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Shy Mature Ladies New Job

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Mature woman finds a novel way to pay overdue bill.
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It has been 18 years since Marc retired from his construction job collecting the pension he accumulated over the thirty years he worked. Rebecca his wife, who everyone affectionately calls Becca, was a house wife who took care of the kids. She also took care of her mother and father until they passed away, so she has had very little work experience outside of the family. The 68 year old grandmother lamented that she wished she could find a job to add to their retirement she and her husband were receiving. They were having breakfast at a local diner they frequented discussing this. They were overheard by Bruce who travels from Greenfield to the Berkshires, and knew the older couple from the diner, sitting with them many times over the last few years.

Bruce walked over to the couple, he said. "I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. I would like to help you by possibly hiring Becca from time to time, if both are agreeable."

Becca said. "I have very little work experience I raised two children and took care of my parents until they passed away."

"Can I sit with you and explain my needs?" Bruce asked.

"Yes you know you're always welcome to sit with us." Becca and Marc said in unison.

Bruce sat down and started his pitch stating. "Becca I would like to say you're a very attractive woman and I would like to use you as a model, with your husband's permission." His ulterior motive was he wanted to groom the mature woman to do erotic modeling.

"I'm not model material I'm too old." Becca said with the emphasis on old.

Bruce and her husband disagreed with her.

Bruce said. "For a woman that is just over fifty years old, you're very attractive. The type of model I was looking for."

Becca with pride corrected him saying. "I'm sixty-eight Years old."

Bruce said. "I'm impressed, I didn't think you were a day older than fifty." He continued. "I am looking for a mature figure model."

Becca asked. "What does a figure model wear?"

Bruce explained. "A figure model poses nude. I want a mature female model so I can do erotic figure studies."

"I wouldn't be able to model nude and I don't know how to pose either" Becca said as soon as Bruce explained his needs.

"Becca if you're willing to try figure modeling I can show you how to pose. I know you will be a great model and probably enjoy it also." Bruce said trying to convince the mature woman to accept his offer.

Marc asked. "How much does modeling pay." He is thinking of his wife nude in front of another man and it excited him.

Bruce said. "I could pay up to One Hundred Dollars for a three hour session, but your husband has to be agreeable to the arrangement?"

Becca was still unsure she could model, so Bruce gave them his card and told them to call him, if they decided Becca wanted to model. He wanted Becca to buy into her exposure, he didn't want to pressure her into it. Bruce wanted her to think it was her idea.

Nothing was said about Becca modeling for about three weeks, although she was having an internal struggle. She doesn't think her body is good enough for a figure model and her upbringing was causing her guilt, that she would like to try to pose for Bruce. What pushed her toward modeling nude was the bill that couldn't be paid. Marc has been working as a consultant and money was due in, but it took a month or two to get the checks.

Becca again said to her husband. "I wish I could find a job."

Marc said. "Call Bruce and schedule a modeling session."

"He is only going to pay me One Hundred Dollars and I need One Hundred and Fifty dollars to pay the overdue bill. I will not model for Bruce with clothes on unless you come with me. I definitely won't model nude without you there, if I can do it at all?" The terrified woman said to her husband.

"It is up to you." Marc said and dropped the subject knowing if he said anything more she would have talked herself out of modeling and having her husband agreeing with her in the process.

The next day Becca received a phone call about the bill. She told the person on the phone that she will have the money at the end of the week, it was Monday presently. One thing about Becca if she gives her word to someone she has to follow through, so in effect this sealed her fate. She will have to model unless by some miracle one of the checks from her husband's clients will be received before Friday.

She gathered her courage and dialed the number on the card Bruce gave her. It rang about 5 times and Becca was just ready to hang up when an out of breath voice said. "Hello this is Bruce."

"This is Becca is the modeling job still open?" She said in almost a whisper.

"Yes it is." He said gleefully.

"I would like to try to model for you, but I need one hundred and fifty dollars for the session." Becca said holding her breath that he will negotiate with her.

