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The Quarterback and the Tutor Ch. 08

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Sex, love, and Tom's family.
11k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/19/2015
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When I awoke Tom was not in bed. I wondered where he'd gone until I heard in peeing in the bathroom. I got up, put on some shorts and a tee shirt, and went to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. We were not in a rush because we were both skipping classes that day to allow Tom to recuperate from his hysteria the previous day.

As I was flipping the pancakes Tom slipped up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck gently. I put my free hand in his.

"I love you, Lucas," he whispered. "And I like it better when you're naked."

"Sorry," I laughed. "Cooking naked is for fools and people in pornos. I'm not going to have grease pop out and land on my dick."

His kisses covered the back of my neck.

"Okay, promise me I can have your dick for dessert. I'm hungry for your cum. You've made me an addict, you know."

"I'll trade you some of mine for some of yours, baby."

The doorbell rang and Tom went to look out through the peephole viewer. I could tell by the sucking in of his breath that he was shocked. He raced over to me at the stove.

"Oh my God!" he whispered to me. "It's my parents and my sister, Susan!"

Tom was panicked.

"Don't worry about it, Tom. You go get dressed and I'll answer the door."

"What'll you say? What should I wear?"

"Well, you could stay naked like you are," I grinned, "but at least do me the favor of dressing like I am, in shorts and a tee shirt, barefoot. That way I won't be embarrassed like I'm your whore."

He kissed me quickly.

"Okay, sweetheart. Stall them and I'll be out in just a sec."

He'd never called me sweetheart before and I loved it from his lips. He was a bit panicked but still the trusting look of love in his eyes for me was touching.

I watched Tom walking away from me, watching his sexy ass, those sweet butt cheeks of his bounce. As he got to the door he turned.

"Don't let my father hurt you," he ordered.


I put the pancakes on a plate and walked to the door barefoot in my tee shirt and cut off blue jeans. I opened the door to see a woman I assumed was Tom's mother in front, the father and Tom's sister behind her.

"You must be Lucas," she said warmly. "I'm happy to meet you. Is Tom here?"

"Yes, ma'am, he's getting dressed and will be out in just a minute."

We all hesitated a moment and I looked into the eyes of his sister. She seemed amused by the entire situation, her eyes laughing. His father looked a little flustered.

"Well, come on in and sit down. I was just making breakfast."

"So you do the cooking for the two of you?" his father asked grimly.

"If I want to eat it, yes."

Tom's sister burst out laughing and his mother joined her.

"Cooking was never my son's strongest suit," his mother smiled. "It's a good thing you learned."

"My maternal grandparents owned a restaurant AND a farm. Everyone in my family had to learn to cook," I grinned.

I could hear Tom's electric razor in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry if we came at an inconvenient time for you. It's just that we've just got off the plane. After the conversation Tom and his father had yesterday I insisted that we take the red-eye flight to get this thing straightened out. Some apologizing is needed."

She looked at Tom's father sternly and he looked chastised. He put his hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Harrison Braddock," he smiled.

"Lucas Blake," I replied.

"Tom tried to tell me about you," he said, "but I'm afraid sometimes I'm..."

"Sometimes he's an ass," his wife finished. "Harrison and Tom both are too damned temperamental for their own good. Thank God Susan and Harry and Rick are more level headed."

Harrison grinned and he looked just like an older Tom.

"By the way, this is my daughter Susan," he said. "She decided to fly out with us."

"And I'm Marjorie Braddock," Tom's mother said. "Call me Marge. Susan's a freshman but her classes were cancelled for the rest of the week so she came with us."

I must have looked puzzled because Susan explained.

"We had a quake in the area of the school and it damaged some of the buildings. They cancelled classes for the rest of the week to check all the buildings and make repairs."

"I'm not a fan of any natural disasters but I think earthquakes bother me the most," I laughed.

"You get used to them in California. There are small quakes every few minutes, it's the bigger ones that do damage," Susan said.

Tom came out of the bedroom barefoot wearing a blue tank top that belonged to me and a pair of my jean shorts. He looked incredibly sexy showing his muscles with the little tufts of hair peeking out from his underarms. He shook his father's hand and hugged his sister and mother.

"Come on, let's sit down," Tom smiled nervously.

Susan took one of the overstuffed chairs and his parents sat on the couch. I sat in the other chair and Tom sat on the arm of the chair protectively.

