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The Awakening Ch. 21-30


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"Let me share with you as much as I can... before the meeting, we had to get behind who put the ghosts here, what were they doing and why. Amra knew who was the traitor in Maxwell's trusted army, they were very surprised, but he is no longer with us now. It was Maxwell himself who vanished him, and it was for the best, he showed his people that he was in charge, inspiring confidence in them and at the same time showing we won't forgive a treason like this."

"But the ghosts were put by the same traitor? Wasn't that person supposed to be a dark Angel? How could one be between them for so long?"

"That is true, the traitor allowed the dark Angel to get into the land for a brief period of time, enough for him to set the curse."

"What did the ghosts do for them? How did it helped?"

"In their own way they served as spies... not all were just simple ghosts, some were more reactive than others, they whispered some useful information every now and then, enough for them to use at their advantage..." She sighed "It was not good news but the positive side is that the most important events happen from now on, and there are no more spies around to be worried. Amra has been extra alert last 24 hours, he has allowed most of his senses awaken, and he has gone more quiet than usual and is suspicious of everything... He needs you sweetheart..."

"I understand the mutual need we have for each other, though I don't know why... but I understand..."

"He has you to keep him down to earth, sort of speak... you make him relax, you make him happy... without you, me and Pronab can notice the difference... he is like a sentinel, on guard, quiet, alert and dangerous... he is just... sad... don't get me wrong, we need him to be on his full power and senses, but as a personal note, with you he is happy doing it so..."

Caliope smiled and blushed, she knew that Elaine was right, but then she remembered the contact she had with Pronab and this made her smile vanish again slowly. Taking advantage of how willingly Elaine was feeding her with information, she decided to ask about this as well "About Pronab... I am sure you are aware of what happened... between us..."

Elaine nodded and slowly her smile vanished as well. She sighed and looked at the window, then back at Caliope "I think it is your dark legacy what draws you to him, and him to you... It has him confused as well, and not happy at all... he is a free soul, he has been turned from dark to light, he is a rare breed now... just as you are... and he is not used to handle emotions like us, or humans."

"Will it go away?"

"We believe it will once you celebrate and finish the union with Amra, once you both are married by all our nature laws and you transcend to the next plane."

"I knew a simple marriage wouldn't be enough" she chuckled and Elaine smiled, resting her hand on hers and nodding. Caliope added quickly "not that marriage itself isn't important, but I am a little excited and nervous about this special celebration you talk about, and the truth is, I would like to know more..."

"In due time, my darling... you have nothing to fear... it is wonderful... but there is a proper time to talk about this, and that time is not now... do you feel ready to stand up and walk outside? The sun is about to die in the horizon, and is a wonderful view to witness from the hills."

"I would like to take a quick shower before, if that is ok... but I have one more question..."

"Yes darling?"

"...if Pronab was a dark Angel, why didn't he commanded the ghosts to go away?"

"To be honest, I think he thought about it, but he has been casted away from their race, and he has abandoned his native nature to become one of us, he wasn't sure he would be able to do it... and between waiting to see if it worked and making you do it, the fastest way was through you... you might be only half dark Angel but you haven't lost that bond, which made you the best candidate for the task... besides, you saw them, and he couldn't."

"Thank you Elaine... this talk has put at ease so many questions for me... thank you for your honesty and for being how you are, I feel like I am part of this weird but amazing family like this..."

Elaine smiled brightly and kissed her hand again, standing up and helping her do it as well. After a little dizziness, Caliope could finally stand on her own and hugged Elaine taking her by surprise. She responded with joy and warmth, Caliope could sense Elaine's intense power just in her embrace; she wasn't using any on her but she just irradiated trust, kindness and pure happiness.

After her shower, she finally got dressed and felt clean again, her hair was still wet, but they did not had time to dry it more, Elaine wanted her to see the sunset. They walked through the hallway and passed by one too many guards, until they finally left the residence and walked to the open country sight. Maxwell's residence was much bigger than she expected, the building itself was not even half the size of the entire property, which extended for yards and yards with no visible limits. A carriage came to find them, with an open top, it was perfect for them to catch the sun "Hurry up my dear... we don't want to miss it..."

