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Rodeo Girl


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I loved having him in my mouth. I loved the feeling of his silky sexy cock against my lips as I moved my head back and forth. I loved it as his warmth filled me all the way to my throat. I loved the feeling of his smooth ridges on my tongue and the taste as his love for me appeared in the form of pearly droplets which I eagerly licked from the tip. He tried to gently push me off, to warn me, but I just took him deeper, making me gag. Unperturbed, I went just as deep again, and this time I was rewarded by him groaning and trembling as he came. I felt elated at having achieved my goal, but had no idea what to expect, and it was amazing to feel the warm taste of his cum filling my mouth and coating my lips! I felt so happy and a little like a sex goddess as he mumbled how amazing I was. I let him soften in my mouth and cleaned every crevice, savouring the joy of my first ever fellation, and a very successful one at that!

"I'm so sorry, so sorry," he said, clearly frustrated that his stamina had let him down and his erection had subsided. I could feel a cramp starting in my legs and so I slowly slid myself up his body and looked him straight in the eye.

"I'm not," I said, licking my lips, "we'll soon get you hard again." He took my head in his hands and kissed me. Someone told me later that was a very loving thing to do as many men, even women, hate the taste of cum. I pulled my skater dress over my head, suddenly aware of it and afraid I might ruin it. As I hung it in the wardrobe he came up behind me and kissed my neck as he gently grabbed my waist. Seeing me in my bra and panties must have given him a new lease of life as when he pushed against me and began to nibble my ear I could feel his still half erect cock probing my crack.

I let his cock explore the warm damp space between my thighs. I was so wet and the feeling of his cock-head rubbing against me made me down there made me gasp and sigh! I removed my breast forms and dropped them in the cupboard before pulling his hands up so they were cupping my tiny breasts. He made me moan as he rubbed them through the lace of my bra. We stood like that for a while, me grinding my ass against him, while he sent electric sparks shooting up and down my spine as he tweaked my nipples and sucked on my ear lobes. Eventually he was rock hard and led me over to the bed and we lay there, kissing, touching and cuddling, at first side-by-side, then me on top and finally him on top. I had been slightly worried earlier that the evening was over, but I was wrong. Rob had real stamina and as he rubbed his cock between my ass crack I and groaned it was pressing against my hole and I was desperate to let him inside me.

I didn't want to break the moment, but I had to. I asked him to get me the purple bottle of body lotion that was on the dressing table next to him. He kissed my shoulder as he carefully lifted himself up and stretched out to reach for it. I took the opportunity to quickly slip off my panties and remove my bra. I was not at all sure how this was going to work, but knew enough to know the best position to adopt. I got on to my knees, pushed out my ass, and squeezed a big dollop of the cream into my hand. He had moved behind me and I watched him as he watched me reaching back to apply it to my hole. I pushed two fingers in and held them there while I twisted my head to the side and let him kiss my lips. I bit my tongue and winced with pain as I tried to add a third finger, and instead I reached out for his cock and added plenty of cream to it, loving how hard it felt, my wanton desire overcoming my nervousness.

Rob gave me one last kiss and then positioned himself behind me, holding onto my waist and rubbing his cock against my insanely sensitive rosebud. It felt absolutely amazing and I folded myself down onto the bed as waves of pleasure brought a huge smile to my face. I'm sure it seemed a lot longer than it actually was as the feeling was so intense, but eventually I was just desperate to be filled. I reached back to line him up but I was so tense, it was impossible. He pushed, and I felt myself opening, but nothing was going anywhere. Then, and I'm not quite sure what happened, he moved his hands and began rubbing his fingers over my nipples. It felt so naughty and sensual that all at once I felt this beautiful warm rush go down my body that spread throughout my bottom half making my dangling penis twitch. I think I just relaxed and how I moaned as I felt him slowly slipping inside, an exciting mixture of pleasure and pain. His cock was actually perfect, it was long but definitely not too thick. Once he was in, the pain subsided and I simply felt full. Just full and satisfied. I reached back and clasped his thighs, holding him in me. I was his girl!

