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Reclaiming His Balls Pt. 09

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Four people. Four outcomes. The end.
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Reclaiming His Balls

Part 9 of 9


Let's take a look back. This is how things are for our heroes as their story ends.



She got on top of Ted's body, riding him like a horse in a rodeo. Her elegant white lace lingerie made her look like a sexy princess. He caressed her breasts. Belly. Face. Hips. "Ohhhhhh... ohhhhhh..." she moaned as she rose and fell.

Ted reached down and massaged her clit. He pushed her to the edge, then removed his hand and refused to let it happen.

"Let me cum, Daddy," Sassy groaned at last. "I need it. I need to cum."

"Not yet, little girl. Not yet," he replied.

They'd done this many times. Both knew exactly what would happen next. Ted would make Sassy excited enough to beg him for relief. But he wouldn't give it to her. Instead, he'd force her to get into a different position and start all over. Maybe they'd do it doggy style. Or in the lotus. All that was certain was he'd delay Sassy's orgasm so many times that when he finally allowed it, she'd have a climax measured on the Richter scale.

What did he decide this time? Ted pulled Sassy down until she was on his chest. Then he wrapped his arms around her and rolled over until they were in the missionary position. Sassy loved feeling the weight of Ted's body on top of her. She loved running her hands over the hard muscles of his back as he drove her crazy with desire.

She loved the decisive way he "forced" her to do everything exactly the way he demanded, acting as though she couldn't possibly want to do anything differently. Of course, that was usually true. She loved it when Ted took complete control. It went beyond pleasure and powerful orgasms. He made her feel safe and loved. Desired.

At length, Ted could tell Sassy was about to climax, so he stopped holding back and allowed his orgasm to begin. Sassy loved how it felt when his cock began to throb and fill her with thick, wet warmth. It triggered Sassy's climax, and they both felt it when her pussy began to squeeze his cock over and over, milking every drop of his seed.

It wasn't a simultaneous orgasm, but it was very close. Ted and Sassy were so in sync with each other physically that their orgasms overlapped almost every time they had sex. Ted remained on top of her, enjoying the sensual closeness that always overwhelmed them after they made love.

"Thank you, Daddy. That was very nice," Sassy whispered, enjoying their little game where she pretended to be young and innocent.

"You're welcome, little girl," Ted answered, knowing he was lucky to enjoy such an intimate relationship with such a loving, sexy woman. He held Sassy in his arms, making sure she understood how much he cared for her.

Ted regularly worried that Sassy would get tired of being the "other woman" and demand he divorce Michelle. If she ever did that, Ted was prepared to end his marriage. But she regularly reassured him that she was happy with their arrangement.

"You give me everything I need," she told him. "Don't think that anything has to change. Maybe someday. Not today."

Sassy knew Ted was married when she initiated their romance. In the beginning, she thought that meant he'd eventually either leave his wife or end their affair. But as the months turned into years, Sassy saw a lot of advantages to having a married boyfriend. She got the very best of Ted, and Michelle got the rest.

He found lots of ways to express his appreciation for her willingness to let him remain married. It meant his son Henry could grow up in the same house as his mother and father.

At first, Sassy assumed Ted was in a sexless marriage. His amorous appetite was always so ravenous that it was easy to imagine Sassy was the only woman satisfying his needs. But over time she realized that Ted and Michelle must still be on intimate terms.

By the time she figured this out, Sassy decided she didn't care. It was impossible to feel jealous of Michelle. Instead, she felt pity.

Although Sassy didn't know all the details, she understood that Michelle did something especially hurtful when she cheated. It had to be awful for Michelle to understand that she'd wrecked a marriage to a wonderful man. She was surely wracked with guilt and regret. If they were still having sex, Sassy hoped they both enjoyed it. Maybe it provided a small consolation for what they both lost when Michelle did the dumbest thing a woman could ever do.

Ted was devoted to Sassy. It was enough.



That night Michelle donned some lingerie that Ted particularly enjoyed. It was a mesh catsuit with a big opening in the crotch, allowing her to have sex without removing the garment. She looked fabulous. The fishnet emphasized her feminine curves without concealing any part of her body. It was like being naked, but better. It made Michelle feel like a trashy whore.