Bruce thought for a few minutes and then said. "I will come to your house for the session. If you meet me at the door nude and stay nude the whole time, I will give you two hundred dollars: I would like your husband there when you model. I can be there by nine AM on Wednesday." The Artist going for broke to see if she is desperate enough to take his offer, as he wants her to become accustomed to total nudity when she models.

Becca said in a trembling voice. "That will work, see you then." She hung up the phone, she was excited and scared at the same time. She has never modeled before even with clothes on, now she will be modeling nude for a guy she has met in a diner they frequented. This is all so surreal for Becca to grasp.

Marc was working in his home office when Becca came down she told him. "I will be modeling for Bruce on Wednesday and he will come here for the session." Along with the rest of the instruction he gave her and the amount he will pay her.

Becca was terrified she will be totally exposed to a man who is a casual acquaintance and Marc was ecstatic he will see his wife nude in front of another man.

"Why don't you practice today and tomorrow being nude so it won't be overwhelming for you to take your off clothes for Bruce." Marc said with a disarming smile on his face as he walked over to his wife and started to remove her clothes.

"What are you doing?" His wife said, but gave him little resistance, when he started to undress her.

Marc pulled her blouse over her head; folded it and put the garment on a chair. He then pulled her slacks down and she put her hand on his shoulder as he helped her remove them. He folded the slacks and put them on the chair after she removed her shoes.

"Can I walk around a while in my underwear Marc, please? What if someone comes to the door?" Becca pleaded with her husband.

"Let's go to our room and get a sexy negligee for you to put on." Marc said with a smile on his face.

"I guess that is better than going around the house nude in case we have visitors." Becca said as she watched her husband go through her lingerie drawer.

Holding up a white see through negligee he handed it to her saying. "I think you will look absolutely stunning in this nightie."

She put on the intimate garment over her bra and panties she lamented. "This only goes below my belly button you will see all of my panties with this on. It is, see through, so you will see my bra also."

"No one will see your bra and panties, because I want you to take off both undergarments." Marc said smiling at his wife.

"I should probably go nude and get it over with." Becca said as she removed her bra and panties shocked that she looks more nude presently than if she was nude looking at her image in the full length mirror.

"Suit yourself; I will enjoy looking at you either way." Marc said.

Becca was a sight to behold doing her house cleaning in her white negligee. She was nude as the garment to her waist was transparent and stopped at her waist.

"Becca you are a damn fine looking woman." Marc said in his best cowboy impression as he came up in back of her and started to rub her breast through the intimate garment, as she was bent over cleaning the end table.

"Don't start anything you can't finish there partner." Becca said in her cowgirl impersonation as she backed up to him feeling his hardon. "Are we going camping tonight or do you love me." The aroused woman asked.

"You know I love you and I would like you to take a ride on my wild bronco." He said as he removed his pants and underwear kicking them to the side after he removed his loafers.

Becca spread her legs to receive his love muscle. He could see in the mirror that his wife's eyes were sparkling a sign of arousal and her pussy was moist, he didn't need to play with her labia to prepare her to accept his member, without causing her pain. He slipped into his wife marveling at her silky smoothness for the thousandth time. She was pushing back toward him and they settled into a rhythm of love synchronizing their movements to get the maximum gratification from their coupling. It was a slow tender sweet lovemaking, Marc nibbling on Becca's earlobe they pushed their lovemaking higher and higher to the enviable climax.

They rolled onto the couch still joined, Becca sitting on her husband's softening erection.

"I better get a towel." Becca said getting off her husband's cock holding her hand over her pussy to stop their passion from running down her legs, going to the bathroom to clean up the act.

Marc was pleased with their afternoon delight that hasn't happened in a long time and he hopes there will be a repeat performance in the near future.

Becca came back with a towel for Marc. He was delighted that she removed her intimate garment and is now completely nude. She has the afterglow of a well fucked woman he notices smiling.

"That was a pleasant surprise. We have to do that more often." Becca said as she handed her husband the towel.

"That was fun and yes we need to do that more often. Marc said as he took the towel and started to clean up.

"Here let me help you Marc." Becca said as she went to her knees in front of her husband and took his well used member into her mouth sucking on it and licking around the head.

