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Small Town ENF Adventure


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In a daze Dixie began walking down the High Street, purely on autopilot while her brain relived what just happened again and again. It wasn't until a passing car honked its horn the Dixie realised that she was still naked in public, and still had to press ahead to make sure the picture didn't get emailed out. As she snapped back to reality her whole body went red with embarrassment. She found herself noticing the faces of people who had stopped to stare at her exposed flesh, most of them people Dixie had knew for a long time. She decided to cover herself and began to run.

Dixie sprinted as fast as her bare feet would let her, cutting down the few back alleys that Fort Nimrod had in order to lose the many passers-by who were filling her with their eyes. Eventually she found herself by the River Nimrod, she lowered herself down to the bank and snuck towards the only bridge in town.

Once Dixie was under the bridge she finally felt like she was somewhere she could stop and get her bearings. She sat on the river silt, her back to the old stone bridge knowing nobody could see her but enjoying the sounds of cars and conversations passing above her. Dixie's brain, stripped of its flight reflex was free to reflect on what had happened so far, and surrendering to a desire that had built to boiling point, Dixie found her hand drifting south to give her a release she had been unknowingly craving since her clothes first went up in flames.

Wave after wave of orgasmic bliss rolled over Dixie, the exposure, the humiliation, the fear, they had rolled themselves into a knot in her stomach, and as her hand furiously worked its way in and out of her pussy, the knot exploded into feelings that rocked her body.

Her mind cleared by the shattering orgasm Dixie used this time to take stock of her situation. The library about half a mile from the bridge, it wouldn't take Dixie long to get there, but she didn't know how much time the distraction at the bar had wasted. She could have wasted too much time to make it or it could have seemed much longer than it had actually been, meaning that she would have to hang around the library waiting for her alarm to go off telling her it was safe.

That same knot of fear and embarrassment began to form in Dixie's stomach as she willed herself to stand up. She told herself town was much quieter the other side of the river. Her naked body had been seen by just about half the town anyway so it was no big deal to cross the bridge and walk calmly to the library. She began to climb the bank before changing her mind and climbing down.

Dixie re-examined what just went through her head. The river was not deep, she could have walked under the bridge, but she had resigned herself to being seen. The humiliation of what she had just been through had dulled her sense of risk, she had even thought that part of this was no big deal. At that point Dixie had an insane idea, and no amount of pleading from the rational part of her brain would dislodge it. With trembling hands, Dixie removed the Hillary Clinton mask and threw it into the river. As the mask floated away Dixie couldn't believe what she had just done, now if anyone saw her there would be no hiding her identity, she had just made this trip a hell of a lot riskier and she knew it. Forgetting about the ticking clock Dixie once again surrendered to animal instincts and pleasured herself at the thought of what lies ahead.

Dixie crossed the river under the bridge and peeked out. She now had to be extra careful. Waiting for a gap in the traffic she climbed the river bank and hid behind a dumpster on the side road just off the High Street. Now that she had discarded the mask, she decided to take the risk and use only the back streets, knowing that it would add to her time but it was the best chance of making it through this without being caught.

The back streets were quiet and there were plenty of dumpsters, trees and buildings for Dixie to hide behind. But as she got further from the town centre the gaps between the buildings began to get bigger. It wasn't long until Dixie found herself making the journey through long pauses to ensure the coast was clear mixed with mad dashes between whatever cover she could find.

Eventually Dixie found herself within sight of the library. There was a hostel and a couple of houses between her and her goal, but she would have to do a big loop to get to the open emergency exit at the back of the building without getting so close that she connected to the WiFi too early. Dixie knew the back of the library had a small park, with enough trees and bushes for Dixie to hide in until her alarm went off. She just had to walk past the hostel, cross the road, and find a good hiding spot.

Dixie skirted around to the back garden of the hostel and was about to hop the fence make a dash along the unkempt grass when she noticed something that stopped her in her tracks. The hostel had a security camera pointing squarely at the garden area. The camera was located just below where the back stoop gave way to the garden, a red light blinking above the lens. Dixie cursed herself for getting rid of the mask, the whole reason she was rushing was to prevent an embarrassing picture of her getting out, she didn't want video either.

