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The Sinful Stepmother Ch. 07

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Seth gets in trouble at school.
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"Mom, this is ridiculous!" Seth groaned as his mom pulled into the school's parking lot.

His mom put the car in park, "No, it's not. Your principal called and said you're in trouble for fighting. He's going to suspend you for a week. A week! You'll be behind. I'm going to talk to him and see what I can do."

Seth really didn't want his mom to talk to the principal, he knew it wouldn't get anywhere. Plus, the principal happened to be a big pervert. Seth had heard rumors that he'd fucked a student's mom in order to get the poor kid's schedule changed. He doubted his mom would be willing to do the same but he still didn't want her anywhere near the guy.

Seth sighed and climbed out of the car, shutting the door and watching his mom as she shut her door. She straightened out her dress, a simple black dress that just barely covered her cleavage. She wore a pair of black stockings, which really made Seth want to bend her over the car hood but he knew she wasn't in the mood.

"Come on, let's go." His mom ordered as she started walking towards the school, her heels clicking against the parking lot.

Seth followed along but he didn't do it happily. He was a senior, he could take a week suspension and he'd probably be fine. His mom was making a big deal over nothing.

Seth had tried to explain to her why he'd gotten suspended, hopefully she would see sense and let it go. That wasn't at all what happened. She'd blown up on him, it took him kissing her for her to calm down. She didn't fuck him, unfortunately, but she did stop yelling. That was when she forced him to get changed so they could go to the school.

"I still can't believe you." His mom complained as she stepped onto the sidewalk.

"Mom, I told you why I did it. I know you get it!" Seth argued.

"Just because someone said something stupid doesn't mean you get to hit them." She snapped, "I didn't teach you to act like that."

Seth rolled his eyes, he figured it was a lost cause, she wasn't going to listen to him.

Once they entered the school, Seth walked side by side with his mom through the halls. The school was empty save for janitors and teachers. It was after school so he wasn't surprised there was barely anyone there. He was hoping the principal had already gone home but he doubted it, that guy basically lived in the school.

When they reached the administrative area, his mom stopped and turned to him, "I'll talk to the principal, you don't say anything, okay?"


His mom huffed before walking up the front desk where the old receptionist was busy typing away on a computer.

"Excuse me, can I speak to the principal?" She asked.

The receptionist looked up through old glasses, "He's in a meeting right now, he'll be out in a few minutes. Have a seat."

Seth sighed as he sat down next to his mom, he minus well enjoy these last few minutes. Once they were in the office, he was certain the principal was going to hype up everything that happened to make him look bad. It was going to take every ounce of self-control he had to not sock the guy.

It was about five minutes later when the principal came out with some middle-aged woman. Seth recognized her as the mom of the captain of the cheerleader squad. She looked almost exactly like an older version of her daughter. Her blonde hair was messy and her make-up was ruined. At first, Seth thought maybe she'd been crying but that was when he realized her shirt was unbuttoned at the top.

The principal leaned against the receptionist's desk with a smirk, "Anymore meetings?"

The receptionist pointed to Seth and his mom.

Seth could almost see the lust in the principal's eyes the second he saw his mom. He was about to start seeing red in a second.

"Ah, Seth, I see you brought your mother. I take it you two are here to talk about your suspension?" The principal asked with a smile.

"Yes, we are." His mom said.

"Okay, well, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you in the classroom where it happened." He said.

"What's wrong with your office?" She asked.

The principal glanced back at his office, "My last meeting didn't go so well, that woman you saw spilled some water everywhere."

Seth didn't believe it for a second. He looked over at his mom and could tell she didn't buy his shit either. She frowned before nodding, "Okay, fine."

"Thank you." The principal said with a perverted smile.

During the walk to the classroom, Seth made sure the principal knew he was watching. There was going to be no funny shit, not on his watch. If he so much as attempted to even stare at his mom's ass, Seth would know.

Finally, they made it to the classroom and waited as the principal reached into his pocket and fumbled for his keys. Seth exchanged a look with his mom as they both noticed the red lipstick mark on the principal's neck.

"Got it!" The principal pulled out the key for the room and unlocked the door. He opened it, "Ladies first."

