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The Cure Ch. 08

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Betas must swallow cum within five seconds from ejaculation.
5.8k words

Part 6 of the 24 part series

Updated 03/05/2024
Created 08/28/2023
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A new lethal disease affects a large proportion of the men in their early twenties. Thankfully, the authorities have finally found a cure: ingesting good old spunk! And those young beta males are going to need to swallow A LOT of it if they want to survive.

The story, names, and places are entirely fictional. All characters featured in the story are above 18. This story is only meant to be read by a mature audience, and in any case, by people over the age of 18.



Chapter 8: The five seconds' rule

"My fellow Americans, it has been fourteen glorious days since we have implemented the Protocol throughout the entire Nation. The time has come to share our first conclusions."

They were holding press conferences every couple of days but that night, it was one of the very important ones, where the entire population was mandated to watch.

We could literally get fined if we were caught doing anything else than listening to the President's address.

I was sitting with the rest of the guys in the locker-room, our eyes glued to Andre's iPad.

I was stuck between Tyrone and Franck. That was not a smart choice from my part, they were the two biggest guys of the team and they were crushing me with their thighs.

We were wearing our rowing singlets as we were about to start a training session, but Coach Jordan had been compelled to make us watch the press conference.

He was actually sitting with us, on an upper bench behind me, I felt his crotch right behind my neck. Sometimes, it was literally pressing against me, I swear I could feel the veins of his dick!

President Harrison was giving his speech, Doctor Seeder, - still looking like a crazy cartoon character, - was standing in his lab coat on his side.

"Thanks to the discovery of the miracle Cure and the dedication of the entire Country, we have already saved thousands and thousands of lives. I hereby have to show my immense gratitude for our Alpha Males population who has not hesitated to sacrifice their semen for the Common Good, and for the incredible work provided by both the Federal and Local Authorities who have combined their efforts to make this entire Protocol possible."

President Harrison made a praying sign with his hands to show his appreciation.

"Millions of American families are looking at you with pride, gratitude and admiration."

There was applause in the press conference room.

The President's popularity was at a whole time high despite some of the controversies and abuses in the new policies. A month prior, nobody was seeing an end to the crisis and the U.S. were sinking into a depressing hole, filled with young males' funerals...

But now, everything was different. The Land of the Free was, once again, full of possibilities.

To be fair, the fact that the population had gotten to see President Harrison stroke his huge cock and jizz on live-television might have something to do with his sudden boost in the polls!

Politics is all about perception, right? And what inspires more attraction than some massive dick energy?

"In the span of a couple of weeks, the number of deaths has dropped significantly by 51%, and the number of new cases of the Disease has dropped by a whopping 69%, showing us that the deaths will keep on decreasing in the following days." He continued.

More cheering followed that statement.

Coach Jordan hissed behind me. He moved closer, probably to get a better view of the screen, and his cock was now fully pressed against my neck.

Gino was clearly moved. Although he barely ever mentioned it, I knew that he was frustrated that the Cure had been discovered, just a few months too late, to save his brother's life.

"The past weeks have also taught us a lot on the Disease and the effectiveness of the Cure and Protocol in place. Speaking under Doctor Seeder's supervision here, we have identified that most of the new cases were due to the fact that some members of the Beta Males population, despite the Health Department's clear guidelines and instructions, could not help themselves from ejaculating..."

I gulped. One way or another, it was always our fault!

Simon and I looked at each other. I did not know how he was doing himself but as far as I was concerned, "not cumming" had become the biggest struggle in my life.

I could swallow my ounce of jizz each morning at the CuM Centre, I could lick the leftovers of spunk from my teammates and roommates, I could even render humiliating services to Franck in exchange of more of his seeds, but being forbidden from ejaculating was the worst.

I was horny 24/7 and my dick was leaking every single night, which was a vicious circle because the more precum I was "losing", the more cum I felt like I needed to swallow to compensate.

"Consequently, the Authorities are working on a new initiative to allow every Beta Male to register themselves on a private listing and receive a free chastity cage. This tool will effectively prevent our Betas to get any unwanted erection and leaking. Due to the high demands though, the waiting lists are quite long but rest assured that we are doing everything in our power to deliver the chastity cages swiftly."

