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Quarantined Flight


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I licked my lover clean and we wedged our bodies into her small shower, giggling as we squeezed around each other to clean one another and sneak in a few naughty touches.

"We need to make sure the shower in the new house has plenty of room," Heather said, laughing.

"Definitely," Mary said. "There's no way in hell I'm showering by myself anymore. This is SO much better."

I kissed her and, as I slid my tongue into her mouth, I slipped a finger into her pussy. She bit my tongue, but giggled at me.

We eventually got dressed, did some online house-hunting, and went to drive past a few of them. The two we had decided were our top choices were both having open houses, so we toured through them and stopped for ice cream to make our decision.

In the end, one of them had more - and bigger - bathrooms. We decided on that one. Once Heather and I combined our funds, we'd have a little money left over to decorate the place. Mary told us that she'd gotten some money from the airline as well. She planned to pool that with ours. We decided to investigate screening-in the in-ground pool and seeing what it would take to add a hot tub.

We returned to the house we'd selected, and gave our offer (and contact info) to the realtor. She told us that there was one other interested party. We had, however, made the first offer - so we would have the right of first refusal.

We took Mary home and introduced her to our parents, informing them that we were going to the justice of the peace the next morning to get married. We told them we had made an offer on a house. Mom and dad wanted to see it and offered to take the three of us to dinner if we could do a drive-by.

Dad drove, mom held his hand, and my two lovers and I sat in the back seat and necked. I had already sent the address to dad's phone so we had a little time to kill while he drove there. I caught him watching me giving to, and taking from, my two sweethearts and he winked at me.

The open house had just concluded but we caught the realtor locking up and she let mom and dad do a quick self-tour while we talked. She told us that the other couple was still thinking it over but she was confident that we would get it. She was delighted when we told her that we already had the money sitting in the bank.

She asked us if it would be okay for her to call and put the other couple on the spot and we told her that it didn't matter to us - that this was the place we wanted and we were willing to even increase our bid a little.

She dialed their number and, after a quick conversation, ended the call and congratulated us on buying our first home. She said she would start the paperwork but that, with it being the weekend, most of it would have to wait until the following morning.

We shook hands with her as mom and dad emerged from the house. We said 'goodbye' to the realtor and climbed back into the car. Mom left the choice of restaurant to us. Mary refused to join the negotiation, stating that she was just along for the ride. Heather snort-laughed at Mary's unintended double-entendre and the car turned into chaos while everybody giggled or laughed.

In the end, I convinced Heather to choose. She picked her favorite Italian place. It was wonderful. Mary, apparently, had only had TV dinners the whole time we'd been in quarantine as well. She ate nearly as much as Heather and I did. My sister and I joked that we were going to hire mom to come to our house to prepare our meals and mom didn't really comment. Heather looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I shrugged. A discussion for later, apparently.

After dinner, we took Mary ring-shopping. Dad and I became wallflowers as the three women in our lives worked together to spend a chunk of my money. Honestly, I could care less as long as it meant burying my prick in one of my ladies when I got home that night.

Mary brought over a ring set that was pretty - but simple - and way cheaper than I had anticipated. She kissed me softly and told me that she would rather spend the money on a honeymoon. I squeezed her tight little ass and told her that I thought that was a terrific idea.

We swiped my debit card and then I got down on one knee to propose, officially, to my little hot-nurse. She tearfully accepted and the sales-staff applauded as I slipped the engagement ring onto her finger and gave her a long kiss.

When we got home, Heather and Mary and I retired to my bedroom. Since Mary had already collected a load from me, earlier, she rode my face and made out with my sister as she rode my cock until I filled her with naughty-sauce again.


Mom fixed breakfast, dad called in to say that he would be late, and Mary texted the ceremony details to her mom. A little over an hour later, the public official married me and Mary, with our family as our witnesses. I accepted a hug of congratulations from Mary's mom - who looked like a more mature version of my new wife.

Dad left for work just as the realtor called to tell us that, since we already had the money in the bank, she was going to try to expedite the closing. We asked her if we could take Mary's mom through the place and she agreed to meet us there.

We all hopped in Mary's mom's car. Mom rode shotgun and the three of us sat in the back and sort of behaved. My mother-in-law smirked at me as I got kisses from both of my companions.

