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The Want Ad

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Widowed brother and divorced sister find a mutual interest.
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In a blur of pink and blonde, three little girls ran past me, shouting goodnights as they raced each other down the hall. Chloe, lagging behind the others, stopped and threw herself into my arms. At five, and the younger of my two daughters, she's very affectionate.

"Goodnight Daddy. Thank you for bringing us to Aunt Nicky's house. I love it here. And I love you, Daddy." She kissed me, and then wriggled free and chased her sister and cousins down the hall.

"Goodnight girls. Now stay in Chantelle's room and give me and your aunt Nicky some peace. You got it?"

A chorus of "Sure", "g'night Uncle Jonny, g'night Mommy" and similar cries came down the hall to us. Then the door of Chantelle's room slammed shut, and Nicky smiled.

"It's good to see them so happy," she said. "They play together so well."

"Yeah. And now we may just get a little time to ourselves. They're pretty hard work apart, but put the four of them together and they're exhausting!"

The pink tornado that is our combined troupe of daughters -- troupe being, I believe, the correct word to describe a group of screeching, uncontrollable monkeys -- had finally swirled out of our immediate vicinity and shut itself in the room of my sister Nicky's eldest, ten year-old Chantelle, to watch endless DVDs, eat popcorn, drink sodas and forget to brush its teeth. My eldest, Jenna, aged eight, and little Chloe were inseparable from Chantelle and her seven-year old sister Bree. Tonight's sleepover was a great shared adventure and they were so excited that it had been hard work just keeping them from running riot in Nicky's house. Now there was a good chance that Chantelle would 'mommy' the younger ones, they'd all dote on little Chloe and -- hopefully -- we wouldn't see them again until morning.

Nicky took a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and poured us two glasses. The sound of a Disney DVD came down the hall towards us. I closed the dividing door and sat on the couch.

"I think it's good for them," she said. "You can see that Chloe really misses her mom. I know Jenna does too, but she just tries to hide it more and pretend to be grown-up. And my two really love it when Jenna and Chloe come to play. They've been totally excited all week."

"Yeah. It's great to see them happy. They've all been through a lot."

Nicky handed me my wine and sat down beside me on the couch. She pulled up and folded her long legs in front of her, and sat facing me. "Have you thought about getting them a new mom?"

"I don't know. They miss Shauna so much, I'm a little worried that they might reject anyone else who tried to take her place. Maybe I'll give it another year and see how we all feel about it. And you; are you looking for a new dad for your girls?"

Shauna had died two years ago. Some drug addict in a stolen SUV had side-swiped her car on the freeway and pushed her into a concrete pillar on her way into the city. My only consolation was that the medics said she must've died instantly. I fell apart. It was only the girls -- and Nicky -- who put me back together, and since then I've tried to be strong for them.

For Nicky it had been different. Philip went off with another woman, they divorced, and the girls barely saw their father. It seemed he'd never really wanted kids -- least of all two girls.

"No. I can't face all that dating and stuff. I mean, finding babysitters, getting made up, going out with guys who look OK but turn out to be jerks. Then doing it all again." She sipped her wine. "Maybe -- maybe when the girls are a little older."

Nicky's three years older than me. My big sister and me, well, we've always been close. Mom and Dad split up when we were in our teens, and we each became the other's shoulder to cry on. Then along came Philip, then Shauna, then two daughters each. We'd get together at weekends and let our growing brood of little angels play together while we four adults hung out. Except now there were just two adults left -- Nicky and me, in our mid-thirties, stressed with solo child-care and different forms of grief. These days, we'd provide each other with support as much as anything. That and some sensible adult conversation after a week of trading small-talk with two girls under ten who thought they were princesses half the time and kicked, screamed, yelled and cried like wild animals the rest. We still needed the shoulder, even if we cried a little less these days.

"But don't you get lonely, Jonny? You're still a hot young guy. I'd have thought there'd still be loads of girls following you around. I mean, what do you do for sex these days? Don't you need a woman for that sometimes?"

Nicky and I had always been close, so the directness of her question didn't startle me. I smiled.

