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The Anal Orgasm Challenge

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Two bored friends test out anal orgasms.
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It always felt strange and intrusive to knock on the front door this early in the morning. Edmond tugged the collar of his utility coat instinctively in response to his chattering teeth. The familiar clicks of the deadbolt from the inside prompted him to take a step forward to head inside out of the morning cold, timed just right as he had a foot in the doorway just as the front door pulled open. Tonya didn't even look to see who it was as this had become the morning ritual now since quarantine began 10 months ago. She pulled the door open facing the opposite direction and walked away from the door with a groggy and mumbled "what's up?" With her blonde disheveled hair and oversized t-shirt and underwear, she shuffled back and plopped down on the couch taking up the length and entirety of the three cushions with her stretched body. She pulled the warm blanket back over covering her exposed legs and fluffy pink socks.

Edmond quickly closed and locked the front door behind him, grunting a greeting back at Tanya. He unzipped and dropped his coat next to the door as Tanya lifted her legs up still covered by the blanket. Edmond dropped his bottom near the arm of the couch just as Tanya dropped her legs to rest her feet on his lap. They stared silently toward the television in the usual trance.

This was the start of every weekday which had evolved to this comfortable and familiar ritual over nearly a year. This all started a week after the quarantine began and Tonya was let go from her office job where she'd worked the past 8 years. It was really her only job that she had gotten since she graduated from college. Her days soon after were nothing like this. Initially, she searched for work through many different agencies, but overtime the leads diminished and the sofa became the replacement agenda of busy days. Luckily for her, Tonya's husband George was an essential worker who made substantially more money than her, allowing the luxury of being able to give up the search. Two weeks after Tonya was let go, Edmond's job suffered the same fate.

While he, like Tonya, searched high and low for new work and was unable to find a job. Edmond was forced to give up his apartment and move back in with his parents down the road from George and Tanya's house. After the job search had been exhausted, George became worried about Tonya as she started to feel depressed and isolated. Knowing that his best friend Edmond had been going through a similar situation and was bored to death at his parents home, he asked Edmond to come by and see Tanya at home.

After several months, Edmond and Tanya had become comfortable friends, sharing the same isolated misery. Now, every week day Edmond arrives early and sits on the couch with Tanya, watching daytime TV, drinking beer, talking endlessly about nonsensical things until five O'clock when Edmond returns to his parents home and George arrives home from work.

"Ok..I've got one. I think it's a winner," Tonya said still laying flat on her back on her back holding her phone above her head. Edmond still staring intently at the screen gave an audible "hmm?" Tonya pulled the blanket off of her body letting it fall to the floor. "Yeah this is gonna be pure shit." Edmond finally peeled his eyes from the screen and looked to his right in her direction. He instinctively caught a glimpse of her bare thighs and pink panties beneath her shirt. He flinched his gaze to eye level, then looked back at the TV and shook his head, "No, I think that's done, we finished that days ago, remember?"

Edmond and Tanya were on a quest to find the absolute worst movie on Netflix and had spent countless hours over the past several months doing it. Edmond believed he had definitely found it last week with what seemed to be a home movie of some sort. Tanya lightly kicked Edmonds thighs with a quiet whiny grunt.

Tanya and Edmond were friends and the notion or topic of anything other than friendship never came up. Tanya over the past several months had become very comfortable with Edmond and was just naturally very touchy feely. Every morning she'd wear a T-shirt and panties with cute, colorful, fluffy socks or slippers. Her hair was usually a mess or in a bun. Edmond found her extremely attractive of course and never objected to her reluctance to enforce personal space.

Tanya dropped her phone to her side, letting out a huff, "Well, what are we gonna watch? This is stupid!"

"This is very intriguing" Edmond retorted with a hint of sarcasm.

"How can you watch this? It's so boring."

"If you'd pay attention you may learn something new. We haven't watched anything like this before," Edmond replied looking deep into the documentary on the history of accounting practices.

Tonya went back to her phone and continued reading. Edmond was actually drifting off, daydreaming. He pulled two beer cans from the floor and opened them both, passing one into Tonya's hand without even looking her direction. Tonya sat up against the sofa arm still facing Edmond. They both emptied their cans pretty quick. Quarantine had helped them get a lot of practice and they typically finished half a twelve pack by eleven O'clock.

After several minutes looking at her phone, Tonya finally glanced up at Edmond, "Can guys really have an orgasm from getting fucked in the ass?" She asked quizzically, prompting a cough and beer spill as Edmond was finishing another can. He gave a hardy cough and chuckle looking her way, "what?" Tonya looked back at her phone, "This article. It's about anal orgasms. I know women can have them but I don't think men can."

Edmond let out a forced laugh, "Yeah of course! How'd you not know that?"

"No, I mean I know about the prostate and all that, but this is saying a guy can get fucked in the ass, not even touch his penis or not even be hard for that matter and cum." Tanya furrowed her brow with a smile as she was holding back a laugh.