"Fuck, they're going to cage your wieners!" Diego reacted spontaneously.

I had already heard that some Beta guys had willingly locked their dicks to prevent them from getting hard, - Gregory Marshall had been proudly wearing one for nearly a week -, but now, this issue would be handled at a national level.

"It's not mandatory, Diego." Gino pointed out.

Not yet... I thought sombrely.

I looked down at my crotch, my cock was visibly stiffed underneath my singlet and a stain was forming because of the precum.

Coach Jordan had already scolded me about it... But I swear that I could not help it! The slightest change in temperature, the mere brush of my body, was getting my cock to full-mast.

The President kept going:

"As for the Cure ingestion, we are currently working on new ways to make the cumsumption, sorry, the consumption, more efficient."

Franck put his hand on my thigh.

Shit, the contact made my dick throbbed!

"First of all, I would like to address some concerns coming from our Alpha population. Although studies have shown that the more semen the Betas ingest, the more efficient the Cure is, we will not ask more than the mandatory ejaculation from each Alpha. Aside from the obligatory morning deposit at the CuM Centres, each Alpha American shall remain free to do what they wish with their semen."

Franck held me tighter and winked at me. I ignored him.

"Yeehaw, we can still sell our batches legally!" The guys cheered.

"Boys! Silence!" Coach Jordan barked.

"That being said, I have to point out that the most recent studies have shown that the mean of consumption was as important, if not more important, than the quantity of semen consumed. Indeed, once expelled from the penis, the level of the B19 protein contained in the sperm tends to decrease rapidly. We estimate that after five seconds, the benefits from the sperm ingestion are roughly cut in half."

"Jesus Christ..." Simon mumbled.

That meant that we had been drinking low quality sperm for weeks! At the CuM Centre, we were swallowing jizz which had been stored and conditioned.

Fuck the damn Protocol!

It was worse for Simon. The poor guy had been ordering batches of semen for nearly fifty thousand dollars but clearly, he was not consuming the nectar less than five seconds after the ejaculation, meaning that all his efforts might really well have been in vain.

"Of course, the ingestion of sperm in any form remains widely encouraged." Doctor Seeder intervened.

Phew... It was not that bad then.

"We did note that one Beta subject would have to consume three to four times the quantity of stored sperm to reach a level of B19 proteins equivalent to what he would have obtained by swallowing fresh loads."

"To be clear, when we refer to fresh loads, we mean, straight from the balls."

The President added with a faint smile.

After a little more scientific jabbering, there were a Questions and Answers segment. Since the official mandatory speech was over, the guys started to loosen up around me. Franck finally let go of my thighs and he was whispering something to Tyrone.

I was dripping with precum...

"Considering these new findings, should we consider the CuM Centre's Protocol as outdated?" One journalist asked.

"Are we wasting our precious Alpha males' spunk by storing it?" Another journalist added.

"We believe the CuM Centre is a great and necessary tool to allow the mandatory exchange of fluids as part of the Nation' wide effort to fight the Disease. However, we are indeed working in changing the Protocol to ensure that the consumption of semen will be in line with the latest recommendations and that our Alpha juice is not wasted."

My stomach started to ache. What were they going to do with us?

"As for the storage, we are doing everything to maintain the highest quality of the spunk during the process -- we are making great progress in that regard as well. Storing does remain a useful way to prevent any potential shortage in the future."

"As a daily donor to the Centre, I am pretty certain that none of my jizz is fed to a Beta before at least several minutes!" An older male reporter pointed out.

"We are duly aware of that, Sir. And as I was saying, we will be making changes very soon. A new "five seconds' rule" shall be implemented in every CuM Centre across the country in the following days."

"Mr. President, how do you explain sending tons and tons of sperm abroad while the Disease has not been fully eradicated in the States, and while the price of cum has reached a whole time high, breaking new records every single day?"

"The United-States have been pioneers in the fight against the Disease and the help given to our allies in these most difficult times will, without a doubt, benefit the Country on the long run. I suppose that I do not need to remind anyone that we live in a highly divided World on the precipice of war. Any efforts made to prevent that and ensure stability shall be pursued. Any other question before we end this?"

