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Password Protected Pt. 03

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I want a threesome in return.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/20/2019
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Author's note:

Like all of my other stories, this one is set in a female dominated universe where women control men sexually, especially their ability to orgasm. Here, women's main focus is using men for their own pleasure. Various technologies exist in this universe to allow women to do just that.

Additionally, you may want to read part 1 and part 2 first, the predicament of the protagonist won't make too much sense otherwise. Short background is I cannot cum until my wife utters the password.

It is a dark fantasy with very strong elements of non-consensual sex. Enjoy if you are into that!


Day 91 8:00 AM

I wake up to find a naked Ruby at my side with a new pill and a glass of orange juice.

Past two months have been an absolute torture for me. Ruby rode me every morning, but has slowly and quite deliberately reduced my orgasm frequency. It started off with a wait of 3-4 days and last two times she had made me wait more than a week. She kept me guessing when i will be allowed to cum, and my pleas only egged her on. In fact I have not cum in almost 10 days at this point. My balls are full and hurting. I was looking forward to being free of the pill's influence.

"There is no way I am going to take this pill again." I was surprised she even asked.

"Are you sure there is nothing I can do to convince you? How about I suck you off to an orgasm now if you promise to take the pill right after? Or how about a promise to not make you wait more than a week?" Ruby sets the tray with pill and glass down on the bedside table. She kisses my neck and starts sliding her face down towards my cock. Her breasts look divine as she bends down.

"No." I try to be firm but I am super turned on. I do not try to stop her.

She takes my cock out. Holding it and gently circling my balls with her fingers, she keeps talking. "I have seen how you look at my best friend Mia. How about I promise a threesome with her in 3 months if you take the pill today?"

I gulp, I had not realized my wife knew I lusted after Mia. But she seemed to be taking it well.

"How about a threesome tonight and I take the pill tomorrow?" I cautiously avoid any mention of Mia.

"OK let me think. Just stay like this. Let me put the pill away since either way you do not want to take it today." Ruby gets off the bed and leaves the room, still naked, carrying the tray.

I wait with my hard cock out. I was hopeful she will make me cum trying to convince me to take the pill. Even though I was sure I did not want to take the pill, at least not right away, I saw no harm in enjoying whatever physical activities she had planned in her efforts to convince me. And hopefully negotiate something better for next three months.

A minute later she is back with just a glass of juice. "OK so I really want to do it your way but we need to find out if Mia will be up for it. Are you open to meeting her for dinner at your favorite Italian place tonight? We can feel her out and see if she is interested. Can I ask you one small thing in return though? Can you hold off masturbating or orgasming till tonight?"

I look at my wife quizzically. My balls were full after ten days and I did not want to wait at all.

She takes my cock in her hand again. As if she is directly pleading with it. "If she is not up for it, I want you to cum inside me tonight. Even if you cum quickly, I still enjoy your cock pulsing inside me. On the other hand, If she is up for it, and if you want, you can take the pill before we begin so you appear like a stud and you can satisfy us both. At the end I will casually slip in the unlock word and you can blast on both of us, she will be impressed with how much you cum! Imagine how strong your orgasms will be after two girls are done having their way with you."

It turns me on how she is thinking. Her holding my hard cock while talking also helps considerably. I nod my head. Ruby smiles and gives me a kiss then bends down to give my cock a kiss. She pulls back my foreskin and licks my sensitive cockhead. "No matter what happens, I promise you will cum tonight." She is again directly talking with my cock. "I promise it will be an unforgettable orgasm."

"OK do you want to drink this juice or should I throw it away? I can give you a taste of things to come while you drink it."

Without waiting for an answer, she pulls down my shorts. "Tell me when you are close ok? Remember, you agreed to hold off till tonight. Imagine my tongue is on the right side and Mia's is on the left side." She wets her fingers and starts licking me on one side of my cock and running the wet finger on another side. "Up and down, up and down, like two synchronized dancers. Would you like that?" I feel like I am living a king's life. Sitting on my bed, sipping on my juice while my beautiful naked wife is licking my cock and talking about a threesome. "Maybe she takes your cock while I take your balls. But what if we both want your cock? Imagine we are making out with each other but your cock is in the middle."

