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The Secret Life of a Loving Wife


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But we loved each other very much, and it all worked out in the end.

I sat against the headboard of my bed. A brunette head bobbed up and down in my lap, and I ran my hands through Cassie's hair. That girl really knew how to give a blowjob. Reaching under her, I played with her perky small tits, enjoying the hardness of her nipples. Her big brown eyes peered up at me as she worked, and she gave me a wink and a smile.

My eyes trailed further down to her fantastic little ass. Angela was lying beneath Cassie, stroking her ass while she ate Cassie out. Cassie was squirming in pleasure, her little moans reverberating against my swollen head.

The doorbell rang.

Cassie immediately pulled her mouth off my cock and Angela pulled out from underneath her. "She's here!" Angela exclaimed.

The two women bounced off the bed, both stark naked. I grinned at their complementary curves, Cassie's slender frame and Angela's curvy build.

"You'll love her," Angela said as the pair headed to the bedroom door. "She's a beautiful Asian woman, and she's really into tying you up and teasing you. We'll have fun watching you tonight."

Cassie grabbed her and pulled her close, and the two women kissed. I could still feel Cassie's saliva on my cock, and sat back to wait for our new fourth as Angela introduced us to her past partners every week. I clasped my hands behind my head to wait, and Angela caught me out of the corner of her eye. She offered me a wink and a smile. "Can I have my favorite?" she asked.

I nodded. "Of course."

The two girls giggled and ran out of the room to greet their new playmate.

Life was good.

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AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Nicely written, but how would he feel if she was kissing, being groped a d masturbated by strange men?

Seriously, there’s NO DIFFERENCE!

You are either FAITHFUL, or you’re not.

And, lying (by omission) is still lying!

spinpole2001spinpole200110 months ago

I just reread this story and wow.it's so hot!

trucker1965trucker1965about 1 year ago

Guy is a fool. She doesn't trust him, he is just there for her comfort and security.

However great story.

NekidinazNekidinazabout 1 year ago

Wow! I don't normally read more than 3 page stories so this was a first. Not sure what kept me reading but I liked how it was written as well as the introduction of the camera idea...all in all, the whole story was unique and erotic and sensual and other times just plain fun ;)

Medussa55Medussa55over 1 year ago

Great writing that kept me hooked. Ok Ok it's a fantasy and would probably end very differently in real life but who cares? One criticism was the glossing over over the final 'talk'. All characters accusing before reconciling it would have been worth an extra page. But overall, really well done.

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

She lies to him and cheats on him for three years and he's happy about it? I would never trust that whore again in my life. And love has nothing to do with it at all. If you can not trust your partner, then the partnership is knockout! Unless you're in the imagination of a wacky author!

EvelZombieEvelZombieover 1 year ago

Other than I would have loved to have a fully written scene of the threesome, I loved this story. Well done...5 stars from me

NakedartNakedartover 1 year ago

wow well written , kept me hooked right though the story such an easy add to favourites

wasagadavewasagadavealmost 2 years ago

Great story! I don't often read 8 page stories, but this one hooked me. Well done! I'd give it a 10 if I could.

stredstredalmost 2 years ago

I am no story teller or a writer of any kind. I enjoyed every page of this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The ending was just a bit rushed, but overall one hell of a great story line with likeable characters. Well done.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 2 years ago

Absolute nonsense, but well written dialogue with interesting if unlikely characters. Kind of a rushed ending considering how well you do dialog, i am disappointed you rushed through it ...

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 2 years ago

Two. Might have given it a 3 because it had fairly hot sex scenes but I abhor chastity, especially when the chastity is from some hooker who got it from who knows where and could have not given him the combo. The story is about a spouse cheating, cheating for years, with hookers and lying about it to their spouse. The fact it was girl on girl doesn't change that fact, she was cheating. Somehow this story is both too long and not long enough. 8 pages of the wife spreading her legs for a line of lovers while leaving the husband in the dark then an ending that was abrupt with barely any attention paid to how the husband would feel at such a betrayal even with the erotic nature. I know this was meant to be an erotic fantasy story and I feel a little bad smacking it around but I just feel it doesn't work because of how reprehensible the wife was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

2 stars, First to long, then the story was a crock. At one point your wimp mc states something to the effect if she is not in love or having an affair, she is not cheating. If someone crawls between a spouses legs for any kind of sex without spouses knowledge. It's cheating. Maybe not to a wimp.

