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Obedient Ch. 07

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Matt surrenders totally to Sophie's control.
3.6k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 01/13/2024
Created 12/26/2021
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Things have been much better lately between me and Sophie. I've been kept on an even tighter leash since the double date with my brother and his fiancee. She's so good to me even though I don't deserve it. I was so disobedient to her and I feel terrible about the way I acted. Sophie said she was going to turn my brain into subby slave mush until I learned to worship her like she deserved and I feel so much better now. I don't have to think anymore. I just worship and serve and obey my Goddess.

The best part is that she has taken complete control over my cock. Sophie told me I don't need to come and that it only matters that she gets off. She said I actually love being backed up all the time and that I would much rather have achy blue balls than a pathetic orgasm. The old me would have whined about how unfair this is, but now I see that she's right. I'm so much happier and more devoted to her when I'm at my neediest.

So for stretches of days or even weeks, she teases my cock without allowing any release. Being supernaturally edged for hours everyday has made me desperately horny of course, but I don't deserve to come. Sophie thinks it's hilarious when I look so desperate. She'll use me until my cock is bright red and so sore. I'm just happy she's happy.

Every once in a while she lets me come, but she makes sure that I don't feel anything when I do. All I can do is watch some cum dribble out of my cock. Sophie is right. It really is pathetic. I'm so lucky she lets me worship her. Sometimes Sophie will make me come in my pants because that's even funnier she says. I agree. It is pretty funny because I'm a submissive mortal and she's this perfect goddess so why shouldn't she get to play jokes on me? She's so powerful it feels overwhelming to be in the same room with her sometimes. I have to be reminded to look up from the floor, because I just feel so unworthy.

Even trying as hard as I can, I still disobey her sometimes and Sophie needs to punish me. This morning she had me lying on our bed, flat on my back. Her thighs straddled my face so that I could eat her pussy. While she rode my face to get off, she also had all these sensations working on my cock and teasing me. Sophie used her mind control powers to make me feel invisible mouths licking and sucking me. She overwhelmed me with pleasure, doing everything to me that she knew would drive me wild but keeping me from feeling any relief. Sophie was very clear why she put me through it. Apparently, I gave my best head when I was half out of my mind with the need to come. Since she was the goddess and I was the pathetic slave she kept around to serve her, I knew the only thing that mattered was her pleasure.

Well that morning I was too weak. I couldn't help it. She came on my face and then climbed off to go to the bathroom, but she left without removing the invisible spells teasing my cock. While Sophie was in the shower, I writhed on the bed unable to escape the endless edging. I was nearly incoherent when she finally came back dripping wet and wrapped in a towel. "Please, Sophie, I need to come," I begged.

I couldn't believe I had said what I said. When I opened my eyes, Sophie was standing over me with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. I swallowed nervously, waiting to see what she would do to me.

"Follow me," she commanded, turning to leave the room.

I was on my feet practically before she finished speaking.

"No, on your knees," she said. I could tell she put some extra emphasis into her words. I felt them in every cell of my body; deep, hypnotic, and irresistible. It felt like my brain was vibrating in my skull. My feet came to a dead stop in an instant and I dropped to my hands and knees painfully, hitting the floor with a grunt. I still crawled after my goddess as fast as I could.

Sophie led me to the kitchen and told me to have a seat at the table. Then she went over to the kitchen cabinets and started digging around inside them for something.

"You want to come, Baby?" she asked. Her tone had changed. It was noticeably softer. "Be honest with me," she said.

I couldn't disobey her command. I felt the truth bubbling up inside me. I nodded vigorously and breathed out a quiet, "Yes, Goddess."

"Would you like to fuck me?" She asked. She dropped her towel. "Maybe come in my pussy?"

My eyes dropped down to her tight, round ass. I was hypnotized. Sophie spun around to face me. She had something behind her back.

"You know I can make you feel so, so good. I can make you feel things like no one else can. Would you like that?"

"Yes, Goddess, please."

Sophie came and stood over me. She leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I'm giving you back control over your little dick." My cock felt a bit different. It was a subtle change like riding a bike with the training wheels taken off. I wished she would take back control. I couldn't be trusted with it. Sophie wasn't even touching me, but I was already rock hard and throbbing. I knew I was pathetically close to coming. Even a light brush from Sophie would have me spraying the floor with weeks of pent up cum. I grit my teeth and tried to maintain control.

