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The Toilet Club Ch. 21-22

Story Info
Meg whisks Mikey away to her place and Aunt Susan must cope.
7.1k words

Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/06/2021
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[Please note: As you might guess from the title, this continuing story involves both golden and brown bodily materials, as well as other fluids and substances naturally produced by human bodies. It is NOT for everyone or even most readers. If you do not enjoy those subjects, please go no further, but look elsewhere for the kinds of stories you DO like. Please do not vote this down just because it is not your cup of tea or you disapprove. This story is pure fantasy and all characters in it are 18 or over. This story is the eleventh installment of "The Toilet Club" and I urge you to read the earlier installments before reading this, in order to follow the storyline and better understand what's going on. You will not regret it! Thanks.]

Chapter 21

Meg whisks Mikey away to her place and Aunt Susan must cope.

Meg Novak was quite pleased with herself. She was cruising along the highway in her Beamer on her way to pick up her friend Susan's nephew Mike and whisk him back to her place for a 24-hour romp. Oh, this was going to be such fun! At least for her, that is. What Mikey would make of it was something else altogether. Breaking in naïve and inexperienced young men was one of her very favorite pastimes, and Mikey looked to be a memorable conquest. At eighteen, he was barely legal, but better still, he was fit and handsome and, from all indications, reflexively obedient.

Her poolside barbecue the previous weekend had been quite a hit with Mikey, and she had a little reprise planned for this afternoon, but with a new twist. She could hardly wait to spring it upon the lad and see his reaction.

She slowed down a tad and took the exit nearest Susan's charming little house. She had timed it just right and pulled into Susan's driveway at quarter past noon. Of course she had told Susan that she'd pick her nephew up at noon, but arriving fashionably late was more Meg's style. Let the horny teen fret and stew in his own juices. She was just tardy enough to build his doubts and anxiety.

* * *

Mike Ellis was almost beside himself. Where was Aunt Meg? She was supposed to pick him up at noon, but here it was 12:15 and there was no sign of her. Had she changed her mind? That hardly seemed likely. Had she had an accident on her drive down to get him? He prayed that was not the case. He nervously paced around Aunt Susan's living room, anxiously soaking his t-shirt's pits. Then, suddenly he heard a car pull into the driveway and ran to the window and looked out. It was Meg! Wow! Nice car. He felt frozen on the spot as he watched her elegantly step out of the immaculate BMW and walk up to the front door. She looked over and caught him staring through the front window, giving him a wicked smile as if he had revealed his awkward eagerness. God, how embarrassing!

The doorbell chimed, not once but twice, as if he was keeping her waiting. He hastened over and pulled the door open, unable to hide his excitement that she was here. Meg stepped inside and gave him a big smooch on his sweaty forehead, leaving a vivid red lipstick imprint.

"Hello, darling. Are you ready for a good time with Aunt Meg?"

Mike didn't quite know how to respond. He'd been dreaming about this moment all morning, but now that it was suddenly here, he was struck speechless. Finally, he squeaked out a response.

"Yes, Aunt Meg. You look incredible!"

Well, of course she did. She'd spent considerable time this morning putting herself together, determined to produce the effect that she obviously had. She was clad in black leather, from her stiletto-heeled boots reaching up to her knees, then followed by her leather skirt and blouse which molded themselves to her lovely hips and uplifted breasts. As a final touch, as if out of an Eneg cartoon, she wore long black leather gloves encasing her forearms and rising nearly to her armpits.

Meg's left hand gripped a frosty blue insulated freezer pack which she firmly placed on the coffee table.

"All ready for your visit, Mikey? Two or three changes of clothes? Your swimming trunks? Negligee and stockings?"

Mike did a quick double-take.

"Er, what? Negligee and stockings?"

"Of course, darling. Weren't you interested in being initiated into the Feminine Mysteries?"

"Yes, of course, but . . ."

"My, my. You do have much to learn, sweetheart. Well, not to worry. I have plenty of play-clothes that should fit you perfectly. We can work all that out later. We should get on our way without further delay. Oh, but one detail."

Meg went over and picked up her blue freezer pack. She unzipped it and gazed inside.

"You seemed to love our marinated sausages last weekend. I was thinking of preparing some more for this visit. What do you think?"

"That would be awesome, Aunt Meg!"