This is really exciting me. Not having cum in ten days is not helping at all. "I am close." With a lot of regret I speak these words. She immediately stops licking me.

"This completes our pregame session. Almost time to go work." Ruby is smiling. I think she is delighted that we worked out a way forward.


Day 91 7:00 PM

As I am getting ready for the restaurant, Ruby comes in to the bathroom.

"Two things. As you Can you skip underwear today? I think your thin tight jeans without underwear will give her a better idea of your package and it might push her towards accepting if she is uncertain."

"Anything for a threesome." I proclaim grinning and comply.

"Also let me take the lead in conversation with her. You know I was roommates with Mia in school, and I can read her much better. She is very sexual so we have a good chance of things working out."

I was loving how much onboard my wife was. I attributed it to how happy she has been since I started taking the pill and with my promise to do it again.

Ruby and I arrive before Mia at the restaurant that evening. The restaurant is crowded and noisy but very dimly lit. We get a booth in the corner and order a bottle of wine while we wait for Mia.

Mia arrives dressed to kill. As she is walking towards the table, even with the dim lights I can tell she is not wearing a bra, which is a huge turn on for me. She gives me a hug, lingering much longer than necessary. She smells wonderful, some sort of apple based scent. All eyes are on me due to having two beautiful dressed up girls at my table.

"So what is the occasion?" Mia asks as soon as she sits down.

"Oh it is his birthday." Ruby lies, and I try to hide my surprised face.

"Ohhh exciting." Mia says. "What did you get him?"

Ruby winks at me and places her hand over my hand. "He has asked for a specific naughty birthday present. I am ok with it but just trying to figure out how to make it happen."

Mia is super curious and wants to ask but the waitress comes that moment to ask if we are ready to order. She is really slim and young, has an excellent cleavage. The day seems to be going my way.

After we place our orders, the conversations drifts towards food and other topics. I can see Mia is still curious but does not know how to ask again without being direct. I am sure Ruby can sense this but she decides to let Mia stew. We order more wine and all three of us are probably a little buzzed by now.

The food arrives. The noise in the restaurant has died down considerably. Eventually the conversation drifts towards Mia's dating life. Ruby tells me that Mia was known for being easy in school. This earns Ruby a "shut-up" and a punch on her arm. Mia's braless boobs bounce as she does this and I am instantly hard. However soon Mia is coyly talking about sleeping around a lot and generally having sex on first date. She says she is very sexual and does not see a need to wait before a fuck. It is rather clear that Mia and my wife were very close in school and probably discussed their dating life all the time.

"So what was his naughty ask?" Finally Mia blurts out, not able to contain her curiosity any longer and getting courage from all that wine.

Ruby pretends to hesitate for a few seconds before saying, "He wants to have a threesome. I am ok with it but I don't really know how to find someone we both like and feel comfortable with. How do you even approach someone for it? Any ideas or experience?"

Mia laughs and looks at Ruby trying to figure out if she is still being teased. Realizing Ruby is serious about the question, Mia tells Ruby that she has done a few threesomes. Apparently a common school acquaintance asked Mia and Mia was happy to participate.

Ruby presses on with the topic. "So how did they ask you?"

"We were having a friendly drink. The guy was rather straightforward. He asked me directly. I was flattered. I think the best approach is to just ask. If I am not interested, I would say so. As long as they can take a no, there is no harm no foul."

Earlier I was unsure if Mia has realized what Ruby is driving towards. Mia's answers are making me think she may have realized. In girl talk, they are both doing the delicate dance of plausible deniability, as long as possible.

Mia goes on, "Oh one more thing, I can do girls but I am mostly into guys. So as long as the guy is decently equipped and is able to control himself enough to satisfy two girls, I say bring it on!"

I am fully hard again. Not having cum for 10 days is not helping.

Ruby winks at me. "We are good on both fronts. He never cums before I am satisfied."

The cards are on the table and it is Mia's move. She looks at Ruby questioningly who smiles and nods. Ruby then slides close to me and runs her finger on my hard cock, tracing its outline over my jeans. Thin jeans and no underwear make the bulge quite noticeable. Mia leans over to take a look at my crotch. Her braless breasts bounce in the most divine manner.

