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The Conference

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Two colleagues attend a company conference.
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"They just don't have a clue do they?" I burst out in frustration as my Deputy Manager Julie looked up from her desk in our shared office. "Have you seen this e-mail?" The e-mail in question was an invitation for all Managers and Deputies of all the Leisure Centres in the group to go to a conference and awards dinner in the Midlands in a month's time. "We're not allowed to be away on holiday at the same time, yet they can drag us all away to a shindig without any thought for who is going to run the business in our absence. We'll be gone for the best part of three days in all, with travelling and two overnight stays. Never mind the costs of it all."

I could see that Julie was scanning the details, "I don't think I can do it anyway David, the only person I could ask to look after the kids is Mum and I'm not sure she would be willing for all that time." Julie was divorced, as was I, only she had custody of her five and seven year olds, whereas my ex-wife had our slightly older children.

Julie was great deputy, intelligent and attractive and knew the business inside out and backwards. She'd been with me since returning to work after her second and I'd come to rely on her completely. She deserved a break and some company time away, but I did understand the problems of childcare. "OK, Jules, they want numbers ASAP so I'll put me down as a definite and you as a possible until we've firmed things up."

Nothing more was said for a week until Julie piped up with "I've spoken to Mum," my mind went into overdrive wondering what she was on about, "you know, the conference," everything came flooding back to me, "and she says she can come and look after them for a couple of days, be nice to have some Grandma time with them, and Dad will come and pitch in as well, although I expect he'll just read the paper all the time!"

"That's great Jules, we'll need to re-confirm the numbers though. I'm sure they'll cope OK and you deserve a little time away from them, even if it is only with me!" We'd always been careful around each other, I think deep down, with the right opportunity we might have forged something deeper than our work and casual friendship relationship, but we both held back, silently drawing a line in the sand between us, fearful of losing that great rapport that we already had, and very mindful of the dangers of personal relationships intruding on work.

Time flew as it always did, and we were soon making arrangements for travel. I offered to drive having the more comfortable car, I'd seen the state of the back seat in Julie's and shuddered at what really lurked there. I picked her up from her house early in the morning, watched as she hugged and kissed her children and then her parents and clambered into the passenger seat of my car. "OK?" I enquired.

"Yeah, fine, I'll miss them, but best foot forwards and all that." We drove into the Centre and made the final arrangements for our absence, then set off for the four hour or so drive to the hotel. There was a drinks reception at seven, so we'd be there in plenty of time to check in and settle down before that. The weather started off fine, but soon heavy downpours started, reducing visibility to dangerous levels sometimes, and I forced myself to slow down. There were the usual idiots on the road, tearing past at eighty plus and I gave them plenty of room.

We'd been going for about two hours, Julie dozing in the passenger seat when I saw brake lights ahead and pulled up behind a mass of stationary cars. We sat and sat and then I realised that there was nothing coming the other way. I looked at Julie and we shrugged, "Oh well it's not as though we were going anywhere important anyway." She laughed and I wound down the windows as it had stopped raining, and switched off the engine.

Pretty soon people were getting out of their cars and standing around and I did the same, going over to a group who were peering intently at their phones. "What's up guys, do we know anything?"

"Big smash up ahead, that's all we know at the moment," they replied and I went back to the car to tell Julie.

She was swigging some water, "At least we've got something to drink," she said, "and as for food, I could do with losing some weight," she joked. An hour passed and well into the second. Nearly everyone was out of their cars now, or at least with the doors open and kids were playing football and the adults getting thoroughly pissed off. Individuals were disappearing into the bushes at the side of the motorway, presumably for a pee.

"I think I'm going to have to join them," I indicated to Julie.

"Me too, my back teeth are floating."

"OK, you go first and I'll wait here, I don't think we're going anywhere soon anyway."

"David, I know it sounds silly, but would you mind if we went together, I'm just not very comfortable being on my own in this sort of situation."

"No problem Julie, Come on let's go pee!" I locked the car and I helped her over the barrier as we looked for a good spot. "There you go," I pointed to a secluded area, "you go there and I'll go over here." I walked a few yards away and got my cock out and started peeing, feeling the relief immediately. Finished, I was zipping myself up when I heard a sharp crack and an exclamation from Julie.

