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Supernatural Earth Pt. 12


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"That... BASTARD!" Seff howled. "I will kill him!"

"Get in line," Kimberly snorted.


"Hello dear, come on in, I've been expecting you," the 32 year old brunette smiled as she welcomed Cindy into her home a few days later. Cindy had been undergoing Fae mental healing with her parents and this was the first time she was able to get out to meet with someone else in the town. "I'm Amanda and I hear that you are a werewolf's mate?"

"Uhhhh... yeah... I guess you could say that. That's what Seff called me," Cindy said uncertainly as she walked into the living room. "He's been busy with the pack and we haven't exactly have had time to talk with each other. So am I his mate just because he says so?"

"Yes and no. He's chosen you to be his mate. But it's not official until you reciprocate the feeling," Amanda clarified.

"Oh. Sorry, this is all, uhm, kinda new to me, ya know?"

Amanda smiled and nodded, guiding Cindy over to the couch for them to sit. "I do know. I was about your age when I was given to Yovel and Barald to breed with... by the man that you thought was your father, no less. So that's why the Governor asked me to talk with you about any questions you might have."

Cindy looked at her with shock. "You were... given... to them?" She blinked with incomprehension on her face as her eyes darted up to a family portrait above the fireplace of the woman sitting between two werewolf men, both in their beastly form but were wearing clothes, with two teenage boys and two pre-teen girls who were looking human. "And you stayed with them?"

"It wasn't their fault either," Amanda said, expecting the question. "Raymond Tillis wanted more werewolves for his army and so he forced us to breed together. But as my first pregnancy progressed, I got to know them and I had come to love them both in return. They are very loving and overly protective of me and I love them both very much."

"But... two?" Cindy blinked. "Is that even legal?"

"Polycule Marriages are perfectly legal here so long as all parties are consenting adults," Amanda explained. "And even then we sometimes partner swap outside of our marriage unions. We're very progressive here, unlike the United States that seems to be reverting to Civil War era laws and ideals," she said, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I'm sure you have more questions. Feel free to ask."

"Uh... are you a werewolf yourself?"

"No, I'm human... albiet a damn near immortal one," Amanda clarified. "The supernaturals here all got together and removed the curse afflicting werewolves where they could turn people if they got bit during a full moon. They also did it with Vampires, so now we got a lot of daywalkers around here. Now, my longevity comes from the Lurkers that's here in Newhaven. Their nectar extends human life and keeps us youthful here. I wasn't too keen on being turned into a werewolf and my husbands like me just the way I am."

"And... your kids?" Cindy asked, glancing at the portrait again.

"All werewolves. The werewolf DNA reigns supreme. Once they're done going through puberty, they'll be able to change at will... if they should so choose. There are some teens here who like being in wolf form, there's others who prefer human form. It's all up to their personal preference."

Cindy blushed at her next question. "Uhm... and what about sex with them?" Her eyes flickered to a nearby picture of just Amanda with her two werewolf men.

"Nnnngh... holy fuck is it ever good." Amanda moaned. "I was damn near a virgin when they had me the first time in Tillis' compound. I was surprised at how gentle and caring they were when we made love... me being a human and them in their werewolf form. It was like being fucked hard while wrapped up in a fur blanket. And just you wait. When he knots you... ohmygawd... pure bliss..." Amanda said wistfully, biting her lower lip and groaning with lust.

"I'm sorry; 'knots you'?" Cindy gaped at her.

"Ohhhh yessss... Nnnnngh..." Amanda swooned. "Best fucking feeling ever." She smiled when she saw Cindy's confusion. "You see, dear, when he mates with you while in his humanoid wolf form, that in itself is going to be mind blowing. But right before he cums inside of you, he's going to push the base of his cock into you, the knot, at its going to be stuck inside of you until he's done."

Cindy's eyes widened. "That sounds painful!"

"Best. Feeling. Ever." Amanda reiterated. She then looked up at the family portrait. "And I have two husbands who do it to me on a regular basis."

"Don't you ever do it while they are in human form?"

"We have and, eh, its just not for me... or them for that matter. They got so used to being in wolf form all the time that they didn't care for their human form anymore." Amanda smiled and half shrugged. "Besides, they fuck me so much better in their furry form." She cocked her head in curiosity. "So, have you decided yet what you're going to do?"

