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The Family Room Ch. 01

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What if 'The One' was your sister?
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/01/2005
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I followed a trail of oil drippings down the street. I tried not to stare at the jalopy that had collapsed in our driveway, but it was like a Salvador Dali painting. Strike that, not even Dali could have conceived anything as surreal as the slapped together AMC Gremlin.

The car itself wasn't too much of a problem, the real problem was it's owner, Erin. Ever since my family moved to Saratoga Spring she had been a fixture around the house. She and my little sister Julie were inseparable. They had been best friends since the day they first met, Julie cried for days after Erin's family moved to the next town. It was just six miles away but to an eleven year old kid, five years away from sitting behind the wheel, another suburb might as well be on another planet.

They found a way around it, by spending the weekends at one or the other's house and spending the rest of the week on the telephone.

Once Erin got her hands on what passed for a car they were reunited. Which isn't bad in and of itself, I'm happy that my little sister is happy, but having Erin around the house so frequently became hazardous. She had a serious crush on me. What started out as an innocent schoolgirl crush on a college boy changed when she turned eighteen. Fawning turned to flirting, her clothes shrank and when we were alone she seized every opportunity to touch and tease.

That was the start of my problems, what normal twenty-four year old guy wouldn't want a hot, blonde, eighteen year old girl lusting after him. I shouldn't have minded at all, but a relationship with Erin never felt right.

I hadn't surrendered to her flirtations and was glad, giving in would have been a betrayal of my sister's trust.

I trudged across the driveway. My day at the Video Hut had been cut short by a little squirrel's unfortunate run-in with a power transformer. No power meant no computers, and that meant no more work for this exhausted part-timer. I was anxious to get upstairs to soak in the shower with minimal teenaged interference. I tried to enter the house as quietly as possible, slipping in through the kitchen door. My steps slowed as my shoes thumped on the hard linoleum floor.

I heard a whimper in the family room. It was probably nothing, just the girls doing God knows what. I heard the whimper again, it was Julie. Ignoring the risk of near molestation by my sister's best friend I decided to investigate.

I peeked around the corner and saw my sister. She was sitting close to Sam, Erin's brother. He was a mechanic in town. He was also twenty-six, far too old to be alone on the couch with my little sister.

The creep had one arm wrapped around her waist, the other was underneath her lilac tank top. Julie wriggled beside him. Her lips were moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying. My ears weren't functioning at that point. Sam released her waist and snaked his other hand beneath her top. He cupped both of Julie's breasts, they appeared to be too large for his hands to accommodate.

I felt very envious of Sam at that moment, a revelation that caused me to look away in embarrassment. My eyes fixed firmly on the hardwood floor, without the distraction of Julie's body I heard what she whimpered. "Stop, Sam. Please." I tore my eyes from the floor and looked at her face. Her eyes were red, this was happening against her will.

I had planned to throw Sam out for trying to make it with my sister all along, but now he would be lucky if I didn't crack his shaved head open like a piñata. I tore into the room and grabbed Julie's arm, tearing her free from her molester.

"Shit, Rick!" Sam seemed amazed to see me. His tiny eyes darted between me and my sister. He jumped off the couch and scrambled to the door.

"Get back here, Sam." Did he think I would let him run off after what he tried to do to my little sister? I was on him in a second. I grabbed the back of his t-shirt, tearing a jagged clump of the black material. He threw an elbow that caught me squarely in the gut. As I doubled over he grabbed me in a headlock. His wiry arms tightened around my neck, cutting my air supply.

Julie bounded off the sofa and delivered open handed blows to Sam's head and arms. She screeched at him, demanding he let me go. He unwrapped one hand from my throat and shoved my sister back against the sofa. Sam isn't a big man, puberty only seemed to have had minimal effects on his growth, but Julie was a tiny thing. Watching her barely five-foot tall frame bounce on the sofa cushions boiled my blood.

Sam was older than me by two years and had been a decent wrestler in high school. Those types of credentials are of little use against a pissed off big brother, I supposed my nine inch height and fifty pound weight advantage also worked in my favor. Sam never even realized his headlock had been broken until he found himself cart-wheeling over the couch. He crashed into a table, knocking over a crystal vase full of peach roses.

