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The Naked Filmmaker Pt. 04

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Sam is interviewed for a female magazine.
2.6k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/19/2014
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A few weeks have gone by since Sam's last video and he has mostly been promoting his site and doing interviews. One of the most interesting interviews was with a woman named Kelly Sanford for VHM magazine. Here is a copy of the article:

CFNM and The Naked Filmmaker

By Kelly Sanford

As many readers are aware CFNM stands for Clothed Female Naked (or Nude) Male. It is a type of sexual genre that has gained popularity over the last decade as more and more women are becoming comfortable with their sexuality and enjoying male nudity. I have covered many real stories on CFNM; many of you may remember my article on The Naked Swimmer.

Recently I have met with an extraordinary young man named Sam Drake who has created his own website where viewers can donate money asking him to perform their sexual requests and he makes them into a video. I interviewed Sam and his Step-mom Dana Kendall last week.

KELLY SANFORD: So Sam tell me how this all came about?

SAM DRAKE: Well I lost my job and needed money, I'm a filmmaker—or at least a filmmaker in the making and I decided this would be a way to raise money while discovering my craft.

KS: Sex sells?

SD: Sex sells.

KS: I've watched your videos online and they are very well made. Adult films have almost exclusively been of women for men. What made you think a man could make money doing these type of videos?

SD: There was a void there and I felt there was potential to offer the audience something new.

KS: And how has the reception been?

SD: Very good. People seem to love the videos I make. Also, there is a ton of porn out there online and it is pretty much all the same, but what I'm offering is something new, something different. I can't tell you how many times I've been watching some contrived porn where I wind up thinking "No! Don't do that, why do you have to show that?" You know? I just wish it was better and more fantasy like. A lot of porn is abusive, degrading, and doesn't make you feel good about yourself. I like to think of sex as something fun, something enjoyable and maybe even a little goofy, not so serious and certainly not mean.

KS: Do you want to make porn more mainstream?

SD: No, I don't want that. I want to make legitimate movies, or maybe just do special effects on mainstream movies, but the porn-part (if you want to call it porn) of what I'm doing is just for fun and to raise money. I think today with all the surveillance, Big-Brother type stuff going on that people are more open with their bodies and it isn't such a big deal anymore. Just look at all the naked selfies people post online, you know? That's the new normal.

KS: There is also a wonderful sense of tease in your movies. You haven't yet really revealed your entire body . . .

SD: Standby—it's coming!

KS: Is it? Wonderful! Let's hear from your Step-Mom. Dana how do you feel about all this?

DANA KENDALL: I think Sam is a fantastic person, I think he has a great mind for business and a very creative mind for finding the most stimulating fantasies and putting them on film.

SD: Technically it's digital not film.

DK: Oh excuse me!

(Both laugh)

KS: How did you feel the first time you saw Sam naked?

DK: Well I haven't seen him completely naked yet! I've only seen what everyone else has seen so far.

KS: You don't review his movies beforehand?

DK: Nope he won't let me see them, he wants me to be surprised.

KS: Are you surprised?

DK: Every time!

KS: You were in this last video lounging at the pool. In fact, you were the object of his affection as he masturbated to climax. Is there any sexual relationship in your real lives?

DK: No. None whatsoever. I think Sam asked me to be in his movie because I'm a woman that he trusts and one that he knew he could talk into being in his movie. I don't think it was more than that.

SD: That's right, but I would add that she isn't just a woman I trust, but she is a Beautiful woman that I trust and, more importantly, she trusts me.

KS: Are you aware of CFNM?

Sam nods and Dana shakes her head no.

KS: It stands for Clothed Female Nude Male and I have been citing it as an example of how as a society our morals are changing where women are more in control and remain clothed while the men are naked and at the female's command.

DK: Ooh, I like that!

SD: Yes, I'm aware of it. In fact, I guess I have to admit I look at that type of thing almost exclusively.

DK: Really? Wow, I'm learning a lot today!

KS: I'm glad you admit that Sam, because a lot of men are afraid to admit to it because of the excessive male nudity required. In fact, it seems more men are into it than women are.

SD: Do you like it?