He began to make love to me, gradually getting deeper and being guided by my pushing back when I was ready to take more. I felt his public hair tickling my cheeks, and that made me push right back until the hot dry heat of his hips was pressing against me. We stayed like that for a while, me holding him in place, savouring the moment. He leant over and kissed me again and as he did he eased right out of me leaving my hole feeling so, so cold and gaping. I realised what he wanted and added some more lotion to his cock, thinking, as I rubbed, that it had just been inside me. As soon as I let go, he slipped easily back in until flesh met flesh.

Feeling his hard body against my soft ass as he bottomed out brought out his inner animal, and mine, and he started to fuck me hard. It was amazing. I was being fucked, and fucked perfectly, fucked because it felt so good, fucked because of an insatiable need. He established a beautiful rhythm that just kept me on a sensual high. He adjusted his position a few times, changing the sensation and keeping me on the edge. Then he found it. He found the spot. A burning sensation began to spread from my groyne and through my entire body. It was similar to when he had been rubbing my nipples, but far more intense. I felt as if I was on fire! Then his cock seemed to go deeper than ever and I gasped and sighed. He increased the speed of his strokes until I was trembling and uttering shrill little shrieks in time with his pounding. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a wave of pleasure rippling through me and I uttered a squeal as the most unbelievable orgasm spread through my body leaving me shaking and breathing irregularly, my ass clenching his love machine. It was just what Rob needed to finish him off and he grunted and with one big push he came inside me.

We stayed there for a moment, I was crushing the pillow and desperately emotional as I think you can probably imagine. Rob broke the silence by saying that we had better get cleaned up. He was right, but it was so matter of fact after what had been an emotional epiphany for me that I could not help but resent it. In one stupid unthinking sentence he had spoiled the most amazing time of my life. After he had showered he kissed me on the cheek and said he needed to get back to Eileen because they had a rule that they would only ever spend the night with one another. When the door closed, what should have been the most wonderful time of joy and self-discovery all turned sour. I felt completely deflated. I wanted to fall asleep in his strong arms. I felt used and I cried myself to sleep in the cold sheets. I had not wanted sex, I had wanted love. Well, that was a lie. I had wanted sex, I had really wanted it, and I had really enjoyed it, but I wanted someone in my bed afterwards. I wanted the loving moment to last. Was that so unreasonable?


6 Real Friends

The next morning I sneaked out of the house early and went down to the stables to make a head start on getting things ready. It was just as well as I was a bit sore and my legs were quite stiff so I was making slow progress. When Tonya arrived she was still surprised that I had already done so much and asked if everything was alright. I just told her I couldn't sleep, which was true. When we had finished we sat on a pile of straw and she told me about this boy she was seeing that she really likes and asked if I thought she should sleep with him. I was clear. She should sleep with him, enjoy him and make him enjoy her. Then she should make him a really special breakfast in the morning. She should definitely not just have sex with him. She really liked that advice and gave me a lovely hug.

I noticed that Eileen had come out to find me, but I really didn't want to talk to her. I'd fucked her man, but felt bitterly envious that he had treated me like a whore and just gone back to her. I made sure I was looking really busy with Tonya so she left me alone. I waited in the barn until I saw Rob leave the house and Tonya had started the lesson. When I got back to the house I stealthily sneaked up to my room but almost jumped out of my skin when I found Eileen sitting on my bed. She said that we needed to talk. I knew we did, but really didn't want to. I had nothing to say that wouldn't be embarrassing or pathetic, so I just stood and listened, ignoring her request to sit next to her. The archetypal pouting moody teenager. The thing was, she was not just a good woman, she was a very perceptive, sensitive and understanding woman, and she ignored my ignoring and quickly won me over. It was not a masterclass in manipulation, she simply showed real empathy to how I felt. Rob was a typical bloke. She had felt bad too. It was as if she had climbed into my mind.

