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Our Boys Ch. 03


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"Oh wow," Amy said, "what a morning kiss that was!" she giggled watching Danielle's hips moving up and down Jeff's cock as it lay against his stomach, coating it with her juices. She watched as Danielle rolled her hips and her pussy sucked her son's huge cock inside as she slid all the way to the base. "That is so sexy," Amy said, as Danielle sat upright on Jeff's lap with his nearly twelve inch cock buried in her.

"Feels so good," Danielle moaned out as she started grinding back and forth on his cock, groaning out as Jeff flexed his cock deep inside her. "Fuck!" she said stretching out the word, enjoying the feeling of his cock buried deep in her womb. Jeff's hands reached up and he began mauling her 38D breasts, squeezing them together admiring the cleavage he had created.

Leaning over her son's face, blocking his view of Danielle's tits, Amy planted a loving kiss on his lips then jammed her tongue in his mouth, kissing him deeply for several moments, "Good morning," Amy said, as she sat up in bed letting the sheet fall off her gorgeous body exposing her 36C breasts to his view. Jeff instantly released one of Danielle's tits and reached for his mother's chest, cupping and fondling her breasts, moving back and forth between them. Upon seeing Jeff's hand leave Danielle's breast Amy instantly replaced it with her mouth kissing and sucking all over Danielle's tit and nipple while Jeff fondled hers. "Oh how I love sucking on your tits, Danielle. So firm yet so squishy!" Amy went back to sucking, licking, nibbling and kissing her big breasts.

"And I love it when you play with them, lover," Danielle said, as Amy started sucking hard on her left nipple drawing a gasp from her. "Oh fuck Amy, I felt that straight in my pussy!" causing her pussy to clamp down on Jeff's cock. Grabbing her hips to hold her up a bit Jeff started pounding his cock up into her pussy, his need to cum was starting to get serious and he wanted to give his mother a good fucking before he came. "Oh fuck, Jeff, you're gonna make me cum..." Danielle moaned out.

"Cum Danielle, cum for me! Cum on my cock!" Jeff demanded of her. Watching as her head fell back and her eyes shut she started cumming, screaming out her release for the whole house to hear. "That's it, yes! Cum all over my cock," he said. Her orgasm felt like it went on forever, her pussy clamping down on his cock, it would then undulate along his length feeling like a bunch of little fingers caressing him. Danielle collapsed forward onto Jeff's chest her size D cup tits pancaking out to either side as Jeff wrapped his arms around her to help bring her down from her orgasm. After a couple of minutes Jeff rolled over, placing Danielle on the bed and slowly pulling his still raging hard cock from her.

"My turn," Amy declared taking his cock in her mouth to clean Danielle's cum from it, savoring the flavor of her juices while she did. "Ready for me, baby?" she asked.

"Absolutely, mom!" Jeff said patting his thighs.

"Oh god, your cock feels so good..." Amy exclaimed as she slid herself down his length, stopping when she reached her limit. She knew she couldn't take all of it like Danielle could. "Holy fuck, son, you're filling me up!" She said as she started sliding up and down his lengthy shaft. As she ground, lifted and shimmied on his cock she couldn't help but wonder if she was already pregnant. She had been off birth control since John had a vasectomy shortly after Laura was born. When she was eleven, having decided they wanted another child, it was discovered his epididymis was badly damaged when John went to get his vasectomy reversed; he would never be able to have any more children. She had an appointment the following week to get back on it, but realized yesterday that her most fertile period had ended this past Saturday, after she'd had sex, multiple times, with her very virile son. All of these thoughts faded away, except being pregnant, as she felt her son's cock expand telling her he was about to pump another large, virile load of cum deep inside her. "KNOCK ME UP!" Amy screamed in her head, "That's it baby, pump that hot cum deep inside momma's pussy! Pump your baby into me!" she thought as she felt him cumming deep in her womb. Those thoughts got her so hot her orgasm left her laying on Jeff's chest, unconscious for a minute or two.

Having forgotten she was there they were both startled when Danielle said, "That was incredible. You two catch your breath, I'm going to go start breakfast for everybody." She kissed both of them and walked out of the room completely naked. Amy and Jeff just laid there for another five minutes or so catching their breath before heading into the bathroom to shower.


"Oh yeah, Laura, Ira came by last evening with Alyda to show her where we lived in case she needs to bring his mother and sister here when, or if, this battle happens," Amy said. Laura had about thirty minutes before she had to be at school and Jeff had over two hours before his first class. He would take Laura to school then head to campus to do his studying before class.

"That's good. It'll make him feel better knowing there's a place for her to go if they need it," Laura replied.

"I'm not sure how I feel about having them in the house," John said. He was still kind of freaked out about the fact that there really were angels, demons and the Devil was real!

"What really worries me is the fact that all of them were so worried about what this thing is and how powerful it is," Rachel said from her seat, glancing at each of them around the table.

