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Success Has It Own Price

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She had to obey him to save her job.
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Tulsi was on the lift when her phone rang. She looked at the screen of her cell. It's her executive editor, Mr. Ranjan Sinha. She picked up the call.

"Good morning sir."

"Morning Tulsi." Where are you?"

"Sir I'm on the lift, coming up to the office."

"Good. Listen, I was thinking about having a dinner tonight at the Taj. Since my wife is not here, would like to come with me. See, I don't like to eat alone at all."

Tulsi thought for a moment what to say. But she was smart enough to decide that, never say no to your boss. Especially when you have just joined a new company with a salary hike of more than double than her previous one, and also with the prize position of a news editor.

"Ok sir, I'll be happy to accompany you. When do I need to go sir?"

"That you leave to me. I'll call you in the evening. And come to my office for once. I have to discuss about a new show we are planning to air soon. We need to select Someone from you new recruits to run the show. Ok, bye."

Tulsi hold the phone in her and thought about the possibility in her hand. She was just a copy editor few months back, with a somehow manageable salary, and a broken marriage. She recently got divorce from her three years long troubled marriage just six months back. She was devastated at that time. She thought her whole life was finished at that time. But her friends gave her comfort and courage to move forward and she finally able to overcome the tragedy. After all she was only 31 years old and have enough time in her life to start it again. Then suddenly, four months back, she got a call from this new upcoming TV channel and grabbed the opportunity and took the job as a news editor. And things started to move fantastic after that.

Now here a little introduction of Tulsi. Tulsi Devi, 31 years old, divorced Brahmin girl, with 5' 4'' high and fair skinned body. Her round face, pointed nose and two full lips positioned her at the level of those beauties, from which you can't remove your eyes. Her hairs were long enough to reach her nice round bum, which was the distinctive and notable feature of body geography. She was not like those slim modern girls, but also not chubby enough to call her a fat one. She had the perfect amount of flash on her body in perfect places, which attracts men toward her like a flower attracts bees. Her long neck, profound bosom, curvy waist, her full round thighs and above them her big asset, her big bum with two plump ass cheeks, made her a total package for a man's wet dreams. All the men in her office never missed the chances to gaze their eyes on her back when she were on the office.

But Tulsi knew little about it at all. She was from an orthodox Brahmin family and for her sex means with husband only. That's why still after getting divorced at such a young age, she never let anybody took advantage of her loneliness. She was always careful about going out with men other than her family members. But today she have to break that rule as she can't reject her boss's proposal. Moreover she saw a good prospect in the dinner too. Ever since she joined the new job, she got promoted to do anchor, which gave her a lot of popularity within such a short time. Now as Mr. Sinha told, if she manage to persuade him to let her do the show, defiantly she'll become more famous and important in this media world. And that was what she always dreamed of.

Tulsi step out of the elevator as it stopped and walked straight to Mr. Sinha's room. She knocked the door twice and pushes it slowly to open it a little.

"May I come in sir?"

Mr. Sinha was looking at his laptop. He raised his head and smiled at her.

"Please, come in."

Sinha looked at Tulsi as she walked in and turned to close the door behind her. She was wearing sky blue sleeveless short and blue skin tight jeans. Mr. Sinha couldn't help himself from running his eyes on her big ass, looking prominent in that tight jeans and then to her sweet face as she turn back to face him.

"Come, have a seat."

"Thank you sir." Tulsi smiled and sat in front of him.

"So Tulsi, how is your new job going? Hope you like it here."

"Yes sir. And thank you for giving me all these things. Without your help I couldn't have come this far."

"No need to thank me. It's your hard work and dedication that has paid you off. And it's my pleasure to introduce someone like you to this world."

"Thank you sir. So sir what is the new show you said on the phone?"

"Yes, it's a new talk show on politics and current affairs. We are looking for some new and young face to host the show."

"Did you have anyone in your mind sir?"

"Yes, I thought with your confident presentation, you are the perfect choice for me. But the other members of the board thought you are still very new and not sure about your ability of political analysis. Infect, I'm also not sure whether you can handle it or not."