"Thanks for the compliment, sis. Having my two and a full-time job means I don't get much energy at the end of the day, even if there were women around who wanted a guy with two young kids. I did have a brief 'thing' with a girl from the office a few months back, but it didn't work out. Seems she had a boyfriend and was only using me for some variety. But hey, at least I got some. Oh, and I had a one-night stand with a girl I met at a friend's party last year. It was OK, but I kept thinking of Shauna. I guess I don't really want loveless sex. I can get that from my right hand. But you -- you're pretty damn hot yourself. Don't tell me you've decided to take holy orders?"

She gave a little laugh. "And thank you for the compliment to an old lady, kind sir! Oh, sure, I'd like to find a guy. God knows I need a warm body from time to time. Since Philip left I've had nothing but my rabbit for company. He's good, but not that good. The trouble is, I just don't really know where to start. All my girlfriends are married and my co-workers are all women, so it's hard to meet suitable men. I'm too old for clubs and I couldn't face hanging around in bars."

"Why not get yourself onto one of those dating sites? I keep thinking about it for me, and maybe that's where I'll start when Chloe's a little older. But we could compose an ad for you?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Oh come on sis! It'll be fun. Tell you what -- I'll help you compose yours and you can help me compose mine. Then maybe we'll put them both up and see what happens."

"OK, I guess. So where do I start? 'Reasonable-looking mother of 2, 38, wishes to meet attractive man for' -- for what? It would be nice to have a dependable guy to help me look after the girls, but like I say, I'm not sure I'm ready for all of the relationship stuff yet. I think that what I most need -- most urgently -- is some good sex. Philip was OK, but I now realize it was all about him."

"Hey, sis, that's OK. Everyone needs it -- God knows there are times when I do since Shauna died. But if it's just sex you're after, we'll have to choose a different site and we have to make your ad hotter."

"OK. How about "Attractive mom, 38...'"

"No. Try 'Hot MILF, 35...'"


"'Mother I'd Like to Fuck'. It says you're really hot."

She smiled. "As if!" She took a big gulp of her wine.

"Absolutely as if! You're really sexy and you know it. Look -- how about..."Hot MILF, 30's, blue eyes, blonde, great tits, pert ass, long legs..."

"Why don't you add 'loves sucking cock' while you're at it?" she smirked.

"Look sis, if you need sex, then the sort of place we'll put this ad would love this stuff. So do you want it in?"

"Oh God, do I want it in!" She giggled sexily, and took another sip of her wine.

"Look sis, I'm trying to be serious -- well, semi-serious anyway. Do you want the ad to say that you love sucking cock? I mean, do you?"

"Sure. And yes, I do love sucking cock, since you ask."

I could feel a serious boner developing in my pants, but I tried to ignore it and focus on helping my sis in what I was hoping was her quest to get laid.

"OK then. 'Hot MILF, 30s, blue eyes, blonde, great tits & ass, loves sucking cock'". I looked up at her, and she smiled back and sipped her wine again.

"Go on. If I recall, you were saying something about my legs before."

"Sure. 'Long, slim legs...'"

"'...just longing to be opened by the right man...'", she sighed, with her head thrown back as if imagining the guy. Then she looked back at me and smiled again.

I noticed that every time she said something naughty she took another sip of wine. I guessed she was nervous. I also noticed that she'd un-crossed her legs and had placed her feet down on the sofa, her knees apart. From where I sat, I could almost see up her short skirt. My boner was getting worse. What had I started? I needed a change of tack here.

"So tell me about the guy. What do you want? You've told everyone that you're hungry for sex, so every weirdo across the globe will be lining up. You need to limit the field to what you want."

"Oh sure. How about 'seeks fit, athletic guy, great body...'"

"'loves eating pussy?'" I suggested.

"Sure. Oh, and 'must have thick, eight-inch cock, and know how to use it.'"

"Well, that will sure limit the field. There can't be too many of those around."

"Oh, I'm sure there'll be a few. I know they're out there. In fact, I reckon I'm looking at one right now." She giggled again. Her face looked flushed. She took a nervous sip of her wine, and it looked like her hand was shaking.

"Well thanks for the compliment sis, but I'm not sure why you think I'd measure up to your specification."

"Do you remember..."

