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The Perils of Susan Gibbons Ch. 01

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Mature secretary is forced to submit to her new boss.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/06/2022
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Susan Gibbons wiped another tear from her eye as she worked at her desk. The fifty-two year old secretary watched as the workmen continued to come and go from her boss's office.

Seventy-two hours earlier Susan had just shared a joke with her boss, Robert Prescott, owner, and Managing Director of Prescott Transport operating out of Bristol in the UK before leaving for home. Now Robert was in a hospital recovering from a suspected heart attack. The Board of Directors moved swiftly to appoint Robert's twenty-three year old son Edward, as acting Managing Director.

Susan Gibbons had worked for Prescott Transport for more than thirty years. Now her whole world was about to change and in ways she could never have foreseen.

Just hours after his appointment Edward gave orders that his father's office was to be refurbished. What shocked Susan more though was that Robert Prescott's name was replaced by his son's.

The following Monday morning Susan arrived at work to see the office refurbishment completed. She was sitting at her desk and working on the paperwork when Edward arrived. He was tall, over six feet tall and lean. He was certainly not the boy Susan remembered who ran around the office all those years ago. She was about to greet him when he spoke.

"Coffee, black," was all he said before disappearing behind the door before closing it.

Susan returned with the coffee and gently knocked at the door.

"Yes?" answered Edward and she opened the door and placed the coffee on the desk before her young boss whose eyes were peering at the latest reports. He looked up. "Close the door," he ordered.

Nervously Susan obeyed. This was the moment she dreaded. The moment she was about to find out her fate.

"How long have you been working here, Susan?" he asked.

"Thirty-one years, sir," she responded respectfully. In her mind though, Susan resented the fact that she had to speak like that to him. She was old enough to be his grandmother after all.

"Mmm, it's like this Susan, as you know I'm taking over. I'm putting a new team together. I'll need a secretary with energy and willingness to do what is expected no matter what. Frankly, I don't think you have what it takes or what I need."

It wasn't too much of a surprise for Susan. However, she was still surprised at the young man's manner.

"You mean you're firing me?"

"Well, like I said, Susan. I need someone who is young, dynamic, and willing to obey orders, responded Edward.

"But I can do that, Mr Prescott. I've always worked hard for your father...."

"He's no longer in charge," cut in Edward sharply.

Susan decided to go on the offensive. "You can't fire me. That's ageism and there are laws..."

Edward slammed his fist on the desk and Susan was startled.

"How dare you threaten me? You speak to me of law when you embezzled this company of over seventy-five thousand pounds."

Susan was stunned. "That money was a loan from your father. I've slowly begun to pay it back as he and I agreed," she said.

Susan was telling the truth. When her daughter Barbara was in trouble with her mortgage Robert had given Susan the money to help her out.

"There's no paperwork. There's only a gap in the accounts that the auditors will soon discover. I'm afraid I will have to let you go," answered Edward.

Then Susan did something she was not accustomed to, she begged. "Please, Mr Prescott. I need this job. My husband Frank has been unemployed for over a year now and at his age it is hard for him to find employment. I still have two college going children. Please, Mr Prescott, please." Susan's stomach churned at the thought that she had just begged this young man for her job, remembering him as the little boy he had often looked after while his father was at meetings.

Edward sighed. "But Susan, can you obey all my commands without question?"

"I can. I swear I can," was Susan's desperate reply.

"We'll see. Take a step back," ordered Edward.

Puzzled and unsuspecting, Susan obeyed. Then she realised what was happening as the young man was eyeing her up and down. She felt he was undressing her with his eyes.

Edward sighed again. Susan stood at five feet eight. Her blonde hair was just below her shoulders and her breasts were round and firm. Even Edward had to admit the fifty-two year old looked well. Her years as amateur athletic champion had served her body well. She dressed conservatively in a white blouse and blue skirt that was just below her knees. What Edward said next came as a complete shock to her.

"Lift your skirt," he ordered.

"But Mr Prescott..."

"You see? I told you. You won't obey."

"But, Mr Prescott, I'm a married woman," protested Susan as she fought back her tears.

"You're fired! Now get out." Ordered Edward angrily.

"No, please, I'll do it," begged Susan.

Edward just nodded.

Susan closed her eyes as she placed her hands on the hem of her skirt and raised it. She never felt so humiliated as the young man leered at the inner sanctum of her lower body, something only her husband had ever seen.

"Tut, tut, Susan. I'm afraid you are in breach of the company's dress code for secretaries. Those tights will have to be replaced by stockings and I expect sexy underwear to be worn too. Your skirt should be well above your knees. Oh, and one final point, that bush should be shaved from your pussy. Those are your conditions of employment. Take it or leave it," concluded Edward in a merciless tone.

Susan blushed. Her underwear was always plain and conservative. She was shocked by Edward's reference to her pubic hair. It was as if he had x-ray eyes peering through her knickers.

Susan was horrified. She felt trapped with no way out. If she quit, she knew she would find it difficult to get another job at her age. At least if she stayed, she would have an income. The other thing was the fear that Barbara and her family could end up homeless. "I-I'll do it," she declared almost in a whisper and bowing her head in shame.

"Very well, you can return to your desk. Tomorrow we will start your training," said Edward.

Outside at her desk Susan wiped away her tears as she tried to recover from her humiliation. She also tried to understand what Edward meant by "training." Nothing was to prepare her for the humiliations that she was to endure in the coming days and weeks.

That night Susan shaved for the first time in years. Her husband wouldn't notice a thing. They had not been intimate in years. Frank had just grown into a slob and showed no interest.


The following morning Susan dressed in her usual attire but when she arrived at work she dashed into the bathroom inside a cubical and replaced everything before making her way to the office.

