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Something strange happens whenever Michael snaps his fingers.
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"3...2...1...Wide awake!" Michael said, snapping his fingers.

Sophie blinked and looked at him, confused. He was staring at her, grinning as if he had just told a joke that, as usual, only he understood.

"Well? Are you going to start now?" she asked, annoyed.

He feigned surprise. "What do you mean? We've already started; you've been under for about twenty minutes now. Don't you remember?"

Sophie groaned internally. When she had agreed to let Michael try to hypnotize her (if only to get him to shut up about it), she thought he was going to make her look at a crystal pendant while telling her that she was "under his power", or something stupid like that. But it seemed like he wasn't even going to try, and this whole thing was just another of his dumb pranks.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Are you actually going to try to hypnotize me, or can I go now?"

"You're already hypnotized. I can put you back under any time I want."

"Oh really? How?"

Michael snapped his fingers again.

Sophie felt a moment of disorientation. Hadn't Michael been standing slightly to the left a second ago? She couldn't remember seeing him move. Then her confusion turned to irritation. He was giving her that stupid grin again.

"Is that really all you're going to do? Just keep snapping your fingers over and over and pretending that you've already hypnotized me?"

"Oh no, I'm just getting started. Now that I've tested out your basic triggers, we can get on to the interesting stuff. You have no idea how much fun I'm going to have with your mind."

Sophie rolled her eyes. If there was one thing that Michael was known for, it was carrying on with a joke long past the point when anyone else found it funny (not that his jokes were that funny to begin with).

"Well, if your plan was to waste my time, then it's succeeding." She tried to look at her watch, before remembering that he'd made her remove it when they started, claiming that he didn't want any 'distractions'.

Michael smiled when he saw her glance at her wrist. "Oh, if you're wondering what time it is, I can help with that," he said, then snapped his fingers.

Sophie was vaguely aware that there was something wrong with what had just happened. She had just been facing Michael, but the snap she'd heard had come from behind her. Had Michael moved?

No, she realized, she'd moved. But why? And why was she now kneeling in front of the grandfather clock? And why was it so hard to think as her eyes followed the pendulum as it swung back and forth, back and forth...

Suddenly, she remembered. She'd wanted to check what time it was. With some difficulty, she looked away from the pendulum and up at the face of the clock, then did a double take. She could've sworn that they'd only started a few minutes ago, but the clock showed that almost half an hour had already passed.

"It's impressive, isn't it?" Michael said from behind her. "How hypnosis can make it feel as though no time has passed at all."

"I'm not hypnotized!" Sophie insisted, standing up. Michael had probably just changed the clock before she came here. It wouldn't be out of character for him to put way too much effort into one of his dumb pranks. But however long it had been, she'd had enough.

"I'm going to leave now," she said, walking towards the door.

"OK, that's fine," he replied. "But, before you go, can you answer one question for me?"


"What's your name?" he asked, snapping his fingers.

"My name? It's S..." she paused. This was ridiculous; of course she knew what her name was. It was...it started with an 'S', she was sure of that.

"S...?" he asked, smiling innocently.

"S..." Come on, she thought. It was right there, on the tip of her tongue, but every time she tried to say it, there was just a blurry space in her mind where it should have been. But...whatever, just because she couldn't think of her name at this exact moment didn't mean that she'd been hypnotized. This was probably just some trick to make her think that he'd hypnotized her. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that it had almost worked.

"I know what my name is. I don't need to tell you."

"Really? Well then, do you know what my name is?"


She thought back to the conversations they'd had over the previous few days. Surely, he must've mentioned his name at some point.


Most of those conversations had revolved around hypnosis, in some way. She remembered very clearly the way he described how he could put someone completely within his power, mindlessly obeying his commands, without ever realizing that they were obeying...

Michael snapped his fingers. He was grinning at her again, but he seemed a bit surprised this time.

"Wow, you're zoning out even without me triggering you. I wasn't expecting you to go so deep, so quickly. You're an even better subject than I thought you'd be."

"I wasn't zoning out; I was..." What was she doing? She was trying to remember something, but what? Oh right, his name. And her own name.

What was going on? She shouldn't be forgetting things like this. He had to be doing something to her, something...something to try to convince her that she'd been hypnotized. She had to get away from him, if only for a little bit.

"I'll be able to remember your name in a minute. I just need to clear my head," she said, turning back towards the door.

"I know a way to clear your head." He snapped his fingers.

Sophie looked around, confused. She had just been about to leave, why had she decided to sit down again? She started to stand up again, but then stopped. The couch was so comfy; surely it couldn't hurt to stay for a little longer. As she leaned back, it almost felt as though she were sinking down into the couch. That must have been why she decided to sit back down; the couch was just too comfy to leave. She felt as though she could stay there forever.

Except, something in the back of her mind reminded her that she had wanted to get up and leave, not that long ago. Why was that, exactly? It had something to do with M...whatever his name was. She glanced up at him; he was staring down at her with an enigmatic smile. He'd kept insisting that she was hypnotized, and she wasn't exactly doing the best job of proving him wrong right now.