She seemed to be having a little difficulty talking for a moment. I noticed that her knees were now wider apart. If I sat back, I'd be able to see right up her skirt. I tried to focus. This was my sister, for fuck's sake.

"You know that time I got back from college a day early, and I took a shower, and you came home from school and charged into the bathroom and I was naked and -- and towelling myself? I don't know who was more embarrassed, you or me."

"Sure, I remember." How could I forget? I was just turned eighteen. I'd run up to the bathroom, burst in and found my twenty-one-year-old sister, naked, gently rubbing her titties with a sort of faraway look on her face. I took in the nicely-rounded tits, the smooth, slightly damp skin, the long legs, the soft, blonde bush (neatly trimmed). I must've stood there, staring, for around ten seconds before she spoke.

"Get -- get out!" she'd blurted.

I'd just headed for my room with a boner that was about the size of the one I had right now. Back then I'd just pulled it out and jerked myself off with images of my naked sister in my head. In my thoughts then, she'd been playing with her titties and moaning while I fucked her good and hard. I was just eighteen. I managed to come in less than a minute, and had to find some tissues to clean up.

"Well, bro, I remember it too," she said, breaking into my reverie. "After you ran out, I pulled on a robe and came after you. I'd been feeling horny, and my college boyfriend was like a million miles away, so I was just warming myself up to stroke my pussy when you burst in. I got to your room, and the door was almost closed, so I peeked in, and there you were, jerking off. I guess seeing your sister naked must've turned you on. But when I looked at your cock, I thought 'wow, little brother, that's a big surprise!' See, I'd had a few cocks in college, so I knew what a big one and a weeny one looked like, and yours was one of the biggest I'd seen. And I guess it's gotten bigger since you grew up?"

I didn't really know how to respond. I knew this conversation was getting out of hand, but as I'd started it, I couldn't see how to finish it. Nicky just giggled, drained her wine glass and stood up, a little unsteadily.

"Show me."

I stared blankly at my sister. OK, so I'd had the hots for her since that day I'd walked in on her in the bathroom. (Actually, since before then, when she was a cheerleader and I was a gawky kid). But hey, this was my sister, and we were both too old for adolescent, hormone-fuelled crushes on the wrong people. Things like this just shouldn't happen.

"I -- sis, you know that I can't, I mean..."

"Scaredycat, scaredycat! Too shy to show your sister what you got? Well, I'll just have to find out for myself."

She knelt down in front of me a little unsteadily, unfastened and unzipped my pants and reached inside. When her hand went into my boxers and closed around my throbbing boner, I must've let out a moan, because she looked up and smiled.

"Ooh yes, Mr Shyboy. That feels about right."

She pulled my pants and boxers down over my hips -- I have to confess that I lifted my ass off the seat to let her, so I can't say I put up much of a fight -- and my cock sprang free.

Nicky gave a gasp. "Ooh, Jonny, that's even bigger than I remember." Her eyes were wide in surprise -- whether it was real or pretend I don't know, but it was a horny sight. Then she looked up at me with a wicked grin. "And tonight it's all for me!"

Before I could protest again, she bent down and licked around the tip. I hadn't had a blowjob for months, and not a good one since Shauna died. When Nicky licked her lips and then slowly slid her mouth down over my rampant dick, I was convinced I was in Heaven - or on my way to Hell.

She slid up and down over around half my dick, and the sensations were incredible. Shauna had known how to such dick, but her mouth was too small - and I was too big - for her to take me all in, so she used to do amazing things with her tongue and lips on my cock-head than could make me cum almost from just the anticipation.

But Nicky's mouth was bigger. I'd always thought, when she opened her mouth to laugh loudly or squeal (which she did a lot as a teen), that she could swallow a lot of cock with a mouth like that -- and that always made my forbidden fantasies about my sister even worse. (I used to carry a picture I'd taken of her on a ride at Disney, hair blown back, eyes and mouth both wide open. I used to jerk off over that when I was in my late teens, just at the thought of those eyes looking up at me as I shoved my cock deep inside...). But conscience is a dangerous thing.

"Sis -- stop. Please, no. This is wrong."

She lifted off my dick for a moment. "Oh, I'm sorry, bro'." She looked up at me with those big eyes. "Maybe you'd like it more like this."