"Very well, then. Let's put them in place and they can marinate themselves on our drive back to my place!"

Meg reached into the pack and drew out three frozen sausages. She handed two to the wonderstruck lad and kept one in hand.

"Allow me to make my orifices available and slide these wieners in, would you?"

Meg bent over, flipping her leather skirt up and revealing that she wore no underpants. Mikey was riveted by his clear view of her fetching buttocks with her labial flaps on display as well.

"I think you know where to put these hotdogs to marinate, yes? No menstrual sauce this time, but plenty of cunt juice and anal goo!"

In a kind of trance, Mikey firmly pushed the frozen meat-sticks into Aunt Meg's vagina and her nasty sphincter. Things were certainly off to an awesome start. Then, he bent over and lowered his cargo pants and briefs, making his anus available for penetration. God, this was already way kinky!

"Oh, Mikey! You have such a cute butt! I trust you are ready to enjoy my playing with it today. You need to learn that women have a special attraction to men's butts. Exactly why is one of those Feminine Mysteries, but there's no denying it."

Meg paused suddenly and looked more closely. Hmmm.

"Mikey! What are those red marks on your buns? They look like hand prints! Don't tell me that Susan has been spanking you, has she?"

Oh shit! Mike had totally forgotten about his aunt's passionate assault during their rough sex last night. Just wait until Meg got a good look at the scratches on his back. The cat was definitely going to be out of the bag!

"Oh, it's nothing really, Aunt Meg. Susan and I were just horsing around and she got a little carried away, that's all. Like you say, women like men's butts."

Mike tried to be as offhanded as possible, but he'd been literally caught with his pants down! He hoped that his scratch marks didn't show through his white cotton t-shirt. It was awfully thin.

However, Meg's suspicions were aroused and she pulled his t-shirt up, revealing the red scratches.

"Oh my goodness! And scratches on your back as well! That's some 'horsing around' you two got up to! I know that Suze sometimes likes it rough, but I didn't realize that she can dish it out as well! My my my!"

Meg gently lowered Mike's t-shirt and gave his butt a little pat.

"Well, we can discuss this later. For now, I don't think any of this should stand in the way of parking a sausage up your tush. Now, pull your cheeks wide, Mikey. That's a good boy! There you go!"

Mike Ellis shivered as Meg crammed the sausage up his virgin fundament. He'd not had much of anything up his butt so far, besides Aunt Susan's fingers and her tongue. A frozen sausage was a considerable intrusion. It felt like a chilly turd stuffed into him from behind. He initially grimaced and then surrendered to the sensation. Perhaps this feeling was what had drawn Aunt Susan into her need for anal play. Rectums liked to be filled. Yes, indeed!

* * *

The drive back to Meg's house was an exercise in strange sensations. Both of them had frozen meat-sticks thawing inside their privates, and Meg was blasting classical music from her car's sound system. She enjoyed pushing her Beamer to its limits and then tapering off repeatedly, a driving style that had Mikey jamming his foot into an imaginary brake pedal and squeezing his rectal muscles tightly around the sausage trapped inside. By the time they arrived home, Mikey was quite unnerved. Meg observed his state and smiled to herself. Things were going as planned.

Meg quickly shooed her young guest into her lavish home and ordered him to disrobe. She did not do so harshly, as it was far too soon to display such severity. Rather, she suggested he strip in the most seductive tones she could muster. She smiled as he proudly displayed his rampant boner, letting it wave heavily in her direction. God, he was hung! There was no way she could let Suze hog her nephew's assets. No! Before the day was over, Meg meant to assume control of the young man's body and make sure he serviced her in no uncertain terms. Despite her clean-shaven twat being stuffed with sausage, she could feel her juices begin to leak down her thighs in anticipation. Oh, yes! This was going to be a night to remember!

"Mikey dear! Could you come here and undo the top button or two of my blouse? I'm afraid the sight of your rigid prick has me all hot and bothered, and my tatas need a bit more breathing room!"

Mike tried not to rush over too eagerly, but assumed as suave a manner as possible, given that he was stark naked before this imposing beauty. He was determined to obey whatever she requested, no matter how trivial or ridiculous. This was the opportunity of a life-time and he better not blow it! Good God! The musky smell of her cunt was already driving him mad and he couldn't wait to follow her instructions on how to please her.

"Yes, Auntie! I'm happy to help!"