She wasn't surprised when Edward arrived and abruptly ordered coffee just before vanishing behind his office door. It was when she returned with the coffee that Susan got the first lesson in her "training."

She put the coffee on Edward's desk and was about to withdraw when he looked up and spoke. "Thank you," he said. "I see you have followed the new dress code," he said as he looked at Susan in her blouse and very short skirt that she felt very uncomfortable in. "Now, lift your skirt, Susan," ordered Edward.

Susan wanted to scream but knew it would get her fired. Reluctantly she did as he demanded. The seconds ticked away as Edward relished looking up her skirt and viewed her black stockings and lacy black knickers.

"Very good, Susan. Now, take of those knickers and give them to me." Instructed Edward.

Ashamed as she was Susan was by now too afraid to make any act of defiance. She put her hand under her skirt and removed her knickers before handing them to her young boss.

Taking Susan's knickers, Edward inhaled from them making her want to cry. "You may retrieve them before you finish work. Now, get back to your desk," he said as he placed them on his own desk.

Susan couldn't believe it. All that morning and the rest of that afternoon and evening she felt naked while working at her post. When Edward called her in to dictate a letter, she refused to cross her long smooth legs in case he peered up there again. For a whole week, the routine of having to hand over her knickers continued for Susan. She said nothing to Frank. It was bad enough that one of them was unemployed. Besides, and more importantly for Susan, her daughter and her family could end up without a home if she didn't comply. 'Oh, Mr Prescott, why did you have to work so hard?' thought Susan as she thought of her original boss.


The following week the same routine was applied as Susan had to surrender her knickers and retrieve them when she finished work. Then one afternoon Susan was called into Edward's office. Thinking her young boss wanted to dictate a letter she took her pad with her.

Edward looked up from his desk. "Lift your skirt," he ordered.

Susan was horrified. Reluctantly and in shame Susan complied. She knew she was in trouble. The truth was that in recent days Susan had slipped into the bathroom and put on underwear contrary to Edward's orders and now she had been discovered.

"Why are you wearing those knickers? You're fired. Get out!" bellowed Edward.

"Oh please, Mr Prescott. It won't happen again. I promise." Begged Susan as the tears rolled down her face.

"You've broken our agreement, Susan."

"Please, Mr Prescott. I'll do anything. I beg you." The tears continued to flow down her eyes.


"I swear it," responded Susan desperately. Almost as soon as she blurted this out Susan knew she would regret it as Edward paused and stared lustfully at her.

"Take off your clothes," he demanded.

For a moment, the mature woman hesitated before slowly unbuttoning her white blouse. As she dropped the garment to the floor Edward felt his cock harden as he admired Susan's wonderful breasts as the strained to escape the confines of her low cut lacy bra.

"Turn around," ordered Edward when Susan put her hand to the zip of her skirt.

Susan obeyed and pulled down the zip, allowing her skirt to float to the ground. She turned to face her tormentor and was about to roll down her stockings when Edward ordered her to keep them on.

Susan took a deep breath as she unhooked her bra and her breasts bounced forward. She was about to drop the black garment to the floor until Edward put out his hand to take it from her. Like her knickers that morning he sniffed them before placing it on the desk.

When Susan paused her young boss pointed to her knickers and she quickly removed them and handed them to him.

Edward tore them apart and threw them into the waste basket.

"Put your hands on your hips!" he demanded when he saw Susan trying to instinctively cover her breasts and vagina. Reluctantly, the older woman obeyed, knowing she had little choice in the matter.

Edward stood up and walked around the tormented woman and sniffed her perfume. "I have to say Susan, for a woman of your age you are in wonderful shape."

Susan blushed but remained silent. It was true. Susan's athletic past had stood her in good stead. She shouldered when his warm hand rubbed the smooth cheek of her bare arse. Again, Susan shook as Edward kissed her bare shoulder. She couldn't help sighing when Edward's hand brushed the hardening nipple of her right breast.

"Please, Mr Prescott..."

"Did you not agree to do anything I demanded?"

Susan nodded, looking despondent and defeated as Edward's finger hovered just outside her vagina.

Suddenly it stopped and Susan felt relieved. However, her relief was to be short lived.

"Lie down on the couch," demanded Edward.

Puzzled, Susan obeyed.

"Now, make yourself cum with your finger," ordered the young man.

Susan looked at Edward in shock but once again conceded that she had no choice as she slowly began to probe her vagina with her finger while her young boss watched on with pleasure written on his face. What Susan didn't know was Edward had had cameras installed and they recorded the naked mother and secretary as she masturbated.

"Aaah," sighed Susan as her finger picked up speed. She closed her eyes and began to imagine a hardened cock inside her. As the moment's ticked by Susan's breathing became heavier and was soon lost in her fantasy. At last, there was a wonderful orgasm that left her gasping for air. She crashed back to Earth when she heard Edward's voice.

"That was very entertaining, Susan. Thank you. Now, get over my desk," he ordered.

Susan obeyed and Edward spanked her bare bottom five times.

"You got away lightly this time, Susan. Next time I won't be merciful. Now get dressed," he ordered as he handed Susan her skirt and blouse. He retained her bra and put it on his desk in full view.

If Susan felt naked at her desk before, she felt it even more so now, especially as Edward ripped two of her buttons from her blouse and making her unwillingly display her cleavage.

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epezriderepezriderabout 1 year ago

Very plausible premise. Would love to have Susan get pregnant and read the inevitable fallout with her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The story ends rather abruptly and the next chapter doesn't seem to fit so I'm wondering if part of the story is missing.

Jaydean409Jaydean409about 1 year ago

She needs to be fucked over her desk and go home with his cum still in her cunt! More depravity!!!!

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