As her brain buzzed through ideas she noticed that the camera was about head high and indented into the stoop, but there was a foot high ledge just in front of it, this meant that if she walked right up to the building, even though she couldn't crawl under it, she could shimmy along the ledge with her head above the stoop. This would give the camera a great view of her naked body but keep her head out of the picture and her identity protected. But that meant walking right up to the hostel, half the workers on the Jackson Ranch were staying in hostels in the town, not to mention how her family had a working relationship with the hostel owners to advertise vacancies, the price of not being on camera was a huge risk of being seen by someone she knew. The large screen door of the back garden was wide open, letting the breeze cool the main corridor of the house, and Dixie could see the reception desk from there. The receptionist was facing the front door so wouldn't be looking, but just to her right was two screens, one showing the camera facing the front garden and the showing the camera giving Dixie so much trouble.

Knowing she didn't have much time to argue inside her own head, Dixie began to sneak up to the hostel, she was very aware how visible she was until she managed to press her back to the cool plastic cladding of the outside wall. She then crawled on all fours to stay below the stoop, and reached the moment she had been dreading. She was breathing deeply and girding her loins to make the run, when she heard the receptionist say a cheerful hello. Dixie's heart stopped for a moment, only restarting when the gruff voice of a man responded, it turns out one of the guests had come down the stairs and was now talking to the receptionist. Dixie took the opportunity to step onto the ledge and shimmy across.

Even moving as fast as she could the shimmy was painfully slow, she knew she had to keep her balance as if she fell off the ledge, she would be seen by the camera and the noise may even attract patrons. Another problem Dixie had was that keeping her head above the stoop meant she couldn't tell when she had passed the camera and instead she just had to go as far as she could and hope for the best. She was about ten seconds in when she overheard the receptionist cut off the conversation with a questioning "Hang on?" she shimmied faster, her bouncing breasts threatening to knock her off balance but she didn't care. Eventually she got far enough that she felt she could drop and run, and not a moment too soon as the receptionist yelled "oh my god!" and the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps filled Dixie's ears.

It seemed like the whole world suddenly knew where Dixie was, she heard multiple footsteps, opening windows and yelling all converging on her direction. She managed to clear the fence and dashed round the side of the house just as she heard the receptionist yell "hey!" in a voice so clear she must have been sharing the back garden with her. Dixie no longer cared about the road and sprinted straight across it into the small park on the other side. She found a bush thick enough to hide and looked out over the road to see if she was being followed. The receptionist was outside the front of the hostel looking out of breath but she wasn't in pursuit, just stood there laughing.

The park was the safest part for Dixie, the flora was thick and regular, meaning she was able to make it to the back of the library without any risk. Now all she had to do was wait for the alarm, then run inside the emergency exit and hope not to be seen on her way back to the booth. As she approached the back entrance she began to hear voices, her stomach tied itself in knots as she got closer and spotted four people stood outside the back door smoking. Dixie recognised three of them as teenage girls from the nearby school, dressed as adult as they could and rebelling through having a quick smoke round the back of the library. She could see Mary, a sister of one of her close friends, Elizabeth, the daughter of her uncle's previous wife and Charlotte, the headmistress's precious girl. The fourth person was Eduardo, a ranch worker she recognised from the Jackson Family ranch, who had bought the girls smokes in exchange for the attention of these young girls. If any of these people saw her there isn't a social circle around that wouldn't hear about it. As Dixie was biding her time she caught a whiff of smoke and realised it wasn't tobacco they were smoking, turns out Eduardo had a weed stash.

As Dixie waited for the teen rebellion to clear out she felt the phone on her arm begin to vibrate. The world collapsed around her, she had ten minutes to get through that door and they four stoners had just lit up another spliff, they weren't going anywhere. Dixie's brain moved a mile a minute trying to think of a way in, the librarian was at the front and these kids were at the rear, she wasn't even sure she could make it round to the front in time. Suddenly she had an idea, it was risky but it was the only chance she had. She swallowed her fear, stood up and walked directly towards the smokers.

Eduardo's eyes widened with disbelief, clocking this look the three girls immediately turned round and collapsed into a fit of giggles.

"Oh my God! Dixie, why are you out here naked?" Charlotte asked, looking Dixie's body up and down. Dixie maintained an unconcerned look on her face, straining against her feelings of embarrassment.

"That don't matter Charlotte." Dixie spat, cutting through the silence. "What matters is you ain't gonna tell anyone."