Mikey could feel his trembling fingers fumble with Meg's buttons, afraid that he was displaying his nervous inexperience. Yet he persisted, and was soon rewarded with a generous vision of her cleavage cupped within a black lacy brassiere. Oh, Mama! Meg's hooters were to die for. He had to lick his lips repeatedly, in order to avoid drooling all over them. He could feel himself perspiring, the smell of his sweat blending with the odor of her cunt. He could also feel his brain power-down and go on standby. He was now thinking with his penis, if he was thinking at all!

Meg Novak grinned smugly at her young guest's vacant gaze. These young men were always so obvious. They were totally at the mercy of their hormones and Mikey was no exception. It was time to move things along gradually, slowly at first and then more forcefully. Before she was through with him, he'd be eating out of her hand, eagerly surrendering to her most humiliating demands. She felt a crackle of raw power surge through her veins. Steady girl, she cautioned, pace yourself. You've got plenty of time to break him in. Step back and savor the process. Meg reached down and wiped a drip of precum off the tip of Mikey's big stiffy. She brought it to her mouth and daintily transferred it to her tongue. Mmmmmmm! Time for lunch!

* * *

"Alrighty, Mikey! Let's unpack our wieners and fry them up. We don't need to do the whole barbecue grill bit this time. I can just pan fry them on the stove. Would you like to remove my sausages and put them on this plate here?"

The leather-clad siren leaned over the kitchen table with her delectable rump in the air and flipped up her skirt. She gave an internal push and Mike enjoyed the sight of the sausage tips emerge an inch or so from her sphincter and labia. He stuck his face close up and took a strong sniff. Mmmm Boy! He raised his hands and gripped a sausage in each hand and pulled. They certainly felt thawed and he could hardly wait for these tasty treats. He heartily approved of this type of home cooking. He plopped them on the plate and then took Meg's place at the table, self conscious that he was displaying all of his aunt's scratches and slaps. He tried to push all that out of his mind and just spread his cheeks to show his anus. He pretended he was pushing a nice fat turd out and could feel the sausage move. Meg grabbed it and pushed it in and out a few times for added effect. She was looking forward to getting much better acquainted with Mikey's muscular butt as the day stretched on. Finally, she placed the wiener on the plate with the others and headed over to the stove. She surreptitiously loosened another button on her blouse, so that now her soft boobies were nearly tumbling out, kept back only by her thin lacy bra.

Once again they shared a delicious meal, savoring the unique tastes of all three sausages shared between them. They both seemed to find Meg's juicy twat dog their favorite, though the special brown sauce on their respective butt franks had an interesting aftertaste. Meg had opened up a jar of German Style potato salad which made for a nice contrast. As a special treat, she removed a couple of bottles of craft beer from the 'fridge and poured them into special ale glasses from Germany. Mike could hardly keep his eyes off Meg's bazooms, which seemed to be more exposed each time he looked their way. Man, this was living the life!

* * *

After lunch, Meg led Mikey up to her ensuite bathroom and had him sit facing the wall on her toilet seat with the lid down. She wanted to take a better look at his scratched back, as she was concerned whether the rather raw scratches had been properly treated. If there was one thing that Meg was an expert on it was skin abrasions, scratches, caning sores, paddling bruises, and the like.

She tried to get Mikey to talk about how he got them, but he claimed his Fifth Amendment right to not incriminate himself. The most he was willing to divulge was that after last night's shower, Aunt Susan had sprayed his wounds with Neosporin before heading to bed. Had there been any further inspection or treatment this morning? No, he'd put them out of his mind.

"Well, Mikey, if I'd known about these before I drove down to get you, I might have put off your visit for another day or two. As you might guess, I prefer a fresh canvas to work with, if you get my drift. Luckily, these don't look as bad as I feared, but I do think we need to cleanse them again and put fresh anti-bacterial meds on them."

She proceeded to get a fresh washcloth from her linen closet, carefully wash his back, and treat the scratches with Mercurochrome, which stung like hell and caused Mikey to protest.

"There, there, sweetie! I know it hurts, but that passes quickly. Besides, sometimes a little pain leads to greater pleasure. If we take care of this now, we probably won't have to think about it for the rest of the day."