After a few more moments Sam was nothing more than a battered heap in the driveway.

When I got back to the family room Julie was on her knees gathering the spilled roses. Tears streamed down her pretty face. I looked at the mess. Mom's anniversary roses, reduced to trampled petals and a puddle of water.

Her tank top was torn, exposing too much of her chest. She tried to cover herself with her arms, but she was too well developed. I unbuttoned the dumb blue vest that was part of my work uniform and covered my little sister. I took her hand and lifted her from the floor. I almost led her to the couch but thought better of it, instead we sat together on the loveseat. Julie leaned close to my side and I put an arm around her.

"I didn't think you'd be home." Her tears soaked through my shirt. Her makeup would stain the white material but I didn't care. She held me close, her breath came in ragged gasps. I stroked her hair as gently as I could. "I trusted him," she said between sobs. "He said he only wanted to kiss."

She explained that Sam had been paying a lot more attention to her the last few weeks. The last time my sister had been at Erin's house he asked her out. My sister, being hopelessly romantic, invited the little grease monkey over this afternoon.

Julie relaxed in my arms, it looked like all of her tears had been cried. We straightened the mess made by my tussle with Sam. The vase had survived the fall, good thing too, because explaining the missing flowers would be difficult enough. Julie sopped up the spilled water with a wad of paper towels. She seemed to be in better spirits now, she certainly looked healthy covered in my blue vest.

"What?" she asked, holding the blue polyester close to her chest.

She had caught me staring. "I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

I couldn't tell her what I was actually thinking about. I needed to say something charming. "I was wondering why Lance and I don't look that good in our vests." Apparently, I didn't know the difference between charming and moronic.

She giggled and thumbed one of the oversized plastic buttons. "Well I can't comment on Lance, but you look pretty cute when you wear yours." She sent a soggy white projectile my way. A mass of wet paper towels splattered my face. She was up the stairs and in her room before I could even think about retaliating.

Later that evening I went to my sister's room. She was laying on top of her bed wearing a jersey nightshirt. I had to be at work early the next morning, but I wanted to see that Julie was alright. I sat on her pink bedspread, she crawled across her mattress to settle against my side.

"I liked Sam," she confessed, "I couldn't believe an older man was interested in me, it made me feel like a real adult for the first time." She looked at me. "I'm not a slut, Rick." I told her she didn't have to defend herself to me. "We were just kissing, then he pulled me to the couch. I told him it was too fast, but he wouldn't let go, not even after I told him no."

I rubbed her back through the jersey nightshirt. I didn't want her to cry again.

"Rick, he wanted to have sex with me." I had drawn that conclusion from the way he pawed her. "I've known Sam forever, he's Erin's brother. Why would he do those things to me?"

I had no answers. I wanted to tell her that all men were like that, savage, sex-starved maniacs. That would scare my little sister straight, keep her a virgin for life.

She sniffled as tears pooled in her green eyes. I couldn't lie to her. She was nineteen, I couldn't treat her like a helpless little girl forever. "Some men are more aggressive." Aggressiveness must be a shared trait in Sam's family. "Physical love is all they see and all they want."

My mind flashed a picture of Julie. I could see even more of her pale flesh exposed by the torn shirt, my imagination didn't stop there, it treated me to a fantasy where her lilac tank top had been sufficiently damaged to reveal the tip of one of her rosy nipples. I rubbed my temples, trying to erase the images from my head.

I scooted away from her, feeling very uncomfortable. "Physical love is important." I glanced at her and the way her body filled out her nightgown. "It's very important, but it's not enough."

"Sam was like a brother to me." Julie held my gaze. "When he kissed me everything changed between us."

"Would you have let him." I swallowed hard. "Would you have let him go very far?" It was none of my business, but I wanted to know.

"I don't know." She scanned the floor for a second before meeting my eyes. "He was so rough, I want my first time to be more romantic. I want it to be with someone who really loves me."

"I know what you mean," I said, eliciting raised eyebrows from my little sister. I intended my comment to be pretty ambiguous, but she apparently caught my unintentional confession. "I just happen to believe that your virginity is not something to 'lose.' Your first time should be with someone special."

"Rick?" My name had never been called so softly before.


She looked at me for a moment, as if sizing me up. "You've never made love before, have you?"