"And why is that?" Charlotte replied, fumbling for her phone.

"Because if anyone finds out about this, I'll assume you told 'em. Then your families will be finding out that you have been smoking weed" Dixie remarked, worry spread over Mary and Elizabeth's face but Charlotte didn't flinch, she had her phone upright and ready to take a picture.

"Nobody will believe the naked pervert." Charlotte asserted, her phone's camera making a clicking noise to let Dixie know she had the upper hand.

"You know the school's got drug testing kits thanks to your mother's constant fearmongering about drugs, and if that don't sway you. I don't need proof to fire Eduardo. You think your weed connection is going to continue to hook you up after you cost him his job." Eduardo's eyes widened, and the sound of clicking stopped coming from Charlotte's camera. "Now you're going to hand me that phone and let me delete all them pictures you took of me or you're going to be peeing in a cup tomorrow morning and Eduardo is going to be on the next bus out of Ford Nimrod." In a sulk Charlotte handed over her phone and Dixie opened up the photo album.

Dixie had to hold herself back from quivering with delight at the pictures on Charlotte's phone, she could see her fear and humiliation as these people has seen her. Her nipples stiff enough to cut glass and her pussy clearly streaming. As she went through deleting the pictures she heard Charlotte mumble under her breath.


"You know what, just for that..." Dixie began, she switched the camera back on, held it close to her soaking pussy, parted her lips wide and took a picture. She then attached the picture to a text message and sent it to the barkeeper, with the text "thinking of you."

"What are you doing?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh you'll see. Anyway all the pictures are deleted, and if I hear a single word about this you're getting kicked out of school and poor Eduardo here is on food stamps." Dixie felt proud of herself as she walked towards the back door and the shocked kids parted to let her through.


Dixie relaxed as she finished putting on her shoes, she had enjoyed herself but was glad she had made it through the adventure. Now decent she walked over to the librarian, eager to get some scissors and make sure the email had been sent alright.

"Can I have some scissors please?" she asked the librarian.

"Here you go Dixie, please don't use it to damage the books in revenge." the Librarian joked. Dixie was clearly missing something, and the librarian clocked the quizzical look on her face before pointing to a sign behind her that said.

"No WiFi until Sunday. Sorry!"

Dixie was so sure she was done, but now she was worrying again, she had a ticking time bomb on her phone and she would have to diffuse it before it could connect to the internet again.

"Yeah sorry Dixie. If it helps we were finally able to afford to fix the barcode scanner with the money we made renting out our WiFi router. But if you still need the internet I'm sure the Rusty Spur will let you use it, I bet your phone and computer will still automatically connect." Dixie was pale from her head to her toes. She mumbled something non-committal and rushed to the stalls to free the phone from her arm.

Her outbox was empty.

Her sent mail had one new message in it, the one with the subject line "An Invitation."

With dread she opened the attachment and her worst fears had come true, there, filling her screen was the degraded "Horse cock whore" she was hoping the town wouldn't see.

She had 46 new messages in her inbox.


Dixie's father had no idea what "hacked" meant or what "Photoshop" was but he was relieved when Dixie sent out an email explaining to everyone that it wasn't actually her in the picture. Dixie had to put up with a lot of sideways glances and taunts for a while but she played the victim hard enough that eventually people felt bad enough for her to let it be. Charlotte, Mary, Elizabeth and Eduardo all knew the truth behind the email, but they weren't going to start telling people.

The Bartender at the Rusty Spur had had a hell of a day, by the end he was ordering extra-large prints of his pictures of Hillary to be displayed proudly in the bar, while he kept the other two naughty pictures he had received that day to himself, firm in the belief that all three pictures featured three different women.

The only weird side effect was one morning when Dixie's dad received a phone call from Miss Throckmorton, asking if he had recently hired any workers who looked a little like Hillary Clinton.



Dixie carefully cut around the bottom of her new Hillary Clinton mask, creating a hole from the nose down to the chin that made her look like a weird Democratic Batman. As she pulled the mask over her head, her hands reached down to a dog collar that she clipped over the rest of the mask pinning it to her neck. Nobody would be able to quickly rip of this mask. She opened the door of her truck and stepped into the mid-morning sun. Glancing around she saw the that Fort's car park was as empty as she had expected for just before lunch on a Tuesday and she had parked her truck in amongst a nest of trees hidden from the high street. She took off her long coat and threw it into the truck, before locking the doors and placing the key in a box she had hidden under the wheel arches. Under her coat she was as bare as she had been last time she had donned the mask, with the exception of a long bushy tail, held in place with a not inconsiderable butt plug. She took out the note she had pre-written, making extra sure it explained everything as if she was forced to talk someone might recognise her voice. Satisfied with everything she had prepared and loving the butterflies doing somersaults in her stomach she began to walk towards the Rusty Spur, ready to hand the bartender her note.

