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Relentless Dan Fey Ch. 04

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Rumors and direct talk about a wedding are rife.
2.7k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/30/2016
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Penny Fey had spent the afternoon assisting preparing the Fey Community Hall on Big Island (the largest island in the Gulf) for the local community's annual ball.

She was astonished to learn that a last-minute rush on bookings had filled the hall to capacity and even later request for tickets had to be turned away apologetically.

Penny knew that meant a record number of ticket sales for a ball and sought an explanation from the treasurer, who looked at the chairman of the hall management committee who coughed and said he'd call his wife over to explain.

Helen Wright said, "Penny it's well-known you abhor gossip but phones have been running hot that Dan plans to marry the visitor staying with you who rescued our beloved Kip. Word is out that she's staunch and a real beauty and more people are coming tonight than usual to look her over."

"Christ I'm appalled," Penny blurted. "It's simply not true."

Helen laughed and said few rumors were true but perhaps most tended to be embellishments on something that was happening.

"There's nothing going on," Penny snapped.

"At least nothing you know about," said someone who's been listening.

Penny said, keeping her temper in control, "Rumors would cease if people stopped sticking their noses in other people's affairs. Those two obviously like each other but I can say categorically they have not committed to anything and that's all you need to know."

Phil Wright enquired softly, "I take it this lass will be here tonight?"

"Yes she's coming as part of the Fey party and I point out that I booked her in for the ball before she rose into prominence by saving Kip."

Phil smiled and said, "Then let's get on with the decorations and back to the kitchen you other volunteers. At least locals attending tonight will have the opportunity to meet this auspicious person in flesh."

Penny decided not to inform Dan and Rosina they were the subject of a new rumor. Instead, Penny told Rosina she had called Rosina's mother and they'd had a great chin-wag.

"We appear very compatible and she was excited to be invited here because they have been missing you. She called back an hour later to say they would like to come here for 3-nights and will arrive on Monday."

"Oh great, Um did you mention..."

"Not a word because that's your business."

"Gee Penny, I reckon you are totally unsuited to be involved in gossip."

They had a good laugh over that.

The Fey family arrived in time for Penny to join chairman on the hall management committee Dr. Philip Wright and his wife Helen to greet arriving guests to the ball when the doors opened at 7.45.

Phil and Helen knew the Fey family well and immediately had one eye on their houseguest Rosina and when she was introduced to them Phil placed his right hand over his heart and said, "I swear you are one of the most beautiful persons to have visited this island in the 32 years I'll be a resident GP (general medical practitioner) on this island."

"Why thank you sir," Rosina said with a slight bow and Helen, known for her sharp tongue, said sweetly, "My dear so the rumor is true, you have the beauty of a story-book princess."

"Thank you for such a warm welcome Mrs. Wright. Penny has told me you have a wonderful collection of orchids. My mother will be here next week; may we visit to view your orchids? She's into her sixth year as president of our regional Floral Arts society and is a noted breeder in our district of white peonies."

"Oh my goodness Penny, you must bring Rosina and her mother to me; I will be free on Tuesday, please arrive at 10.30 for coffee."

People began arriving, most of the older females in full-length gowns.

Rosina had called the twins earlier before going off with Penny for their hair appointments. Kirsten had answered the call and suggested white because that was the only color in formal gowns the women's fashion clothing shop in the township stocked. The styles and length varied and she suggested Rosina choose mid-calf length to be similar to what they had chosen.

Rosina accompanied Dan into the hall and found their table and waited for the Delany's to join them. People came over to Dan, obviously to be introduced to his partner and they were joined by his sister Trish and her partner Tim, a fellow long-distance learning student a year ahead of Trish and also doing business studies.

Then the Delany's arrived, with Della rushing noisily to hug Penny while the twins pulled Rosina to her feet for a comparison of gowns and hair styling. The photographer from the local newspaper recognized Rosina from the day she rescued Kip and pulled the three of them out on to the small dance-floor and got the people behind them to laugh and wave before taking several shots of the three lovely ladies.

Meanwhile the 5-piece dance band had been warming up and just before 8:00 the burly and loud-mouthed MC welcomed everyone to the district's annual ball and congratulated the hall committee for their wonderful decorations.

"This replacement hall has not been packed to this extent since the night it was officially opened fifteen years ago when the community honored the Fey family for its generosity in providing this wonderful civic community. Would Dan Fey please take his mother Penny Fey on to the floor to twice circle the floor before other couples join him."

Penny called, "Thanks for the honor Cyril but please allow Dan to begin the opening dance with his new girlfriend Rosina Swan."