"Spread your legs. Wider," Ted ordered. She obediently opened her legs as far as they could go. She braced herself for the onslaught of sensations that she knew she'd feel when Ted began to lick, suck and nibble her delicate inner folds.

He put his hands under the cheeks of her ass, lifting her pussy into position. He bit the tender flesh of her inner thighs, causing her to gasp and wince as she felt little stabs of pain from each bite. She felt her pussy getting warm as Ted got closer and closer. The room began to smell like sex, and Ted looked forward to his first taste of her wet, fragrant flesh.

Michelle had learned that it was liberating to be dominated by Ted. She never had to take any responsibility for anything. Michelle just did as she was told, leaving all the decisions to her husband, who never asked her for consent in or out of the bedroom. She even liked it when he was rough with her, or when he got her all excited and then abruptly stopped her from cumming.

Being a fucktoy was fun. She'd never been so excited or so satisfied.

Ted and Michelle had sex at least twice a day, but on this night he ate her pussy like a man who'd been starved for sex for so long that he could barely control his appetite. Michelle never knew what he'd do. Would he slip his fingers inside her? Suck and lick her clit? Use his tongue on her sensitive little anus? She knew he expected total obedience, and she always gave it. Always. They had no safeword. Consent was irrelevant.

He licked and sucked, gave Michelle her first orgasm, then paused so she could recover. He gently slid his dick inside her, in and out, the way she liked it. Soon, she climaxed again.

By this time Ted's cock ached. He needed relief. He sat up in bed and pulled Michelle over his lap until her face was right above his hard cock. She knew he wanted her to suck him. Without being asked, Michelle sucked his cock into her throat. She was proud that she'd mastered deepthroat.

His cock tasted like her pussy. That used to disgust her. Now, she loved it.

Michelle's head went up and down, up and down. She sensed as he got close. Soon, he began to climax. When that happened Ted pulled his cock from her mouth and sprayed Michelle's face with his cum. He didn't give her facials often, preferring to shoot into her pussy, mouth, or ass. It was something he demanded so infrequently that Michelle found herself wishing it happened more often.

"Lie down. On your back," he said. Michelle put her head on the pillow and remained motionless as Ted used a finger to scoop up the globs of cum on her face and put them in her mouth. She sucked his finger clean over and over, pretending she was a whore servicing a client with a very specific kink. She loved how it felt to be used in such dirty, disgusting ways.

"Thank you," she said when Ted finished.

"You're welcome," he replied.

In the time since Ted discovered her affair, Michelle had done lots of reflection. She'd worked with a therapist to look for answers to questions about why she acted so recklessly, and what kind of cravings made a woman with a husband like Ted crave sex with a lowlife creep.

She eventually realized that she was the kind of woman who didn't need a husband. Michelle needed a Master. She needed a man who'd dictate everything about her life, and be willing to give her a painful whipping when she didn't behave. That was what made her feel loved and needed. She'd shared all this information in talks with Ted, and they'd had conversations about what it meant about their futures.

Still, Michelle wasn't a person who thought much about the future. She lived in the moment. Thanks to Ted's demands, her days were full. She did her job, did the housekeeping at home, cared for her son, and had sex every morning and evening with the only man who knew how to give her what she needed.

Eventually, she became aware of signs that Ted was spending time with another woman. He freely admitted it, reminding her not to expect him to feel bound by their wedding vows. Michelle wasn't happy to know that Ted had a girlfriend, but she accepted it. Ted managed to give Michelle everything she needed to be satisfied; that had to be enough for her. It wasn't a choice.

Besides, the fact that Ted had two women just reinforced the idea that Michelle was married to a man who'd turned into an alpha male. Like so many parts of her life, being in a harem excited Michelle.

Sometimes Ted wondered if he should give Michelle more freedom. Credit cards. A newer car. He considered telling her that he would never expose the secrets that would wreck her life. He even imagined that he should say that if she wanted a divorce, he'd give her more generous terms than the ones dictated by the post-nuptial agreement he forced her to sign.