Seth let his mom go first but made sure to make eye contact with the principal. Luckily, he was smart enough to not try to catch a glimpse of his mom. He walked in after his mom and stood next to her as they waited for the principal.

"Let's get this started." The principal said, walking towards the teacher's desk and sitting down.

Seth and his mom sat down in the row of desks in front of him.

The principal sighed and rubbed his hands together, "Well, ma'am, I'm not even sure where to begin. Seth's behavior was unacceptable. As you know, our school has a zero-tolerance policy on fighting. Fortunately, I was able to get your son out of a two-week suspension, and only gave him a week."

"Why a week? Can't you just give him in school suspension?" His mom asked.

"Well, a week is the absolute minimum I could give. As for the in school suspension, that's simply not possible due to the fact that I gave the other student an in school suspension for a week. We would like to keep them separated from one another if we could help it."

Seth really wasn't sure what his mom's game plan was, she wasn't going to get him out of this suspension.

The principal put his hands behind his head, "I am willing to work with you, ma'am, but only if you're willing to work with me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

The principal glanced at her then at Seth, "Perhaps it's better we have this discussion alone. Seth—"

"Absolutely not." His mom said strictly, "I came here to talk about my son, you can't just have him leave the room. Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it in front of him."

The principal let out an annoyed huff, "Very well, if that's truly the way you feel, then I'll have to keep the week suspension for your son." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a white card, which he handed to his mom, "Here's my contact information. If you decide that you want to talk about this, don't hesitate to give me a call. Good day."

Seth watched as the principal got up and started walking out of the room. He didn't miss the principal glaring at him before he opened the door and walked out into the hallway, his shoes clunking against the floor slowly fading away.

"What a fucking pervert." His mom spat, "He could've at least bothered to make himself look presentable but no, he decides to have this fucking meeting with a hickey on his neck!"

"Mom, I told you this would be a waste of time." Seth said.

His mom sighed, "Yeah, you did. I can't believe this. You're going to be so behind on your schoolwork."

"I'll be fine." He said, "Seriously. Can we go home now?"

His mom shook her head, "No, before we leave, I want to know exactly what that boy said for you to fight him."

"Mom, I told you—"

"I want to know exactly what he said." She demanded, "Tell me or I swear, I'll make you sleep on the couch!"

Seth sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "He kept talking shit about me but when he realized it didn't work, he called you a slut. He said you probably take creampies every day when I'm not home."

His mom nodded, "And so you punched him."

"Yes." He admitted, "I'm not going to let someone talk about you like that and get away with it."

His mom sighed, "Sometimes I wish you weren't so protective. It always makes me feel bad for getting mad at you over it."

Seth tried to reassure her that it really wasn't that bad, that it was okay and she didn't need to feel bad. Yet she didn't listen, instead she just told him that she'd let it slide this one time.

"Do I still have to sleep on the couch?" He asked.

His mom looked at him then at the desk, "Tell you what, we have time before we have to go home. If you make me cum twice, you don't have to sleep on the couch."

"Wait, what?" Seth asked with wide eyes, "You can't be serious. You want to fuck here?"

She gave him a dirty smile, "Of course, it's not like we can fuck when we get home. Nick will hear us."

Seth watched as she got out of the desk and strutted in front of him. She smirked at him as she reached down and removed her heels, setting them on the floor next to the teacher's desk. She then pulled the shoulder straps of her dress off before pulling the whole thing over her head. She stood there in her bra and panties, looking better than any MILF Seth had ever seen.

"Well?" She raised an eyebrow, "Are you going to fuck me or not?"

"Mom, I—"

"Think about it, you get to do exactly what that pervert principal of yours wanted to do." She said, "Come on and fuck me."

Seth wanted to argue but once his eyes settled on those perfect tits barely held back by that lace black bra, he knew he was in no position to say no. His eyes followed her amazing curves, blood rushing down to his dick as he slowly got more aroused.

"That's it, baby, come and get it." She cooed as he got out of the desk.

When Seth reached his mom, he placed a hand on her cheek, "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course." She smiled.

