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Sandy Ch. 01

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My new assistant has needs.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/22/2023
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My name is Joe. I am 30 years old, 6'1", 190lbs. I am not married and have no children.

Until 2020 I dedicated my life to baseball, swimming, reading biographies of famous people and last but not least, attending Harvard and getting my degrees in economics and business.

About a year ago I opened an office of business consulting.

The first clients were family members, friends and relatives.

My reputation as a Harvard graduate smart business man grew fast and 6 months later I got so busy, that I was able to move to a bigger office and needed to hire an assistant.

I advertised the position on several social media sites and mentioned that candidates would be interviewed the next Tuesday at 10 am in my current office.

On Tuesday I came to work at 8:30 am and there were already 5 people waiting outside...

I knew that I needed somebody with at least some computer skills and business experience. Being highly motivated, hard worker and having pleasant personality were a bonus.

In theory it sounded like I knew WHAT I wanted, but in an interview that lasts only 15 minutes, one cannot verify many of the candidates claims, even when they had a CV ready, copies of certifications and recommendation letters.

Two of the first 5 candidates I talked to, I scored as 'reasonable'.

By the time I finished with the first batch of candidates, I noticed 4 more people in the waiting room.

I called them one by one.

Forty minutes later I was ready to see the last candidate.

It was a young woman, that was standing by the exit door ready to leave.

"Miss, I can see you now, if you are still interested."

"Sir, after interviewing many others, I am sure that you already found your best choice."

"Not exactly. Every candidate brought something to the table, but as you are well aware, each one has flaws as well. So to answer the question you didn't ask - I do not have a lock on anybody yet. Look, since you are already here, why don't you stay another 15 minutes and we'll talk."

"OK. My name is Sandra Baines. By the way, I am not a 'miss', I am married. "

I smiled, "Good for you. I am not married... Yet."

She was my last interview of the day, so I wasn't in a hurry.

I sat down and looked at her documents. She graduated from Barnard college in New York and had excellent recommendation letters from 2 of her professors.

I took few minutes to test her knowledge in basic subjects - computers, economics, etc. She spoke quietly and gave clear and concise answers. She was doing very well.

She also had something else that I couldn't put my hands on.

Was it her tone of voice? the look in her eyes?

She intrigued me...

After half an hour of questioning her, I became convinced that she was the best candidate.

I offered her the job. I mentioned generous benefits and good initial salary (that was 20% above the average starting salary for similar position in the area).

She blushed and accepted it immediately, "Thank you sir for your confidence in me. I am sure that you had other good candidates. I hope that I won't disappoint you. When do you want me to start?"

"I think that next Monday will be best. By then I'll have time to arrange the office for the two of us with desks, chairs, telephone systems and everything else that you might need."

I extended my hand to her, "Sandra, it was nice to meet you. I am sure that we'll be a good team. I'll see you Monday at 8 am."

She blushed again and it was the first time I got a good look of her. She was about 5'6", short light brown hair and nice face lines. She was not overweight, but the conservative blue 2 piece suit hid any detail of her body. Simple 2" heels shoes completed the ensemble.

In the next few days I rearranged the office space.

My large room was at the far end and had a large desk, a couch, 2 chairs and a twin size bed in case I wanted to rest.

Sandra's office was somewhat smaller and was situated near mine. Her desk was smaller but more modern and her swivel chair was very comfortable. She also had a wall closet. I bought her a new laptop computer with the latest software.

Spending extra time on the new office rearrangement took time and I had to come to work on Saturday to finish my duties.

Sandra showed up 5 minutes early on Monday and again was dressed formally.

In the first 4 hours I showed her the new office space, her computer functions and explained what I was working on these days.

Sandra was a quick learner and when I was done, she asked only few questions.

After we were done, I gave her few simple assignments for the next 3 days in order to check her ability to work independently. I also wanted to give her time to approach me with questions, comments and suggestions.

Part of her job was to help me with secretarial tasks like typing, filing and scheduling.

Sandra's first week was as good as expected. No obvious mistakes or mishaps.

She seemed to know her limitations and came to ask relevant questions every time an important decision had to be made.

Even though we hardly knew each other, we started feeling more at ease with each other.