Edmond shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, it can happen."

"Did you ever do that?"

"Huh, a little personal isn't it?"

Tonya rolled her eyes and looked at him expectedly still waiting for an answer. "Well?" Edmond sighed, "maybe, yeah, what's it matter?"

"I'm not gonna make fun of you or anything, I just think that's really interesting. Does it feel good?"

"Of course! It's an orgasm!"

"Wait, was this masturbation? A girl fingering you? Or... have you fucked a guy before?" Tonya scooted her butt toward the middle of the sofa in the cross-cross-applesauce position, inching closer toward Edmond. She was wide awake now. Edmond was feeling embarrassed and didn't really want to answer.

"Come on, please tell me" Tonya pleaded with a cute whiny voice. Edmond, let out a hear-goes-nothing breath, "I've used a dildo before... a vibrator." Tonya opened her mouth wide feigning a look of delightful surprise, "No way! That's pretty hot." Edmond blushed and shook his head, feeling anxiety creep into the pit of his stomach. Tonya scooted even closer holding the same surprised face. Edmond finally nudged her shoulder away with his hand, "What? You're freaking me out, what's the big deal?" Tonya shrugged her shoulders, fighting back a gleeful grin. "Nothing! I don't think anythings wrong at all, I just think it's hot. George would never do anything like that." Edmond flashed a quick glare and quipped, "Oh, yeah. Great! That makes me feel better?"

Tonya pursed her lips, still staring at his face, "Can I see you do it?" Edmond snapped a furrowed look in her direction, "What? Why? No!" She scooted even closer, "Why not?" Edmond shook his head in disbelief to her request, "There's a ton of reasons why. I can't believe I'm hearing this. What's gotten into you?"

Tonya's playful demeanor turned more serious, "I think it's something I'm just fascinated by. I don't know. I'll never have an opportunity to see it. It's not like we're fucking or anything, I'd just be watching! I'm not gonna tell anyone." Edmond was still waiting for the punch line that never came. After a long pause, still bewildered by her request he asked, "You're being serious?" Tonya nodded in confidence. "You want to watch me put a dildo up my ass?" She nodded again and added, "I want to see a guy have an orgasm from getting fucked in the ass, without even touching his cock."

Edmond turned his head toward the TV as if he was watching it. He thought for a moment, "I don't know about not touching my cock at all. It doesn't take much for me to orgasm that way, but I don't know if that's how it'll be." Tonya's face lit up as she got the sense he was considering, "that's totally fine! I just want you to try. Please!"

Edmond chuckled at her pleading and put his hand to his forehead. "I don't know. Nobody can ever find out!" Tonya threw her arms up in victory then made hand jesters zipping her lips shut. "I promise."

Tonya hopped up from the couch and shuffled off to her bedroom, giggling like a child. Seconds later the shuffling sound returned as she came back in the living room and stood in front of Edmond holding a 7 inch dildo closely resembling an endowed Caucasian cock in one hand and bottle of lube in another. She playfully stuck out her tongue and pressed the cock between her braless breasts over the t-shirt. Edmond blushed again and covered his mouth. His cock started to come alive as her t-shirt outlined the shape of her D-cups and hard nipples. Tonya had gained a little weight during quarantine which seemed to slightly thicken her curvy body. Edmond felt guilty at times as she seemed to look better and better to him every day.

Tonya sat down on the floor right in front of Edmond's knees. "Come on, come on, this is gonna be soooo fun," she giggled. Edmond sat paralyzed, feeling awkward and uncertain. Tonya patted his thigh with the dildo. "Up up! Come on! Take off your pants."

Edmond slowly and reluctantly rose to his feet, standing right in front Tonya who was propped up on her knees trying to get the lube top open. He could see right down her shirt at her bare breasts, making his pants begin to bulge. Edmond unbuckled, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Tonya looked forward at his crotch just as he dropped his pants. She locked her eyes on Edmonds half erect cock that swung slightly as the pants hit the floor. Tonya's eyes lit up, "Wow! I bet that gets return customers!" Edmond looked down and locked eyes with Tonya as she smiled and leaned slightly toward him with her face only inches from his rising cock. His heart started to race as he impulsively wanted to stuff her mouth full.

Tonya covered the tip of the dildo with a generous portion of lube as Edmond scanned around trying to calculate a position and location. He thought for a moment and said, "I usually use one with a suction cup. I like to have it on the floor so I can like, you know. Mount it and kind of bounce on it." Tonya looked around the living room, "well, this is all I have... Ah! I know!"

Tonya directed him to get on the couch facing outward toward her on his knees. She remained on the floor right in front of him as they faced each other. Since the dildo had no way of standing upright, she held it between his legs. Her face inches from his cock. Edmond paused, looking down at her face, "Are you sure you want to be that close?" Tonya looked up at him with an evil grin, "Oh Yeah. I want to see this up close."