"I don't know yet," Cindy said. "It's been so much in so little time; finding out that my parents... my REAL parents... are alive along with my brothers. Finding out that I'm somehow bonded to a werewolf. And the man who I thought was my father was just keeping me hostage." She sighed. "I'm meeting with Seff tonight. Its all been so overwhelming."

"Well, whatever you decide, please know that we are all here for you. It's what we do here."



Cindy walked into the expansive log cabin house at the edge of the woods that had been given to Seff. And hers... should she choose to accept being Seff's mate. After the sex conversation with Amanda, the conversation turned to the whole thing of being a werewolf's mate. "Its like I don't have a choice in the matter," Cindy complained.

"Of course you have a choice, dear. If you choose to not be with him then, in time, he will find another one. But if you do decide to be his mate, it will be for life because werewolves are dedicated that way," Amanda warned her. "Remember it's like I told you; it's not official until you acknowledge him as your mate in return."

Thing of it was, she did want Seff. Despite everything that Raymond had done to her with the brainwashing and hypnotism, her feelings for Seff were real. Out of all of the men who'd had her, either when she'd been tied down by Raymond or coerced like Tom, Seff was always the one who was the most kind and gentle with her. It scared her to have to find someone else when she already had a dreamy looking man who was waiting on her to make a decision. That, and tonight would be the first time that she'd willingly sleep with another man. That alone made her happy and giddy. Someone who wanted her for who she was, not because she was in a tough spot, or being coerced, or being forced. Seff wanted just her as she was.

The inside of the two story tall cabin was rustic. The living area out front was under the high, vaulted ceiling and there was a wooden staircase off to the right that led up to a bedroom loft. Under the loft was a kitchen and dining area and off to the right of the dining area it looked like there was a hallway that led to the bathroom, utility area, and a second, smaller room. Figuring that Seff would be up in the loft, Cindy headed for the stairs. "Seff?" she called out tentatively as she came in and kicked out of her shoes and sock, leaving them by the door.

A mass of black fur rose up from the center of the bedding area, which comprised of thick furs and lots of plush pillows. Cindy's breath caught when Seff rose to his full height in his true form. He turned slowly and saw her. "You've come," he said, sounding surprised. Then he noticed her hesitation. "Forgive me, I'll change-"

"No!" Cindy said quickly, darting forward to stand in front of him. He was even taller than she remembered him. "No..." she said softly this time as she reached out to touch his firm stomach. "I... I want to see you like this. I've seen you... and I have had you... while you were in human form while you were wearing that collar. I... I want to see how you are like this now."

"Do you like me like this?" Seff asked with curiosity.

"I like that you never once have hurt me in either form that you've been in," Cindy said, smiling up at him as she slowly stroked his hard abs under his surprisingly fine fur. "Which form do you like better?"

"To be honest, my family always preferred to be like the wolf," Seff said. "We changed to human to blend with society, of course, but when it came time for the full moon, nothing felt better than to be ourselves as the Great Denmother intended with our clothes off and our fur wild and free."

"Then I would like you to be as you are, Seff." Cindy said, moving around him to check out the back. The fur there was longer, darker, coarser, and more wild than in the front.

Seff eyed her as she walked around him. "You do realize that you are not required to be with me, right? Even though I marked you and claimed you as my mate when we were first together," he reached out and touched the right side of her neck where he'd bitten her so many years ago, "you are not bound by that."

"I know, it's still my choice," Cindy nodded. "Miss Amanda explained it to me." She paused and looked up at him. "I want to be here, Seff. And I want to try this between us." She looked down at his massive hands. "I am afraid that you're going to hurt me with those claws of yours, though." Cindy noted. Seff smiled, held his hands up, and flexed them. The claws retracted back into his fingers. He wiggled them to show that they were safe. Fascinated, Cindy took his left hand into her hands to start examining it. "How...?"

"There's a lot about my kind that you don't yet know or understand, my dear," Seff said gently in his gruff voice. "Please, look me over, explore my body. I want you to be comfortable with me no matter what form I am in."