"Dear patrons of the Rusty Spur. I'd like to apply for a job as a waitress, I already have my uniform and I am willing to complete any interview process you see fit. I'm afraid I can't commit to any hours so let's just say I'll occasionally be around. I'll leave you to decide what payment for this role is."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I also would like to try some public nudity. But being male is a great problem. I am sure I would not get away with that if I would be caught. So I keep running naked through my apartment building and dreaming of being nude in the daylight on a busy street.

Thors_FistThors_Fistover 3 years ago

I'd have to say you have some of the most twisted stories, I've ever read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I can’t believe my predicament all started by reading a literotica story!

All I wanted was a little excitement and adventure. Now I’m in an alley with three men ready to have their way with me! The first man was 6’1” and 205 pounds with a muscular frame. He was now naked & had me bent over a garbage can. His huge member penetrated my womanhood. I was already soaking wet & it easily slid in deeper than anything I had ever experienced. He began furiously pumping me from behind as I hugged the trash can for dear life. He became frustrated when he went to grab my chest, wanting something to hold on to for leverage as he was fucking me hard. In his frustration, he pulled my head back and spun us both around 180 degrees. I was approaching my second climax in the alley and in no position to defend myself, as he ripped my mask off and threw it aside. The shutter sounds from his friends camera phones each hit me with a level of shame I can’t even describe. After a few more moments of their friend’s thrusting, I screamed in pleasure. My whole body shook uncontrollably as I had the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had! The two other men had now stripped off & were approaching me for their turn. The 6’6” stud threw their clothes on the ground. He then laid down on them & told his buddy to bring me over. He carried me and sat me down on an even bigger penis! I started riding him like a horse when the short & chubby friend began pinching my nipples and making fun of my small breast. I was so humiliated as I am very self conscious of my flat chest!! The first man who had pleasured me now pushed my shoulders down & proceeded to take my anal cherry. I really began screaming in pleasure and pain, when the chubby friend realized he needed to shut me up fast. He put his tiny cock in my mouth. I can’t believe it! I’m naked, in a public alley, and have three strangers’ penises in me. I cum hard but as I do, so do all three men filling all of my holes with their seed! We all laid there for a few moments exhausted until I decided to make a break for it. I jumped up and grabbed one of the men’s cell phones and snapped several pictures of the 3 men lying their naked together. I quickly sent the pictures to my phone via text message so I had something to keep them from putting my pictures out on the internet. I saw the time on the phone & it was 9:23! I panicked! There was no way I would be home in time before my coworkers received my naughty email. I quickly logged into Google using the man’s phone and cancelled the message just in time!

I threw his phone back down and jogged for home. I was spotted a few more times by passing cars with horns honking. One woman’s mouth was agape as she looked me in the eye as she passed. I finally arrived home, used the spare key, and went inside where I crashed on the bed. The next morning I woke & took a long shower to clean myself up before heading to the office. I was glad my adventure was over or so I thought. When I got to the office, I was met with pointing fingers and hysterical laughter. My desk had been plastered with pictures of me naked, being taken from behind by the first man! I must not have logged out of Google when I used his phone to cancel my naughty email! He sent these pictures to my full address book!!! My life as I knew it was over. I’m now known as the town slut. My humiliation and shame haven’t subsided. On top of that, I’m not on birth control and could be pregnant! All of this as a result of reading a literotica story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well, I went through with it.