Mary's mom liked the house as much as we did and threatened that she would be over often to take advantage of the pool. Her eyes widened when I warned her that, once we got the pool screened-in, it was going to be designated as a "no clothing allowed" area. When she agreed to comply by my rules, her daughter laughed, bit my jaw, and groped my cock. Her mom, hugged the two of us and kissed our cheeks.

We thanked the realtor and left her to lock up, returning to the courthouse so that mom could get her car. We rode with Mary's mom and went to mom and dad's house to sit and chat.

The chat turned into honeymoon planning - and lasted the rest of the day. We all took a break to help with lunch. By the time dad got home, the reservations had been made, and dinner was ready. The six of us ate together and then went to the front room to visit some more.

At the end of the night, we gave my mother-in-law hugs and sent her on her way.

I took my girls to my room. Mary rode my cock this time and my sister rode my face. As always, the two of them managed to drain me dry enough that I needed a bottle of water just to get the dizziness, from the dehydration, to abate.

~~~ Epilogue ~~~

Mary, Heather, and I spent two weeks in Hawaii. The two of them nearly fucked me to death - and I was nearly eaten by sharks (ignore my wives' dissenting opinions on that subject) - and we ate too much while having the time of our lives.

By the time we returned, the realtor had an appointment scheduled for us to close on the house. We transferred the amounts from our three accounts, signed the papers, and received the keys. The contractors started on adding the hot tub and screening in the patio the next day.

I finally showed up to work. I went straight to HR, where I added my spouse and my sister as dependents on my insurance plan. I spent most of the day filling out paperwork.

The next day, Mary took Heather to visit the obstetrician to get her squared away for delivering my first child. When the doctor found out that Mary was trying to get pregnant as well, they both came home with a bottle of huge prenatal vitamins.

When the two of them complained about the size, I told them that I'd always heard women claim that, "Bigger is better." I think I still have bruises from that comment.

When we announced that the hot tub was open, Mary's mom showed up at the front door. She walked through the house, took off all of her clothes, dropped them next to the sliding-glass door, leered at me, and stepped outside.

Mary laughed and told me to call her mother's bluff. I stripped off and climbed into the tub with her. When my wives (one legal and one consensual) strode out, naked, to join us, my mother-in-law cackled in laughter.

I collected kisses from my lovelies, and they grabbed my cock. When Mary's mom insisted that she wanted equal treatment, I looked at my girls. They both shrugged and laughed. Mary told her mother that, if she thought she could handle it, she could try.

My mother-in-law, apparently, took that as permission to proceed with her plans. At least, I assume she had planned this - because she was soon straddling my lap - with my stiff prick buried completely in her hot pussy. She kissed me lustily and pulled my hands to her breasts and her ass.

Mary's mom's twat was a little looser than hers - but my cock was still snug within her folds - and her enthusiasm was contagious.

My wives complained that we were splashing too much. I slipped my arms under my mother-in-law's legs and grabbed her hips. She wrapped her hands behind my neck as I stood up. I repeatedly lifted her up and then dropped her onto my aching cock.

I fucked Mary's mom faster and faster. I sensed the girls moving up next to us and felt fingers teasing my ball-sack. The girls also pinched Mary's mom's nipples and thumbed her clit. My mother-in-law shrieked as she came on my cock. Her pussy squirted on me - much like her daughter's - and she lost her grip on my neck. The girls caught her and set her back in her seat.

Mary climbed up my body next and I fucked her as I just had her mother. My sister helped me bring her to orgasm.

Like her mother, she shrieked as she came - and squirted all over my groin. Her fluids dripped down my balls, falling into the frothing water below.

Heather licked and sucked her sister-wife's jizz from my cock and balls, and then wrapped her hands behind my neck to get fucked as the others had.

As I fucked her onto my prick, I told her what a dirty girl she was - carrying her brother's baby in her womb. Her vagina clenched on me and I was done for - I cried out as the culmination of the stimulation from their three pussies finally took its toll.

I came hard, filling my sister's tight pussy once again. I sat down, harder and more quickly than I had intended, and Heather and I rode out the last of our mutual climaxes together.

I held her in my arms and kissed her. Mary eased over and shared kisses with the two of us. When my mother-in-law slid up on the other side of me, I wrapped an arm around her and reached over to kiss her beautiful lips.

She told me that she would leave my cum for her daughter and my sister but she thanked me for reminding her pussy what it was like to be filled with a cock. Mary slid over by her mom and gave her a hug.

Mary asked her mom what had possessed her to think she could get me to agree to fuck her and she admitted that it was the combination of learning that my sister was carrying my child - and my silly announcement that the pool area would be clothing-free. I kissed her again and thanked her for daring to get frisky with us. I told her that I'd had fun and that she was a foxy lady. She kissed me again and wrapped herself around my arm. Heather leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips as well.

I laughed and told the girls that we'd only had one adventure in the new tub and we already needed to have it cleaned. My mother-in-law blushed a little but I told her that I found their squirting orgasms to be super-erotic. I promised her that - even if she was going to leave my cock to my wives - I'd be more than willing to pleasure her with my mouth - just for the chance to get her to squirt. She told me that maybe she'd take me up on that for special occasions.

"Special occasions?" Mary asked, laughing. "You mean, like bedtime?" she teased.

My mother-in-law gaped at her daughter and swatted her arm, telling her that she was thinking more like her birthday and Christmas. Mary hugged her mom and assured her that, as long as it was consensual between her and me, she wouldn't object. Heather said that she agreed.

Mary ended up getting pregnant two months later. My sister's little girl and her half-brother would be born about four months apart.

We had a bit of a scare when Mary's mom's next period came late - but it finally came. My mother-in-law assured me that she would not be tempting fate again by letting me fuck her raw. I joked that we could use a condom and she laughed and shook her head at me, telling me that she was ready to be a grandmother - but not a mother again.