It wasn't long before I was sitting next to her, her arm around me. I told her my innermost feelings and she hugged me. She was slightly teary as she apologised, realising that she had got it wrong and she understood exactly how I felt. I apologised back, saying I was unreasonable to have expected more and she and Rob had already given me so much. Then, as she was brushing away a tear from my cheek, she asked me if I only liked boys, which took me a little by surprise. Obviously when I looked her in the eyes my answer was clear, as before I could say anything, she kissed me. It was such a soft, beautiful kiss, so unlike the night before, and it reminded me of my ex-girlfriend and my Mom. We kissed for a while, gently playing with each other's moist lips and holding hands. Eventually she stood up and kissed me on the forehead saying that she needed to get on, and so did I, but she casually dropped in a conversational bombshell, saying that, if I wanted, I could sleep with her and Rob that evening.

It was such a beautiful thing to offer and, when I tried to gracefully decline, thinking that it was not what they would really want, she stopped me. She told me that she and Rob would love it if I agreed because they both felt really bad about the night before, but would completely understand if it was not something that I wanted. I wasn't sure. There was part of me that longed to share a bed again, that human warmth, that tenderness, but there was another side which was afraid, afraid that it would just make things worse, and the thing was, I loved working at the ranch, and did not want to endanger that. I said that I needed to think about it. She smiled, took my hand and kissed me again. I could feel myself weakening. I needed more of those kisses!

I found it hard to concentrate for the rest of the day and even Maureen asked me to 'come down to earth' before we set off on the ride. She did not say anything to me, but must have spoken to Mom as she called me later to check that I was OK. I was able to convince her that I was fine, telling her that it had only just dawned on me that I absolutely loved my new life as a girl and my head was spinning a bit. It was true to some degree, but I know Mom knew there was more, but she respected that it was not something I wanted to discuss and was happy to let it be.

I slept with Eileen and Rob that night, in fact we retired to bed especially early. It was a new thing for all three of us and nothing was hurried or assumed. They focussed on pleasuring me and let me sleep between them. Waking up with their two warm bodies pressed against me was blissful. I lay there for a while realising I needed the bathroom. I carefully slid myself down under the bed covers to get out without clambering over them. On the way I quickly kissed Rob's soft cock and Eileen's pussy, the humid fragrance of their naked bodies making them impossible to ignore. I decided to go back to my room to leave them some time to discuss things without me, but also for me to get my head around my own feelings.

Over breakfast it seemed Eileen and Rob had bizarrely worked out some sort of rota. I would share their bed twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. That was really all a bit too organised for me to be honest as I preferred to act on my emotions and, although I was sure I would be 'in the mood' on the prescribed days, it seemed ridiculous. I need not have worried, as it was obviously the same for them. I spent every night in their bed for the first two weeks as we explored all the new feelings and sensations that only three liberated and loving people can share. It tailed off a little after that as we became able to read each other. We would somehow know after dinner whether it was a threesome evening or not.

A week later Rob went to see his father who had had a bad fall and he stayed over a couple of nights to help his mom. Eileen, it seemed, had 'forgotten' their rule and I spent both nights in bed with her, rediscovering how wonderful it was to just be two soft warm sexy female bodies together. From then on, their sacred rule no longer seemed to apply. We were a thrupple, and could sleep wherever our emotions told us to.

I was now half way through the summer and I was feeling more emotionally attached to my new life every day that passed. Being a girl was completely natural, it seemed far more natural than being a boy, and I could not think of anything that I did not have. I loved the horses, I loved the people I worked with, I loved the customers and I loved the way we interacted and the conversations we had. Not only that, I was far more sexually fulfilled than I could have ever hoped for. I decided that there simply was no way that I wanted to go off to college as I was enjoying being a 'cowgirl' on the ranch far too much and wanted to carry on. Maureen was always saying how she could never give up horses.

I spoke to Mom and finally got round to telling her that I really wanted to stay at the ranch and wanted to postpone my course. I thought she would tell me that my education was far too important to just abandon, but instead she thought it was a great idea and would speak to Maureen. Maureen then spoke to Eileen who was more than delighted. By the end of the week everything was settled. I was going to stay on and become a qualified riding instructor over the course of the year. I would also help out with an idea that Maureen had had about organising a rodeo as a bit of a project.