Both jumped up and the driver led the two golden horses towards the hills. The wind was soft, the air was pure, and she smiled and saw the sun setting halfway the horizon. The explosion of colors was magnificent, and right there in the open, it felt as if they were just about to touch it. The carriage stopped at the top of the hill, and they both held hands as the agony of colors combusted into a living painting; it was breath taking.

Once the sun finally sunk into the land, they smiled at each other. Caliope looked around and felt goosebumps on her skin. "This is the place..."

"What do you mean my dear?"

"How much time can we stay here?"

"I don't know, we still have a few days if you want, no rush or anything... why? What do you have in mind?"

"I want to marry Amra here... under this amazing view... At first, I thought I wanted it back in the Villa of your friend, at Oia... the view there was also breath taking... but this, here, is magical... I could almost touch the sun... Can we make it here?"

Elaine smiled brightly and nodded, she even made a little jump of joy, took her hand and caressed Caliope's face gently, pulling away some of her hair to the side "I am going to be so happy to see you that day, I am sure we can make the preparations for a wedding to happen in a week..."

"We don't need honeymoon, leaving aside the difficult encounters, everything else has felt as a honeymoon to me already... I do want to invite someone... my friend Vanessa... she is the only friend I have kept for so long and whom I trust..."

"I think that is a wonderful idea, once we are back at the residence, you can call her... but first, I think you should ask Maxwell permission, don't you think?" Elaine chuckled and she blushed "Of course! I couldn't make my wedding here without his permission... And Amra... do you think he is ready? Will he be ok...?"

Elaine Clark laughed "he has been ready since the day he went to your house to tell you the truth... he will only be sad you didn't decide to do it today..."

Caliope blushed and smiled, and she felt so much joy in her heart it was hard to stop smiling at all. Elaine signaled the driver and they started moving towards the residence, as both talked about some details of the wedding, they found Amra and Pronab standing waiting for them to arrive. Caliope was radiating happiness, and Amra smiled at her, he seemed older, his face with some wrinkles from the worries and the tension, but seen her smile made him look relieved. Maxwell walked outside as Amra held a hand at both ladies helping them down. "How are you feeling?" Caliope squeezed him and then lifted in tip toes to kiss his lips, he smiled and relaxed instantly. He cupped her chin up to held her gaze into his, she blushed and smiled. 'I was worried...'

She nodded 'I have so much to do and so much to live, I am not ready to give up so easily... I have a big tough Angel to marry to...'

He chuckled and leaned to kiss her deeply. It was Wiltshire.. who apeared behind Maxwell, that brought their attention back "it is so marvelous to witness how they bonded, some of us will know that feeling, and some haven't yet..." Elaine agreed "it is true, and I am glad that we are here to witness it..."

Maxwell smiled "I am happy that you are all safer here, and the nightmare ended for now... though we won't think about the future yet, lets us gather in the dining room for a refreshment as we wait for dinner, shall we?"

Caliope took Amra's hand and smiled at him, as they all headed towards the dining room. She noticed a big Coo Coo Clock on their way to the room, she noticed the time and then she remembered her talk with Elaine on the hill, she turned to look at Amra and smiled at him. 'I kind of told Elaine I want to marry here... the view from that place was magical... I wanted to know what you think...'

He stopped, letting the others continue and smiled at her, caressing her face tenderly. He waited for them to be at some distance before he spoke. "I think this moment is going to be special, and the fact that you already found where, makes things much easier... I can't wait to be united with you my love... my Asteria..."

She felt goosebumps all over her body "Elaine said we could prepare everything for the wedding to be in a week... but I need to ask the General..."

"I will ask him, if you want..."

"No, I have to... I found the place, let me be the big girl now please?"

He chuckled and nodded, then kissed her once more, finally continuing their way to the others. At the table, everyone seemed much more relaxed, a huge difference from what it was the first time they met at the same location. After dessert, Caliope took courage and stood up, looking at Maxwell with some blush on her cheeks. Everyone got quiet.