"Sir, till now I have done everything as you said and I hope I didn't disappointed you so far. And I'm sure with your care and guidance, I can do this too."

"I know you can. But still I have to be sure before I put your name for the final call so that I can persuade the others confidently."

"Tell me sir what do I have to do."

"Yes, that is why I asked you out for the dinner. You do one thing. Now go home and prepare yourself a presentation for me. I'll check it out during dinner and then I'll say what to do. Ok. Now go home, I'll call the HR to grant you half day leave."

"Thank you very much sir. Thank you."

"It's Ok. Now go and work on that presentation and try not disappoint me."

"I won't sir. Thank you."

Tulsi stood up and turned to leave the room with excitement of getting the new promotion. Her heart and mind was filled with joy and happiness as she walked to the door, little knowing that Mr. Sinha's greedy eyes were fixed on her round ass cheeks, swaying from left to right with her walking movements. He has a mysterious smile on his face as he watched the sexiest girl of his office leaving his room.

Now, Mr. Ranjan Sinha is a 45 year old, bold and fit man. Because of his regular gym and work outs, he looks much younger than his original age. At 6'1'', he was tall, good looking and with his big mustache, looked quite taught too. And he also has a test for woman too. Mr. Ranjan Sinha also likes to sleep with women other than his wife. But he has a special test about it. He is not someone who likes to go after every available hole. Rather he was very choosy about his women. He didn't like the kind of girls who are easy to manipulate and can be taken to bed easily. Instead he like to choose his prey and nurture it, till it become rip enough for him to bite it. He specially like the girls who were looked innocent and not easy to persuade. The more it becomes difficult, better he enjoy it. And that was the main reason for him to pick up Tulsi from her old company.

The day she entered the interview room, Sinha had decided that she'll be his next target. He knew that the girl has talent, but more than that she also has bigger ambition. And ambition is the thing that always worked for him. And when he learned that she was a recent divorcee, he immediately made up his mind to take her in. So he offered her a salary, much higher than she deserve or imagine, which she couldn't resist at all. Then he promoted her position rapidly, giving her the fame and publicity she never thought possible in her life. And now, today, he thinks it's time to hammer the final nail in the coffin. Sinha closed his laptop and pick up the phone to call the HR about Tulsi's leave.


Tulsi passed the whole day, busy preparing her presentation. She just can't believe her luck that she'll get such a big break so early in her new job. So she decided to give her all effort to impress Sinha and win his heart. She worked on it till 3pm and then she took her shower and had her launch. Then she put the alarm on 4.30pm and took to the bed for an afternoon nap.


Tulsi woke up at the sound of her phone. She hurriedly got up from her bed and picks it up. It's Sinha sir.

"Hello sir."

"Yes Tulsi, have you prepared the presentation?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, then come to Taj at 7pm. I'll be waiting in the Indian restaurant. Don't be late."

"Ok sir."

Tulsi put the phone down and checked the time. It's 4.25pm. She shut the alarm and opens the laptop for a final review of her work. After doing it for an hour, she closed the laptop and went to take another shower. Then she came out and stood in front of her wardrobe. She thought for a moment what to wear. After thinking for ten minutes, she decided to wear a formal executive dress. So she took out a white silk shirt and a black tight knee length skirt. Then she put on her lacy Undergarments and then put on the dress. She tied her long hair and put on little make up to make her face look smarter. Then she checked the time. It's 6pm. Taj was on the other side of the town and in the evening rush, it will take time to reach there. So she called a cab and at 6.10pm, she left for the Taj.

Tulsi reached Taj just before 7pm. She quickly paid the cab and went inside the hotel. After five minutes, she found the Indian restaurant Sinha told her about and went inside. She paused at the door to find him when she saw him waving his hand from the far end of the room. Sinha smiled and looked at her as she walked toward

him. She was looking great in her dress. Her silk shirt was so slim fit that Ranjan could make out the very out line of her full breasts. He looked at her white shapely legs, uncovered down from her knees and felt a twist on his groin. The little make up she took also made her beauty look more gorgeous than ever. Sinha looked at her innocent face and thought he'll have to enjoy this beauty whole night long to full fill his long awaited desire for her. He stood up from his seat as Tulsi came near to his table.

