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Possessing Bella Ch. 10-11


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"Are you recovered from...?" Vince asked with a shrug unable to say the words to finish his thought.

"No, I am not sure I will ever be. I am moving on with my life though and you have to let me. Coming to me like this has just dragged me back into the nightmare I am fighting to be free of," Bella shook her head.

"You seemed so together when I saw you. You're back at work and going out with your friends," he looked at the small group standing close to where they sat. "I am sorry Bell, I'm so sorry, I just needed you to know, I never meant to hurt you."

"I know," she said softly. "I know and I forgive you, but we can't be friends, not yet. I can't do it and you have to respect that and leave me alone for now. Go and live your life, join Green Peace or one of those things you were always crusading and let yourself heal too, away from here and me." She took a deep breath. "The corporate world was never your thing. Sell your shares in the company to Kurt. He's a good man who will make sure your father's business legacy flourishes, we both know you will never want to work there, like I do." Bella stood up to leave.

"Find what you love to do, what you were meant to be. That is how I am healing, by making him proud of the woman I am because of knowing him. He changed my life, Vince. Now you can change yours, bring pride to his memory and everyone will forgive you." Vince stayed silent just staring after her as she walked away.

"You never cease to amaze me," Rob wrapped Bella in a big bear hug not letting go until the police drove away. "I don't know about Mel, but I am very proud of the woman you have become," Rob kissed her forehead and held her tightly. "Let's get you home," He began to steer her toward his car.

"Master Rob," Bella stalled as he opened the car door, "I have plans tonight, with Dianne." She turned and smiled at Dianne who was standing close by with Kurt. She once again held the boxes and grinned in return. "I seem to let her down all the time lately when we make plans. If it's okay I would rather just carry on with what we had planned," she paused briefly before adding, "Please."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Rob questioned.

"Who better to keep me company, especially if I get a little sad later once the shock of seeing Vince wears off," she laughed. "I am fine, honestly, and no one is more surprised about that than me."

"I'll drive them over in a little while," Kurt offered, "There's just a couple of things from the office I want to run over with Dianne first."

"Sure, I'll come up and check on you later," Rob kissed her forehead and let her go.

"Thank you, Master," Bella smiled and turned to walk back towards the building where Dianne and Kurt were waiting for her. Stephen blocked her path, as usual he had not said anything during the encounter merely being a large looming presence in the scene watching everything that happened.

He tilted her head up to his and scanned her eyes before murmuring, "You will call me if you need anything."

"Yes, Sir Stephen," she whispered and he too kissed her forehead and let her go returning to the car with Rob.

"It was not necessary to broach the subject of his shares right then," Kurt said as they entered the spacious apartment.

"I know but I am at the point where facing things, no matter how unpleasant at the time, helps to ease the way to moving forward. He needs to move on and live his life now, staying trapped in the past doesn't work I tried it remember," she pulled a face and shook her head.

"When did you become so wise?" Dianne laughed lightly.

"When I started hanging out with friends like you and Dorothea," Bella answered easily.

"Well, we will see what happens but thank you for what you said about me," Kurt said rather stiffly.

Dianne and Kurt discussed a few things quietly while Bella read a magazine in the living room. She overheard the mention of doctors and looked up briefly thinking it was something to do with Dorothea, but they had moved away again and she didn't want to seem as if she was prying.

Kurt drove them back to Bella's place and walked the women up to her apartment, "You girls be good. Not too much mischief tonight, I don't think we men could handle any more surprised today." His kissed Dianne deeply and passionately before finally leaving them to their plans.

"I almost dread to ask but what exactly are our plans?" Dianne asked.

"First Dinner, would you like me to make us something or shall we choose from the delicious menu they have downstairs and give Sir Stephen an excuse to check on us?" Bella laughed.

"Let's see what's you've you got no need to give them any extra excuses," Dianne laughed with her.

Bella and Dianne chatted and laughed as they made a simple dinner of cold roast chicken and salad.

"Alright enough stalling," Dianne said as she put down her fork and gave Bella a serious look. "I doubt you needed hand holding just to eat dinner."