I was now all fired up and began to get more involved in things, especially the afternoon rides. One afternoon, when Rob had to go over to see his father again and Eileen was not feeling well, I led the ride with Emma who stayed on to help out. She was a good rider but a bit shy and not as confident as Tonya so I got her to look after the tail. We worked brilliantly together and it was a great afternoon. The weather was perfect, and we even saw some deer and a porcupine.

I had always liked Tonya. She was a bit of a tomboy and had gradually become my bestie. I had even confided in her that I was transgender having sounded her out carefully and deciding she would be accepting. She was a little taken aback at first and I could see that she was having trouble registering what I had just said, but then she gave me the biggest, tightest hug ever and that was that! She said it was our secret, but I was at a stage where I did not mind who knew as I was so comfortable with myself. I was who I was and felt no reason to be embarrassed any more. Over the next week I told everyone at the Ranch.

When we got back to the stables, Mr Western Saddle, who went by the name of Ronnie, asked me if I took private lessons and I said I would have to ask the owner as there were things like insurance to consider. I did really like him. He was amusing, interesting and not bad looking, being about fifty I guessed, and just a bit overweight. He had worked in the film industry as a producer and had so many amusing anecdotes he was never boring. He also had a heart of gold and seemed to remember everything I told him which I found amazing.

I rang Maureen and told her about his proposal. She laughed, and asked me if I knew what else private lessons were. She was just teasing. She told me that he was a really nice guy, had loads of money, and that as long as we were on the ranches' horses then the insurance was good. I was so excited as I could now go out riding and earn some extra cash on my day-off. She gave me a couple of days I could do it and said she had some good routes we could take. She told me the going rate was $300 for the afternoon of which I would get $200. I booked it up for the following week, and added in the option of a picnic for $30 if he was interested. He was delighted and thought the picnic was the perfect extra. I was not only pleased I was also impressed at my commercial savvy! I decided that I was not only going to ride Western Saddle for him, I was also going to surprise him and try and make his day extra special, and no, not like that!

Ronnie was certainly surprised when he turned up at the stables in his pick-up and laid eyes on me. To say he was speechless would not be quite true as he did manage to utter several rambling sentences, all of which were unintelligible. I went to the tack shop and bought a brown suede cowgirl jacket with loads of tassels and some matching boots. I was wearing super tight Levi jeans with an embroidered belt and a check shirt open at the neck and tied around my waist leaving my midriff, and its layers of fake tan, perfectly on display. My piece de resistance was my hat. It was a simple Stetson coordinated with the rest of my outfit but with a band around it embroidered with pink roses exactly the same as on my belt. I absolutely loved it and could barely tear myself away from the mirror. When I left the ranch house, Eileen raised her eyebrows and Rob took several pictures of me on his phone before slapping my ass and saying "go get 'em, cowgirl!"

Of course, I had not bought the outfit solely for Ronnie's benefit. I had wanted a cowgirl outfit for weeks and had been putting it together in my head all that time. When I saw the hat and belt combo the day before I could barely sleep I was so worried someone else would snap them up. As soon as Maureen had mentioned the Rodeo I had all the excuses I needed to go get it and then when the lesson came up it seemed the perfect opportunity to try it out. I had the possibility to have a completely satisfied customer and who wouldn't want that!

The ride was really enjoyable and the route Maureen had suggested was fabulous. It was a good mixture of terrain with some spectacular views and a beautiful spot for the picnic by a small stream. Maureen was such a star! Ronnie was great company and I lost count of how many times he told me how good I looked. I could totally see why Western Saddle was good for long trips as it was a real lazy way to ride, but I had to get some speed practice in for the Rodeo and I did manage a little bit of a gallop when we reached a meadow and Ronnie took some photos which he shared later and made me realise I had some work to do.

When we got back and dismounted he insisted on giving me a $100 tip. I naturally refused at first, but when he insisted I accepted gracefully seeing that it was making him feel good to reward me for the effort I had gone to. I did what any girl would do to say thank you, I grabbed his lapels, raised myself up on the toes of my right leg while lifting my other leg behind me at the knee and gave him a big kiss right on the cheek. I loved how red that made him. Needless to say he asked if we could do something next week and I agreed at once.

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