"Before we fuck I just need you to do one little favor for me. I want you to prove you can have a little self-control without my help. In the past, you've had this stubborn streak. Somewhere along the way you got in your head that we were equal partners. But you're not my equal, are you?"

I shook my head.

From behind her back she pulled out a bag of rice and dumped it on the table in front of me. "You need to prove that you can be trusted to deny yourself even without my control. Even with a looser leash, do you still live to serve me? You say you need to come, so prove to me that you can still focus on a task I give you when you feel like your pathetic little dick needs attention."

She leaned in close right next to my ear and whispered, "It's very important that I know how many grains of rice were in this bag. I need you to count every single one for me and I need you to be perfectly accurate. If you miscount or forget where you are, or even if you're not completely sure, I need you to start over from the beginning."

I nodded.

"You'll be completely honest about it, won't you?"

"Yes, Goddess," I said.

"Good," she smiled. "If you prove that you can handle this teeny tiny responsibility and control yourself, I'll take you upstairs and make you come so hard you forget how to form words for a couple hours. But if I'm right and you're a pathetic little boy with no self-control then enjoy whatever you feel when your dick dribbles onto the kitchen floor because you won't be coming again for a very long time. Is that clear?"

It was perfectly clear. It was also clear I was never going to make it. My poor blue-balled cock felt like it would be pushed over the edge at any moment. I nodded.

"Good, start counting,"

My fingers started sorting through the pile of rice, painstakingly setting aside one grain at a time. She walked around behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"...eight, nine, ten..." I muttered under my breath.

I knew it was a pointless exercise, but it felt so important to count this rice for Sophie. I needed to get a perfect count for her. She whispered in my ear, "Don't forget that a little self-control is all that stands between you and getting to fuck this perfect pussy."

"Yes, goddess. Yes, Sophie." I nearly lost control just from the thought of slipping inside her. I knew the pleasure would be nearly overwhelming.

As she left the room, I heard her chuckling at how intensely focused I was on this stupid pile of rice. She was right. I really was so powerless compared to her. Even after all this time, it was still baffling to me how with a single command, Sophie could get me to do absolutely anything. She could make me desperate to complete any inane task she thought up.

"...Two Hundred Eighty-One, Two Hundred Eighty-Two, Two Hundred Eighty-Three..." I said to myself. The pile I had started seemed laughably small next to all that I still had left to count.

Sophie walked back in the room. She hadn't gotten dressed yet so she was still completely naked. She walked over to the fridge, opened the door, and bent down to get something off the bottom shelf. I got a perfect view of her pussy. I couldn't help but stare. My cock twitched and I grit my teeth to stop from painting the floor with my cum.

I looked down, realizing the number I had been holding in my brain was gone. I was sure that was Sophie's intention. She had pulled a plastic water bottle out of the fridge. And as she walked by she put the cap in her mouth. Sophie sucked on it and gave it a little light flick with her tongue on the cap. "Imagine if that was you," she said with a smile.

I felt those sensations on my cock as if she had knelt in front of me to take my cock into her mouth instead of the water bottle. It was so realistic. I shuddered with the desperate need to come.

Yeah, that number was completely gone. I had been somewhere in the three hundreds and because I wasn't sure I had to start over. There was no doubt about it. I needed to get the exact number of grains of rice for Sophie. So I started again at the beginning, "...One, two, three, four..."

I don't know how long Sophie left me alone after that. I was too busy to look up at the clock. Sweat was pouring down my forehead.

When Sophie came back, I was counting "...Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-One, Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Two, Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Three..." She was fully dressed now but wearing a low-cut top that was entirely typical for her. I willed myself not to be distracted as my goddess Sophie sat across from me, her cleavage plunging down the front of her shirt. Unfortunately, I'm only mortal. I felt my eyes flick up to her.

Sophie had a smile on her face that I could tell spelled danger for me. My counted pile had grown to almost, but not quite half the size of the total bag of rice. I tried desperately to hold on to the number that was in my head when she sat down. "Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Three...Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Three...Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Three...Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Three," I kept repeating to myself.

