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The Match

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Lucie bets too much on the tennis game.
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It was a warm evening in July. Lucie was preparing to head off to her new life down south and wanted to visit with some friends before she left. Lucie was about 5'6 and had wavy brown hair that came down to her shoulder. She had beautiful brown eyes. She had a petite build and a small b rack. She had tight perky breasts.

She decided to meet her friend Matt for a friendly game of tennis. She was wearing a salmon color tank top with a white under shirt and blue short shorts with a pink thong. Matt was at the tennis courts waiting for her when she got there. Matt was 6' tall with brown shaggy hair and brown eyes. Matt had the build of a runner and was wearing baggy blue running shorts and a white t-shirt and boxers.

Matt and Lucie rallied back and forth a bit to warm up to get ready for a game of tennis. Matt and Lucie hit the ball back and forth as Matt got readjusted to playing a real match. Matt and Lucie played the first two games of the match which Lucie won both games of the match. Matt walked up to Lucie to talk to her, "Lucie you know I've had a crush on you for the past 5 years and I've yet to beat you in tennis was to make this match more interesting?"

Lucie looked at him intrigued, "Well... since I'm going to win why not?"

Matt smiles, "If I win you become my sex toy for the rest of the night, If you win I'll give you 1000$."

Lucie stares shocked, "Well... I do need the money... deal." They started the match again and Matt won the next two games and then Lucie won the next two. Lucie was up 4-2 and then Matt managed to win the next 4 games to win the match.

Lucie congratulated Matt on his first win forgetting their deal. Matt gives her a hug and then kisses her on the lips. Lucie tries to push Matt away, "Matt... what are you doing?"

Matt grins, "I won, so you are my sex toy hun."

Lucie's mouth sets wide open as she recalls this, "You aren't serious?"

Matt reaches out and grabs her breast. "I am serious hun. Now pull your shorts down Lucie."

Lucie looks at Matt in shock. "Stop this." Matt leans in and kisses her lips. "Matt you know I have a boyfriend."

Matt pulls Lucie's shorts down, "We had a deal." Lucie stares in disbelief. Matt grabs Lucie and pushes her onto her ass.

She squirms, "Matt... stop... I don't want to do this. I've got a boyfriend."

Matt pulls Lucie's thong down and off. Matt pushes Lucie down onto her stomach. He pulls her tank and her undershirt over her head as she tries to get up and tries to get away. Matt pulls Lucie's arms behind her back and tie her wrists together behind her back. Matt then Pulls Lucie's shoes off while sitting on her back. He unties her shoes and takes the laces out.

Matt pulls Lucie's by her legs to the net. Lucie's breasts dragging across the ground getting scraped up a bit. Matt then flips Lucie over to be face up. Matt pulls Lucie's feet between the holes in the net to spread her legs as wide as possible forcing Lucie to do the splits her pussy pressed right against the net her legs threaded in and out of the net and then the shoe laces tied around her ankles and tied to the net to prevent her from getting away from the net.

Lucie lay tied to the net with her legs spread her ass lifted into the air slightly. Her arms holding her body inches off of the ground. Lucie squirms in agony as she is naked tied to a tennis court net tied up with her own clothes. "Matt stop this isn't right. I thought that was a joke. I didn't think you'd really give me 1000$ if I won."

Matt looks at Lucie, "You know you would've expected me to pay you so just pay up. You've only gotta do this for 3 hours."

Lucie starts to cry as she squirms to get free, "Why'd you tie it so tight? This really hurts Matt."

"I just feel like punishing you for all those times we made plans and you never showed up or when you showed up late." Matt takes Lucie tennis racket. "Lets play some more tennis." Matt spreads Lucie's pussy lips with his index finger and middle finger.

"No Matt... don't that's way to big to fit in me."

Matt pushes the handle into Lucie's dry pussy. "God stop Matt that fucking kills you asshole." Matt continues to push the handle into Lucie's pussy with force. "Stop Matt." Lucie screams out weaping. "This is horrible, I'm sorry for anything I've done to you." Matt pushes the handle in and out of Lucie's pussy not pushing it deep into her but pushing in and out hard and fast. "Matt... you know I didn't do it on purpose. I thought we were just friends."

"Only because you wouldn't let us be more." Matt fucks Lucie's pussy with the handle good and hard, "but you didn't even treat me that well for being friends."