On Friday evening I flew to Minneapolis to meet with a client on a confidential matter, that could not be solved on the phone or by zoom. My flight back was scheduled for Saturday night.

On my flight back I realized that there was still a contract that I had to finish by Monday morning and forgot all about it. Well, I'd have to work on it on Sunday.

Sunday morning I watched a tennis game on TV. It ended at 4 pm.

I ate lunch and then went to the office to work on the contract.

This assignment turned out to be more complicated than I thought.

I was working on it and alternating drinking coffee and beer.

I was finished by 10 pm and was totally spent.

It was better to sleep in the office than trying to drive home, because I was too tired and drank too much alcohol.

I didn't have a pajama in the office, but I had a toothbrush and electric shaver...

I locked my office door, covered myself with a soft blanket and slept like a log.

I woke up hearing a woman's voice from a distance.

I watched the time. It was 7:30 am.

I was ready to open my door, when I heard Sandra talking on the phone, "Barbara, you don't understand. It was the third time already! I don't get it. We are married for 2 years now and he treats me like a precious flower. He is ready to do everything for me, which was nice in the beginning, but he has no spine. Each time I tell him to do something, he is happy to obey. Every time I start an argument, he gives up, even when he is right! He is such a wimp. I can't take it anymore."

There was quiet for a minute when Barbara was saying something and then Sandra replied, "Barb, you are right that he is better than an abusive husband, but it's no fun when he cannot stand for himself. Look, even in bed he expects ME to take the initiative and then decide what position we'll use for sex... I need a stronger man! I need somebody that will take charge! I want to be told what to do..."

After another short break, "I tried it! I really tried few times, but he is too soft. I don't know what to do."

Another silence and then, "My new boss is handsome and nice. I don't know him well enough yet. So far he treated me well and in a courteous way. I hope that he turns out to be more dominant and demanding... I really need a strong man in my life right now."

A short break and I heard Sandra laughing, "Yes, I saw the movie 'Secretary' with Maggie Gyllenhaal. It was so erotic... Are you suggesting that I start screwing up like her in order to see his reaction?"

The conversation became very interesting. I stayed quietly by the door.

"Barb, I'll try, but I do not want to make too many mistakes, because he may fire me instead of punishing me. Anyway, I have to hang up. I leave the office for 10 minutes, grab something to eat from Wendy's across the street and be back at 8 am. Talk to you later."

As she left the office I opened the door, brushed my teeth, freshened up a little and returned to my office, pretending that I just entered the door.

Two minutes after I was done, Sandra came back carrying her breakfast with her.

"Good morning Joe. I brought myself breakfast. Do you want me to make your coffee?"

"That will be nice. Later on, I'd like to see what you did on Friday. As you know, Mr Honig will be here in the afternoon and we need to present to him our suggestions."

"I'll bring you the coffee first. Will it be OK if we discuss everything at 10 am?"

"Sandra, I'd rather do it at 9, unless you didn't finish it yet."

"I'll be ready and bring it to you at 9 am sharp."

When she brought the coffee I asked, "Sandra, you have a nice name. However, I prefer to call you Sandy. Do you mind?"

She looked surprised, "No sir. Sandy is fine with me."

At 8:59 she knocked on my door, "Can I enter?"

"Come on in Sandy."

We sat and she introduced her ideas about the project.

Most of the design she showed me was grade A stuff, but there was a MAJOR flaw in advertising the business.

It was clear to me that Sandy was too smart to make it by accident.

Was she testing my reaction based on Barbara's suggestion?!...

Well, if she wanted to test my dominance, I was ready for her.

I calmly explained to her the big mistake she made and told her that I was disappointed. Since it was the first time, I said that I'd let it go. She seemed too smart to repeat that and I had no plan to fire her. However, next time such a major error may force me to a punish her.

She gave me a strange stare.

Did it show fear? surprise? curiosity? lust?...

The afternoon session with Mr Honig went well and we signed a contract for the next 2 years.

After the meeting I was happy and said to Sandy, "You helped me get this new business. You were great. Let's go to the nearest bar and have a drink on me."

In the bar I ordered gin & tonic. Sandy had a glass of Chardonnay.