Instinctively I turned round and was confronted with the sight of Julie in a semi crouched position, her trousers round her ankles, white panties half way up her thighs and a tuft of dark hair between her legs. Immediately I apologised and turned back but the image was seared into my brain. "No worries David, there I'm decent now." I turned and saw her finish pulling her zip up. I apologised again, but she reassured me.

"Really don't worry, there's no such thing as privacy in my house, even in the toilet. Just the other day my little one caught me...." she trailed off, "No that's a bit too much information."

"Go on Jules, you can tell me," I encouraged, "bet I've heard worse anyway with my two."

She looked at me, "Well don't say I didn't warn you. I was changing my tampon when she burst in and looking at me, asked why I was putting Icy Poles up my bottom!" I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.

"Well I did warn you!"

"They say three things always tell the truth, drunk adults, little children and yoga pants!" We'd seen enough sights in the gym to know the truth of the last one and we laughed again as we got back to the car. Fortunately the traffic started to move again, albeit very slowly, but finally we were on our way again, running about three hours late.

We arrived at the hotel and went to the check-in desk which was for both the hotel room and the conference. The receptionist looked over the few remaining badges and said, "Here's yours David, but I can't find Julie's." She checked again and consulted some papers and finally said, "I'm very sorry, Julie, we had you down as a possible, but never got your confirmation so we released your booking. We can fit you in for the conference and the dinner, but we simply don't have a room for you."

"What am I supposed to do then?" Julie asked, more than a little angrily.

"Well perhaps you could share with a colleague, there are plenty of other ladies here."

"Thanks for your help." I said and drew Julie away from the desk before she lost it. "Clearly both of us forgot to confirm. Do you know anyone else here?"

"Not really, only you." She looked at me, then added, "Perhaps I'll be getting to know you a bit better over the next couple of days."

I looked at her, "No, surely you're not suggesting.... you are aren't you?"

She nodded, "It's only for two nights, we're both single and responsible adults, we can share can't we?"

"What if it's a double bed?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Come on let's go and find your room and try and get something to eat."

It was a double bed and I looked at it with some trepidation, but Julie put a brave face on it. "It's not too bad, it's a big bed and as long as neither of us wander about we'll be alright. Cheer up David, worse things could happen, we could have been involved in that smash on the way up." That put things into perspective a bit and we managed to catch the end of the drinks reception and had some dinner. Pretty knackered after the trials of the day we didn't hang around for the inevitable drinking that was going on and headed back to our room.

We stood awkwardly just inside the door, "You go in the bathroom first, I'll get my make up off out here." I headed into the bathroom and did the necessaries, but stayed fully dressed. Julie was still sitting at the dressing table, wiping her face and smiled at me in the mirror as I emerged, claiming the side of the bed furthest away from the bathroom as mine. I turned away from her and took off my shirt, then taking a deep breath dropped my trousers and removed my socks, leaving just my boxers on. I slipped into bed and lay, half propped up, watching Julie finish.

I'd always found watching a woman put make-up on, or remove it, a strangely intimate act, almost erotic, and tonight was no exception, my cock stiffening slightly under the covers. I willed my erection away as I watched Julie stand and disappear into the bathroom.

She emerged several minutes later and I was surprised to see her in just bra and panties, and I couldn't help but stare. She looked at me, "No, I didn't bring any night things either, I didn't anticipate having to share a room with a voyeuristic pervert!" The twinkle in her eyes belied the words and she slipped into bed beside me.

She tossed and turned a few times then fumbled under the covers, "It's no good I can't sleep with this bloody thing round my neck." Her hands reappeared and she tossed her bra onto a chair.

"You men get all the luck," she complained, "we get periods, children and have to carry these things about on our chests for ever with you men ogling us all the time."

"I don't ogle you do I Julie?" I asked, half in jest, half concerned that I did in fact ogle her.

"No, not ogle, but you do look at them."

"Well they are rather pleasant to look at Jules," I retorted.

"But you haven't actually seen them have you David?"