"For the last two weeks Stephen has been talking to me about something," she paused. "I thought I was ready to maybe do more than think about it but after today I am not so sure," Bella hedged at the idea she had when she invited Dianne over.

"He told you how he feels about you! Bella that's wonderful!," she took in the startled look on Bella's face and immediate back peddled, "Well it would be if he had, I mean which judging by your expression... Oh dear, let me just take my foot out of my mouth."

"He kissed me," Bella offered not sure what to say to her revelation. "But that's not what I wanted your help with, well, not directly."

"Wait, he kissed you? Everyone kisses you Bella, even me," Dianne said. "It must have been some kiss for you to say it like that."

"It was light and barely even there," Bella admitted, "Just like a brushing of lips but I felt it all the way down to my toes," she admitted.

"Wow," Dianne murmured, "So it was some kiss then. Let's start at the beginning and get to why I am here."

"Now it's just going to seem all confused, I am confusing myself," Bella said. "Sir Stephen confuses me!" She rested her face in her hands and peeked out at Dianne through her fingers.

"I can help with that," Dianne said pulling Bella's hands away from her face. "Let's clean up and I will tell you what I know." She smiled and stood gathering plates. "It was back when you went with Sire for your, holiday," Dianne grinned. "Stephen had an argument with Rob about it and then refused to go and check on you wherever you were because he didn't want to see you,'used that way.'" Dianne raised an eyebrow but stopped short of asking exactly what went on with Sire at the time.

"A Kava lodge, that was sort of a... I dunno what you would call it, but picture wall to wall mattresses and well," Bella blushed and pretended to be reorganising a cupboard where she had just put a plate.

"Okay, well Stephen wasn't impressed. Then on a few other occasions little things have happened and Master determined that his intentions toward you were more than just that of friendship," She smiled. "He is very good at reading people. Then Master Rob noticed similar things especially his reticence to hand you over to Hunter. Last week though, he tried to convince Rob to tell you about Dorothea when she first got sick. He said something about being worried you would lose your trust in them and leave for good this time."

Bella's eyes widened, "He told them to tell me?"

"He tried. In a nutshell though, it seems he is not interested in being a two-week play date like Sire or Hunter. He wants you to be ready for more of a commitment before he shows his hand, or at least that's what we think," Dianne finished and looked at Bella. "He hasn't actually said that much."

"Well, that explains the lecture he gave me last night a little better, I guess," Bella said thoughtfully. She had needed no further explanation, what she wanted was answers to the whole range of questions she had because of the lecture and she wasn't sure Dianne could help with those.

They went and sat on the couch together and Bella tried as best she could to relate what he had said the previous night. "He said that while he understood that I was only doing what Mel had intended it was difficult to hand me over to another Master. He said he worried that someone would take me away from all the people here who loved me and that some of the people who already loved me might like the opportunity to show me their lifestyles." Dianne sat back and let her continue speaking.

"I asked if he wanted to be added to the people I would train with and he laughed. He said he had been training me since it had all begun," Bella furrowed her brow.

"Oh, I have missed you Bella. You have such a sweet way of viewing the world you don't even realise your place in it most of the time," Dianne said with a soft laugh. Bella was young, beautiful, rich and although she seemed not to realise it, could be one of the most powerful women in the corporate world. That is if she went after Vince's shares herself rather than suggesting he sell them to Kurt.

"I just seemed to be permanently confused lately, it was all much simpler with Mel. He commanded and I obeyed," Bella gave a lopsided smile. "I never had to worry if I was being told the whole truth or just what people thought I wanted to hear."

"This is what Stephen has been talking to you about lately? I mean if you just invited me here for that its fine, but you hardly need to have your hand held to work out that someone loves you and is willing to wait until you are ready. He doesn't share much about his private life, he is always at the club, I wasn't even sure he had a personal life, come to think of it."

"Of course, he does," Bella laughed. "He has a brother that relies on him pretty heavily and a wonderful old castle he is restoring."

"Seriously? I never knew that," Dianne blinked. "You didn't answer my question though."