"Now that you mention it," Danielle and Jeff started within a second of each other. They smiled at one another and Jeff nodded, letting Danielle know she could go first. "What got me was the fact that Ira and Lucifer can feel it but none of the others can," she, too, looked around the table waiting to see if anyone would comment. She got a couple of "Hmmm's" from them and a "Oh" form Laura but that was all. "What did the big one say Ira was," She asked.

"And the dark one here is Ira, half angel and half demon with a chunk of human thrown in to keep the two halves from tearing him to shreds." Rachel said, so nonchalantly there was silence for a full three seconds before everyone broke up in laughter. "What?" she asked, looking around the table. "He's cute!" making all of them laugh harder.

"Okay, so he's half angel and half demon, is it possible that's why he can feel this, whatever it is, and none of the others can?" Danielle asked, while trying to get her chuckles under control.

"I guess that's a possibility, I'll ask him at school today." Laura said, as she stood from the table and took her plate and silverware to the sink. "Come on brother mine, I don't want to be late for school," she said, looking at Jeff.

"Let me grab my backpack and I'll meet you at the car," Jeff said, as he took his plate and fork to the kitchen then headed upstairs to his room. Laura gave everyone a quick hug and kiss then headed out the door. Jeff gave everyone a wave and called out "Have a great day, all!" as he closed the door.


Laura's morning had been normal, getting her makeup work for the classes she missed yesterday. Coming out of the building into the outdoor lunch area she spotted Kristen sitting with Ira being surrounded by Beth and Cybil at the back of the area. Deciding whether or not she could keep her cool around Beth knowing what she really was, she figured she could and headed that way, placing her tray on the table beside Kristen's and sitting on the bench seat. "Hey Kristen," she said, as she looked towards her. Glancing across the table she said "Hi Beth, Ira and Cybil," in the order they were sitting, maintaining the illusion that she and Ira weren't friends, then turned back to Kristen.

"Hey, Laura," Kristen greeted her back. "Where were you yesterday? You missed mad work in our 5th hour..." She said. Laura felt her phone vibrate on her thigh where she had placed it after she sat down.

"Oh, it was nothing major, just some family business to take care of," Laura said then looked at her phone, seeing a text from an unknown number she read it; it was from Ira, "Hey, this is Ira, hope you're not mad I got your number from Gabby? I just wanted to let you know -- so you can tell your mom: I found out this morning my mom, Bridgett and Vikki will be leaving town tomorrow for Las Vegas, and chances are we won't be invading your home if anything happens with what's going on. I seriously can't thank you enough for offering your home as a safe haven for my family." Laura didn't know it but Kristen was covering for her as she read the text and made her reply:

"Save my number, it's fine and I'll save yours? As for your mother, sister and Vikki I'm glad they'll be far away and safe from whatever may happen, but know this the offer of using the house is still open if you find you have need of it for whatever reason." She hit the send button and went back to eating her lunch and talking to Kristen. She felt she had done a good job of not staring at Beth. Kristen and she were walking along the hall headed to their class when Laura asked, "Did you get a chance to tell Ira about Beth yet?"

"Not yet, but I will soon." Was all Kristen said. The rest of the day was the same as the beginning; getting the work she missed the day before. On the ride home with Jeff she told him what Ira had told her. He simply said "...it's good they'll be safe." Arriving home they found their mom's car gone and the house empty so Laura ensconced herself at the dining table and began on the work she had missed the previous day while Jeff disappeared upstairs.

"Make up work?" Amy asked, as she and Rachel came through the kitchen door loaded down with the groceries they had gone shopping for.

"Yep," Laura said, as she jumped up to grab a bag out from each of them to help lessen the load they each were under. "I have some new information from Ira, but if it's okay with you I'd like to wait until daddy and mom two get home?" she asked. "That way I only have to tell it once." She added as she set the two bags she had grabbed on the counter.

"It's not anything bad, right?" Amy asked. Seeing Laura shake her head she continued, "That's fine. How much more do you have before you're finished?" she asked, looking at the table.

"Not much, I'm doing math, I have everything else finished. Depending on how hard it gets maybe thirty minutes or so?" Laura said, knowing she was giving a ballpark figure to her mother. Laura finished her math homework about twenty five minutes later, loading all her stuff back into her backpack she headed to her and Rachel's 'room' to relax for a bit until her dad got home, she had stripped off her clothes when she got home, but for appearances sake Rachel had her clothing and whatnots in Laura's room while Danielle had hers in the spare bedroom. Hearing her dad and Danielle downstairs Laura went downstairs saying "hi" to them as she passed them on their way up, then started setting the table for supper, telling her mom and Rachel it smelled delicious. After everyone was seated and beginning to dig into their food she told them all about the text from Ira: "I got a message from Ira today letting us know his mom, Bridgett and Vikki will be leaving town tomorrow for Las Vegas meaning they won't be here and will be out of danger." She paused to look around the table. "I let him know we were still available if he needed it for any reason," Again, she swept her gaze the table knowing she'd done the right thing while hoping they agreed with her.