"Let's get right to the point," Marge said. "You and Harrison argued, Tom. Harrison said some things he's ashamed of," she gave her husband a warning look, "and you're at fault too, Tom."

Tom got a defensive look on his face and I put my hand on his leg.

"Before you get hostile, Tom, you've got to admit you gave us quite a shock. First, our son who has always been straight announces he's gay and second, you follow it up by saying you're marrying Lucas."

Marge looked at me.

"Now, Lucas, don't you think that would shock the living hell out of parents?"

I could feel Tom freeze and I squeezed his leg. I realized at once that his family was watching my intimate gesture.

"Yes, Mrs..."

"I told you to call me Marge, Lucas. Please. If you're going to marry my son then we're all on a first name basis."

Her commanding tone reminded me of Tom when he was angry with me.

"Yes, Marge, I agree. I had no idea that Tom was going to call his father. I haven't even told my family yet."

"I told you, Lucas, I'm not going to live a lie anymore," Tom interjected.

"I know, Tom, but you've got to see that it was a shock for your family."

"I see that, Lucas, but shock today or shock tomorrow. What's the damn difference? The truth had to come out and I wanted them to hear it from me and not someone else who was just gossiping."

Tom was not angry or upset, he was just matter of fact, dealing with the situation as it existed and I was proud of him. He refused to back down but he wasn't hostile either.

"I realize that now, Tom," Harrison said. "My son was brought up to live his life honestly, Lucas, and to be proud of who he is. It was a terrible shock for me but as Marge and my other children pointed out to me, Tom was doing exactly what he's been raised to do. I should have been proud that he was willing to risk everything to be truthful with me."

I was astonished to say the least. In the span of a few hours Tom's disaster with his family had made a 180 degree turn. I looked at Tom and his face showed surprise also.

"Look, I'm sorry it was such a shock to all of you. I don't know how I could have handled better but maybe I could have. I don't know. I'm just thankful that you're here and I hope you support my...our decision."

Susan laughed. "Lucas, you said you didn't even know Tom was going to call Dad. So this must have been a surprise to you too. How did you react?"

I laughed too. "It was a shock, I don't mind admitting it. We didn't talk about it..."

"I didn't want you to try to change my mind," Tom interrupted. "I knew you would if I told you."

"But, Tom..."

I stopped. I wasn't going to argue with Tom in front of his parents. Anyway, it was water over the dam.

"If you're going to marry my son, Lucas," Marge warned, "you need to prepare yourself for the fact that he can be impetuous and temperamental. I've had to live with it with Harrison for the last thirty years."

"But you've survived," Harrison said defensively.

"Just barely sometimes," Marge laughed. "Just like this fiasco. I told Harrison if he didn't get on that goddamn plane with me to go make things right with Tom that I was going to divorce him."

"Oh Marjorie, MUST you air our laundry in front of Lucas?" Harrison grumped.

"If he's going to be our son-in-law he needs to get used to it."

"You won't believe the way this happened, Tom," Susan laughed. "Mom said she was coming to see you today to make things right and she called the airline and they told her a flight was leaving in three hours. She bought three tickets over the phone with a credit card and gave us an hour to pack."

Tom burst out laughing.

"Oh Mom, you never change and I love you for it."

His mother smiled at her son and I could see the love and pride she had in him.

"Before everything gets too sweet here I want to deal with another unpleasant subject," she said.

I thought, Oh hell, here it comes. And it did.

"Now Tom, I'm speaking on Lucas' behalf here. I don't know how these gay marriages work, who's the wife and who's the husband but whatever it is you need to think of how this is going to work out for Lucas."


"Hush, Tom, and let me finish. So you two love each other. Tom, all your life you've dreamed of a career in the NFL. If your dreams of a career are shot to hell over your relationship with Lucas how are you going to feel about him? Will you still love him? Resent him? Hate him? I hope you've thought of these things, Lucas. I'm just stating the facts."

"I've thought about that..."

"Wait, Lucas," Tom interrupted me. "For your information, Lucas has said the same things to me and here it is, the facts of the matter. I've thought about it a lot, Mom. In fact, it's been on my mind for months."


