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Sergeant! Ch. 03


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"Like someone kicked me in the shoulder."

"Well you took a round in your shoulder and one in your thigh. But from the looks of it, those rounds must have passed through something else first otherwise you'd have sustained more damage. And by the looks of your body, you've had worse."

"Yeah, but every one hurts."

"Ha! Thought you were a tough guy?" he teased.

"Not really. Taking a hit hurts!"


"Yep, that's me." then everyone laughed. It was good to be able to laugh. But my shoulder hurt when I did!

"Well, you're going to be our guest here at Bethesda for a week or so, then we'll let you loose on the world after that."

So the doctor took his leave and Annalisa came over next to Sheila.

"Tim, thank you for helping to rescue me and for protecting me. Dad and Mr. Betno told me what happened and how you were involved."

"Everything back to normal with you?" I asked.

"There's no such thing as normal for me." she sighed. "Being who I am makes it difficult to live a normal life. I wanted to be a biochemist for the longest time. So I worked hard at learning everything I could. That resulted in getting invited to work on all sorts of things. One of which turned out to be the plant vaccine that you know about."

"So how is that turning out?"

"Well, it's still classified. But my work is focused on countering the effects of the active agents."

"I think we figured that out when your hard drive was scanned."

"By the way, thanks for finding the stuff that I hid. Those could have spelled disaster if they were not recovered."

"So what's next for you?" I asked.

"Well, my cover here is blown so I'll be taking my research work to a high security lab elsewhere. And I'll have to put law school and my social life on the back burner for a year or two until this job is done."

"Well, good luck to you."

"Thank you. And thank you for protecting me." With that Annalisa kissed me on my lips.

She turned to Sheila and said, "I'll probably not see you again as I'm expected to move my lab out tomorrow. You've been a good friend even though we've known each other for only a short time."

"I know. I'll miss you." Sheila replied, then hugged Annalisa.

I regained my strength quickly although that first day was spent sleeping more often than not. But by the end of the third day, I was allowed out of bed and encouraged to sit up in a wheel chair although my right leg remained tightly swathed in bandages. David Betno visited a couple of times to see how I was doing and to see if I needed anything. He brought me up to date on how things ended up.

Annalisa had moved her lab to a new secure location. The hard driven and DVD were returned to her but her voice recorder was sent north to serve as evidence in the trial of the politico who was behind all this. The rogue agents were in federal custody and awaiting trial. But it looked as if it would be years before they were going to see a courtroom let alone daylight. National security issues and all that good stuff. The prime minister and our president were happy with the way things turned out and David had been asked to consider taking on a special ops team assignment. He was pleased as could be.

I was going to be released to return to my unit once the doctor gave me the green light. David asked and received approval to restore me to the rank of Lieutenant. With my recent wounds, he figured that I might just be reassigned to stateside duty as I only had another year left in my enlistment. He asked me what I wanted to do, and I didn't know.

"Well David, I joined the military to get my education. The military option enable me to get a degree in business. I like the military but I can see that it does have its drawbacks," as I ogled my bandaged shoulder and thigh! He laughed.

"Well Tim, you're one of the good guys so let me know if anything interests you and I'll try to make it happen. I'll be back to see you before you're discharged."

Sheila came in everyday after work and had dinner with me. I was getting better and was now able to hobble around without much assistance. It was the eighth evening when the doctor came in and informed both of us that I was to be discharged from the hospital the next day. He told me that I needed to return for a check up in a week. Then it hit me that I needed to arrange for a place to stay while I recuperated.

Sheila was happy with that bit of news. She readily volunteered her place! Well, I couldn't be any happier with that offer!

Betno came back in that night and talked with Sheila and me. He offered me a post with him, handling administrative stuff. No operational stuff. "We'll let the younger guys do the hard stuff. But I need someone like you to run control over some of them. What do you say?"

How could I refuse? Plus it kept me stateside, and I would be headquartered in DC. Close by to Sheila too. Sounded good to me.

Discharge day dawned bright and early when an orderly came in after breakfast with a dress uniform for me to wear. "Sir, you've been requested to wear your uniform this morning. I've taken care of a few adjustments for you."