We started chatting and she said that although she was married, but never really wanted kids. She used to be wilder in college, like most others at that age, but became more docile and conservative as a married woman. Then she asked me about my relationships.

"Sandy, I had a couple of girlfriends before. At present I do not have one."

After almost finishing her glass, Sandy's talk became more loose and free.

I asked, "Aren't you missing your college fun days?"

"Sometimes I do. Back then I didn't have to think about home duties, about my attire, being home on time for my husband, who I was befriending with... Now I am married and I love my husband, but there are some restrictions..."

"You can still make some changes. For example, you do not have to wear suits to work. You can have on a blouse and skirt or a dress. I am sure that it will look good on you!"

"You don't mind that I'll appear less professional?"

"The opposite is true. As long as you don't wear dirty or ripped clothes, you can come to the office having on anything you like."

She smirked, "Joe, you probably mean 'respectable' clothes."

I chuckled, "Not really. It's only you and me in the office, so if you want to wear short revealing clothes, it's OK by me. But if this is the case, you'll have to keep a set of formal clothes in the closet, in case we invite a client to the office."

She chortled, "You are a very unusual boss..."

"Sandy dear, over time you'll find out that I am very liberal in certain aspects of my life, attire and relationships are good examples. But concerning work I expect excellent performance. I know that you can be very good when you are motivated, so I expect to get your best, otherwise you'll see my other, more DOMINANT side."

I emphasized the word 'dominant', to remind Sandy her phone call with Barbara.

I was curious to see if she'd take the bait.

Sandy did not answer. Again, she gazed at me, trying to look for hidden message.

We separated 10 minutes later.

The next day Sandy showed up to work with a midi type dress.

I commented that she looked beautiful. She blushed.

It wasn't a compliment. Under her conservative suits this young lady was hiding a great body. Long legs, thin waist and ample breasts that were barely contained by the upper part of her dress. When she leaned forward, the cleavage was on display...

I reminded Sandy that she needed to type a 4 pages letter to one of our customers and bring it to me in half an hour.

Twenty minutes later she reappeared in my office.

She stood in front of my desk, leaned forward and handed me the letter.

My eyes were hypnotized by her generous cleavage. She caught me and smiled.

I knew that with her barely covered tits on full display, I won't be able to concentrate on the letter. I said, "Let me read the letter and we'll talk later."

She went back to her office.

Sandy was very good at writing letters and I was looking at the draft casually.

But then I noticed one big mistake. The word 'two' was written instead of 'too'.

I began reading the letter more thoroughly and found 2 more errors.

I called her to my office.

"Sandy, do you remember what I said about being excellent at work?"

"Of course. That's why I checked and then rechecked my work..."

"Then can you explain to me these mistakes?!"

Her face became crimson red, "I am sorry Joe... I am not sure what happened..."

"Well girl, it's the second time that you are not very careful about very important issue. What kind of punishment you deserve in your opinion?"

"Sir, I don't know. Please do not fire me or deduct from my salary. I like to work here."

"Sandy, I like you. But I do not appreciate cases of negligence. You leave me 2 options. Either you add Saturday & Sunday to your work schedule, or some corporeal punishment! What do you think?"

"Please, on weekends I have to be home. I am married..."

"Sandy, you leave me no alternative. Stand in front of my desk and lean forward. I am going to spank you 5 times with my bare hands. I want you to count every stroke. Understood?"

She whispered, "Yes sir."

She leaned forward and I gazed at her fantastic cleavage one last time, before standing up and moving around to her side of the desk.

The first stroke was not so hard. She counted "one."

The second one was more powerful. "two."

The next 3 were harder, but she didn't budge. "three, four, five."

I finished and returned to my seat in front of her.

She remained bent forward and had a little smile, "Sir, I know that I deserved this punishment. I'll try to be better next time. May I stand up straight now, or this pose in front of you is part of my punishment?"

"Sandy, go to your office and retype this letter again. Bring it to me as soon as you are done!"

Fifteen minutes later she handed me the second draft.

Remembering her phone discussion with Barbara and her casual reaction to her spanking, I needed to check the letter again.