KS: I love it! But I seem to be in the minority. Though, I suspect that more women enjoy it than they would admit to. And that is one of the frustrating elements of researching sexuality in our society is that most people aren't truthful about what they enjoy. So I ask, Sam what is it you like about CFNM?

SD: I just love women. I have enormous respect for them and I feel like they are in fact the stronger sex. I don't know I just like the idea of being naked in front of women. It just feels like that's how it should be. I'm not saying I don't enjoy seeing women naked—I live for that! But I think women are wonderful and I enjoy the idea of women being the aggressor and knowing what they want. I like them not to be afraid or standoffish about sex.

DK: I have to interject though, Sam refuses to be naked in front of me in the house.

KS: Why is that Sam?

SD: It just seems weird and forced.

KS: What would happen if your Step-Mom saw you naked in person?

SD: I don't know—probably nothing. It just seems . . .

DK: Taboo?

SD: Yeah.

KS: Well that just makes it more fun! Are you embarrassed about being naked in front of your girlfriend?

SD: I don't have a girlfriend.

KS: But you must have in the past.

Sam simply shakes his head no.

KS: You've never had a girlfriend? Are you a virgin?

SD: Not by choice.

KS: So you have never been naked in front of a girl in your life?

SD: Nope, just on camera. I'm actually really shy believe it or not.

KS: I believe it, there does seem to be a pattern there. But if Dana, your Step-Mom, asked you to take your clothes off for her, would you do it?

SD: I don't know. I guess it would depend on the circumstances.

DK: I'll bear that in mind!

(More laughter)

DK: I didn't know you were a virgin.

SD: It's not something I'm proud of.

KS: That makes your videos even more appealing. I bet your audience increases ten-fold after they find that out.

SD: I hope so.

KS: Why do you think you're a virgin?

SD: I don't know. I just haven't been able to . . . I don't know!

He blushes violently.

KS: Let me ask you this and please don't be offended, are you gay?

SD: No. I like women exclusively. I want a girlfriend it's not like I don't but I can't find one especially around here there isn't much of a choice.

DK: But you do have a friend that is a girl, I won't mention her name, but what about her? You two are together so much you're practically married.

SD: I love her, but I don't think she feels the same about me. I mean, she loves me too, but I think more like a brother than a boyfriend.

KS: Do you fantasize about being naked in front of her?

SD: All the time. She keeps begging me to let her film my next video, but I don't know if I could do that.

KS: Why not let her and see what happens, you never know.

SD: I'll tell you the same thing I tell her—I'll think about it.

KS: I notice that most of your audience are gay men.

SD: It seems that way.

KS: Most guys your age are a little homophobic. Does that bother you at all?

SD: No, it doesn't. I wonder if a lot of them are gay or if they are into CFNM—sometimes it's hard to tell. I don't think it means they're gay if they are watching my videos and they're guys.

KS: It doesn't however there is a large bid on your site for man-on-man action, in fact it's over $4,000 at the moment.

SD: I know.

KS: Do you see yourself doing any videos like that?

SD: I want that money terribly, but as I've explained to my audience I am not at all interested in doing any kind of gay-for-pay thing. I've been trying to get the members to go in different direction, but it seems they're hard to dissuade.

DK: We've been talking a lot about that the past couple weeks, I've been trying to convince him that the bid isn't to see gay sex, but simply man-on-man. Sam could collect a huge pay-out if he would just get over his insecurities.

SD: But it's not an insecurity, it's not like I'm afraid I'll like it and turn gay, it's just not something I want to do or am comfortable doing.

KS: This is another thing I run into all the time. Men want to see women-on-women action and to the last man they will insist that doesn't make the woman gay, but if a female wants to see man-on-man it instantly makes the man gay in another man's eyes.

SD: That's because women are more comfortable with their bodies.

KS: Why do you think that is?

SD: I don't know, probably because women don't get a visible reaction when aroused and guys do. I just, I just can't cater to the gay audience, and I can only cater to women and they want and what I'm willing to do.

KS: But therein lies the rub, I've checked your list of members bidding on the man-on-man request and there are 47 bidders all bidding various amounts, more than half of them are women.