"You didn't let me finish. I've given it a lot of thought. There's no guarantee that I'll ever be considered for the NFL. I've got another year, my senior year, and anything could happen. And what if I DO get drafted? I could be a bust, I could break a leg, and all sorts of things could happen to me. There's just no guarantee with football but there's something that is guaranteed. I love Lucas with my whole heart, with everything within me and if I lost him my life would lose its meaning. I'm taking Lucas along with me for the ride as my husband and that's that."

"You realize there are no gay quarterbacks in the NFL," Harrison said. "I doubt there are any gays at all in the NFL."

"There are no gays that aren't in the closet," Tom said. "I'm damned good and all of you know it. I'll walk to hell and back if I have to in order to hold my head up and be who I am. And if I get discriminated against I may just sue some of the bastards."

"I told Tom that he might make it as the first gay quarterback," I said, "but the problem will be with endorsements. The big money is in endorsements and they'll stay away from him in droves. Look what happened to Martina Navratilova. I was willing to stay in the shadows but he's damned determined that he's through hiding."

"I don't care, Dad. Have you ever heard the phrase 'the heart wants what it wants'? I want Lucas and my heart has to have him to be complete."

I couldn't believe it when I saw pride in his son in Harrison's eyes and there were tears forming in Marge's eyes.

"Tom, I can't pretend that I understand gay love. I don't. And I can't pretend that I'm happy about what you're doing either," Harrison said. "But whatever happens you can damned well bet I'll be behind you, behind both of you whether I understand it or not. I'm not a happy man right now but you're my son and I'm proud of the way you stand tall, Tom."

I could Tom was close to tears and I didn't want that to happen.

"We'll work it out, Tom. It's not too late to exercise our options," I said quietly. "It's not common knowledge yet."

"THERE ARE NO OPTIONS HERE!" Tom said angrily. "None that I'm willing take other than be with you and I don't care who knows it. Lucas, I've told you before that I love you more than..."

I pulled the hair on his leg, hard, and he winced.

"You better not say what I think you're about to say, Tom Braddock, or I'll whip your ass right here in front of your family."

I was suddenly pissed. Tom looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry, Lucas, I wasn't going to say it like that. It's just that..."

He looked me in the eyes and laughed. His family looked at us, their eyes filled with questions. All of them looked like they wanted to ask them but didn't know how to do it. Until Marge spoke.

"I've done some research online and I want to know who the top is and who's the bottom?"

"MOM!" Susan laughed. "You can't just ask them about their sex life!"

"It isn't just sex, Susan," Marge said as if she had special insight. "One of them is the man and one of them is the woman in this relationship and I can't figure it out. Neither one of them is the least bit feminine, not at all."

I put my head in my hands and tried hard not to laugh. I was embarrassed as hell and I knew my face was burning.

"It's a fair question, son," Harrison laughed. "All of you know Marge wears the pants in our family."

We all laughed.

"So? Who do I look to as the one in charge here?"

Marge was insistent and Tom and I were both blushing.

"You know you don't have to answer that, Tom," I said softly.

"I'll tell you what I see here," Marge said. "I never thought I'd ever see this, Tom, but I think Lucas is the top here. Am I right?"

"This is awful personal, Marge," I protested.

"No, it's okay," Tom said.

He stroked my face gently in front of them all.

"Sexually we mix it up, sometimes I'm the top and sometimes Lucas is. But in life..."

"We have arguments sometimes over us both being alpha personalities," I interjected, trying to help Tom.

The three of them were looking at us as if we were about to answer the mysteries of life for them.

"No, Lucas, I need to say this for them and for you, baby."

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, trying to let him know he didn't need to do this.

"When Dad and I fought I really cried a lot and Lucas comforted me, helped me through it."

He turned to face me, his eyes filled with love.

"The truth is, Mom, I look to Lucas to help ME, to give me guidance when I need it. I've known him for over two years and it took me two years to work up the nerve to go after him. I cooked up the need for a tutor so I could get him."

I looked at him, surprised.

"I told you, baby, from the beginning that you were the only tutor I'd accept, remember?"

I remembered him saying it. I put my hand on his leg, my fingers playing with the hair there.

"I remember."

"I loved you from the beginning, Lucas. I just needed to make you love me. Everything else, Sandy, all of that, was nothing. I wanted you from the beginning."

He looked me in the eyes as he talked and it was if there was no one but us in the room.

"And I did make you love me, didn't I?"