The mistakes I found before were corrected, but 2 new errors appeared...

"Sandy, come here!"

"What happened?"

"What are these 2 new blunders?"

"I don't know sir... It may be because I am less focused today..."

"Sandy, that is a lousy excuse and you know it!"

"Sir, do you want me to bend over your desk again?"

"First I want you to take off your dress. It is obvious that it gives your butt a lot of cushioning, so spanking you did not have the desired effect."

"But I'll have on only a bra and panties..."

"You are right. So if you rather stay here and work the weekend, we can do it instead..."

"No, I can't do it. I'll remove the dress..."

Sandy took off the dress in a slow motion, glancing at my face the whole time.

Geez! Her body was amazingly gorgeous!... The contrast between her flat tummy and her large protruding boobs was impressive. An absolute Playboy body!

I moved again behind her and ordered her to spread her legs slightly.

"Sandy, this time I'll flog you 10 times and you better count them aloud.

The first blow landed on her muscular ass cheek. "one."

My palm hit her beautiful ass, alternating right and left cheeks.

The last 3 blows were really hard.

Sandy counted the strokes dutifully without any sign of distress.

Toward the end a stain was seen on her panties. It grew until the 10th blow...

This lady did not suffer at all! In fact she became aroused...

I went back to my seat and looked at Sandy's face.

She stayed bent, presenting her fantastic cleavage to me.

Gradually she lifted her eyes to me and smirked, "Sir I deserved that punishment. I am sorry, but I was too distracted. Occasionally it happened to me before, so I cannot promise that it won't happen again..."

"No Sandy. You make sure that it doesn't happen again, because next time the spanking will be accomplished with nothing covering your ass cheeks, in order to make sure that nothing soften the blows. Is it understood?"

Her sharp eyes caught me peeking again at her barely covered tits and a smile decorated her pretty face, "At least I'll have my bra on..."

I whispered, "For now..."

She heard me and laughed. She dressed up, slowly again, and left my office to retype the letter the 3rd time.

There were no mistakes this time.

"You see girl, when you are motivated, your work is exemplary!"

She didn't answer.

The next day she showed up with a nice midi skirt and a white blouse.

When Sandy brought me the coffee, I whistled appreciatively. She blushed.

The day passed without a hitch. We discussed cases and she typed 5 pages for me. There were no errors.

On the surface it looked as if the whole week our work flowed like nothing happened before. Except for 2 aspects.

The first issue was related to her attire. Sandy started wearing shorter skirts, that for the first time let her knees show. Her blouses were lighter and thinner, sometimes showing her shoulder straps.

The second 'thing' was... tension.

We both felt that since Sandy's errors & punishment, the atmosphere changed.

When we passed each other in the hall, we were both sneaking peeks at each other. During shared time at work, we tried to talk about our business, but often our discussions paused for no apparent reason and an embarrassed laugh tried to lighten the situation.

The next Monday Sandy seemed somewhat different.

She had on similar clothes and offered me the morning coffee as usual.

Then she started typing a 9 page summary discussion we had with a client on Friday.

An hour later she handed me the document and said to call her once it's approved, so she could send it via FedEx.

As I started reading it, Sandy's errors began to appear.

The first sentence addressed 'Mr Stern' as 'Mrs Stern'. The middle of first paragraph she wrote 'up to' instead of 'into'. To cut the story short, the first page had 5 obvious unacceptable mistakes.

I summoned Sandy to my office and demanded to understand the reason for the multiple errors.

She lowered her head and whispered that she wasn't sure why they happened, but obviously she wasn't perfect.

"Sandy, I know you by now. Usually you check and recheck everything before you give it to me. If there was only one error, I'd agree with you, that it's because we are not perfect. But many mistakes suggest something else... I am sure that you remember our talk about sloppy work and punishment, so I'll let YOU decide whether you wish me to deduct from your salary and benefits or a physical punishment."

"Joe sir, please do not lower my salary or take away my free time..."

"OK girl. Take off your panties and bend on my desk."

"But sir, a married woman should never be without panties in front of another man..."

"Usually it's the case. However, when a respectable woman misbehaves like a naughty child, her punishment should fit the crime. Don't you think so?"


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