and used like me, so you know what that means?"

"Cesca! I'm so sorry!" Carla cried, pulling off my cock and looking at her sister with watery eyes. "You shouldn't have had to do that! I wish I could have done something to help..."

"No, I shouldn't have had to, but I'm glad I could give you the chance to stay in school. I don't regret that at all. And Leo doesn't mind fucking my whore pussy, do you, baby?" she asked lovingly. I shook my head emphatically, and she went on. "But anyways, that's not why I was saying that. Leo saved us, all of that is over!" Both women looked at me with extreme gratitude and attraction, and I knew they would do just about anything to thank me for helping them.

"What are you getting at, babe?" I asked, kind of impatient to get back to fucking her sister's mouth and, after, her fertile pussy.

"Well, since Carla here wasn't a whore like me, I made sure nobody ever fucked her..." Carla nodded her head, looking at me with a proud, devoted expression.

I was stunned. "Wait, so... Carla, you're...?"

"A virgin, yup!" she said happily. "I want you to take my virginity, Leo, and I want to get pregnant the first time I ever get fucked..." My head was spinning. Carla had become almost like my little sister (though a disturbingly flirty one who kept talking about having my babies) but at the end of the day, she was a goddess of a young woman and here she was, asking me to be her first and the father of her children!

"Wow, Carla! That's... I'm honored!" I exclaimed. "I would... damn, you're good!" I laughed. While I had been about to thank her for bestowing such a tremendous gift upon me, she had quietly leaned forward and taken my cock into the back of her throat, so my pubes pressed into her nose.


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