"Unfortunately not," I answered in a rather risqué manner.

"Would you like to?"

"Not 'alf!" I replied, assuming she was joking.

"Well here you go then." With that she pulled the covers down below her breasts. My mouth fell open as I stared at them. Yes, it was clear she'd had two kids, but they were still a sight to behold, a nice size, with beautiful pale pink areola and little nubs in the middle about the size of pencil erasers. She looked into my face, that twinkle back in her eyes, "You can touch them if you like David."

That line in the sand appeared before me and after a moment's hesitation I crossed it, my hand reaching out and cupping the breast furthest from me. My hand caressed it, my thumb raking over her nipple as she closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. "That's really nice David, you have a lovely touch, perhaps you'd like to kiss the other one?" I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth, my tongue grazing over it as my lips nibbled at the bud.

"David, that's sending messages down below that haven't been received in a long time," I stopped my caressing and nibbling, "no don't stop, but don't be surprised where this goes." I felt her foot touch my leg as she parted her legs and I saw her hand descend down past her waist. I could just about discern a slight movement in the covers, and I realised that Julie was playing with herself. My cock which was already hard and pressing into my boxers, became even harder as I continued to play and suck on her tits. I pulled my head back and looked on as her breasts started to oscillate on her chest as her movements became more intense.

Suddenly she stopped and both hands fumbled, then a pair of panties was thrown out and the movement of the covers started again. I knew she was naked under the duvet and my mind went into hyper-active mode, as I resumed caressing and licking her breasts and nipples.

Her breathing was becoming shorter and faster now, almost gasping and the covers were really quivering as the bed started to tremble." Yeah, yeah, nearly there now," she gasped and I could see her hips rising, lifting the covers up. Her body juddered and she reached up and grabbed my hand, forcing it down between her legs. I could feel her pubes and the softness below, the wetness as she pushed my hand into her, "Now David, finger my pussy, finger me." I felt my finger slip between her slick lips into her warm, wet tunnel and could feel the contractions clamping down on it as her orgasm crashed over her.

One final thrust of her hips upwards and she was quiet, my hand still pressed into her core, as I could feel her calming. Gently I withdrew my hand as her eyes opened and looked at me. I took my finger and slipped it into my mouth, sucking her wetness from it, tasting her juices.

She turned to face me and put her arms round my shoulders, "That was absolutely delicious David, I'm sorry about my potty mouth, but I haven't cum that hard in ages. I warn you I can get very loud as well sometimes." I rather hoped that meant there were going to be other times as I leaned in to kiss her on the lips. The tender kiss became more passionate and soon our tongues were dancing in our mouths as her hand snaked down between us and delved into my boxers to free my erect cock. She stroked it a few times, then wriggled my boxers down and off, resuming her rhythmical stroking, long slow strokes then short fast ones, rubbing around the crown then running gently round my balls.

On top of the arousal I'd felt watching her, I was now reaching new heights as she slowly but expertly brought me to my climax. My cock exploded, spunk spraying everywhere over both of us, covering her breasts and my chest, some even finding its way into her hair. I reached for a tissue, but she pushed my hand away, rubbing my cum into her breasts, "It's good for the skin," she said, "and I've not had a cum bath for ages." Laughing I turned the light off and we settled, our arms lightly round each other as we drifted off to sleep.

What woke me the next morning was my body being gently rocked. As I came to, I realised that I was cuddled up to Julie, she was half on her side and my erect cock was pressing into her backside, a backside that was moving back and forth, not only that but my hand was round her waist cupping her breast. Instinctively I moved away to be stopped by a voice, "Don't you dare move, I'm nearly there!" I realised that the rocking movement was in fact Julie humping her hand between her legs.

Her bum crease suddenly tightened round my cock and her body tensed as a deep sigh emanated from beneath her. She relaxed and turned to face me. "Do you always masturbate in the morning?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"Most days, that is when I can't get one of these," she reached out and held my still hard cock, "and that I'm afraid these days is never!" She rolled onto her back, pulling me with her and I found myself pressed into the junction of her legs, my cock feeling perilously close to somewhere it shouldn't be.