Second, Someone is stealing 1000 dollars worth of stones. Then the theft was mentioned again, maybe twice. Why put that in there if there there was to be no conclusion to that part. I'm sure will say justification to purchase camera, weak.

Last but not least. He let some Hooker lock him in a cock cage. Areal man wouldn't do that.

I think a better ending would be finding the thief of the stones turn out to be the wife and the lesbian friends. Selling the stones through the contact she mentioned that had contacts in Thailand. Prosecute the Bitches send them to prison and let them lick pussy there. That way he gets his man card back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm sure the lock opens faster if the cuckold calls to "Lockpickinglawyer"

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 2 years ago

I kept telling myself "Suspend disbelief" over and over. It's hard to imagine a 20 year marriage with truly loving people that can't discuss sex. The sex scenes are scorching and the ending is almost sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hotter than hell. Wow! Thanks for the story.


not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestover 2 years ago

Average at best.

Are you maybe from the 1800s? Because that's really the only reason i can think of why you'd write the husband to be so sexually stupid and naive in the first few chapters.

His wife is a fucking serial cheater, has been for years, has lied to him, done things sexually with others that he wanted to do with her, and all he can muster up is brief emotional blip?

Let's disregard the cheating (as if we could), and just focus on the many, many different sexual experiences she's had compared to him? Why the fuck isn't angry, why the fuck doesn't he confront her properly. If my SO was having all sorts of new sexual experiences without me, but that I wanted with them, I'd be fucking murderous. (Still disregarding the infidelity.)

But no, he's some caricature of a man. He doesn't even take the chance to fuck the girl he so obviously wants to.

I'm not saying that they should get divorced, but fuck it, have more than just a tea spoon of emotional depth, with a sprinkle of manliness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If you don't have your spouse permission it's cheating even if it's a girl. And she was not in to it just for the sex. She had love for those women so that made her an unfaithful wife and made him just another of her playthings.

Freudzslip69Freudzslip69almost 3 years ago

At first glance, I see no difference between this story and “The Secret Life of My Loving Wife.” If there is one, I’d l adverse to spend the time reading what looks like it’s twin just to find the differences. If someone can point it out to me generally, and say that its worth reading the second one, perhaps I’ll spend the time doing it, I thought very well of the story as I said in my comments with the other one (At this point, I don’t know which I read, and which I didn’t.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

too long of a windup for a short ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I thought is was very well written & constructed. Contrary to other comments (which I understand are personal opinions) I literally laughed out loud at the repetition of the combination numbers at the end of the paragraphs. The main character was not going to let's pesky cockcage beat him... no sirree Bob.

Sure it was an extreme version of the secret desires - of varying degrees of kink - which couples sometimes keep from each other but for example, some people don't tell their partners that they read erotic literature and that's a major secret for them.

I enjoyed it and many of the other stories by the same author which I've read.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 3 years ago

Low score between the cheating and the chastity cage. Angela might have been with girls but it was still cheating, just as bad as if she had a line of men coming over. The cock cage pushed what would have been an average story even lower.

mac1729mac1729about 3 years ago

Loved it, its every mans fantasy to have two women at the same time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Not for me. Cheating is cheating even if it is with someone of the same sex. Marriage vows have a 'forsaking all others' for a reason.

racfguyracfguyover 4 years ago
I liked it until . . .

the bullshit with the cock-cage. Totally ruined the story for me. Had to lower from 5* to 2*.

WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540almost 5 years ago
You succeeded in improving this tale

You took the criticisms to heart and wrote a much, much improved ending. Wow!

A note on those who complain: I've noticed that many of the complainers are, obviously, Anonymous. I look at it that they are hiding behind a "wall." Basically, cowards.

I've also noticed that the complainers who do have a user name are rarely authors themselves. Click on their author page and it's empty. I look upon these people as better than Anonymous but still taking things too seriously.