"General, I believe no one as of now isn't aware of my future union with Amra, I think most are already expecting it... but we never really spoke much about it until today... I had the pleasure and honor to witness one of the most enchanting scenes during the sunset from your land, and I honestly felt that... here is where I wanted to celebrate such special occasion with Amra... we would like to know if you would allow us marry in your home..."

Elaine was overjoyed, and Wiltshire was chuckling as he watched Elaine giggle. The others in the table, including Falshore, were smiling and happy about Caliope's question. They all looked towards Maxwell as he couldn't hide his own smile "My dear Caliope, I am truly honored you have chosen my home as the place for such important celebration... pick a date, any... and let me know how may I help with the preparations for the wedding..."

Everyone started applauding and coups were lifted in order to celebrate and congratulate the good omens. Only Pronab was a little more serious and Caliope noticed it, still not letting it affect her in that moment, she only lowered her head and sat down, searching for Amra's gaze.

The next morning, Amra laid naked next to Caliope, and she smiled brightly, the last night was the first full night sleep she had without interruptions for a long time. She took a long look at his naked body, marked and perfect, she slid her hand on his chest and with the tip of her fingers she slowly caressed his body, he moved slightly and opened his eyes searching for her immediately "I am sorry... I did not meant to wake you up... I was just admiring your body... you are so perfect you know?"

He chuckled and sat on the bed taking her hand to his lips and kissing her knuckles. Then he pulled her towards him for a long and deep kiss "did I harm you last night?" She sighed and snuggled in his arms chuckling "no, you didn't... why?"

"You made some different sounds..."

Caliope blushed "you made me moan... you made me whimper... but it was only of pleasure..."

"I don't understand well how something of pleasure can hurt... I guess is a concept I am not familiar with..."

"Well... humans are made in a way... their bodies adapt..." she chuckled "our bodies... as our mouth when closed, it looks like a shaped figure without purpose, but once it opens, you can marvel to the different things it does... how my lips adapt to yours when we kiss, as I let your tongue slide inside mine or vice versa..." She explained slowly as her fingertip caressed his lips, he parted them almost by instinct. He was breathing heavier as she gently touched his tongue tip "so does other parts of our body, perhaps, not with same ease, and certainly not as fast... but it does... I adapt to you until it becomes perfect... hmmm... how else I can explain this?"

She rested her hand on his chest and laid her forehead on his, imitating him as he did once. They felt how their bodies were magnets, she was drawn to him and he was driven by her every move and touch "My body adjusts to you, just as my rings adjusts to my finger... and I couldn't be happier..."

Amra finally released a soft grunt, pulled her hair backwards with a hand and kissed her mouth full. She moaned and remained still as he devoured her in a kiss. When he finally let her breath, he licked her lips and whispered "I could keep you here all day if it wasn't that you have plans already..."

"Plans? Hmmm... what?" She struggled to open her eyes and recover from that sudden passionate kiss, he released her hair and smirked watching her "You and Elaine are making wedding plans, I can consume you for eternity after you become mine in our union... shall we go eat breakfast?"

He stood up and walked towards the bathroom. She frowned, he was having a delightful humor leaving her panting and desiring him, but his good mood was contagious, she chuckled and followed him to the shower.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Don't stop. I love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Your first language is not English is it.

txcrackertxcrackerover 9 years ago
Great Series !

I have read series straight through and gave each section a 5 Star rating . As far as I am concerned it is a wonderful tale . I look forward with bated breath for the next installment .

Thanks you for your effort and a GREAT read

tx cracker

WillowRequiemWillowRequiemover 9 years ago
Loved it!

You are getting better, I can tell. And I love how Amra and Caly are being so honest with eachother, tho I am waiting for more passion and lust. I was a bit scared of Pronab getting too close to Caly, and then when he kissed her my heart stopped. Amra was so angry! He barely contained himself! I love it! He is so powerful and I want to see him use his power more!

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