"Julie," I began, "do you realise that....?"

"Yes David, I do." And with that she lifted up and I felt myself slip inside her pussy. It was warm and wet and although I had only just slid in an inch or so it felt very good. "You can go all the way in if you want," she continued and began to move her hips, the walls of her pussy gently massaging the end of my prick.

"Are you sure you want this Jules?"

"Never more sure. Make love to me David, fill me up." I eased forward feeling her pussy open up as I slid further in until I could go no more, then slowly I pulled back, almost fully out then slowly back in. She held my head between her hands and pulled my mouth down to hers, our lips meeting, our tongues swirling in the other's mouth. "That feels so good, so right," she breathed as our bodies ground gently together.

One hand found her breast, squeezing it gently, pressing it against her chest as my fingers scissored her nipple. The other cupped her buttock, pulling her harder onto my thrusting cock. She'd had one orgasm already and I could sense that another was building inside her, a flush appearing in her cheeks, her breathing becoming ragged as her body started to push back against me.

"Yes David, Hard now, fuck me hard, fill me up, cum in me." With a cry of "Fuuuck" she bucked underneath me, her back arching as fierce tremors shook her body and I could feel her pussy walls pulsing around my cock. My orgasm swept up through me and suddenly I was cumming as well, great pulses of cum forcibly spouting from my cock, filling her pussy with my hot sticky semen.

I lay on top of her for a while, our bodies slowly returning to normal, both enjoying the post-orgasmic glow seeping through us. My cock slipped out of her and I rolled away, lying beside her, our bodies touching, our hands clasped together. That line in the sand was well and truly erased now and I didn't regret a second of it.

We were both totally relaxed and I was drifting, when my phone alarm chirped signalling we had to get up. "You go in the bathroom first David, I want to lie here for a bit and revel in that a while longer." I rolled off the bed and leaning forward kissed her tenderly on the lips as I saw her hand descend to her pussy and dabble in the cum slowly oozing out of her. Ruefully I turned away and went in the bathroom.

When I emerged, shaved and showered, a towel wrapped around my waist, she was tidying up the bed, she'd put her panties back on, but her breasts were bare and they swung temptingly beneath her. I moved behind her and pressed myself into her backside and cupped both her breasts. She pulled my hands harder into her, "Don't tempt me David, or we'll never make it downstairs." Regretfully I released her and watched her backside as it sauntered into the bathroom and the door closed behind her.

I dropped my towel and tugged on my cock, then thought better of it and dressed, perching on the bed to catch up on the overnight e-mails. As I finished she emerged, a towel round her head and another round her body which she dropped as she rummaged in her case for some knickers and a bra, both of which she put on. Then she dried her hair and finished dressing, some plain black trousers and a plain pink polo shirt. She looked up, "Ready?"

We went down to breakfast, trying to arrive separately and met up again to eat, joining some familiar faces at the table. The conference started immediately afterwards, the usual format of some speeches from the platform, some work groups and some team building exercises. As a result I barely saw Julie all day, glimpsing that pink polo shirt occasionally, even sitting at different tables for lunch. I began to feel like a lovesick schoolboy and found it hard to concentrate at times, thinking of the way we'd made love that morning.

Finally the day was over and we all congregated in the bar, even that opportunity was denied me as the Regional Manager grabbed me and took me aside for a confidential chat. Ironically he wanted to talk about Julie, asking me if I thought she was ready for her own Centre. I admitted I'd hate to lose her as a Deputy, but in my opinion she was more than ready and capable if she had the willingness. I outlined her home situation with two young children, and although the organisation would never use that as a criterion, it did have a bearing on her attitude. "Sound her out David, and let me know." He shook my hand and I looked round for her.

She was happily ensconced in another group, chatting away and I found some old friends and joined them, my eyes continually glancing over to her, sometimes meeting hers, a smile being exchanged between us. I realised I'd had enough and looked for her to tell her I was going back to the room, but couldn't find her so left her to her own devices. Returning to our room I went into the bathroom for a shower and saw the quite large bath tub and suddenly felt the need to immerse myself for a nice long soak.

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