I went through with my naked adventure & got way more than I bargained for!! I stayed late after work one evening and loaded my risqué photos in Google Mail to be sent to my coworkers at 9:30 PM. It was 7:00 PM, so I had enough time to make my 5 mile journey home wearing nothing but my sneakers & mask. I could then log into my laptop at home & cancel the email transmission. I locked my clothes in my desk drawer & left my keys & access badge on my desk, as I made my way to the exit. I was having second thoughts standing by the exit when I heard the cleaning crew arrive. I had no where to go but out & once the door clicked behind me, there was no turning back. I hadn’t made it a block before I was spotted by 3 mid-twenties men shooting hoops at the local school yard. I made a break for it but they gave chase, cell phones in hand. Thank goodness I’m an avid runner but even still it took me blocks to get away. I hid in alley as they went down the street searching for me. I know pictures of my 5’6”, 120 lbs toned body with 30A cup breast will soon be posted all over the internet. The thought of how close those men had come to catching me & what they would have done if they had, got me so hot. I ran my hands over my chest and pumped them between my legs until I had the most intense climax of my life.

I don’t know exactly how long I crouched in the alley afterwards but it certainly wasn’t long enough for me to regain my senses. I stumbled to my feet and headed out for home. Only to find out the three men hadn’t stopped looking for me! I was spotted and cornered with no where to go. So back into the alley I went but this time accompanied by three men! I knew I was in deep trouble when the first man slipped out of his shirt!! They must have thought I wanted this, why else would I be running around naked, right? He bent me over some trash cans & I felt his shorts slide down as he approached me from behind.

....Too be continued but I’m getting so hot again just thinking about this & need a break. What’s wrong with me?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wow! I can’t believe the effect this story had on me.....

I am a kind of shy woman, in my early thirties. I would never have entertained the idea of an adventure of my own like this....UNTIL NOW! The risk and excitement described in this story has me feeling like never before! I’ve taken several risqué photos that will keep me motivated once I start my stroll. I’ll use a similar timed email technique. No way do I want all of my coworkers seeing these pictures! The mask I ordered to conceal my identity just arrived. I’m an avid runner, so hopefully that will help should I need to make a quick getaway. While I have an athletic body with toned legs and backside, my A cup breast also make me a fully paid up member of the itty bitty titty committee. I’d die from embarrassment if spotted & teased about my breast! I can’t believe your story inspired this woman to take the biggest risk of her life!!!!! Wish me luck. I may come back & share a story here about my experience. We’ll see...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This episode reminds me...

...of a situation I got myself into one summer night a few years ago. Late that night (or should I say early that morning) I dared myself to strip off all my clothing and tossed them into the trunk of my car. Then I set off on my self-imposed dare...to drive as far as I could (while naked) without getting caught in that condition. Well, at first all went well, and I was getting turned on by the sensation of the soft leather of the drivers seat against my completly exposed ass. I drove this way for about nine miles, then I turned onto a state highway, where I drove for almost 45 miles at 55 miles per hour. Driving that far, with the window rolled down was quite a thrill, as I never drove myself this far, with so little clothes on before then! All was going according to plan, when what do I see in my rearview morror, but the flashing lights of a police car! I pulled to the side of the road, hoping against hope I was not the target of the policeman, but, lo, and behold, the cop pulled his patrol car in right behind me, with me cursing under my breath. So the cop gets out of his vehicle, and he bids me, "Excuse me, but could you please step out of your vehicle?" Well, even though it was about 3:00 AM, and the traffic was fairly light, it was not non-existant, and even though I was pretty turned on until about three minutes before, I was not prepared to show my completely naked self to anyone lucky enough to pass by me at that time. When the local police officer came closer to my car, he looked inside, and he could see I actually was completely nude, from my head to my toes, as I even removed my shoes and placed them in the trunk of my car, with the rest of my clothes. The cop was very shaken, I think, by the sight of my extreme nudity, as he went back to his cruiser and got on the radio to converse with his superiors, I supposed. After what seemed like forever, but more likely was about four of five minutes, the cop returned with my licence and my registration, handed them to me and explained that he was not exactly pleased to find me piloting my vehicle sans clothing, there was nothing he legally could do to me because nobody else actually made a complaint against me. So he gave me back my ID, and told me to make sure I was careful on my way to my destination, wherever that might be. I took my drivers licence, my insurance card from him, thanked him, and sheepishly went on my way, never even looking backwards and silently thanking God for that quirk in the law that allowed me to escape punishment. You see, I still lived at home with family back then, and if word got out about me driving around in the nude, well, my previously pristine reputation would be ruined! So, thanks to that policeman, whoever you are, for letting me off with just a warning, and not a ticket. It would have been so embarrassing to have to go to court to pay such a ticket, if you all know what I mean!


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