He didn't do any of those things. Seeing Michelle so happy with her life as a virtual slave made him realize that she benefitted from the strict rules Ted made her follow. She was content and productive because she had no other choice. She would probably suffer if Ted ever loosened her leash.

Michelle was as happy as she'd ever been.



When Ted woke the next morning, the first thing he felt was Michelle sucking his cock. He looked down and saw she was still wearing the slutty mesh catsuit she'd donned the night before. Michelle almost always woke early enough to suck his morning erection into her mouth while he was still dreaming.

Sometimes he'd pull her head off his cock and make her fuck him. Other times he'd just lay back and relax until she sucked every drop of his cum down her throat. She never knew what it would be.

On this morning, Ted decided he wanted a blowjob, so he let Michelle suck him to completion. He let her keep sucking until his cock was soft, then he told her to stop.

"Thank you," Michelle said, wiping a glob of cum from her lips.

"You're welcome," Ted replied.

He dressed for the gym, and then said goodbye to his son Henry. As always, he drove his Porsche. The longer he owned it, the more he liked the sporty car. Feeling the velvety smooth surge of power and the tight handling reminded him of the way he'd blackmailed his wife's lover into selling it for $1. The Porsche was a trophy of Ted's victory over a man who'd wronged him. It made the car more fun to drive.

Ted went to the gym five days a week, working out so hard that he'd packed on an additional 15 pounds of muscle and gotten rid of almost all excess body fat. He knew that Sassy and Michelle both liked his bigger, stronger body, but Ted liked it for a different reason.

He wanted to intimidate other men who might be inclined to challenge him. Michelle's affair had undermined his faith in himself; his new muscular exoskeleton helped restore his self-confidence. It was part of what helped him become an alpha.

But the biggest confidence booster in Ted's life was the fact that two very different women were devoted to him. His ties to Sassy were woven from love and respect. Michelle was bound by dominance and submission. They satisfied his needs in different ways. He was thankful to have both of them.

Ted's life had not turned out the way he'd expected. As a youth, Ted pictured being married to a loving wife who was his equal. He'd never imagined being in a relationship like the one she shared with Michelle while being involved with a mistress like Sassy.

Ted shared one essential quality with both Sassy and Michelle. They were all happy. None of them lived conventional lives, but all of them were satisfied. None of them wanted to change anything. All three felt their lives were fine for now.

How many of us can say the same?



Dr. Jacob Brianson

Ted regularly read legal notices on the website of his local paper. That's where local municipalities asked for bids on the kind of projects done by Ted's company. He also read listings from bankruptcy court to see if any of his clients or competitors were in trouble.

One day he discovered that his old marriage counselor, Dr. Jacob Brianson, declared bankruptcy. Ted laughed out loud when he read the news. It looks like somebody got himself in trouble! Ted thought gleefully.

After Ted caught Dr. Brianson having an affair with Michelle, he threatened to sue him for malpractice, an action that would surely cause him to lose his therapist license. He agreed not to sue Dr. Brianson if he sold his beloved Porsche to Ted for $1. It had to be a burden to pay off a loan for a $120,000 car he no longer owned, and Ted hoped this helped push the unethical therapist into bankruptcy.

The details of Dr. Brianson's decline and fall were a bit more complicated.

More than two years after being exposed by Ted, Dr. Brianson accepted a new client who was struggling with addiction to prescription painkillers. Abby Harold was young and very sexy in a trashy way that appealed to Dr. Brianson's fondness for sleazy females.

As a therapist, he knew exactly what to say to flatter the vulnerable young woman and convince her to have an affair. Abby was married, and Dr. Brianson trusted her when she promised to keep their liaisons secret.

But Abby wasn't very smart. She had no guile. Guilt finally compelled her to confess. The next day her outraged husband kicked down the door to Dr. Brianson's office and beat him severely enough to send him to the hospital.

The police uncovered the whole sordid story. The therapist was terminated, and he lost his license. He could not practice, so he no longer had patients to call him "Doctor."