As he laid it out, I could see that my sergeant's stripes had been removed and a set of Lieutenant's shoulder bars and insignia had been sewn back on. It felt good to see them back where they belonged. As I was dressing Sheila came into my room. She looked terrific!

"Hey, you're early! And you're looking very beautiful this morning." I noted.

"Thank you!" she beamed at me. "Are you ready to be discharged and rejoin the world?"

"Yeah, but I didn't think it would be till after lunch. And I don't know why I gotta wear this monkey suit."

"Well I was told to be here early so it looks as if you're being discharged earlier than you think."

I finished dressing and stood for Sheila's inspection. "You look handsome in that uniform!" she said before giving me a light kiss on my lips.

"And you look delightfully tempting!" I told her in reply as I hugged her and returned the kiss, albeit a lot longer than our prior kiss.

"Ahem!" it was David. "Looking sharp there Lt. Culver."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." I replied, saluting him and smiling at the same time. Besides our first meeting, this was the only other time that I had seen him in uniform. Full of braids and bars, he'd seen action himself. He shook my hand. "Good to see you up and about. Come on, everyone's waiting for you."

"Huh?" what did David just say? And Sheila was just smiling at me as she took my arm and settled me into a wheel chair.

As we exited my room and made our way through the hospital corridor, I couldn't help feel that I had been set up for what I didn't know. Sheila looked as if she had eaten a cow and was ready to bust out laughing! And David was no better, striding before us, opening ward doors for us as we made our way to the elevators.

"So what's the big deal?" I asked as we entered the elevator.

"All will be made known to you shortly!" David laughed as the elevator's chime signaled our arrival at the main lobby level. Now where have I heard that line before!

As the doors opened, I was greeted by Annalisa and her parents. I got out of my wheelchair and she hugged me then Sheila and her parents did likewise. It was good to see them under much better conditions. Standing next to them was you know who. Yeah!

"Lt. Culver," it was him.

"Sir!" I stood at attention and saluted.

"You're on leave at the moment Tim so there's no need to be so formal."

"Well, you're always going to be ..."

"Yeah, you told me the last time." He laughed. He introduced himself to Sheila who was taken back at the thought of actually meeting the President in person! We stood there chatting for a few moments. The President, Prime Minister and Mrs. Somer, Annalisa and Sheila, and David and me in our uniforms. And the ever present press corp. What in the world were they doing here?

"Tim, you obviously know that we don't come down here for just anyone."

"I kinda figured that out. So what's the special occasion?"



"Yep. Lt. Culver, there is one thing that I need to do with you this morning that is of a formal nature so I'd like to ask you to come to attention."

"Sir!" I snapped to as best I could.

"Colonel, would you assist me please."

"Yes sir." And there in the lobby of Bethesda I received my promotion to Captain and the Army Commendation Medal. And then Prime Minister Somer presented me with Canada's Cross of Valour;

"Tim, this award has never been presented outside of Canada before this. You are the first. And I can't think of a more deserving individual than you."

And Sheila stood there by my side, beaming and smiling throughout the entire affair.

Later that evening we sat in Sheila's apartment catching our collective breath from the day's events. The President and Prime Minister and Mrs. Somer along with Annalisa invited Sheila, David and myself to lunch at the White House. It was a treat! We've all been there before but only in the areas open to the public. Mrs. Bush was waiting for us and we had quite a celebration.

Sheila and I then returned to Bethesda to retrieve my stuff which wasn't much. David had previously retrieved my duffle bag from my SUV and had given it to Sheila so there wasn't much to pick up. When we returned to Sheila's apartment, we were greeted by Betty who had heard of the award presentation on CNN that afternoon at work. Betty had cooked dinner for us and we enjoyed a nice evening with her as she pried the story out of us.

But now it was just us, slowly unwinding on Sheila's couch.

"Thanks for letting me stay for awhile with you."

"No need to thank me. If you'd like, you can stay for more than just awhile."

"You know, that sounds like its got potential!" I smiled. Sheila smiled back before taking my head in her hands and bringing our lips together in a long, soft kiss.

"Well, it better cause I got plans for us..." she whispered.

We ended up in her bed, skin against skin, lips against lips, and nothing between us. She had me on my back with her breasts pressed against my chest and her pussy leaving a growing pool of her arousal on my thigh. She moved to straddle my groin with my cock facing up, nestled between the lips of her womanhood.