"I am flattered and would be honored." Mia does not take a long time to think.

Ruby smiles. "OK exchange seats with me will you? You can check out his goods and confirm they meet your requirement. Besides he keeps staring at your breasts."

Mia giggles and jumps into my wife's seat. Under the table she traces a finger on the outline of my hard cock and says "I like it. Has Ruby told you how much I love to suck a cock? Can't wait to taste it. I bet it is super yummy." She leaves her hand on my crotch, as if she forgot to remove it.

"Speaking of yummy, will you feed us girls some dessert and then we can be your dessert at home." Ruby once again takes control of the conversation.

I nod eagerly. The waitress brings over dessert menus. The booth table is covering the fact that Mia is resting her hand on my cock.

Ruby giggles looking at the menu. "Oh they have my favorite dessert here."

"What is it?" Mia asks, leaning over the table. I stare at her cleavage, not having a reason to be sly anymore. She notices and proudly struts her chest. "You will get to see them soon enough."

Ruby points to the item in the menu. It is a picture of Tiramisu. My body shivers at the memory of my orgasms being controlled. My cock gets even harder and twitches a bit. Mia notices it, looks at me but does not remove her hand.

Now Ruby looks at me. She has a twinkle in her eye. Obviously she is thinking about our sex life for past six months. She speaks slowly, enunciating each word carefully. "I ... just ... fucking ... love ... Tiramisu."

My cock jerks as soon as I hear that. I feel the unmistakable tingle at the base of my spine. Mia continues looking at the menu. I look at Ruby, dumbfounded. I was sure today was day 91 and the pill's effect had expired. Did I make a mistake in counting the days?

The tingle starts to spread through my body. I whimper in panic and look around. The restaurant is mostly empty, but the waitress is hovering nearby waiting for us to decide on the desserts. My balls realize what is going on. Like a Pavlovian dog, they prepare to release ten days of pent up sperm. Fortunately Mia does not hear my whimper, she is still engrossed looking at the vast dessert choices. I take a few deep breaths and clamp down my teeth which does not help at all. I realize there is nothing I can do to stop the impending orgasm. Ruby is still looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes. Even in my crazed state, it dawns on me that she is not surprised by these turn of events. The tingle reaches my extremities and starts bouncing back.

I try to ask her what is going on but only a moan escapes my lips. The tingling sensation is now like a wave, making its way slowly back towards my cock. It is like watching a ripple in reverse video with my cock as the center point. This time Mia looks at me and asks "Are you ok?" Her left hand is still gently resting on my hard cock.

I do not trust myself to speak so I nod helplessly. The tingling sensation zeroes in on my cock and starts inexorably rising up. Time seems to freeze and I notice every inch of its passage. It reaches the tip. I feel my cock jerk and shoot the first stream of liquid. Mia feels the movement of my cock and looks at my face, confused and still a bit drunk.

In quick succession my cock shoots out several spurts. Without any stimulation, it is a ruined orgasm. Still I cum a considerable amount since I was continuously teased past ten days. A big wet patch develops on my jeans. Mia feels the rhythmic twitching of my cock, she looks down to see the wet patch. Looking at my unmistakably orgasming face, it slowly dawns on her what happened.

"Eww What is going on? Oh My God did you just cum in your pants?" Mia shouts, loud enough for nearby tables to hear. The waitress definitely hears it and steps back in haste. Mia jerks her hand away and wipes it on her napkin. Throwing the napkin on the table, she hastily stomps out of the restaurant. I, like a fixated dog, still notice the bounce of her breasts. But I am too dazed from the turn of events to say anything. My cock is still twitching and releasing last few drops of cum.

Ruby gets up from her seat as well. "We won't be needing this anymore." From her purse she takes out the gold foil decorative pill box and puts it on the table. It should have had two pills remaining but it is totally empty.

While walking out, she utters just one sentence. "Did your orange juice taste funny this morning?"



Day 273 8:00 AM

Once I got home that fateful day 9 months ago, it became clear that Ruby had dissolved the two remaining pills in my juice that morning. Apparently she did not want to risk me declining to take the pills anymore. So she decided it was best for us if she made the changes permanent. Once we got home she told me that offer of weekly orgasms was off the table now, because of the stunt I pulled trying to get a threesome. Now I will cum if and when she wants. It was such a stark dose of reality but she holds all the cards now.