* * *

At the very least, Meg's show of care and concern for him comforted some of Mike's jitters and his worries about what he was getting himself into. Perhaps Aunt Susan was kind of unfair in her assessment of her BFF. Or maybe Meg had turned over a new leaf. Whatever it might be, Mike was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. The one thing he knew for sure was that he was hellbent on sliding his engorged prick into as many of her holes as she'd allow. And judging from her own signals, she shared the same interest. He left it to her to sort out what they might do and in what order. Meg clearly had plans in mind and the willpower to make them happen. He was placing himself in her hands.

For her part, Meg was trying to reconfigure the possibilities for the day. With those scratches on Mikey's back, activities in the pool, out in the sun, or especially in the dung-filled hot tub were sadly out of the question. They'd probably have to stay indoors and make do in her bed, bathroom, or the play space in the basement. That still left plenty of options, of course, but it did cast a slight pall on proceedings, especially spontaneous ones. Damn!

Oh well. You worked with the cards you were dealt. Mikey on this particular day might not be a Royal Flush, but he was at least a Straight Flush. Meg was sure that she could persuade him to service her needs in any number of ways -- especially ways that he had never experienced or even thought of. She began to map out a plan.

* * *

Meg had no certainty of what Susan had already introduced to her nephew. She knew from her own interactions with her deviant friend that Susan Compton had powerful cravings centered around defecation and urination. This was not exactly Meg Novak's cup of tea, but she had enjoyed a few episodes of exploring Susan's predilections. As one pervert to another, she appreciated Susan's compulsions. She had a strong hunch that Susan had already sucked her nephew Mikey into her fecal orbit. Should Meg push to explore that further, or back off and allow Mikey to confess his most powerful cravings? She decided on a little test.

Meg led him into her bedroom and took a seat on the edge of her bed. She had Mikey kneel before her, with his hands on her knees. She could feel them trembling. The poor dear really was innocent, just as Susan had insisted. She'd soon take care of that! Meg allowed herself a little smile as she looked at the imprint of her red lipstick which still adorned his forehead. She almost felt sorry for her naïve pupil.

"Sweetheart, now that we've gotten your back taken care of, it's time to give you another lesson in pleasing women. I have a strong hunch that Susan has already beat me to the punch in some of these activities, but even so, practice makes perfect! Just as many women adore men who are not afraid of their menstrual flow, they also love men who are willing to worship every other aspect of their bodies, too. If you are to be initiated into the Feminine Mysteries, you must banish all squeamishness about the realm of the flesh. Let's start with a simple little exercise, shall we?

"Now close your eyes and tilt your head back and open your mouth."

Mike could feel his heart pounding as he obeyed his leather goddess. He could feel her firm hand cradling his chin and then, without warning, he felt a glob of gooey liquid drop upon his tongue. Good God, Aunt Meg was making him swallow her spit! Or was she? She hadn't given him permission to swallow, he realized. Better to just let it sit there on his tongue. Soon that spittle was joined by another deposit of saliva. He tried to wait patiently, hoping that the warm goo wouldn't slide back down his tongue and into his throat, making him gag.

"Very good, my little spittoon! You may now swallow and open your eyes."

Aunt Meg was holding a hand mirror in front of his face and he realized with chagrin that he still had her red smooch mark smack-dab in the middle of his forehead. How humiliating! He watched the reflection of his face flush in embarrassment until it was almost as red as her lipstick. It was beginning to dawn on him that he was indeed at the mercy of a very beautiful woman who derived erotic pleasure from making men do her bidding, the more demeaning the better. She was almost the exact opposite of Aunt Susan.

But Mike was already learning something about himself. He rather liked being told what to do, especially by a hot babe like Meg. If the price of admission to her bod was swallowing her spit and having to grovel some, that was a pretty cheap price he reckoned. He smiled up at Meg brightly.

"I enjoyed that, Aunt Meg! It was kind of like kissing without touching! What would you like me to do next?"

"Well, Mikey, before we do anything more, why don't you run to the bathroom and wash my lipstick off your face. I don't want you rubbing it off on my body while you are performing your next task."

Mike did as he was told and hurried back eagerly. He found that she had removed her skirt and was lying face-down on her bed, still wearing her boots and top.

"You are showing a very cooperative attitude, Mikey. So, as a little reward, I will permit you to worship my bottom. I suspect that your Aunt Susan has already acquainted you with the practice, so let's see what you can do. If you can make me cum, you will receive another reward."

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