That was an interesting choice of words. Certainly a lot kinder than coming right out and asking me if I was a twenty-four year old virgin.

I shook my head. "No, not all the way at least." She wanted to know what I meant. "Remember Renee?" She did. "She used to use her mouth on me." Julie's pretty cheeks flushed dark pink. "And I used to, uh, return the favor."

I must have been as red as Julie by now. She sprang from the bed. She went to her dresser and gazed at the mirror, staring at her own delicate features. I stared too, with her green eyes, small mouth, and long mane of straight brown hair parted in the middle it was hard not to stare. It occurred to me how perfect she was.

My body reacted, pitching an inappropriate tent in my cotton shorts. I shielded my lap with one of Julie's frilly pillows. I had to look at something, as long as it wasn't her, so I opened the drawer of her nightstand and pulled out a miniature photo album. Family pictures, what better way to tame a boner. Unfortunately for me the photos were from last summer, many featured Julie frolicking in a modest black swimsuit in the shallow water of Lake Jude. A modest one piece suit was supposed to be just that, modest, but on Julie's figure the black Lycra looked anything but.

I clapped the album shut and stuffed it back in the drawer. I had to get out of there. Julie giggled as I bounced up off of her bed and retreated somewhat hunched over towards the door.

A light touch on my forearm stopped me. "Thanks again Rick," she said. One look into her adoring green eyes made me forget about my condition. How could I have had such thoughts about her? I craned my neck to allow my petite little sister to press her soft lips to my cheek. A lock of brown hair obscured her angelic face, I brushed it aside then reluctantly left.

The next afternoon I came home to find the old Gremlin parked in the driveway once more. This time there was no hesitation, no slipping in unannounced. I burst through the kitchen door calling Julie's name.

False alarm. My sister was on the couch with Erin, they giggled at the television. Yesterday had never happened as far as they were concerned.

Erin leered at me, she flashed a suggestive smile. "Welcome home Prince Charming," she purred. Julie also smiled, the quick and bashful smile of a little sister, before looking back at the T.V.

I went back to the kitchen to find something for dinner. I opened the refrigerator door and found an uncovered plate with a cold turkey sandwich, some potato chips and raw vegetables. A little note rested under the plate with the words 'for Rick' in Julie's handwriting. Being the heroic big brother obviously had it's advantages. I set the plate on the counter and chomped into the sandwich. I tasted Dijon, she even remembered what kind of mustard I liked.

Soft footsteps padded behind me and a set of arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders. I felt a soft body press against my back. I was never in the mood for Erin's advances, after what her brother tried to do to Julie they were particularly unwelcome.

I pried myself free from the arms and turned around. "Oh. Julie, it's you." My little sister looked embarrassed, she thought I was rebuffing her affections. I took her in my arms. "I thought you were someone else." I allowed a few inches to separate us, just in case my body decided to misbehave as it had last night.

I rested my hands on her waist just above her hips while we talked. She asked me about my day at work and what I was going to be doing in art class tonight, inconsequential stuff that nobody besides Julie ever seemed interested in. After a few minutes, Julie glanced at the clock on the microwave. "I better get back in there, no telling what Erin gets up to when I'm not around."

I gave a grim laugh then released her.

I carried my plate to the kitchen table. After a few minutes I once again heard footsteps on the linoleum. Slim female hands gripped and massaged my shoulders as I chewed. Warm lips kissed my left ear, goosebumps grew as two more tiny kisses teased my earlobe. A hot breath warmed my neck and the scent of strong perfume wafted into my nostrils. Something was wrong, Julie wasn't wearing perfume.

I jerked away from the table. The chair legs made an awful noise as they scraped the floor.

Erin, my sister's best friend and the blonde bane of my existence jumped into my arms and kissed me. She probed my pursed lips with her tongue, pulled back and then smacked her gums. "Do I taste Dijon?" she asked.

Her hair had been freshly bleached, every last brown root had been eradicated. She was taller than Sam at five foot ten inches. Her limbs were long and graceful, she had played basketball and volleyball in high school. The former had earned her a scholarship to play for Choteau University this coming fall. Her face was long and lean, like the rest of her body, her brown eyes were large and her nose was slightly prominent.