I have not seen Mia after that day so I am unsure if Mia was in on the plan or not.

I have even spoken to the doctor. He wants to dissect my brain to investigate the exact changes, of course that is not very promising.

Ruby rides me every morning, often twice on weekends. She calls me her human dildo. She says all I have to do is lie down and stay hard. It usually lasts 30-60 minutes and I edge continuously and violently after first few seconds. She cums numerous times, I often lose count of her orgasms and my edges. Her orgasms on my cock are the ultimate torture moments and I twitch uncontrollably inside her as she cums. Her pussy clamps down on me as she grinds her clitoris on the base of my cock.

She has let me cum nine times since that fateful day. So on average it has been once a month. One glorious week about two months ago she let me cum twice in a space of few days. Nothing since then. She makes a point of keeping my hope of an orgasm alive by keeping it unpredictable and often talking about it. She knows it increases my need and my urgency. Sometimes she will drop hints saying she misses how I pulse inside her when I cum. Or saying she want me to me cum but not really saying the magic word, pretending to forget it, or slowly saying half of it then stopping. Each time she has let me cum, I am told it might be my last orgasm. I think it might be less cruel if she will tell me I will never cum again.

She is beginning to notice how I twitch inside her when I am really close. She says she is learning to make do with that feeling since her ultimate turn on is my state of despair, and she hates that I lose the desperation for a few days if she lets me cum. It really does not seem that way to me, I have been so horny every day past nine months. Each orgasm has only given me a respite for maybe a day. My cock is continuously dripping precum all day. I love/hate the sex every morning. Love it because it gives me a faint glimmer of hope and hate it since my hopes are usually destroyed. Everyday she jumps on me saying maybe today is your lucky day. I feel like a sailor who is trapped on a raft, without drinking water, in the middle of an ocean.

I have come to terms with my state.


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corbymansoncorbymanson6 months ago

Personally, I like it. Doesn't seem complete to me, though. Is it specifically Ruby saying the password that has power? If it were me, I'd get a hold of Mia. Offer her a marathon orgasm session for an experiment with the password at the end. If it works for any woman, what a superpower; and a need for a re-negotiation with Ruby is she wants to stick around . . .

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Typical lying, cheating, devious, bitch.

Doesn’t matter whether you love a woman or not, never ever, ever trust a woman.

They are all professional liars.

DiseasedPanicDiseasedPanic11 months ago

Her turn to being so cruel at the end completely ruined it for me.

TheTrueBrawlerTheTrueBrawlerover 1 year ago

Ruby in this story went from being a decent and loving person to extremely abusive over the course of just two parts. I don't usually mind dark turns, but Ruby's actions both were so abrupt and made me feel so bad for him that they hindered all of my enjoyment of the story. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if the "problem of premature ejaculation" he developed during the prologue was Ruby's doing as well.

It only got worse once I read the epilogue and realized he ended up being so demoralized by the whole thing that he's just taking it lying down (pun intended) despite the fact that he still has opportunities to hit Ruby with charges of mutilation, file papers to divorce Ruby, trick Ruby into saying "tiramisu" on camera, and/or take some other course of action.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I am a very nasty person start with divorce. End with FGM if I can't neither can you.

KodJak22KodJak22about 2 years ago

Since it's a fantasy story this kind of thing is ok. In reality it would be a huge no go.

Love how she makes it permanent and still let's him cum. I expected her to give him more "ruined orgasms" out a kind of marathon with multiple ones.

Thank you for this series. I really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I'd understand the consequences more if Ruby hadn't first suggested the threesome with Mia. All he asked was not to wait 3 months for it.

ObungaObungaover 4 years ago

If this would be the case and it would be important to me, I would kill myself. Because a person who lives me wouldn't do this to me and if somebody has control over me that doesn't want me to feel good - suicide.

And the only thing that's to unlogical to me is that 1 pill is 90 days and two permanten. Doesn't matter in which case but this isn't how it works.

This shouldn't be hate, somehow I hate ruby and you were able to give me an emotional connection what's good. Its real good written but I hate ruby

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