Lucie just looks up over the net at Matt, "I'm sorry... I've just been busy and I've got a boyfriend and school and I'm sorry Matt... I didn't mean to.."

Matt grins, "It's alright hun. You'll make it up to me now by letting me fuck you good and hard."

Lucie stares in horror, "Please Matt no..." Matt pulls the tennis racket out of Lucie's pussy and leaned over the net to kiss Lucie on the lips. She initially kissed back but then turned her head. "No Matt, just let me go." Matt pulls his shorts and boxers down revealing his hard dick. Matt then rubbed Lucie's clit with his dick while reaching over the net to rub her nipples.

"Uhhhh... ummmm Matt... don't do this. I'm a virgin still. Please don't do this." As Lucie pleaded Matt massaged Lucie's breasts and rubbed her nipples and kissed her neck. Once Lucie finished her pleading Matt pushed his dick into Lucie's now wet pussy. "Uuuhh... Matt... No..." Lucie groan out. Matt pushed in and out of Lucie's pussy hard and fast. Lucie didn't mind Matt's dick since it felt rather good compared to her tennis racket and she was rather wet now.

Lucie squirmed wishing she could escape as she gets her pussy fucked hard and fast. "Mmm.... Matt stop Matt." Matt pinches her nipples and twists them as he fucks her pussy hard and fast. Lucie groans and screams from the pain though her pussy feeling great. Matt continues to fuck her hard and fast popping her cherry. "God, you fucking bastard..." Lucie cries out as she gets fucked hard and fast.

Lucie started moaning in pleasure as Matt continues to pound her pussy hard and fast. "Mmm... just hurry up Matt... I want this to be over with." She moans out. Matt continues to fuck her pussy hard and fast while pulling on her tits. Lucie screams and moans as she starts to cum all over Matt's dick. Matt feels her cum and can't help but fill her with his cum. "You fucking cummed in me now too? God damn you Matt. How does this make us even remotely even?"

"I never said it made us even, I just wanted to fuck you since the first day I laid eyes on you."

Lucie just hangs there tied up cum dripping out of her pussy. "You asshole. I thought you were different and wanted to be friends and not to fuck me."

Matt smirks, "You thought wrong you stupid bitch. I let you beat me in tennis those first two games. I've had a huge crush on you but you turned out just like the other girls. I'll leave you here to get fucked so you can have sex just like all the other girls."

"What? No... stop Matt... what are you doing?" Matt walks to her car grabbing duct tape. He then takes Lucie's thong stuffing it into her mouth He then taped her mouth shut. Matt then jams the tennis racket into Lucie's pussy and she cringes as Matt walks to his car leaving her there. Matt never hears from Lucie again. Lucie's family never hears from her again either. Lucie was found and fucked by a few random guys before being taken by a pervert and kept in her basement getting fucked every day for the rest of her life.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
'not horrible'

Yes it fucking is. You said "The point is to write something erotic, not something deep." By that definition, this piece of shit is a fail; it's not deep, granted, but neither is it the slightest bit erotic, just a pathetic revenge fantasy from the school dweeb against all the girls who laughed at his pencil dick and lack of personality, charm, wit, looks, talent, academic achievement or sporting ability. 1 star, maybe that will persuade him to stop posting his pathetic garbage masquerading as 'stories'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Not Horrible

The last paragraph makes it sound kind of bitter.

People are commenting that it doesn't have good characters or plot development, but almost none of these stories do. The point is to write something erotic, not something deep.

The problem with this story is it read like instructions. First this, then this, than this. There wasn't any description. BUT it's a lot better than a lot of what I've read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Seems like somebody summed up his hatred for an ex-girlfriend onto his sick-twisted fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

The story is poorly written; the characters are caricatures, it would be generous to call them one-dimensional. There is no plot, just a few events, which do not have believable knowledgeable descriptions or even coherence; the actions described are physically impossible. There is nothing erotic in the writing, and I am pretty sure the author has never had sex.

Other writers: get an editor, among the literotica volunteers. It can save one from making the rampant BAD WRITING issues Belakunn illustrates, which inspire contempt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

That was good, I like the fact that they don't end up falling in love or anything stupid like that, despite the fact its obviously surreal, its more realistic than others.

The worst is when people do a rape story where she gets really into it and then they agree to do it again next week.

Im glad that Lucie dies a sex slave, for once a sad ending :)

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