"Very good Penny. Dan please take your partner for our opening dance, the 'Blue Danube Waltz'."

"But Mr. Hawkins I'm hopeless at waltzing... I become goofy-footed."

That produced a roar of laughter and then many people began a slow-handclap with Mr. Hawkins not intervening.

Rosina pulled Dan to his feet and dragged him to the dance floor and whispered that she would lead and count the timing softly and pressure the side of his back to indicated the direction they were about to turn.

"Just keep relax and look into my eyes and your feet will practically follow me automatically."


"It's rather like sex, most of it comes naturally."

Dan's eyes flickered with interest and Rosina swept him into action.

He began with a stumble and Rosina reminded him to relax and he placed himself under her influence and they made it to complete the first circle because instead of counting 'one and two' smart Rosina had him partly mesmerized as she repeated over and over in perfect timing, 'in and out'. They completed the second circuit looking much better and people smiled and clapped.

The MC called, "Hold it everyone" we are in for an unexpected surprise.

A slender woman aged in her 60s, heavily made up and dressed immaculately in a black gown joined them.

"Hello Dan."

"Hi Mrs. Hawkins. Rosina this is Mary Hawkins, formerly the island only residential dance teacher. I guess she wishes to dance with you."

"Me... but why?"

"Let's provide people here with a live demonstration of the beauty of the waltz dear as regrettably it's slumped out of favor. I saw immediately you are a trained dancer."

"Okay Mrs. Hawkins, although I must point out my dance training was in ballet."

"That's perfect, I'll take the man's part."

The longer they danced the more the more graceful they became until when the replay of the 'Blue Danube' almost finished Mrs. Hawkins whispered, "Break away from me darling to finish as a ballerina."

Although long out of regular practice and without the accustomed soft footwear, Rosina broke away in a short series of elegant spirals with arms held high that were completed almost perfectly. The dancers received thunderous applause as they bowed low to each other.

Mrs. Hawkins accompanied Rosina back to the Feys' table. Penny was already standing to greet Mary. They kissed and Penny said to Rosina, "Mary is the dance instructor I told you about who taught my husband Charlie to dance. She came to the island permanently later and married Cyril, a chiropractor, who is our MC tonight."

"Yes and that was almost thirty years ago."

At the end of the evening Ella took Penny aside and once again apologized for her 'childish outburst' over her disappointment when learning Dan had chosen Rosina at his top girlfriend ahead of one of the twins.

Both women kissed and cried a little and Della pleaded, "Can we be dearest friends again?"

"Oh yes," Penny slurred. "Best friends until we die and then beyond."

That declaration rather impressed the somewhat cynical Della and the two women almost tumbled over when clutching together to kiss intently, so intently that several of passing people outside the exit were grinning widely while others looked rather aghast.

"Mum and Della have reunited," Dan said, an arm around Rosina and rubbing softly across her breast.

"That very pleasing," Rosina said. "They live in relatively isolation and although they have people around them they need someone they like intimately to chat with."

"Um do you think...?"

"If something like what you are thinking were occurring it still would be none of our business," Rosina scolded.

* * *

When the ferry arrived, Dan urged Rosina to go and meet her family alone as her mother would have been missing her and then could focus on her daughter without distractions.

"My word Dan Fey, that's surprisingly sensitive thinking from you."

"I'm not only tough and muscular," he grinned and was kissed appreciatively.

Rosina and her mother Jolene followed by her father Arthur pulling two wheeled travel bags and surrounded by mostly day-visitors flowed off the wharf just before noon.

As the crowd dispersed heading mainly for the line of buses and another line of taxis, Jolene eyed a blonde guy slouched against the front of a bright orange pick-up and breathed, "Darling why can't you find a handsome and athletic guy like him over there."

"Why mum? That guy can get any chick he wants."

"Yes you are right, but dream on."

As they moved closer, the guy who'd caught Jolene's eye straightened and said "Hi Mrs. Swan and Mr. Swan."

"And how is it that you know our surname young man?"

"Well," Dan drawled. "It's unlikely my babe would be walking with anyone else's parents."

"Ohmigod, you're Dan Fey."

"Right with your first guess," he grinned. "You two hop in. Rosina will drive and I'll ride in the tray."

Rosina's father said, "Christ it's much warmer up here in the north Dan; may I sit with you?"

"Be my guest sir."

The guys shook hands and Rosina's dad said, "Dan just call me Arthur; I should think you being a countryman will have difficulties with formalities."