"Come Tulsi. I was waiting for you."

"Sorry sir, did I make you wait too long?"

"Not at all. You are on time. Now have a sit and decide what to eat. I'm hungry like hell."

Tulsi sat down and pick up the menu. A waiter came and gave them two glass of champaign. Tulsi looked at Sinha, puzzled.

"I thought you drink too. So I ordered drinks for both of us. It's ok if you don't like to drink."

"Well I haven't drink outside home till now. But it's ok sir. I'll take it."

"Cheers then."

Sinha took his glass and hold it up. Tulsi also picked her glass and clinked with his. Then they both sipped their Champaign and Tulsi got busy on the menu. After discussing for ten minutes, they finalized and ordered the meal.

"Ok Tulsi, now show me what you have made the whole day."

"Yes sir."

Tulsi opened her laptop and came around to sit beside him so she can explain her ideas to him. They kept discussing it till the dinner arrived and stopped for the food. Then after finishing the meal, Sinha opened his mouth.

"Well Tulsi, I'm glad that you did so much hard work, but still I think you need some more things to do."

"Tell me sir what else I have to. You know that I have done everything you asked me so far and I've did well."

"I know Tulsi, but this time it's bigger than your earlier jobs. This time you'll be representing the channel's thinking to the whole audience. Its means what you say become what we say. You understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes sir."

"See, after this you'll be no longer a news editor only. You'll become huge. And for that you need more preparation. You have to do more, have to learn more."

"You teach me sir. Like you did so far. I'm sure with your guidance I can do this too."

Sinha didn't say anything. Instead he looked into her eyes. He saw cheer ambition and pride in her eyes. She looked determined to do anything to get this job. He thought, this is it. This is the moment to announce the real thing and see whether or not she'll agree to compromise everything for her carrier.

"Ok Tulsi. See my wife and kids are not at home. So I have booked a room in this hotel. Why don't you stay the night with me and I'll show you how to do things."

"What? Sir you want me to stay the night with you? What do you mean sir?"

"It's as plain and simple as you got. I don't like to stay alone so I'm asking you to stay. We can discus everything whole night together. It's not that hard, is it?"

Tulsi was stunned at Sinha's straight talk. She never expected anything like this from him.

"Sir you took me wrong today. You know that I'm not that type of girl. How can you say so to me?"

Tulsi shutted her laptop and about stood up when Sinha hold her hand and stopped her.

"Relax Tulsi. Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. I know you are talented, but not so much that anyone will pay you as high as we are. And the position you are holding, it takes years for someone like you to get there. It's only because of me you have come so far so fast. Just think for once where would you have been now if I were not backing you all the way till now. What do you think I'm doing this all for? Things are simple here Tulsi. I have made you rich and famous and can make you more famous with this new job if you agree to return my favor. The choice is yours. If you want to stay in this organization, then ready to obey me or you are free to go. I'm not doing anything forcefully. It's a give and take situation for both of us."

"But sir it's not right. You are blackmailing me. I can go to police."

"Who give a shit on right and wrong? It's the new day's law. And you know that no one will believe you if you say that I'm blackmailing you. You know what kind of reputation I have in office. You know that the SP of police also my childhood friend. And the kind of connection I have with the law people, I don't think so you would dare to go to court with this. And you know that if you left this organization, I'll make it sure you don't get a job easily anywhere. So it's your decision. You have to give

something to gain something. And what's wrong in it anyway. You are not married now. So there will nothing like cheating on your husband. And nobody in office will know about it as no one knows that we are here. Now it's up to you to decide whether you want to extend your carrier further or leave everything behind so you can remain pure. This is my room number. If you get there in half an hour, that means you are agree, if not, you'll get your termination later next week."