"Keep that up Becca and there will be round two shortly." Marc moaned.

Taking her husband's cock out of her mouth she said. "Promises, Promises." The mature woman continued pleasuring her husband orally until she started to get a rise out of him, but not enough for round two yet.

They both stayed nude for the rest of the day and went to bed naked together for the first time in their marriage.

Tuesday Becca awoke took shower, and stayed nude all day trying to get used to the thought she will be seen by Bruce. It was nerve racking for Becca she picked up the phone to cancel the session three times and dialed the number once but she needed the money and she rationalized that her husband will be with her. Pleased she could do something to pay the bill she incurred. It made her feel good to know she was helping with the finances for once. That night she got very little to sleep, she only slept about two hours when the alarm went off.

It was seven thirty AM, she needed to take a shower, trim her pubic area "Oh my god I am going to be nude for a casual acquaintance in a few hours." She thought as she showered, shaved under her arms, her legs, and groomed her pubic area. Becca called her husband. "Can you come up here I need your help."

"What do you need my dear." Marc asked as he walked into the master bath.

"Can you help me shave my backside? It's hard for me to see." Becca blushed as she presented her bottom so her husband can do his tonsorial artistry on her intimate area.

It was hard for Marc to concentrate on shaving his wife's backside while looking at her flower of life, so she can show Bruce her most intimate being; he was very excited to share his wife's beauty with another man. She finished her shower, dried herself and put on a short robe. Going into the kitchen Marc had breakfast ready for her, something he rarely does.

"I could get used to modeling." She told him. "I will model, if you do more of the cooking?" She said as she is getting sick of cooking after doing it for almost fifty years.

They finished their breakfast and Marc even cleaned up the kitchen.

Before they knew it the doorbell rang it was nine AM, Bruce was at the door. Becca self-consciously removed her robe and sat in the living room by the front door saying. "I don't think I can do this."

"Well I'll just tell Bruce you changed your mind and we will pay the bill when I get paid. You can call the store and tell them." Marc said.

Becca, in the nude stood up and cautiously went to the door opening it, standing in back of it to let Bruce in.

Marc said. "Stand in the doorway to invite Bruce in."

She did this with some reluctance and said. "Welcome to our home Bruce." She was a pretty shade of red when she invited the artist in holding her arm over her breast and a hand between her legs. She was also hunched over.

Bruce came in, he was carrying a large case over one shoulder and an easel in the other hand. "You look absolutely beautiful Becca. I am glad you decided to model for me."

"Thank you Bruce." Becca said glad he is happy with her appearance.

"Where would you like me to set up?" He said.

"How about in the living room, would that work Bruce?" Becca asked having no idea where the best place would be for her to model, as she held her arm across her breast and hand in front her crotch trying to keep her modesty a little longer, but excited he thought she is beautiful.

Bruce set down his drawing equipment and went over to Becca and gave the surprised woman a full body hug. Marc was delighted to see his nude wife hugged by Bruce.

The Artist proceeded to look around the room; the large picture window in the front of the house faced north, so he went and opened the curtains. To bring in the light, but it also exposed anyone walking close to the window in the room too anyone walking and driving by outside that looked in the direction of picture window. He looked at the room layout and then set his easel up to make best use of the available light.

Finally he said to Becca. "Sit on the couch until I am ready to start drawing, we will do three standing poses and then we will go to the longer sitting poses."

Probably a description of Becca would be appropriate at this time so you can visualize the beauty that Bruce and Marc are seeing as she models. She has Light brown hair, off her shoulders with some grey in places. You can get lost in her green eyes, they sparkle when she is happy or aroused. Her breasts are thirty eight inches, due to being all natural her large nipples point down just enough to make then alluring. Her pubic hair is the same color as the hair on her head and she keeps her bush neatly trimmed. Her labia hang down a little and her slit opens when she is aroused. Becca's waist is twenty eight inches and he hips are forty with a nice tight bottom. The five foot five inch tall mature woman keeps in shape through exercise.