DK: They are?

KS: As far as I can tell from the usernames posted more than half are women.

SD: I didn't realize that. But why would women want to see that?

KS: The same reason men want to see two women go at it. I've done extensive research on this and the reasons given are what you would expect—Two is better than one, more variety of what to look at, guys can't fake it whatever happens is real and therefore more passionate, it's taboo, and there is a mutual respect most times whereas straight porn very often leads to degradation like you yourself said.

DK: All excellent points. I wish we could convince him to do it. I can't imagine anything sexier than seeing Sam with another sexy guy! I want you to do that?

KS: What do you say Sam? We're putting you on the spot; will you do it?

(Long hesitation)

SD: I can't make that decision right here.

KS: Well I'll leave you with this thought after my readers see this article you can expect that figure to go up exponentially and my readers are almost exclusively female. So consider it and don't be so uptight.

SD: I will.

KS: Thank you both for being so open.

DK/SD: Thank you.

Sam and Dana are delightful people and I urge everyone to visit Sam's website below and make a bid to support this young handsome man's future.

-Kelly Sanford

That was the article as printed in VFM web magazine. After it came out the bids on Sam's man-on-man video exploded to over $10,000! I couldn't believe it. Sam may not be comfortable with the idea, but that is a lot of money to walk away from.

One night I invited Kate and Tom to dinner with Sam and I to help talk him into it.

"It's like pouring a bucket of spiders over head, I'm not afraid of it, but I don't have any desire to do it!" Sam protested.

"So if someone offered you $10,000 to pour a bucket of spiders over your head for an hour or so you wouldn't do it?" Kate asked.

"It's different." Sam said.

"How?" Kate shot back.

"Tom, would you do a straight video—would you have sex with a girl on camera for money?" Sam Asked.

"For $10,000? Totally!" Tom laughed. "It wouldn't turn me straight."

"And," I added, "Nobody's asking you to have gay sex, they just want to see you with another man."

"Yeah, but who, and how and what?" Sam asked.

We all looked over at Tom then everyone laughed.

"I don't know." Sam said. "I don't know that I could. Would you?" he asked Tom.

"I'd do it for a little of the take. Honestly I'd do it for free, but I'd want a little money since there is some." Tom said.

"Well I'd pay you of course." Sam replied

My heart was racing; this was my biggest fantasy about to come true.

"Does that mean you'll do it?" I asked.

Sam hesitated and thought for a long time.

"It's just skin, Sam." Kate said. "It's no different than shaking hands."

"Only we'd be shaking dicks!" Tom said and everyone laughed.

"Come on Sam, just do it. It would be so hot!" I said finally losing all composure and nuance. "I want you to do this. Do it for me." I begged.

"I can't believe I'm even considering this." Sam said dropping his face in his hands.

"Don't think just do it!" Kate yelled.

"I'll be gentle, Sam." Tom said, "You can trust me."

"Say yes, Sam!" I yelled.

"Say yes!" Kate yelled

And we all began chanting "Say yes! Say yes!"

"Okay, I'll do it! What the hell!" Sam said and the room fell silent.

"Really?" Kate asked surprised.

"Yes, I'll do it. I have to it is too much money to say no. BUT, there's no kissing, no butt stuff, and I'm not touching your wiener!" Sam argued.

"Agreed." Tom said. "I don't want to be naked on camera anyway."

That disappointed me a little I have to admit, but still.

"Well, I do have one idea of what we can shoot, but I'm going to need to sleep on it. And in this movie I will need coverage so we're going to need some camera people." Sam said and I immediately jumped in.

"I'm in!"

"Me too!" Kate said.

Sam was really nervous I could tell. He was even more gorgeous when he was nervous. My hands were shaking at the thought of seeing these two young handsome men going at each other—I couldn't wait to see what Sam came up with. And thankfully I wouldn't have to wait long . . .

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Liz_57Liz_57over 10 years ago
Great stories

I love the whole series so far. Hope to read more soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great Series

Love this series and eagerly await your next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Your story is great. I want to be Tom and see Sam for myself and be nude for Kate and Dana. Please give us more.

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