"You're right it's a totally different thing. It's just that everything seems to have together on the same day," Bella sighed. "I need you to promise me that this just between us though for now, please. I mean I will tell Master Rob tomorrow, but I need to do this just for me right now."

"Bella I can't promise anything until I know what it is. I am sorry, but there are too many people who watch everything you do," Dianne said seriously. "Why don't you just tell me and then we can talk about it first."

"I'm suffocating," Bella took a large breath and blew it out looking around the crowded apartment in which she lived. "Did you know that when I came back from the beach house I asked to move out to a place of my own and Rob said no?" Dianne shook her head a little worried at where this was going now.

"I know who and what I am, Dianne, but still need a little piece of my world that is just me. I thought that if I did my office at the company all myself and made it mine it would be enough, but I share that. I share the decisions and the plans and everything about it. I am so grateful for the support and assistance Kurt and Rhys give me. I couldn't have done it on my own and get it going so fast," she sighed, "I'm not complaining really."

"Bella, look at me," Dianne said her voice laced with the worry she felt that Bella was about to bolt as she had once before when things became too overwhelming. "Just tell me what it is you need to make things right for you again."

"I need to go to the other side of this floor and see Mel's apartment," Bella said finally. "I need you to come with me and hold my hand if I need it and not tell me what to do, just be there... with me."

"If they come up to check on you and your not here they will all freak out, you know that," Dianne shook her head. She was not sure if this was such a good idea especially after seeing Vince.

"It's okay you don't have to come with me," Bella said. She realised now that it was probably something she should do on her own.

"I didn't say no. Do you even have keys?" Dianne asked her mind working over the problem.

"No one ever asked for them back so I still have ones Mel gave me," Bella nodded.

"Okay, but you have to let me tell one person. We can't have them coming up to check on you and not find either of us here. The punishment could be more than either of us can bear," Dianne pulled a face.

"Dianne it's not that big of a deal honestly, let's just leave it," Bella sighed thinking that she chose badly. Dorothea would have just held her hand no questions asked. "Everyone is going to have to trust me to make some decisions of my own sometimes you know, or I am going to suffocate here. Do you have any idea what it is like to have so many Masters to obey? I can't leave this room. I am a prisoner in my own life."

"Oh honey, they just care for you and want you to be safe and happy," Dianne hugged her hearing the frustration in her voice, "You're not a prisoner here."

"You just said yourself that if the wardens come and we aren't here they will freak out. Probably put the place into lock down," she shook her head. "I can't even go to the shop for a bar of chocolate."

"I was hardly that dramatic," Dianne laughed but she heard what Bella was saying. "After today though you realise they are justified in their protectiveness"

"I doubt Vince would have approached me if Lincoln hadn't accosted him. He didn't mean me any harm," Bella said, "My life is full of dramatic moments because other people create them. I was fine at the hospital with Dorothea despite everyone's concerns. I have been fine at work and in my training. I am fine! It's been almost a year and I can't move on if you and they won't let me."

"Bella I..." Dianne froze as there was a knock on the door followed by it opening to reveal Stephen.

"I have no privacy here," Bella muttered under her breath as Dianne smiled and greeted him.

"Everything alright?" Stephen asked feeling the tension radiating from Bella.

"Just fine," Bella said giving a small smile.

"Actually, it's good that you're here. Could you let us into Mel's apartment?" Dianne asked.

"Yes," he eyed Bella seeing the look she gave Dianne, "If that is what you want."

"Yes, thank you, Sir Stephen," Bella said stiffy, rising to her feet. She had started this ball rolling and she had to see it through now, even if it wasn't going the way she had planned.

"Have you eaten, Jake had expected a call this evening," Stephen rumbled before moving from where he stood still watching her carefully.

"Bella made us something, but we might be interested in desert later," Dianne answered him.

"Why don't you call him and let him know," Stephen said pointing to the in-house phone. He turned back to Bella, "Something's up, tell me. Is it the incident this afternoon with Vince?"

"I am just feeling a little claustrophobic," Bella said softly. "I will be fine." Stephen raised an eyebrow at her.