Becca sat down trying to cover her body as much as possible. Bruce could see she was very nervous and he needed to calm her down, so he could encourage her to get to into the erotic poses he desired today.

Marc was in the background he asked. "May I take some photos as you're drawing my wife?"

"Absolutely, be my guest." Bruce said.

Marc went to get his camera; he wanted to take photos in such a way to show his wife was nude in front of another man.

"Okay Becca, are you ready to model."

"Yes I guess we should start." The woman stated with embarrassment, still covering her intimate parts.

"Okay, stand up and face me, hands at your sides. This will be a two minute warm up pose."

The mature woman stood up and was very stiff in the pose. Bruce set a timer and started to draw her, talking to her about her children and grandchildren. Becca was becoming more relaxed, as she talked to Bruce about the kids. Marc was walking around taking photos. The timer went off.

"Next pose, turn to the side hands at your side." This will be a Three minute pose."

Bruce set the timer and started drawing, continuing the conversation with Becca about the family, while Marc walked around taking photos, as his wife modeled. Internally Marc was hoping this will not be the last time his wife models nude, as he is excited to see her exposed to Bruce.

"Marc do you have a step stool?"

"Yes I do. I will go get it."

The timer went off signally the end of the pose.

"Becca The last pose will be five minutes, When Marc brings the stool in I will set it up. I want you to put one foot on it." Bruce explained setting up the pose for her verbally.

Marc brought the step stool over.

Bruce set it at an angle to his easel. "Put your left foot on the stool and hold onto the sides for balance, this will be a five minute pose."

Becca can feel the cool air on her moist lady lips. She is getting more aroused knowing Bruce can see her most intimate area. Bruce was happy Becca is becoming aroused, because the next set of drawing poses will be much more revealing. Marc is in his glory his wife is almost totally exposed to the artist and he has been taking photos of the modeling session. He can see his wife is becoming aroused as her nipples are elongating and her areolas are becoming more pronounced. Walking close to her Marc can also smell her sweet smell of arousal. Bruce looking closely at the lovely woman's labia, he can see droplets of arousal also. Becca's eyes are sparkling, another sign she is aroused. The timer went off.

Marc wanting to have this session last as long as possible said. "Bruce would you like to take a break have a coffee? Becca made some brownies."

"Sounds like a great idea Marc." Bruce said wanting to have Becca nude as long as possible, so she will adjust her philosophy concerning total nudity.

Marc made the coffee, Becca cut up the brownies and brought them to the living room. She was becoming comfortable in her nudity Bruce observed.

"You're doing a great job modeling Becca. Marc you should be proud of your wife. It's very difficult to shake the values instilled on us about nudity in this country."

"Yes I know Bruce it was difficult this morning for me when I removed my robe just as you arrived. I almost told Marc to have you leave." Becca stated.

"Becca I bet you're glad you didn't chicken out because I can see you're having fun." Marc said.

Turning red Becca said. "It is fun and I think you should get a towel to put down on the couch for me to sit on, as I getting a little juicy down there." The nude woman said pointing to her womanhood.

Both men could see Becca was relaxing as she was sitting back on the couch with one leg up and the other on the floor exposing her pussy to the two men as they conversed.

The three spent about a half hour before Becca said. "Do you want me to model anymore, or do you guys just want to sit there and look at my sexy slit." Becca was blushing that she was so bold to say this.

"Women's slits are very intriguing; it is a mysterious place of unimaginable pleasure." Bruce stated and Marc agreed with him.

"How do you want your model Mr. Artist?" Becca stated without getting out of her exposed position.

"Well Becca seeing as you're showing your pleasure palace to us, you want to do a sitting pose with your legs spread?"

"Bruce that sounds good to me." Becca said as she slid back into the corner of the couch and spread her legs wide showing her wet pussy and moist pubic hair.

"Becca you look unbelievably beautiful in that position." Marc said with admiration in his eyes seeing his wife in all her naked beauty and in front of another person for the first time in their marriage.

Marc was happy his wife is having a good time and not doing this just for the money or under direst he would be upset that he required her to model nude and it embarrassed her.


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