Yes, we are all dealing in Fantasy. When I read a story I try to enter that author's world and treat it as realistic. Of course, a lot of what we read (and in my case, write) is just not possible but that just makes things hotter, nastier. "If only my wife could do that, I'd be the happiest man possible! Yada, Yada, Yada..." I do have a nasty imagination and really enjoy finding someone who punches my buttons! "5 Stars! Hooray."

Otherwise, I just go to the next selection. Even when I read a poorly conceived tale, I often don't give a down vote. Am I being too facile when "if I can't say something nice, just keep quiet?"


schulz777schulz777almost 5 years ago
she lied to him for years

she cheated on him for years

and he is ok with it ???????



AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Good story, quite long but kept my interest right to the last line, the story was fun, imaginative and sexy and very different to the usual run of the mill stories one reads on here.


FlhotwifehubFlhotwifehubabout 5 years ago
Loved it

A great story, Would have loved to been him. A couple of the negative comments suggesting that this is unbelievable, you may be amazed what a man will put himself through for two women, and circumstances that present unusual opportunities. I did like the ending, Not hearing the argument or accusations did not bother me, and the ending also left it up to the reader what happened long term. So to the negative comments, sorry you don't like it but your opinion sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Utter drivel

I wanted to like this. It’s just way too ridiculous. I mean after seeing his wife cheat he still wants to be faithful? Give me a fucking break. And then he willingly puts on a cock cage? Total unbelievable bullshit!

Bottom_upBottom_upalmost 6 years ago
On Anonymous Comments

It is funny how these (this?) anonymous person(s) read these stories knowing ahead of time that there will be sex outside the marriage (or some other antic) and then blow up about it calling all kinds of names and giving their angry opinions of what the outcomes should have been. It might be different if it was constructive criticism, but it was all about the content and their hoarded anger.

I'm sorry if some woman (or man) hurt you. I get it. You were humiliated. But if you would just get over it, you might be able to have some fun yourself. Better yet, write a story that you like better yourself.

And get a life all you cheap shot anonomasses. Why not go read some stories that you might prefer. Ya know, different strokes for different folks. Don't read the ones that make you angry! This is supposed to be stroke material, not 'splody head anger stuff.


Yeah, they crapped all over me, too. Good stuff BuckRivers! I'll go look for the revised ending one.

Sorry, rant off. It just bugs me that some people have to throw their shit all over everyone else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
the joys of the mind

Oh, the critics. They complain because an author doesn't take a story the way they think it should go but read the entire story and then bash the author for the effort; what asshats! I've written a couple of stories I just realized twenty years ago and tried again recently. There's a lot of mental energy used to create a viable story and keep names, times and events straightened out.

Buck, you did great. A hot story with hot players and plenty of orgasms!

BuckRiversBuckRiversabout 6 years agoAuthor
Author Response.

As a reminder, I added a new version of the story with a more fleshed-out ending. It's on my author page as "The Secret Life of My Loving Wife". Note the slight title difference.

And it's funny that that guy came and posted two illiterate insults four hours apart. It must have taken him weeks to read the story. I actually appreciate his persistence in making it all the way through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What a pathetic pile of shit.

What drugs was this author on when this shit dribbled out?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Good sex scenes. Lousy story.

Husband is a wimp. Wife cheats and does all the things they don't do. For at least 2 years. 2 fucki g years.

Wimpy husband also allows a fucking whore to lock him into a cuck cage and tells him he won't get the code for another 3 hrs. Fuck no. But since he is a wimp it serves him right.

So really a stulid male antago ist. Wife is a lying cheating cunt. A lawyer so it makes senze.

Only likeable character is employee Cassie.

To long. Too stupid.

BuckRiversBuckRiversover 6 years agoAuthor
Author Response

As a reminder, I added a new version of the story with a more fleshed-out ending. It's on my author page as "The Secret Life of My Loving Wife". Note the slight title difference.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 6 years ago
*** disappointing

The long awaited and much desired confrontation with Angela was simply skipped over with a dismissive paragraph. What a let down!

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