There were many more. Multiples hands rose at the same time.

A younger female journalist was picked in the crowd.

"What about the people selling their jizz at crazy prices, preventing many of our most disadvantaged citizens from obtaining a sufficient supply of sperm?"

"This is still America. The Land of the Free. Janet, do you wish to live in a Communist State? As mentioned before, every Beta male following the guidelines should be able to stop the Disease from erupting anyway. The Government cannot be put at fault if those Beta boys cannot help themselves from cumming!"

The press conference was supposed to end, my teammates were getting ready to go out and hit the boats, but there was one finale question taken.

"Studies abroad have shown that other ways of spunk consumption might be even more efficient? Are you looking that way? A Dutch team has been launching an apparently successful clinical trial on anal insemination."

"We are not ruling out any options at this stage. Anything that can help eradicate this Disease will be tested and, if successful, implemented by the Authorities. So yes, I can confirm that we are looking into the work of the Dutch teams."

My mates were chatting and barely listening at this point.

As soon as they understood that nothing much would change for them, -- they still had to go to the CuM Centre each morning and could freely sell some additional loads to the best buyers -, they had lost interest.

Simon and I, on the other hand, were deeply invested.

Chastity cage...

Five seconds' rule Protocol...

Anal insemination.

More crazy concepts were sinking into my brain.

I could pretend to ignore the red flags but I knew exactly where this was headed. My gaze fixated on Franck's crotch, fully visible through his singlet. Would I dare say, appetizing?

At least, we were respecting the five seconds' rule when he was cumming for me.

I would always ingest his spunk right away, against a wall, a table, or on the floor. Sometimes, he would even incidentally hit my own face. The day before, he had asked me to write an English essay for him, and then, he came on my grilled toasts to feed me.

"It will make the ingestion easier, no? It you mix it in your snacks? Unless you love the taste of raw sperm."

"Yeah... Thanks." I had mindlessly replied, biting into the drenched toast.

Admittedly, it tasted very good so I could not complain.

The press conference ended with the now traditional ""God Bless Semen, and God Bless America." and it was time for to jump in our boats for an intense rowing session.

I certainly needed to release some of the pressure.

Overall, the practice went great. I think most of the guys were relieved that the conference had not brought any terrible news, and even Coach Jordan seemed more relax than usual.

Things only got slightly awkward when it was time for the shower.

It had been raining during the last half-hour of the training session and we were all soaking wet as well as dirty. I had mud everywhere on my legs.

The Coach followed us into the locker-room.

It was not too unusual; Coach Jordan would often give us feedback on our performance and watch us shower at the same time.

One of the reasons why I had always thought that he was a bit of a perv, maybe that was why he got along so well with Franck!

Talking about them forming a great team, they had apparently come up with a "genius idea".

"Karter and I have been talking about the team and the tensions you have been experiencing lately. It is no surprise that a group divided between Alphas and Betas would need some time to adjust and find a new balance. I get that. But the competitions are coming soon and all of our opponents are, pardon the pun, in the same boat."

Some of the guys chuckled.

"It therefore falls upon us to make this new dynamic an advantage and crush our adversaries. Most of the teams are crumbling down because of what it is happening with the Protocol, but we are not! Right, guys?! We will not let anything comes between us and Victory! Am I clear?"

"Very clear, Coach!"

"Now, Karter and I have thought of a way to strengthen our collective bond. It is no secret that Brown and Zander here are going through a tough time, but despite their lives literally being at stake, they have kept pushing themselves for the team. I would even go as far to say that they are becoming two of our strongest elements!"

I did not expect such a compliment and feared for the rest of the team to get jealous.

"Thank you, Coach." I muttered.

"There is no way we can afford to lose them, or worse, see one of our two members go to the hospital." Coach Jordan added.

Most of the guys were already naked, the Coach took the time to look at each one of us individually.

I was starting to see where he was going with his speech when he said:

"I believe this is a time to thank our Betas and to ensure their health. Alpha males, you know what you have to do."