"I've been waiting all day for this soldier! Let me take control tonight since you're still recuperating!" she smiled as she massaged the underside of my cock by rubbing her pussy up and down its length. She must have been rubbing her clit against me at the same time as she started to quiver and moan! I reached up to palm her tits and gently roll her nipples. She captured my hands and held them tightly against her breasts!

"Oh Tim!" she moaned as my touches continued to send her skyward!

She slowly lifted herself, placed me at her opening, then slowly slid down, capturing my hard fuck tool in the process! Oh she felt so good! I almost came as she bottomed out and ground her pelvis against mine!

Sheila started to slowly rub her clit against the base of my cock; sliding back and forth across my groin area. As she became increasingly aroused, she started to lift and drop herself on my hard cock and picked up the pace as her orgasm built! All I could do was to hold myself in place and hang on for the ride!

Sheila's frenzied pace built to a stupendous crescendo that exploded in her pussy as she experienced a massive cum! Her juices flowed around my cock and her vagina turned to molten lava as she slammed her hot pussy down on my cock for one last time before she quivered and collapsed! My level of excitement had kept pace with her's and I came with her just about the time that she crested! My balls scrunched up as they fired several large streams of cum deep into her pussy! I felt it hurtle through my cock like a runaway freight train! I screamed her name as I came; holding on to her as tightly as I could! Not wanting to ever let go of my lover!

We must have both passed out from the height of our love making. I woke around two in the morning to find Sheila laying on my chest, with my semi-erect cock partially embedded in her pussy. I caressed her face softly with my fingers, moving loose strands of hair to her hairline. She grabbed my fingers and kissed them softly before whispering to me, "...I love you..."

How my life had changed. In just a few short weeks, I had gone from a sand eating Recon sergeant to a Captain with an interesting assignment waiting for him, and a gorgeous, sexy women who loved him.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Brilliant. Hope there's more story's with this character cause I'm about to go looking for them.

BMW75RTBMW75RTover 6 years ago
Good story

Only problem I found was with the Army Commendation Medal versus the Canadian medal. Sgt should have gotten at least a Bronze Medal or probably a Silver Star for his actions.

Lo_PanLo_Panabout 8 years ago

You really did need to do some research here. Especially with regard to Commonwealth honors systems. Canada doesn't give a cross for valour, the highest award is the Victoria Cross, followed by the King George Cross.

ToadenToadenalmost 9 years ago

I've truly enjoyed this piece. Been going down the list of your work and I've yet to be disappointed! As anonymously pointed out, the writing style could use a little tweak, but that's all. Hardly a factor in the overall grand scheme of things. All in all five starred and added to favorites.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Sometimes your the windsheild, Sometimes your the bug.

This story had drama, suspense and lots of action. I really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I'm surprised at only 2 comments.

This was my 3rd reading (I thought I had commented on a previous reading), obviously I like it. I continue to hope you will do something else with the same primary characters.


<I>-- srgeek --</I>

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Mostly Good

Good storyline, great climax scene in the kidnaper's house, however; (and you must realize that everthing that follows this is all just literary criticism, not a detractor from the storyline, which was great) The description of the surroundings and of the planning of the assault was very stilted. It sounded more like staging directions than the build up to an action scene. Just a bit of advice, you don't have to pre-place everyone in a set piece like that. Just describe it as you move along. The ramp up to the action scene was just way to slow-moving. If there is going to be action, don't dampen it by giving away all the plans, it just kinda cuts down on the anticipation and suprise elements. Great scene, just not presented right. The end, I'm sorry to say, was a fizzle. The scene with the president and the promotion was cheesy and detracted from the story. The story should have ended with the first hospital scene and concluded with the moment Annalisa left, with one addition, the offer of him staying with Sheila. The final love scene at the apartment could have been added then with a very brief one or two sentance mention of the promotion and the job. Maybe as a descriptor sentance mentioning captains bars on the uniform as she takes it off. Don't worry too much though, it just takes practice and feedback.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great story

Your timing for this story was great - just before Veteran's Day. The story line was really good. Keep up the good work.

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