"I don't know..." her dad started.

"That's fine sweetie," Amy interjected cutting John off. She didn't know what was going on with him but he hadn't been himself since returning from the meadow. She gave him a stern look, letting him know they would be discussing this later. "But why would he send a text instead of telling you face to face?" she asked, a puzzled look appeared on her face.

"It's so no one will know Ira and I are friends. Without knowing what is going on we kind of want to keep it that way for now," Laura told them, adding, "that way if they do need to, no one will think to look for them here,"

"Huh, makes sense to me," Danielle said, "what better place to hide than with someone no one would associate you with?" she asked, then took another bite of food, she chewed and swallowed then looked at Amy and Rachel. "You guys did really good on this, my complements to the chefs!" Pointing her fork at her plate, a big, beautiful smile on her face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rachel said, goofing it up while she waved her hands in the air, "I owe it all to mom two!" She said holding up two fingers and pointing her fork at Amy, then she snorted and started laughing. Seeing the complete confusion on Danielle's face Amy started laughing too. Still confused she looked around the table, her gaze stopping on Laura at seeing how red her face was, raising her eyebrows. "When Laura mentioned she had something to tell us from Ira after we got back from shopping earlier she asked if she could wait until daddy and mom two got back so she would only have to tell it once," Rachel finally got out between giggles and guffaws. "Only thing is I don't know if she meant t.w.o. or t.o.o." she said in a clearer voice as she was starting to calm down.

"Actually, either way works, right?" Laura asked softly, while looking between her mom, Danielle and Rachel. "I mean," she started then paused, collecting her words, "we're sitting here naked eating supper and I've had sex with every person at this table, which I hope continues for a long, long time, so I don't see any reason not to call you mom," she said looking at Amy, "and you mom two," she said this holding up two fingers, "and you..." she paused with a smile on her face looking at Rachel, "sister." Rachel sat there, stunned for about a second before she exploded out of her chair to race around the table to almost tackle Laura with a hug.

"I've always wanted a sister and I couldn't have picked a better one than you!" Rachel exclaimed softly, her voice slightly muffled by Laura's shoulder, holding Laura tightly with tears running down her cheeks. Laura stood up to hug Rachel back then suddenly there were four more arms wrapping around them from either side as Amy and Danielle joined in the hug laying soft kisses on both young women's cheeks. Everyone heard Laura when she said, "We will fight and we will argue, we'll have our good days and our bad days, but always know I will love you forever!" Rachel said speaking into the nook of Laura's neck, giving her a soft loving kiss.

When Danielle and Rachel moved in the seating at the dining table had been rearranged to put mother and daughter together on the sides with John and Jeff sitting at the ends, as Jeff looked upon the group hug he had a huge smile on his face, about to stand up he glanced at his father and saw a strange look on his face. He paused, thinking it almost looked like dread.

Amy had been looking at Jeff just from the position her head landed when she stopped kidding the girls' cheeks and watched his expression change from one of extreme happiness to one of uncertainty. Turning her head to see what he was looking at she saw her husband's face and realized something was seriously wrong. She was determined to get to the bottom of it...

To be continued...

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Darkshooter213Darkshooter2132 months ago

The fact that I've haven't read Porn Star Family yet left me a bit confused, with all the new characters as well diluted the premise of the story. Plus with Ira "handling" the four antagonistic left me a bit empty and confused. I was also a bit put off of how the character John is disintegrating from the 1st chapter is also a bit disappointing. For a guy trying to do his best for his family from a position of strength, to a weak B character left me confused and troubled. I always try to give an author the latitude to tell their story and leave my personal expectations at the door, but this one was hard to swallow. IMHO.

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago


argeelogargeelogabout 2 years ago

2 stars for the addition of the stupid non-humans to what was up to then a good story.

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

Amazing story and I'm loving the crossover.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story. Ira sure gets around!

mammoetmammoetover 4 years ago
Still here

you didn't lose me as reader, nice balance in this chapter.

jneric2691jneric2691over 4 years ago
Enjoyed the story.

I can't wait to see where you're going with this story. I loved the crossover. Would have like to see the family get their revenge, but that might mean something more sinister is on the horizon.

Ranger621Ranger621over 4 years ago
Enjoyed the story

You started out pretty good in the first chapter establishing the characters and their need get revenge.

In the second chapter, you cheated the main characters out of their revenge on the asshole by bring in Ira and Company, and letting them take out the assholes. It kind of muddied the story.

Not griping, just pointing out. Another thing to watch out for is specific word repetition in the same paragraph.

I can't wait to see where you go with this story. I like the crossover. It keeps good characters around while introducing more and broadening the universe.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I'm agree with Soul.

This gave extra dimension to the whole P.S.F saga. And I for one am enjoying it very much.

Thank you.

Bedroomeyes81Bedroomeyes81almost 5 years ago

its a little strange with the demons and stuff but still a good story cant wait to see how it plays out. well done

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