She was tall, beautiful, blonde and nineteen years old, on top of that she was totally obsessed with me. Any sane man would have returned the affections of such a lovely young woman, but there was something about her, about the whole situation that felt wrong.

"Hey handsome." She promptly backed me against the counter. "I heard how you wasted my brother yesterday." She didn't appear to be angry over what I'd done. "I told him Julie would never put out if he tried his macho act on her but you know how you guys are. I swear he can be such a caveman sometimes, always thinking with the wrong head." She reached down to squeeze my crotch.

My hips jerked to escape her touch. I slid past her back to the kitchen table. "If I ever catch him near Julie again, one or both of those heads will be ripped off."

She thrust her lips, in an imitation of an ape. "Ugh, me keep him away from Rick's cave. He no go near Rick's woman." She giggled and smacked my chest. "Don't worry, I'll make sure my brother doesn't get his spear anywhere near Julie's wooly little mammoth."

Her nipples poked through the thin fabric of her plum halter top. My eyes were drawn to her pert breasts. She noticed and smiled. "Sam has a thing for girls with big tits. I think all guys do." Erin took my sweating hands and placed them over her moderate-sized breasts. "I know they're not perfect, like your sister's, but I've never had a complaint."

I squeezed the spongy cones through her halter top. They felt so firm compared to my old girlfriend Renee's, the only other pair I had ever touched. "That's it Ricky," she cooed.

My thumbs grazed the dark aureoles that were shadowed beneath the thin fabric. "I shouldn't be doing this," I said, "not with you."

"Pretend I'm someone else, then. One of your slut girlfriends, that bitch from your art school." I squeezed her again, my face moved closer to her wide mouth. "Or Julie." That name brought me crashing back to reality. I released Erin and squirmed away, gathering my plate I retreated upstairs.

I sat at my desk and stared at the calendar on my computer. No matter how long I stared it still read Friday, which meant two whole days worth of avoiding my sister's oversexed friend. My parents were halfway across the country visiting family, so I would receive no help from them.

I shut down the computer and went to bed. After an hour of turning beneath the covers I debated the merits of a trip downstairs to raid my parents' movie collection. A soft knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. My own room was no longer a safe haven. Another knock, I ignored it too. The knock came again. I sighed as I realized I would get no rest, unless I unlocked the door and shooed Erin away.

"It's you!" I pulled my little sister inside. My eyeballs scanned the hallway, fully expecting to find Erin lurking about.

"I take it you're glad to see me," she said. I would have been glad to see anyone who wasn't tall or blonde at that moment. "Erin's going home tomorrow morning, I thought you'd want to know."

"How early?"

"Early. You'll still be snoring away long after she's gone." I'm sure I looked relieved, because Julie softly laughed. "Sweet dreams Rick." I bent down and our lips connected for a quick peck.

I was at ease again. The mattress became more comfortable and the sheets less constrictive, within minutes I drifted to sleep. My dreams were sweet for a while, Julie and I were still kids splashing and playing in the shallow water under Miller's Bridge. I dreamed of Erin and what we had done in the kitchen and what we could have done if I hadn't stopped when I did. The nightmare turned frightening when I realized that Erin had morphed into Julie. We were no longer children and the games we played were no longer innocent.

The sun stung my eyes, I had forgotten to close my curtains last night. It was six in the morning, I didn't have work today but a grumbling in my gut made going back to sleep impossible. I stumbled downstairs for some breakfast.

Erin was already awake. She was dressed in one of Julie's nightshirts. The hem looked far less demure on Erin's long legs than it did on my sister. She sipped a cup of coffee.

"Good morning lover boy." Her lips curled in a smile as she sashayed over to the sink to pour the remains of the cup down the drain. She made a big production out of opening the dishwasher. I was treated to a pretty explicit view of her cherry red thong underwear as she bent over to stuff her cup on the top rack.

She reveled in the fact that I was looking at her, I averted my gaze and turned to leave.

Her arm gripped my shoulder, jagged fingernails dug into my flesh. "I have to leave, Ricky. Come talk to me for a minute before I do."

I said nothing, just followed her to the family room. Erin peeled off her nightgown, then reclined on the couch. She wore nothing underneath, besides the thong. I sat alone on the adjoining loveseat, my eyes were afraid to look away from the floor.


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