Maybe she should get up, just to stretch her legs. She tried to lift herself up from the couch, but something was wrong. Nothing was holding her down, but she still couldn't seem to get up. Every time she tried, her muscles just relaxed further, and she felt herself sinking deeper into the couch.

She wondered if she should be worried. This didn't seem like it should be happening. But her body was so relaxed, and the couch was so comfy that it was hard to feel worried about anything. Somehow, she knew that there was nothing to worry about, with the same certainty that she knew that she hadn't been hypnotized.

Still, it was a little embarrassing, to get stuck in M...in his couch like this, especially when she'd just told him that she wanted to leave.

"Umm...a little help?" she asked, looking up at him sheepishly.

"Don't worry. I know what will help you get up from there," he said with a snap.

Sophie suddenly found that she was able to stand. Her body felt a lot lighter for some reason.

"Umm...thanks," she said to him. Whatever he'd done, it'd worked. Still, something felt a little strange, but she couldn't quite figure out what. There was a strange fog of confusion in her mind that was making it hard to think straight. She needed to clear her head - that was why she'd wanted to leave, she remembered - so she began making for the door.

"Uh, don't you think you're forgetting something." His voice stopped her as she was about to turn the doorknob. She glanced back, and noticed a pile of clothes next to the couch. They looked quite a bit like hers...

"Oh." She reddened as she realized that she had been about to walk out of his house wearing nothing but her stockings and underwear. Her embarrassment quickly turned to confusion. When had she taken her clothes off? Better yet, why had she taken them off?

Then she remembered the couch, and how she hadn't been able to get up. Of course! Her clothes had been weighing her down so, naturally, she'd had to take them off in order to get up. That was why her body felt so light now; she hadn't realized how heavy her clothes were until she'd taken them off. It all made perfect sense.

Still, she could hardly walk out like this.

"Sorry," she said, making her way back to the pile. "I just need to get my clothes-"

He snapped.

"-off," she finished as she took off her bra and tossed it onto the pile of clothing. As she did, she felt a bit of the confusion that had been fogging up her head clear away. "In order to clear my head," she added, in case he thought that this was weird.

It seemed so obvious to her now; of course her clothes were what was preventing her from clearing her head. Just like they'd been weighing down her body on the couch, they'd been weighing down her mind this whole time.

"Of course, no need to apologize," he replied, staring at her as she sat on the floor and raised her legs so that she could peel off first one stocking, then the other. "You can do whatever you need to clear your head."

She smiled back at him. It was nice of him to let her take off her clothes so that she could clear her head, even though he must surely be disappointed at not being able to hypnotize her. And at her forgetting his name. Speaking of which, she could feel as though his name was coming back to her as she added her stockings to the pile. It was M...M-

"And now that you're clearing your head, I hope you can remember some of the things that you've forgotten," he said as she lay on her back and squirmed against the floor to try to pull her panties off. "Do you remember who I am?"

"Of course, Master," she said when she finally got her panties down to her knees.

"Good," said Master, leaning over her. "And that makes you..."

"Slave!" said Slave, as she kicked her panties away. She was a little embarrassed that she had forgotten their names; they were such simple names! But that was what could happen when she was wearing clothes. Somehow, she knew that she would forget all this when she was wearing clothes again, but that she would always remember when she was naked with Master.

"Very good, Slave! Now tell me, what does a Slave do?"

"A Slave obeys her Master," said Slave. "A Slave serves her Master. A Slave pleasures her-"

Master snapped his fingers.

"Mmfffsstfffrr" Slave tried to finish, but it was difficult to talk with Master's cock in her mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I cut you off there," Master said as Slave tried to speak, her head bobbing up and down on his cock. "I guess I just got a little impatient."

Slave didn't mind. She was impatient too. Already, her pussy was soaking wet, but she knew she couldn't touch herself yet. Not without Master's permission.

"Mffstffr cffn I plffs..." she tried to ask, then gave up trying to speak and just gestured at her pussy while looking up at Master pleadingly.

Master smiled down at her. "Oh don't worry, we're just getting started," he said, snapping his fingers.

After that, things started to blur together.

Slave was kneeling in front of Master, staring up at a pendant he was swinging above her head, pushing a toy in and out of her pussy in time with the pendant's swings. Back and forth...in and out...


Slave was on the couch again, her whole body feeling as though it were one giant pussy. She desperately rubbed her body against the couch, each motion sending waves of pleasure through her.


Slave was on her hands and knees, being led around by her Master on a leash. He was telling her what a Good Girl she was, and each time he did, she could feel her arousal building until she couldn't take it anymore and started humping his leg furiously.


Slave's hands were tied behind her back, her legs pulled apart and a ball gag in her mouth, drool dripping down her chin and onto her tits. Her eyes were rolled back into her head so she couldn't see anything, but she could feel Master's cock inside her, fucking her senseless.