"Well I'm perfectly fine with you in your human form, Seff," Cindy said, giving him a sour look. "It's THIS form that I'm now interested in." She reached up and caressed his furred muzzle, cupping the side of his jaw. It was elongated, but not so far as if it were an actual wolf or a dog. That, and his nose was warm, not cold and slimy as she expected.

"Soooo..." he said carefully as she studied his face. "Are you still... you?"

Cindy smiled. It was endearing that he asked. "Yes, I'm still me. Just not as able to be controlled anymore. Like, I don't have to ask you for permission to get off anymore, for example."

"Well I was hoping that my previous commands would still be in place if that were the case," Seff chuckled, his voice rumbling in his chest. "With me, you would never have to ask again as I want you to climax as often as possible and as loud as you want to be."

"Thank you," Cindy said, beaming brightly. It was touching that he thought of her first, which was more reason for her to take him up on being his mate. Then, gently, she coaxed him down with a gentle caress to the side of his cheek. Seff bent over so that his head was level with hers. She then took a deep breath, closed her eyes and kissed him lightly on the lips.

She felt Seff pursing his lips and then she felt his tongue probing against hers. She opened her mouth and felt his tongue mingle with hers. It wasn't a dog's tongue, that was all floppy and covered with excessive amounts of saliva. It felt like a human's tongue, just a bit longer than normal.

Smiling, Cindy stepped back and looked up at him. She crossed her arms and pulled the top of one of her new sweatshirts up and over her head. She dropped it to the floor and then she reached behind her to unsnap her bra, letting it fall as well. With Seff waiting patiently for her, she shimmied out of her shoes and socks, followed by her sweatpants and panties until she was as naked as he was.

His large, thick, red member down between his legs rose to the occasion.

Seff made to move towards her, but she forestalled him with a hand. Cindy gave him a quick kiss before going down to her knees in front of him... the first time she'd willingly done this for any man. "I want to see this," she said softly as she took it into her hands to examine it. True to what Amanda had told her, the base of his cock was a large knot. It was firm and pulsated with his heartbeat. At the same time it was thick and leathery She saw the tiny, fleshy barbs around the knot that Amanda explained would spring out to keep their loins locked together when he finally came.

She was looking forward to finding out that herself.

With her heart pounding, Cindy stroked his werewolf cock a few times while looking at it. A bit of precum oozed from the tip. She took it into her mouth, getting only about halfway before she had to pull out again. Cindy chuckled. "I... uh... guess I'll need more practice for that to be able to take you all the way in my mouth."

"Nnnnnngh..." Seff groaned painfully above her. "Take your time. Practice all you want."

"Mmmm... maybe later," she said as she hooked the waistband of her sweatpants with her thumbs to wiggle out of them. She felt into her pockets for a small vial that Amanda had given her. Lurker Nectar, as she had called it. It would destroy her contraceptive implant and make her immediately fertile and ready to fuck. Popping the cork, she drank it in one swig. It was smooth and sweet like honey. She felt instantly horny as her sides twinged as they did whenever she ovulated.

"What was that?" Seff asked.

"Something for us that Miss Amanda gave me," Cindy said. "I'll explain later. She then laid back on the bed of furs, looking up at him expectantly and gesturing to him. "Now, please, come; claim me again just like you did that first time that I often dreamed about."

That seemed to catch him off guard. "You... you still think of that moment between us?"

"Fondly," Cindy smiled at him. "Its one of my few memories of that place that I still cherish." She beckoned to him again. "Now are you going to keep me waiting for you to claim me again?"

That got him going as he knelt down before her. But instead of mounting her immediately, he dove his head down between her creamy thighs. He latched his muzzle over her mound and drove his tongue straight up into her pussy. "AHHHHHOOOOO!" Cindy arched her back and screamed with pleasure as he started licking inside of her. His tongue was so long that it nearly penetrated all the way to her cervix. He dragged it backwards, catching her frontal wall, and flicked it back out, fucking her with it.

Cindy never had anyone go down on her like this. Usually with oral sex it was her performing it. She brought her hands up to her head and ran them through her own hair. The pleasure was blindingly intense. "OHMYGOD! SEFF!" She screamed as she already felt herself losing control. Between her mental blocks being lifted and that nectar that she drank, she was already on the edge. Then her body jerked violently, briefly doubling her over and then snapping her back so that she was arching her back again as the orgasm suddenly smashed through her. "OHGOD!" she squealed as she climaxed, prolonged by Seff wrapping his big, powerful, fur covered arms around her thighs to keep her in place while he continued to lick her out.