Sinha got up and put a piece of paper in the table. Then he paid the bill and went out of the restaurant, leaving Tulsi devastated and in shock. Her head was spinning as she couldn't decide what to do. She never expected the dinner to be end up like this. She thought she'll be able to persuade him and get the show. Then there will be no turning back. She would have become an important personality in no time, a dream that she had in her head since she choose this carrier. Now her whole dream was hanging on a question. Whether she'll go to that room and surrender herself to that man or not. Tulsi sat there silently as everything of last two months passed through her head. Her new job, new earning, the fame and affection she got from everyone. All this will lost if she refuses to sleep with Sinha for one night. She'll nobody again in no time as she knew she couldn't return to her old office too. She saw everything become dark around her. Tears came out from her eyes as she finally decided that she couldn't give up her new found life even if she had to give up her modesty for that. After all, she was now a part of the dirty industry where modesty is rated far below then popularity.

Tulsi wiped her tears off and walked out of the restaurant. She looked at the piece of paper Sinha gave her. Room 5544, 5th floor. She went up to the elevator and pressed the button for fifth floor. When she got there, she walked out of the elevator with shaky legs. Her heart was pounding fast as she approached the room 5544. Tulsi paused there for few second. Her whole body was shaking with fear and nervousness. She knew once she goes in that room, her entire life will be change forever. But she also knew that she don't have any other choice but to make Sinha happy to keep her job and save her life from become a miserable one again. She took a deep breath and with her trembling hand, she knocked the door.

"Come in." Tulsi hard Sinha's deep voice from inside. She turned the door knob and walked in the room. There, Sinha was sitting on the bed, with glass of wine in his hand. He smiled and waved his hand, calling her near to him.

"Come Tulsi. I'm glad that you made the right decision. Years from now, when you'll look back to this day, I'm sure you won't feel any regret for this decision. Now Come here; let's have a toast for your new beginning."

Sinha lifted his glass with a smile. But Tulsi remained frozen, there at the door with her head hanging down. She knew she had conveyed the message that she will obey him by coming into his room, but yet her conservative mind was not fully ready to surrender herself to this man, who has no legal relationship with her. Sinha watched her standing still and realized her mental status. So he decided to take control of the situation himself.

He put the glass down on the side table and walked up to her. He put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her inside the room and closed the door behind them. When the door closed with a click, Tulsi couldn't stop her tears rolling from her eyes, realizing that, now she has no escape from the truth, that she had to experience the most unthinkable event of her life with the man, she meets barely two months ago. Sinha felt her body shivering with her weep and turned her around to face him. He hold her chin with his right hand and lifted up her tear filled innocent face. He wiped of her tears from her cheeks and holds her face with his both hands.

"Hey Tulsi, why cry like a baby? If you don't like it, you can still turn back. I don't want to force myself on you. You had to decide where you want to see yourself after a year from now. And if you want to do as I say, then you have stop your tears. I don't like crying girls at all." Sinha said with a stern voice. Tulsi opened her eyes, hearing the sudden change in his tune. She saw the seriousness in his eyes about his words.

"So tell me Tulsi. Where do you want to see yourself? In my organization or out?"

Tulsi lowered her head again. She doesn't know what to say. Although she knew that she only has one option left. Yet the words not coming out of her mouth.

"Tell me god dam it, you silly girl. I don't have the whole night to wait for your answer. Do you want to stay or go?"

Sinha shouted loud, shaking her head violently. Tulsi was so shocked with his sudden change behavior that unknowingly she nodded her head in yes. Sinha smiled and planted a kiss on her lips. Tulsi remained still as his lips covered her mouth and sucked her rosy lips for few seconds. Then he broke his kiss and asked her to go and freshen up in the bathroom. Tulsi, still in her shock, quietly walked to the bathroom. Sinha smiled, looking at her big ass in her tight skirt and pick up his glass of wine again. The view of her nice round bum was so alluring that he felt like taking her to the bed immediately and tore open her clothes and fucked her hard right at the moment. But he controlled his mind. He has planned this night from a long time. So he doesn't want to waste it by doing things in a hurry. Instead he hadplanned to enjoy her whole night, slowly exploring her marvelous body, inch by inch. He wanted to make it a memorable night for himself. Because, of all the women he had bedded so far, Tusli is the most sexiest and adorable one of them. He wanted to enjoy her young and breathtaking beauty whole night long till he got tired of it. Sinha smiled at his thoughts and sipped his wine. He sat on the bed again, rubbing his hard crotch, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom.

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