Seth leaned in and kissed her before unbuckling his belt and yanking his jeans down. His boxers followed not long after. While he kissed her, he ran his hand along her perfect body, his hand tracing her curves while he felt her up. Eventually, he broke the kiss and pulled her panties down, waiting to let her step out of them before he stood and turned her around so she was facing the desk.

"Bend over for me." He whispered in her ear.

His mom bent over without a word, her ass sticking out. He stepped behind her and reached down with one hand and aimed himself at her entrance. He pressed forward, feeling that familiar feeling of her heat on his dick before eventually feeling the warm slick of her pussy engulfing him.

The feeling of pressing into his mom's pussy was always a truly amazing feeling for Seth. He wasn't sure why his dad refused to fuck her every night, her pussy was amazing. She was still so tight all these years, even after pushing out a baby.

"Yes." He mom moaned, "Fuck, Seth."

Seth released his cock and let the rest of it slide into her, his hips pressing against her ass when he was finally fit snugly inside her. He moved his hands to her hips and took a deep breath before moving his hips back and forth.

The desk rumbled as Seth picked up the pace, a cup of pencils threatened to fall over as his mom got fucked over the table. She rested on her elbows, looking over her shoulder every now and then to give him a slutty smile. The moans coming out of her mouth echoed through the classroom.

"So tight." He grunted.

His mom moaned to the ceiling as he continued fucking her. He didn't care if the principal was outside the door, he'd just have to listen as the woman he tried to get got her brains fucked out.

Weeks ago, Seth would've been nervous as hell to fuck his stepmom yet now he was more than confident with what he was doing. He gripped her hips hard, his nails digging into her pale skin, and thrusted forward, slamming his dick deep inside her.

"Shit, babe, we have to hurry." His mom moaned over her shoulder, "If we get caught, we'll—"

"I got it, just relax and enjoy this." He said as he changed the angle of his hips and started hitting spots he wasn't hitting before. His mom's surprised moans were music to his ears.

Seth smiled behind her, he knew she was close judging from her full-body trembles. He reached beneath her and cupped her tits, enjoying the feeling of the soft flesh in his hands. Eventually, he pulled the bra back and let her tits swing back and forth. He rubbed her nipples, not missing the panting coming from her.

The desk squeaked as it rocked back and forth. His hips slapped against her ass, creating loud smacking sounds that would've told anyone walking by what was going on. The cup of pencils fell over, the pencils rolling out onto the desk and onto the floor. His mom's moans were followed by his own, their symphony of fucking filling the otherwise empty room.

"Fuck, honey!" His mom cried out as she came at last.

Seth groaned as she tightened around him, her warm juices bathing his cock. She was insanely tight, he was worried that if he had to pull out, he'd struggle with doing that. He never wanted to leave, he'd be happy doing this for the rest of his life, he wondered if his mom would be down to film porn with him, then they could fuck and get paid for it.

"I'm going to start moving again." He murmured.

His mom nodded and gripped the table.

Seth didn't start railing her like he did previously, he kept the pace between slow and hard. He was recovering a little bit too, he'd nearly blown his load when she tightened around him like that.

Just as he was about to pick up the pace, he paused. He heard the sound of shoes coming down the hall. His mom must've heard it too because she quickly sat up. The two tried to calm their panting. There was no mistaking it, those were footsteps and they were getting closer.

"Shit, get dressed!" She hissed, rushing over and grabbing her panties and dress.

Seth wasted no time in pulling up his pants and buckling his belt, something he did in good time.

His mom stood next to him, pulling her panties up before working to adjust her bra. She cursed as it struggled to go over her large breasts. Eventually, she got done with that and pulled her dress over herself, trying her best to smooth it out. She had just managed to slip one of the straps over her shoulder when the door opened.

Instead of the principal, a janitor walked in, his face registering surprise as he found them. His signature blue uniform brought Seth relief, he thought the principal had come back to tell them he knew what they were doing, maybe there were secret cameras somewhere or something.

"I didn't know someone was in here." The janitor said.

"We were just leaving, we had a meeting." His mom said with a red face, "We just had to pick up some of these pencils." She nodded towards the pencils spilled all over the desk.

"Oh, alright, are you okay? Your face is red." The janitor asked, concerned.