"Coach? You're not serious?" Jason immediately said.

"I am very serious, boy. I never joke with the well-being of my athletes."

"You want us to cum for them?" Peter asked.

"To be even more precise, I want you to feed them."

I had a lump in my throat. Simon seemed to be panicking next to me.

Personally, I was not too sure what I was feeling. Fear? Shame? Hunger?

Franck was already fondling with his semi-hard cock. Clearly, he was no longer frustrated with my good results and was very happy with the direction chosen by the Coach to patch things up within the team.

"You cannot make us do that." Jason said, visibly unsure.

"I can do anything I like in the interest of the team, Hill! And the post of coxswain is not the hardest to replace! Don't you ever forget it!"

Jason shut up immediately. A part of me really enjoyed to see the little prick getting put back in his place.

"We need to think about the team." Andre spoke consensually.

"Yeah..." Gino confirmed.

My best friend was taking off his singlet, revealing his semi-hard Italian cock that I had come to know so well.

"All for the team!" Franck pulled his fist forwards.

The Jackson twins, Gino and Diego immediately joined him.

"All for the team!"

Simon was taking a few steps back.

"I... I don't think... I... I have already my own supplies... I..."

I had rarely seen him so vulnerable.

Long gone was the time where he was teasing and mocking me alongside his best buddy Franck.

"Come on, Simon, there's no shame in swallowing our cum! Dan is already doing it! A lot. And it does seem like my own juice is freaking delicious." Franck mentioned.

I was blushing but I did not say anything. He was not lying.

"Besides you know the shit you've been ordering is no good compared to our fresh loads. It is probably worth nothing after transportation." Diego completed.

"Enough chit chat, we will make it quick and simple. Zander, Brown, on your knees, the others, take your dicks out. You'll cum in this."

Coach Jordan put a large glass on a bench in the centre of the locker-room.

Here we were again, I thought.

Those types of situations were becoming way too "normal", but I got on my knees, very close to the designated glass, ready to drink my mates' juice.

"Be sure to swallow right after they cum. The five seconds' rule, you know, we better implement it right away. Zander and Brown you'll share the spunk. I'll join in with the Alphas."

Coach Jordan slid down his shorts and revealed his already blatantly hard cock to us. The dude had no shame at all.

From this point on, things escalated quickly.

I turned my face and Simon was next to me, on his knees as well. The guys started to form a circle around the bench, and therefore, around us, - even Jason was there.

The eight studs in the circle were stark naked and more or less hard. Most of them were looking at a porn on their phones while they were stroking themselves. Franck was only staring at me.

"Should we cum directly in their mouths?" He asked our coach. "I think it's more efficient if they get it straight from the tap?"

My head started spinning.

Honestly thought, I was about to suggest it... I was going mad!

"No!" Simon snapped back immediately.

"Just aim at the glass, Son." Coach Jordan settled.

He slapped Franck's bare ass for good measures.

Just like that, eight juicy cocks were surrounding me, getting stroked and leaking proficiently.

It was like I was drunk and seeing things double, but it was all real! Everywhere I looked, there was a massive dick dripping!

Black, white, caramel; Veiny, girthy, thick or lengthy; Cut or uncut, they did have one thing in common, they were bigger and longer than the average schlong. I was living with monster cocks!

Seriously, the big black cocks of the Jackson twins were even more impressive when kneeling down a few inches from them. They were also merely identical.

"Do they really need to stay here?" Jason complained again. "I cannot cum if they look at my cock like that."

Coach Jordan got really mad this time.

He was right though; Jason was ruining the fun!

"ENOUGH, HILL! You heard the President! The Betas need to ingest the loads in less than five seconds! They need to remain close, so fucking shut up and aim at the freaking glass if you don't want a kick in your butt!"

From this point on, Jason stroked his cock furiously.

It would have certainly been comical if my own survival had not been at stake.

The others did not seem to mind as much. I mean, at this point, they were used to it. Their little enterprise of cum selling was doing great, Allan, the farmer boy had become a daily consumer (or should I say cumsumer) and they were beating their meat together on a daily basis.


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