"You use the word 'fine' a lot lately," his voice rumbled

"I would be great if people would stop making decisions for me when I had just explained... It doesn't matter, I am sorry. I guess you're right, seeing Vince has put me out of sorts," Bella looked at Dianne and then down at her feet.

"I see," Stephen nodded. Seeing Dianne return, he announced. "Let's go then." He guided the girls out of the apartment and into the elevator placing his card in the opposite doorway and opening it. Bella stepped tentatively out. This foyer corridor looked just like the one on the other side of the third floor.

"Jake and I use the smaller room at the end of the hall when we stay here or to rest during a long shift," Stephens's voice was oddly soft in its rumble. No one has been in the room at the other end, that I am aware of. Mel's apartment has been left until you were ready to deal with it," he opened the door and followed the two women inside.

Bella took a shuddering breath as she looked around. Memory threatened to overwhelm her, but she turned to look at her friends, "Could I have some time alone, please?"

"Of course," Dianne you can wait in the room at the end of the hall," Stephen's tone said there would be no argument and Dianne hesitated for a moment.

"You sure you don't want me to stay and hold your hand?" Dianne asked.

"No, I was wrong about that," Bella said sadly. What she needed were Dorothea's wisdom and love. Not someone who would relay her every move back to her guardians. Dianne had once been a dominant herself and she seemed to need to be dominant in their friendship. Mel she knew had placed Dianne in that position because she could help her come to understand how his world works but he was gone now and Bella realised Dianne would always take on that role with her.

The door closed behind them as they left and Bella sighed. Mel had manipulated everything in her world to get what he wanted. He had wanted to possess her so badly that he had created an atmosphere in which she was forced to accept who and what she was, not in reality, but his fantasy of her. She walked back to the door and leant against the wall beside it closing her eyes and lost in the memory of the first time she had ever come to this place.

Spinning her quickly he pushed her to the wall beside the door and his hand wrapped about her throat firmly without being tight. She gasped her eyes blinking in the darkness as he held her immobile, she felt him move closer pinning her with his body and she tilted her head up straining to see if he was angry with her. His mouth descended upon hers kissing her deeply, passionately taking her breath away. "So beautiful," he crooned.

He kissed her again his hands removing her coat expertly before traveling to her breasts. His fingers finding the sensitive nubs through the fabric pinching, making her gasp into his kiss, he twisted them, her answering whimper music to his ears. His hands travelled down her sides and around to her ass pulling her against him harder grinding into her belly as kneaded her ass.

Growling into her mouth, he picked her up and moved swiftly into the dark room. Turning her in his arms, he draped her over the back of a lounge chair. Her ass raised high with her head landing on a cushion. She squealed and wriggled to gain some balance her hands resting beside her head as his hands travelled up her thighs raising the dress up and over her ass as she hung before him. His hand crashed onto her ass suddenly making her cry out into the darkness.

Holding her hip to steady her with one hand, the other travelled down to the crack of her ass pressing on the plug she wore before moving down to her cunt, "So wet already little slut. So needy for your Masters touch." She drew a deep breath as his fingers teased her lightly rubbing over her swelling clit, her hips rolling at his hand as he withdrew it to smack her upturned ass once more.

Moving against her, his hardening cock nestling in the groove of her ass as his hands ran the length of her body pushing the dress further up her body. It crumpled around her shoulders effectively holding her arms in place beside her head. Dragging his hands back over her ribs she had squirmed against him as he pressed his hard cock against her ass. Stepping back slightly, he smacked her ass again eliciting a squeal between her panting whimpers. He parted her cheeks, fingers delving for the plug. In her mind's eye, she could see her tightest hole stretching and resisting as he pulled the plug free slowly, then replacing it with his smallest finger for a moment.

The darkness of the room enveloped her heightening her other senses as he stroked, teased and smacked her increasingly heated body, the blush heating her face flowered unseen. "Oh god," she thought, "How could this man make her body sing in so much pleasure in the pain he gave her?" She remembered her hips rolling, begging for more as she panted hotly bent over a chair and at his mercy.

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