His scandalous job history made it hard for Brianson to find work. The owner of an appliance store decided to give Brianson a chance, hiring him as a salesman. It didn't pay much, but it allowed the disgraced Brianson to start over.

That didn't happen. Six weeks after hiring Brianson, the owner caught him flirting with his underage daughter. He threw Brianson out of his store and withheld his final paycheck. Soon after that, Brianson's landlord evicted him. He was forced to hire a bankruptcy attorney to escape his mounting debts.

Although Ted, Michelle, and Sassy had happy lives, the same couldn't be said for Brianson. He was sad most of the time, but there was one thing that always made him feel especially bad.

He used to love Porsches. Now, the sight of one always reminded him of the ruinous decisions that sent him tumbling down, down, down from the upper middle class to the men's homeless shelter. Sometimes he spotted Ted driving around in the pretty green Porsche once owned by Brianson.

Porsches made the former therapist feel sick.


And that's how a man emasculated by his slutty wife found ways to reclaim his balls. The author has no plans for a sequel, although there are some apparent angles for tales about the further adventures of Ted, Michelle, and Sassy. Comment! Vote! Suggest ideas for more stories!


Many of you were able to figure out that "Reclaiming His Balls" was inspired by a subplot in the award-winner program "Ted Lasso." I gave my characters names from the show, including the protagonist Ted, his estranged wife Michelle, their son Henry, their unethical marriage counselor Dr. Jacob Brianson, and Ted's post-divorce girlfriend Sassy. It was intended as an homage to a well-written TV show I thoroughly enjoyed.

My story is very different from "Ted Lasso." Basically, I was moved when the likable, affable Ted learned that his ex-wife was dating their former marriage counselor. It hurt his feelings and confirmed his fears that the therapist and wife had teamed up to attack him because they were attracted to each other.

A turning point in the show happened when Ted learned of the relationship. He called his ex-wife, expressed his displeasure, and stood up for himself in a way that impressed Michelle. It seemed that she must have felt Ted was a bit of a wimp, and seeing him grow a backbone changed her opinion. It was part of the reason Ted and Michelle resumed their relationship eventually.

Of course, this is very different from "Reclaiming His Balls." I asked myself how a husband might react to the trauma of discovering his bitchy wife was having a sleazy affair with their unethical marriage counselor. I wanted my protagonist to feel forced to do things he never would have imagined if he hadn't been so traumatized.

In general, I prefer writing about characters who are nice people. I like to have them find satisfying ways to resolve the conflicts in their lives. It's harder for me when I write about someone like Ted, who is so often a cruel jerk.

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MarkT63MarkT636 months ago

Very Nice!!!!

WargamerWargamer9 months ago

Great story, l thoroughly enjoyed it.

Scores 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Loved this story. Not real heavy, almost everyone wins and was an easy read. I think the three main characters should become a throuple, with The husband and Sassy cucking Michelle and maybe adding to the family, using Michelle's skill in helping to raise Sassy and hubby's kid. Again, nice story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

yeah, I didn't feel the characters after chapter 3. Ted became as selfish as Michelle, and the son was never mentioned as he was in the beginning. Michelle was a bad person at work too, and this plot was also abandoned. Sassy was a bit of a manic pixie dream girl: she was what Ted needed when he needed and she was ready for him. There were no tension building. At least all involved got they HEA in the end and Richmond won the Champions League.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I loved the story

I just wish he had moved her into the house with his wife

That would have so great

KurtVKurtV9 months ago

That was an interesting concept for a story. I didn't mind it when Ted acted like a jerk. To me, it made him more human. The events that triggered this whole thing must have been so traumatic that Ted went off the rails a bit. In real life, people are often attracted to individuals who are a bit nuts. I like the fact that this author regularly creates characters who have a lot of layers.

shadrachtshadracht9 months ago

Glad to see a happy ending, albeit unconventional. With the mental and emotional aberration that Michelle had, their relationship works now. And Ted having his needs met by Sassy as well (and meeting hers, in turn) made sense in the context of the story. If you end up writing anything else with this trio, I hope that it does not undo any of the happiness that you have given them here. 5*

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