~~~ The End ~~~

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ToughSailorToughSailor3 months ago

A really lame plot, but I guess you needed it to justify the equally weak story. Also, I'm not a fan of either the pregnancy or the peeing fetishes.

Chuck469Chuck4693 months ago

I really enjoyed the story line, as I have the others I have read. I do have to say I am done reading other comments from other readers, especially the anonymous ones. This world we live in where everyone thinks they have the right to criticize others is ridiculous. I doubt most of them have an imagination with the ability to create any stories, much less write them. Read the stories or don’t, but keep your criticisms that accomplish nothing to yourselves. No one here is looking for the Pulitzer.

WalterGoranWalterGoran4 months ago

Great story line. Very well done. End was a little rushed you could do more the mother-in-law and sex with the girls. Hope you continue the story with a bigger house and include his parents.

BachrorylacoBachrorylaco4 months ago

On and on and on and ……

AardieAardie5 months ago

I would expect the families of the people murdered at the airport would demand a lot more money. No masks, not isolated but instead bunched together and forced to share a bathroom. The negligence depicted here is staggering. I hope their children don’t have birth defects etc.

arrow013arrow0136 months ago

A great job, you gave a natural flow to the storyline, by keeping the gory details of death and medical terminology out you maintained a nice amount of mystery and suspense.

The ending seemed a little rushed (from leaving the airport) and has potential for more details and even another chapter.

Well Done

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I enjoyed this story. It actually felt like the people were dying due to ebola outbreak and Heather and Ian made me feel that they were actually living through it. Good job.

Oh, and I don't care about adding the mother-in-law toward the end or bringing Mary in when they did and setting up the marriage. That was small potatoes to me verses how the outbreak was handled and of course what went on in the tent..

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This was a great read! Loved when Mary’s mom joined in. I half expected Ian’s parents to join in as well. Then Mary’s mom could move in with them. Family orgies are so hot.

AverageBearAverageBear7 months ago

Maybe I'm too anchored in reality, but having the siblings decide to marry "Mary" after her witnessing their sexual activities a couple of times just stretched too far. It loudly reminded me that I was reading someone else's fantasy, rather being caught up in the story myself. Having the siblings make a lifelong commitment to each other is plausible since they've known each other their entire lives; making a similar commitment to a stranger in a Hazmat suit is not. I didn't rate the story since the quality of writing was great but the concept was just too surreal. Thanks anyway, and I look forward to reading other works you've written.

silverbeard85silverbeard857 months ago

"Siblings wouldn't speak to each other like that." Says ScottishTexan. My guy, have you read the godawful dialogue you've given your own characters? It became unreadable dreck.

TrampsAnThievesTrampsAnThieves7 months agoAuthor

[ScottishTexan] Just to be clear, I'm writing erotic fiction -- porn. Almost without exception, in my worlds, your sister shaves her cunt, likes to roleplay, and loves the feel of your shaved testes sliding (or slapping) against her taint. / As long as you judge every other writer on here against the same measure, I'm probably in good company.