"Right on Arthur I'll let down tailgate..."

He turned to find Arthur had vaulted into the well-side.

Grinning, he loaded the two bags and vaulted over the side to join Arthur who was seated on the haybale carried there for that purpose and was introducing himself to Kip.

As Rosina drove off her mum said rather breathlessly, "How serious is your relationship with Dan?"

"We're good, if that's what you mean and yes we are doing it if that's what you're thinking."

"Ooh my sharp as a tack daughter. I was meaning will he be taking you down the aisle?"

"I have no idea mum but if you really are interested why not ask him? We are just enjoying the companionship and the fucking."



"Oh never mind. As I've complained many times, you were about 3½when I last had full control on you."

"Was that somewhat advantageous?"

"Yes and to us both I guess and I believe in the main you've kept your foul-language beyond my hearing."

Rosina sighed and said Jolene had never understood that males respect a female who spoke like them and could take a punch and especially if they could out-shoot and out-ride them.

"Yes you're probably right but at least I rest easy because I know you also can look like and behave like a lady when you decide that's appropriate behavior."

Jolene said slyly, "I bet intimacy began after you saved Kip."


"Why are people waving at us?"

"Because they'd assumed Dan is driving. I'd told you on the phone that he's rather a notable guy around here."

"What for, his seduction prowess?"

"Oh good one mum."

Penny ran out to greet then, with Trish on her heels.

Jolene whispered to her daughter, "Ooh even the women are good looking."

"And that goes for the father judging by his photograph. He's away in South America on business and I've yet to meet him."

The two mothers hugged and kissed and after Jolene kissed Trish she was introduced to Arthur. She held out her hand and Arthur asked didn't he warrant a kiss.

Penny interjected playfully, "Of course you do and you'll get anything you want around here."

"Arthur I suggest you get changed and I'll drive you over the farm, Dan said, frowning at his mother's suggestive comment.

"Rosina had told us that you have a fine bunch of horses."

Dan said happily, "Oh I should have guessed you like horse riding."

"Yeah and I've ridden almost every day since I was four, probably the same as you have."

"Yeah right."

The next day the females went for morning tea at the home of Helen Wright and to inspect her orchid collection. Then then went across the island to the main settlement for lunch and to look around.

Dan took Arthur to visit the Delany's for morning tea and they stayed on for lunch and had a great time.

Driving back to inspect the southern end of the Fey farm, Arthur said, "That Della Delany has rather a roving eye I believe."

"Yeah and a muscular looking lean guy like you would likely twirl her mind a bit. Um would you like her cell phone number; we are near the fringe of cell-phone range from our homes.

Arthur said politely he didn't think that was a great idea and they laughed.

"Well perhaps you'll rethink that invitation when you return here for the wedding and see her all tarted up and those great tits of hers pulled up high."

"What wedding?"

"Oh did I say wedding? Someone is bound to have a wedding sooner or later I suppose."

"You were thinking of your wedding I suspect."

"Um back off mate, nothing has been discussed yet. It's work in progress and the possibility of becoming engaged has only been spoken of flippantly."

"I understand mate and my lips will remain sealed, that I promise. It's sometimes best not to rush into things. Have you had a piece of Della Delaney... what a great name."

"Mate my lips are sealed as we live in relative isolation although we are a close community."


"Yeah relatively and thanks for your understanding Arthur."

"I should think with a delectable wife like that and those two sexy-looking daughters that Guy keeps a loaded shotgun handy."

"Yeah I should think so. Wouldn't you do that as a responsible husband and father?"

They laughed.

Arthur said, "I can't remember seeing Rosina looking so happy and with that high glow on her face and that makes me think I wouldn't object if she was to stay on here longer. What do you think?"

"Well I think that possibility right now my mother probably is making a similar suggestion to your wife, possibly when Rosina is in a clothing shop trying something on. It's just a suspicion because mum has not said anything to me but I've noticed her looking thoughtful and the last time was during breakfast this morning. I asked her what she was thinking and she said nothing and flushed."

"Yeah and it's true women are difficult to read when they are scheming. Look Dan, I reckon you are a good guy and I like you already. Don't fret if nothing happens about this before we return home; it will happen if it's meant to happen."

"That's helpful comment and thanks."

"Right and how's the fishing around here?"

"It's great as the gulf is a snapper breeding area, particularly around this island. If you wish, we could throw the Rubber Duckie on to the pickup around about 4:00 as it will be an incoming tide and we'll have snapper for dinner tonight."

"Bring it on mate," Arthur said enthusiastically.

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