I cleared my throat.

"I might take issue with you MAKING me love you, Tom. I've told you that. I think I loved you from the beginning. I always watched you in the hall, in the building, everywhere, hoping you'd notice me."

He laughed.

"Mom, we can't agree who loved each other first or who loves the other the most."

"It's a small pointless argument to argue over who loves the other the most," Marge laughed. "It's obvious how much you two love each other."

"I told them you wouldn't do all of this if you weren't head over heels in love," Susan giggled. "And, Tom, I think we know who the real alpha is between you two."

Tom leaned over and kissed my lips tenderly. I blushed at the public display of affection but he just grinned at me.

"You're right, Susan. It's Lucas, it's always been Lucas. We make most decisions together but if anything is wrong, if I get upset I look to the man I plan to make my husband. I've never seen him lose his cool, never seen him cry, and he's the smartest person I've ever known. He's everything to me."

"Really, Tom? REALLY?" I asked, teasing him. "What the hell was that fit you threw when I was thinking about joining the swim team and you were TELLING me that I wasn't going to do it?"

His family laughed and Tom blushed, giving me an eat shit look.

"We don't need to go into that with them," Tom warned.

I just grinned at him, mocking him.

"Well, now we know," Marge smiled. "I figured as much knowing how high strung you are, Tom. I wish you luck dealing with him, Lucas. He's the most difficult of my children but I love him with every fiber of my being."

"I don't know how this gay marriage thing works," Harrison said. "When you two decide to tie the knot we want to be there. Don't forget that, son. If he does you remind him, Lucas. I'm holding you responsible. You're a member of our family now."

"What about your family, Lucas?" Susan asked. "Tom jumped the gun on you and now you need to tell your family. How do you think that's going to go?

"I don't expect any problems. They'll be shocked but I think it'll be okay. My first cousin is a lesbian and she's one of the most beloved members of our family. Our mothers are sisters and we grew up together. They're always teasing us and saying if I hadn't been so tough with Millie when we were growing up she would have been more feminine," I chuckled.

"We'd like to meet your family," Marge said. "And if we can, I'd like to meet them before the wedding, get to know them. Where are you from, Lucas?"

"I grew up in a little town that's really a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. I'm sure my parents would like to meet Tom's family too."

"Atlanta. I guess we'll have to work out where we can meet," Susan said.

"There may be a simple solution if all of you are interested. My family rents condos in Redington Shores, Florida every year. Some of us are able to stay for two weeks or more, some can only be there for a week. If you're interested in going to Florida for a vacation maybe you could rent some condos for your family and all of us can enjoy the beach together."

"Is it better than Malibu, Lucas?" Tom laughed. "We've got some great beaches in California."

"And there are some great beaches in Florida. Pinellas County has some of the best beaches anywhere. I've never been to Malibu but I think Redington Shores can give it a run for its money."

"Get us the details, Lucas, and we'll see what we can work out," Marge said.

We sat around and talked for a while and then Marge wanted to go in the kitchen and fix us brunch. Cold pancakes don't hold up too well so I mashed them with some puppy food. Tom's family loved the puppies and we had to explain how we came to have a poodle and a Chihuahua.

I was entertained with stories about Tom's childhood as he blushed and laughed. His father brought in a picture album from the car and his mother showed me pictures of Tom as a child, including one of him naked on a baby blanket.

"Wasn't he just the cutest thing, Lucas? Look at that little behind on him. That boy always knew he was the cutest thing around."

"Well, I can tell you his ass is even cuter now," I chuckled.

"LUCAS!" Tom yelled. "You can't tell my mother that!"

Marge laughed. "Well, he just did. Isn't he the cutest thing in the world when he turns red like that?"

We had a good time together and they left after brunch to go check in a hotel. They were going to nap during the afternoon and insisted that they would take us out to dinner at the finest restaurant in town. After they left Tom grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom.

He kissed me gently.

"Make love to me, baby. I need your big cock in my ass. Love me, Lucas, show me how much you love me."

We lay on the bed together as Tom tenderly kissed me, telling me over and over again how much he loved me.

"You're so sexy, baby," he whispered. "I couldn't wait for them to leave so you could fuck me."

"Who's the sexy one here, Tom? What was going on with you wearing my tank top? And those shorts that barely cover your ass? I had a hard on wanting you."

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