"I'm fine." She said, "I was just arguing with my son."

Seth gave her a dirty look.

"Well, I'll give you guys a few minutes but you'll need to clear out. Doors lock at six, it's five." The janitor turned and walked out of the room.

"Fuck." His mom cursed next to him. She stomped over and grabbed her heels, slipping them on, "Seth, put those pencils back."

"Okay." He grunted, walking over and grabbing the pencils off the floor. He put them in the cup, then he picked up the ones that had rolled onto the desk. The entire time, his boner demanded he go back to fucking his mom.

Once he was done straightening up, his mom started walking out of the room. He followed her, eyeing her ass the entire time.

The janitor smiled when they left the room, "Have a good day."

"You too." His mom said, her heels clicking as she walked down the hall.

When they reached the intersection, Seth was confused when his mom turned and started going towards the back exit, the exit that led to the football field.

"Mom, what are you doing?" He asked, "The parking lot is this way."

"Follow me." She ordered.

Seth jogged after her, she was surprisingly fast in heels. They walked past empty classrooms before reaching the double doors with the big red exit signs above them. His mom pushed open the doors and stepped outside. By now, Seth wondered what exactly she was planning.

"Come on, let's go behind the bleachers." She said.

Seth couldn't believe it, there was no way. She wanted to fuck behind the bleachers!

"Mom, there's cameras out here!" He hissed.

"But there's none pointing behind the bleachers." She said, pointing to the few cameras in sight. Sure enough, none had a good view of what happened directly behind the bleachers.

"Okay, but this feels like a really bad idea."

She snickered before making her way to the bleachers, cutting across the grass.

"You know, I've always wanted to fuck behind the bleachers in high school." She said, "I heard about other people doing it."

Seth shook his head in disbelief, he couldn't believe he was doing this. He followed her behind the bleachers and watched as she turned to him.

"I'm not getting naked, let's just make this quick." She said.

"Okay." He nodded, reaching down to unbuckle his belt.

His mom reached under her dress and pulled down her panties, stepping out of them and holding them in one hand. She walked over and pressed her hands against the underside of the bleachers, sticking her ass out.

Seth walked behind her and pulled down his pants and boxers, lifting her dress up so he could see that amazing ass. This time, he didn't waste time with slowly pushing into her, he just aimed himself at her and slipped in. His mom sighed as he filled her up.

"Fuck, okay." She said, "Make this quick, baby."

"Alright." He gripped her hips and started moving, resuming the pace he was building up to in the classroom.

The spring heat was really getting to Seth and soon, he was sweating. His mom was sweating too though he was certain it was due to the dress she was wearing. The sweat sealed their skin together, creating a wet slapping sound each time their bodies smacked together.

It didn't take Seth long before he felt himself getting ready to cum. He gritted his teeth, even though he and his mom had fucked a couple times, he was nowhere near used to how good she felt. He ran his hands along her body before reaching underneath her to start playing with her nipples.

His mom grunted when he squeezed her nipples slightly but she didn't tell him to stop or anything. So of course he kept doing it.

The squelching coming from his mom's pussy was loud now, almost as loud as the slapping sounds coming from his hips smacking her ass. He was so glad no one was around, otherwise someone definitely would've come to check out what was going on, especially if they heard his mom moaning.

"I'm right there, baby, please, please!" His mom begged, reaching down with one hand and rubbing a circle against her clit. She dropped her panties and held onto the bleachers as she got fucked.

Seth changed the angle of his hips and rammed into her. That was all it took to make his mom stiffen up before slamming her hand over her mouth to cover up the ecstasy-filled scream that came out. Her body jerked as her pussy squeezed him, practically making him blow his load inside her.

Seth buried his face in his mom's sweaty back, his groans bouncing off her skin. He thrusted wildly, spewing more and more semen inside of her. He winced as his orgasm slowly started to die down, it just felt too good filling his mom up.

Their heavy breathing was all that could be heard behind the bleachers. Seth's legs shook as he pulled out of his mom. Thick white liquid ran down her thighs, which she quickly prevented from dripping onto the grass below. She bent down, presenting her amazing ass to him, as she grabbed her panties off the ground.


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