Tonya held the dildo upright on top of the seat cushion of the sofa. Edmond slowly lowered his bottom, wincing as his asshole touched the cold lube. He slowly lowered down to the tip and Tonya started wiggling the dildo in a circular motion around his tight anus. Edmond's heart continued to race and his breathing intensified. He slowly put pressure up and down, pushing his puckered hole against the tip. Tonya let out a slightly audible "mmmmm."

Her reaction made his cock start to throb and slowly rise as he lowered his bottom down slowly and firmly. She watched as his asshole was slowly penetrated and swallowed the head of dildo. Tonya made another quiet but audible "oooh" sound and lowered her free hand to the crotch of her panties. He couldn't see her hand but knew exactly what she was doing.

Edmond slowly dropped then rose, dropped then rose deeper and deeper with each slow bounce from his knees. The dildo was half inside of him as Edmond instinctively reached to stroke his cock but forced his hand back with a grunt.

Tonya giggled and smiled up at him, "Mmmm, you want to stroke that big cock don't you?" The seductive sound of her voice and massaging of his prostate made him start taking heaving breaths. Tonya smiled, still looking up at him and brought her face an inch from his cock, opening her mouth, sticking out her tongue as if to suck him off. Edmond grunted louder and picked up his bouncing pace. The dildo was fully inside him as his ass was slamming Tonya's hand as she held on tight to the slippery dildo. Edmond began to quiver and all his muscles spasmed as he couldn't control the moans, "uh, uh uh!" His shaky voice got louder and louder and matched the rhythm of his bouncing thighs. Tonya still had her mouth open and tongue sticking out less than an inch from his thick head that started to drip pre-cum onto the couch below. As Tanya started letting out a begging moan, making Edmond completely lose control. His Eyes shut tight, all his muscles clenched as he started to shake. He finally exhaled in release as he spurted a thick rope of cum across Tonya's lips and tongue. Tonya licked her lips, "Oh my god, that was so fucking hot," she cooed.

Edmond's muscles were burning and trembling as he was panting in complete exhaustion. With a wet sucking sound, Tonya slowly withdrew the dildo from Edmond. Still smiling with Edmond's cum dripping down her chin, she gave the tip of the dildo a kiss, "My turn!"

She handed the slippery dildo to Edmond as they both stood up and swapped positions. Edmond didn't speak a word as he wanted to see this now just as bad as she did. Tonya dramatically threw her T-shirt off across the living room exposing her large breasts. Her breathing was already accelerated. She peeled off her panties, exposing her full bush that had been neglected for some time. Edmond dropped to his knees on the floor in the position she had been in, holding the dildo straight up. Tonya mounted her thick, curvy thighs, resting her ass against the tip of the dildo.

Tonya quickly sank her asshole down on the slippery dildo, not stopping until her buttocks pressed firmly against Edmond's hand. Tonya hummed loudly as she continued to push forcefully down. She squeezed both her breasts firmly together and rubbed her nipples. Edmond looked up astonished at Tonya, "Wow! You took that fast! So don't touch your-"

Tanya interrupted, grabbing Edmond by the back of his head and thrusting his face into her bush. She ferociously started bouncing up and down on the plastic cock, screaming with pleasure. Edmond stuck his tongue out, barely able to breath as she rubbed his tongue with her thick clit.

Tonya was screaming, "Oh fuck! Fuck!" She was slamming her bottom up and down on the dildo, building and building an orgasm. Edmond was suffocating as her cum ran down his face and into his mouth.

"Oh fuuuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" She just continually repeated. With a loud scream, her body quivered as she came. Edmond took a deep breath of cold air as she released his head. Edmond had let go of the dildo as he backed away gasping for air. Tonya slowly stood up with the dildo at least 5 inches still inside her asshole. She put one foot up on the couch, bearing down, pushing the dildo out onto the floor just using her sphincters. Out of breath, she plopped herself down on the couch, "Well, I guess I couldn't do an anal only orgasm. Maybe that article's half right."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oh man, you need to write more chapters on this. I really want to read more about their anal adventures!

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

Great story, original and well deserving of a follow up story with a rematch, where they enforce the the no contact rules, but have started taking better personal care of themselves, grooming and exercise etc. Also, a bit of gamesmanship around pre-match enemas/lube etc would add a spice to it. 5/5 Thanks for writing and posting, cheers, Ppfzz.

hotjujuluhotjujulualmost 3 years ago

Great quicky! There simply isn't enough stories on here with hetro men enjoying anal play. Really liked this story. There is just enough background for character development and best of all it's well written. Nice job!

Iwanttotry7777Iwanttotry7777about 3 years ago

That is a great story, so sexy. I love to masturbate for an audience.

RozinanteRozinanteabout 3 years ago

That was really hot. Thank you!

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