ScottishTexanScottishTexan7 months ago

You had a solid 5 going right up to the hot tub incident. You shouldn't have brought their mother-in-law into the mix. The threesome should have been exclusive. I'm also going to call you out on the fake dialog between the siblings:

"In a tone of voice that made my dick even harder, she cooed, "I love how your ball-sack feels, wedged between my ass-cheeks, big brother."

Every time you had Heather speak directly to Ian and address him as "big brother", I cringed. Siblings wouldn't speak to each other like that. 😔

You also lost points for both Heather and Mary being shaved clean. I have had several girlfriends in the past that shaved and I didn't like it. Nearly every writer on this site has the females shave off their pubic hair so now it's just a boring cliché.

Great beginning followed by a horrible ending. 3/5

txcrackertxcracker8 months ago
Very Very Good !

Very Very Good not my usual chose of subject , but you write the others so well I took a chance . And really really liked it . I gave a 5*'s .

Thanks For the read

getthephenomgetthephenom8 months ago

Amazing story. 5 ⭐

BullittBullitt8 months ago

My only problem with the story was the, “Honestly, I could care less as long as it meant…” part. It’s couldn’t care less, come on, be better /s

skippersdadskippersdad8 months ago

That was another great story.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

As long as it was just the two of them, it was really hot, including Heather's pregnancy. Accepting Mary into the mix was OK under the circumstances. Adding her mother was disgusting. As they say, "less is more."

ThurrensEdgeThurrensEdge8 months ago

Unique but I liked it. It was absurd at times but so much stuff is mundane it was nice to read something that was creative.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

If there is one thing I can say about this story, its that its one of a kind. I readit entirely and was shocked at most parts to be exact. Its just it could have been way more realistic by doing shit like providing the sister with empathy instead or pure horniness from the start…

TrampsAnThievesTrampsAnThieves8 months agoAuthor

[WantingToWriteGoodabout] In the story, Mary told Ian and Heather that she was required to change suits between "campsite" visits. My logic was that the only contamination possible would be air-particulates as she made her way to their site. If infection was possible, then Heather dodged a bullet -- in much the same way they did every single time they walked to the bathroom and touched those surfaces. I tried to be very specific about their concerns/risks. At the same time, I was balancing against what I thought an airline would actually do in this situation (thus, no showers, since most terminals I've been in don't have them). [Biologo] My use of the term "womb" is less specific than what you're driving at. I've read your many, detailed comments across several of my stories. I look forward to having the chance to comment on your first submission. I expect that you'll be a bit more forgiving of other authors once you've "walked a mile in their shoes".

TomNJaxTomNJax8 months ago

Enjoyed it immensely, thanks for sharing!!

BrendaNWBrendaNW8 months ago

A unique and beautiful story among great sadness .. but also finding love and embracing the future 💕🥰

Biologo8 months ago

“Her climax started as soon as she felt my seed splashing against the walls of her womb - where our baby was already growing.“


A basic book on human biology might be useful to you. Just look at the pictures and see if you can still think that can happen.

WantingToWriteGoodWantingToWriteGood8 months ago

Very unique story. Enjoyed it very much. The one thing which bothered me was Mary's hazmat suit carrying germs from some of the others in quarantine when she and Ian and Heather had a threesome. But, my knowledge of hazmat suits is nil so probably focused on an unnecessary detail.

RailroadTareRailroadTare8 months ago

Seriously good read.

usaretusaret8 months ago

The joyful ending made it.

AmbivalenceAmbivalence8 months ago

Biggest "eh..." I have about this story is due to how spot on he was about what would happen.

I don't think that they'd have touched, licked or kissed Mary's hazmat suit until *after* they'd determined that no one else might have in any way been contaminating it.

And though I don't recall a passenger count, considering the number of dead is reasonably have expected them to get an easy $1M each. I mean, really, no shower facilities, nobody was provided their own isolation gear for them to transverse common areas, and his phone was off to save the battery which means no access to power or phones?

WalterWoodyWalterWoody8 months ago

I was not wanting to give this 5 stars, but that was the highest it allowed! Great story

Marvin2017Marvin20178 months ago

implausible, with dips into reality. I like it. 5 ⭐️

1stltdan1stltdan8 months ago

Thank for another great story. Please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Wow! What a great story! I appreciate all your hard work to create this entertaining novella.


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