Sophie pointed at my right hand, which held a grain of rice. The two thousand eight hundred and seventy-fourth grain of rice, to be exact. She flicked her finger down towards the table. My hand was no longer under my control. It slammed down on the table hard as if in frustration. My heart was pounding in my chest waiting to see what she would do.

"What number are you at babe?" she asked me, her voice falsely cheerful. My cock twitched under the table. I closed my eyes, still trying to hold on to the number. I was afraid it was going to slip away.

"Two Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Three," I told her, confident of the number.

Another tiny flick of her hand to the side, sent my right hand swinging out across the table. Some of the rice sprayed out onto the kitchen floor. My pile was gone. My stomach dropped. I would need to find those. I needed to get the exact number.

"Huh," Sophie said, "seems like you're back to one."

She stood up to leave, laughing at me. Before she walked out she asked, "Do you feel that? There's a mouth sliding up and down your cock ever so slowly." And just as she said it, I did feel it. My body stiffened. I felt an orgasm rise up inside me and I tried desperately to hold it back.

I felt sick to my stomach at the thought of the task ahead of me, but I couldn't waste a second. I was now constantly fighting the urge to come, trying to distract myself however I could. I felt the mouth on my cock. I could have sworn it felt like Sophie's mouth. I felt the edge of an orgasm and frantically tried to think of something else. A little precum dribbled out the end of my cock. After the worst of it passed, I climbed down off the chair and started gathering every grain of rice I could find.

This was going to be impossible and that was assuming Sophie was done messing with me which she almost certainly wasn't. In fact, it wasn't too much longer before Sophie made her next appearance.

I was almost back to the two thousands when Sophie and her friend Hannah walked in the room. I yelped in shock. I was sitting at the kitchen table naked with a rock hard cock counting out grains of rice. Sure, Hannah had seen me naked. We had even hooked up at Sophie's command last time I had seen her but it was still deeply embarrassing.

Hannah didn't seem particularly scandalized to find me in this position. They both had huge smiles on their faces. It seemed like Sophie had given Hannah an idea of what she was doing to me.

"Hi, Matt. How's that count coming?" Sophie asked, her voice saccharine sweet.

"It's going ok, Sophie," I grunted. I was already bracing myself for Sophie to mess me up again. I was starting to think she would never let me get up from this chair. "Hey, Hannah," I said. I was trying to hide my shame as much as possible, but I noticed Hannah's eyes flick down to my cock. I looked down and saw that it was bright red and throbbing. I felt my cheeks flare red as well.

"Where are you at?" Hannah asked.

"Seventeen Hundred Sixty-Two."

"Hmm," Sophie asked, "are you sure that's a good count?"

"Yes, Sophie, I'm positive. I can't lie to you." I couldn't help but let the desperation sneak into my voice.

Sophie put her hands on her hips, looking doubtfully at the pile of rice, "I'm just not sure. How about you, Hannah?

Hannah said, "I'm sure it's fine."

"'Fine' just isn't up to my standards, I think," Sophie mused.

She reached over and pushed my pile into the uncounted pile. I was breathing heavily with frustration trying to hold back tears. This was the only thing in the world that I cared about accomplishing. Being forced to start over again and again was too much. That wasn't even to mention the intense sexual frustration I felt the entire time.

I took a deep breath to regroup to start over.

"One, Two, Three, Four..."

Sophie elbowed Hannah and said, "Hey, watch this. Matty, you don't remember the number eight."

"Five, Six, Seven..." My count came to a stop. I held the next grain of rice in my hand and just stared at it.

"What is it, Matty? Having issues?" Sophie asked, teasing me. Hannah laughed.

I really was. I couldn't remember what the next number was. I knew it. I just couldn't fucking remember it. Sophie had just said it. And then she made me forget it. I started recounting my little pile. Just needed to get a little momentum again, you know?

"One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven...Fuck," I hung my head.

"Nope, Baby. That's not it."

"Sophie that's so fucked. You can just make him forget a number? What the fuck?" Hannah asked.

"Wild, right? Watch this." She addressed me again, "Matt, the next number is eight."

I nodded and went to set it down. Wait, what did she say? I couldn't remember. I looked up at them helplessly.

Hannah burst out laughing. "Sophie, you're scary sometimes."