Seff slowly let her go as her mind swam from the intense orgasm. He smiled. "I do so love hearing you scream my name," he said as he lifted up and shuffled forward.

Despite her legs feeling like gelatin, Cindy spread her legs, planted her feet, and lifted her hips up in offering to him. She reached down to grab his cock. "You'll be hearing it more once you get this inside of me," she murmured as she tried to guide him inside of her. He didn't keep her waiting as he gently grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards him. Cindy spread herself and guided him in, feeling his massive cock stretch her open wide and penetrating her all the way to his knot. He was already bottoming out inside her and it made her wonder what would happen when he finally knotted her.

"OHhhhhhhh... Cindy..." he breathed with pleasure as soon as their loins joined together.

"Yesssss..." Cindy moaned beneath him. "Oh, God, Yes, Seff..."

Seff leaned over her in such a way that kept her hips elevated and nearly folded her over into a breeding press position. Cindy wrapped her legs around his waist as much as she could with her diminutive frame in contrast to his massive, muscular body. It made her feel small and helpless but at the same time made her feel protected and loved. While he started to pound his huge cock down into her, he dragged his tongue up her body, between her breasts, and over her neck. Then he opened his jaws and possessively settled his mouth over her neck. Mine! She heard his voice crack through her mind.

"Ooooohhhhhh... yeesssssss..." Cindy groaned as he steadily fucked her and held her neck like this. It was like a collar but, somehow, better. She rested her hands onto his powerful biceps, putting her full trust into him as she knew that he'd never hurt her. "Yes, Seff," she breathed. "I am yours."

My Mate! His voice came through her head as the pleasure already was mounting within her loins again. She was feeling him become even more engorged inside of her. Somehow, she felt like he was close... as if he hadn't gotten off in so long that he needed release.

"YES!" Cindy cried out in passion. "I am your mate! I love you, Seff!"

MINE! Seff's cry of exultation echoed through her head. At the same time he pushed even further into her, shoving his knot into her pussy. She then felt those tiny barbs flare out, locking their loins together as a torrent of his seed then gushed into her.

Cindy screamed incoherently as the second orgasm smashed through her body. Her legs kicked ineffectually into the air as her whole body jerked and spasmed from the climax that was even more powerful than the first. Seff's cock and knot throbbed and pulsated inside of her, pumping glob after glob of his semen directly into her waiting fertile womb. Her hands clenched around his biceps, latching onto his fur as she rode out the endless orgasm in time with him cumming inside of her.

This would, surely to god, get her pregnant... and she couldn't be happier. As soon as her blindingly intense orgasm started to subside, she wrapped her arms and legs around him to hold him close while Seff's cock continued to pump his seed into her. It felt so good and was so beautiful that she started crying. For the first time she made love to someone she cared about and it was all that she wanted and more.

Seff let her neck go and nuzzled his head with hers. "Are you okay, my mate?"

"Yes..." She squeaked out between the sobbing. "I just love you so much. Don't let me go."

With his cock still inside of her, even as his knot slipped out now that he was spent, Seff wrapped his arms around her and rolled so that she was on top of him. "Don't worry, I won't ever let go of you, my mate... my love."



The next week, Seff and Cindy were summoned before the Newhaven Council. Governor Parker looked at the couple as they stood hand-in-hand in the center of the circle of seats. Each of the supernatural races that called Newhaven home had two seats on the council. Seff was in human form, and fully clothed in a suit that the Alphas had given him while Cindy stood next to him wearing a flattering sundress that Amanda had given her.

Aden smiled at them. "Sorry to pry you two away from each other," he said warmly, "but you two have brought us a wealth of information and we're hoping that you can shed some light on the subject at hand; what is Raymond Tillis up to."

Cindy took a deep breath and spoke. "My fath..." she swore under her breath. Old habits were hard to break. "Raymond... spoke often of a creature underneath of the estate."

"Yes, the Prison Creature, we're familiar with is," Aden interjected.


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