But throughout it all, some thought kept resurfacing, some uncertainties that hadn't quite disappeared when Slave had taken off her clothes. She knew that she wasn't hypnotized, so everything she was doing was of her own free will, but she also knew she was a Slave, and a Slave had no free will. She knew that everything Master told her was true, but she also remembered that Master had told her that he'd hypnotized her, which couldn't possibly be true. Most importantly, she was having all these thoughts, but she knew that a Slave wasn't supposed to have any thoughts, except the ones that her Master told her to have.

"Master," she asked finally as Master posed her like a doll, "Am I hypnotized?"

Master smiled at her. "Oh Slave, you're so close to figuring it out now. It will make sense soon, I promise." He snapped his fingers.

Slave was kneeling in front of the grandfather clock again, fingering herself slowly as she watched the pendulum swing back and forth. With each swing, she increased the speed of her masturbation slightly, and she felt as though she was getting closer and closer to an epiphany.

She could feel Master behind her, and she knew that he was proud of her. She was obeying commands that she wasn't even consciously aware of, and coming closer to the realization...her mind couldn't quite grasp it yet.

At the thought of her Master's approval, Slave felt her pussy tingle, and she fingered herself faster as the pendulum made another swing. She knew he wanted her to cum, and she wanted to cum for him too, so, so badly.

But, as the clock kept ticking, and she fingered herself faster and faster, she found that she couldn't cum. Something was stopping her. There was something she had to figure out before she could cum, something that had to do with the question she's asked Master.

Slave's finger was moving faster than she'd thought possible, but somehow the rest of her body stayed relaxed, her breath slow and even, her eyes never looking away from the pendulum. She could feel Master watching her expectantly. He wanted her to realize that she was...she was...

As Slave was fingering herself madly, on the edge of an orgasm, she heard herself say the words in time with the pendulum, her voice a dull monotone, and as she said them, she knew that they were true.


At the moment she said the last word, an orgasm wracked through Slave's body and mind. She felt the pleasure of orgasm combined with the pleasure of obedience wiping away all lingering doubts from her mind, all her thoughts, everything that prevented her from being a perfect Slave for her Master. In that moment she was his, completely, and she didn't have to pretend to herself that she wasn't hypnotized anymore.

And at that exact moment, Master snapped his fingers.

"3...2...1...Wide awake!" Michael said, snapping his fingers.

Sophie glared at him. He was giving her that stupid grin again.

"So, now that Sophie's back with us, how are you feeling?" he asked.

Sophie rolled her eyes. She'd thought that Michael might eventually give up the pretense that he'd hypnotized her, but that clearly wasn't going to happen.

"I feel like someone who's just had her time wasted by some loser who'd like to think that he can hypnotize people."

Michael laughed. "Good to know. After everything I had you do while you were under, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make you forget everything. But you seem to be responding as well to my amnesia suggestions as to everything else."

Sophie wasn't paying attention. It was pointless to try to talk to him. She grabbed her things and made to leave.

"Well, if that's everything, I'm going to go now," she said as she opened the door and stepped outside.

Then she stopped. It was already dark outside. They couldn't possibly have been going for that long. Could they? Michael had been talking for a while about how he'd hypnotized her, but...

The more she tried to think about what had happened, the more confused she became. There were place where her memories blurred together into an indistinct haze, and whenever she tried to focus on them, she briefly forgot what she was thinking about, then had to start all over again...

"Michael...what...how..." she stammered.

He looked surprised for a moment, then slapped his forehead. "Oh, I almost forgot about the missing time," he said, then snapped his fingers.

Sophie nodded, then turned to leave. She'd already forgotten what had concerned her a moment ago, but she knew that it was nothing to worry about. Just as she knew she shouldn't worry if she found herself thinking about Michael while masturbating, and heard herself calling him by a different name in her fantasies. Just as she shouldn't worry if Michael asked to try to hypnotize her again, and she inevitably accepted, despite telling herself that it would just be another waste of her time. Just as she shouldn't worry if she found herself searching her friends for the telltale signs that they were amenable to hypnosis, and recommending the most suggestible ones to Michael (not that his hypnosis would work, of course). She didn't have to worry about these things. She felt that with the same certainty that she knew that she hadn't been hypnotized.

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mistimksmistimksover 1 year ago

Very enjoyable. A continuation would be most excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Fantastic story. Loved it! Still unaware after it's over. Nice!

CherryFrostedCherryFrostedalmost 2 years ago

I love a hypnosis story where the person is adamant they can't be hypnotized. Would love to see Michael wake her up in the middle of the act for extra confusion. Great story, thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent! I love how her perspective changes, how she thinks it's all her idea.

Sir_KerenSir_Kerenalmost 2 years agoAuthor

No plans for a series, but I will mention that this is a sort-of prequel to my other story: //rosa-blanca.ru/desixxxphoto/s/watching-over-you

shysuzyshysuzyalmost 2 years ago

This is a really hot story - I'd love to see this as a series.

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