Sophie joined in on her laughter. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm probably being too mean to poor Matthew." She ruffled my hair. "I just love putting him in his place when he gets out of line. Right, Baby?"

I nodded, "Yet I never learn."

"You're right. I think you need a little more instruction later on how to submit to your goddess. Maybe if I turn your mind into mashed potatoes you won't have room for any thoughts except worshiping me." She kissed the top of my head. "I feel like you've learned your lesson so if you beg properly maybe I'll release the sensations on your cock so you can focus." My heart sank. Of course she was still going to make me finish the count. It wasn't like Sophie to let me off too easily. I had to learn my lesson well and truly.

Still, my poor cock needed some relief. I begged desperately and had no trouble sounding genuine, even in front of Hannah. "Please Sophie. Please take away the teasing. I can't do this."

It looked like she was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Sophie held out a finger to me and went to answer it. After she left the room, Hannah mouthed the word, "Sorry," to me. I just nodded.

I could hear Sophie in the other room talking to someone. She was gone for a few minutes and when she came back, Sophie was leading a delivery driver by the hand. She laid her hand on the driver's chest.

"Guys, this is Mike."

Mike shyly raised his hand. He was clearly already under Sophie's spell, because he wasn't reacting to me sitting naked at the table counting rice.

"Mike here is cute and he assures me that he's packing quite the cock in those shorts so he's gonna rail me upstairs and then come harder than he ever has in his life. You kids have fun down here. Matt, you remember all the numbers. So keep counting or whatever. I don't give a fuck." With that she turned and led Mike out of the room. I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Have fun, Mike," Hannah called out to them as Sophie led him up to our bedroom.

After they left, I kept counting, unable to do anything else. I still felt the phantom mouth working on my cock. I was aching and sore with the need to come.

Hannah sat down at the table across from me and broke the silence, "So..." she said. "This isn't very fun for me."

I looked up at her, confused. "What do you mean? I'm having fun. I love obeying Sophie."

"Well I'm not and I need to have some fun. Sophie said so. How about I help you out?"

I shook my head. "I need to count it myself."

"That's not what I had in mind."

I looked up and met her eyes. She was smiling. Without another word, she began tying her hair back. "Oh no, Hannah. We can't. Sophie will find out."

"I promise she won't. Besides, she told me to have fun and I think it'd be fun to drain your cock so you can think more clearly." I still felt like it was a bad idea, but before I knew it Hannah was crawling underneath the table.

"Oh you poor baby. It looks so red and sore."

"Hannah, I don't know if..." I started to protest, but just then she slid her mouth over the tip of my cock. I gasped. I hadn't felt anything like that in months. I almost blew my load on the spot before she finished taking my into her mouth. Hannah just moaned under the table. God, she was so good at sucking cock. I had forgotten how skilled she was. She took in my full, throbbing length. I could barely focus on my count. A couple pumps up and down was all it took. I was so needy before she even started.

"Oh Hannah, fuck I'm coming." I groaned. Beneath the table, Hannah moaned with pleasure. The orgasm that hit me was one of the most overwhelming of my life. It almost felt like too much. I would have pushed Hannah away if my hands weren't busy. For a moment it almost felt like I was gonna black out, but I didn't. When I opened my eyes, I saw Sophie march into the room and come to a dead stop when she processed the scene in front of her. She crossed her arms.

"That wasn't the kind of fun I meant, guys." She looked pissed.

"Sophie, I..." I started to say, hoping to explain.

Sophie closed her hand in a 'shut it' gesture. My mouth clamped shut. "I'm talking now, Matt."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

i love this! are there any updates planned for this story?

Satyam4005Satyam40058 months ago

I'm not a big fan of this kind of insulting domination , actually i hate this but who cares, the author's writings are awesome, i hope they'll release the next chapters of their other series soon as well.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I love it. hope you will continue despite the few negative comments there are.

frederico_stonefrederico_stone9 months ago

So glad to see another chapter to this one. Hopefully there is more coming.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Different readers have different opinions. This is one of the best MC novels I have seen in the past few months, and yes, the last time I saw such a great work was Emily's story. She always makes Matt helpless, which is the highlight of this story.

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Obedient Ch. 06 Previous Part
Obedient Series Info

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