She opened that hot, sexy mouth really wide and just engulfed my cock. I felt the head hit her throat, and then she made this sort of gargling noise, moving her head from side to side to work me deeper. Then her lips closed, and her nose was pressed against my pubic hair. She held it there for a few moments, then started to work me slowly back and forwards in her throat. Gradually the strokes got longer, until her lips were travelling the length of my shaft, and my cock head was experiencing every hot wet texture of her mouth and throat. I was completely powerless, and loving every moment.

"Sis! Stop! Please stop! I'm gonna cum. Please -- I -- aaaah!"

And I came, right in my sister's throat, pumping months of pent-up jizz straight down her gullet. And she just held me there while I emptied my balls. Then slowly, slowly she slid back, each soft touch of her tongue or lips on my cock triggering another spasm. Finally, she held my softening dick in front of her face and licked the last cum off it. Then she grinned and gave a little laugh.

"How was that, little bro'? Worth the wait?"

"Oh Jesus, Nicky. That was amazing! It was so wrong, but -- my God it felt good."

"That's good," she said, "because I need you to do something for me now, little bro'"

She stood up, lifted her skirt and shimmied her panties down. Then she pulled off her t-shirt and bra. Her tits were still good -- or maybe 'good again' might be a better way of describing them. (Philip had paid for a boob-job after she'd had the girls and I guess they'd started to sag. Anyway, the work was excellent, and though they didn't look completely natural, they sure looked inviting). She sat back onto the couch, pulling up her skirt and opening those long, slim legs wide. I was looking straight into my sister's smooth, nicely-waxed pussy. And I could see it was wet.

"I couldn't wait for a man to open my legs, so I've opened them myself. I guess you know what to do."

I did. Faced with a very horny woman -- even though she was my sister - there was nothing else I could do. I stood up and peeled off the rest of my clothes.

"Wow, Jonny, you've kept yourself in shape! Come here and let me make use of that body!" she said.

I sat down beside her and kissed her, stroking her nice firm tits and feeling her hot mouth on mine. After a few moments, she took one of my hands and guided it to her pussy. As I slipped a finger inside her, I felt a long moan escape her mouth as we continued to kiss.

I fucked her, first with one, then two fingers, rubbing her g-spot until she was going half crazy, all the while alternating between kisses and nipple sucking (she has very suckable nipples). Then I slid off the couch, dropped between her spread legs and dipped my tongue into that wet slit. She covered her mouth so that the girls wouldn't hear her shriek of pleasure. I avoided her clit for quite some time -- not easy, as it's quite large -- and focused on licking around her pussy lips and even almost breaking my neck to lick her puckered asshole while still using my fingers inside her. I wanted to bring her as close to orgasm as I could without actually taking her there.

Her long legs were thrashing around, and she'd grabbed a cushion and held it to her face to muffle her cries, so I quickly changed hands, sliding two different fingers into her pussy while taking one that was already slick with her juices and slowly working it into her ass.

And then I closed in on her clit. Shauna's clit was small. Nicky's is huge by comparison -- maybe the size of a small raspberry -- so I first spiralled my tongue around it, then licked it quite firmly and finally took it between my lips, sucking it while strumming its tip with my tongue.

I felt the spasms in her pussy and ass. She kicked my back several times with her heels. I could hear the muffled "Mmmmm! Mmmmmm! MMMMM!" from behind the cushion as she tried hard to keep her monster orgasm a secret from the kids down the hall. This went on for, I guess, a minute and a half.

She finally slumped back, spent, onto the couch and pulled my head away from her pussy. "Please -- please stop. Can't -- take any more. That was -- that was -- awesome! Thank you Jonny. So -- so amazing!" she panted. I smiled up at her, got up and found some tissues, wiped her juices from off my face and then cleaned up around her pussy. She was soaked, and so was the edge of the couch -- but that could wait until later. I poured us some more wine and came back to sit beside her.

She gulped her drink. We looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"How long have you wanted to do this?" she asked.

"I dunno. Since I was in my teens, I guess."

"Me too. When I was at college I used to try to pick the guys who looked a little like you -- fit and cute. Some were good, some were a disappointment. I once fucked a real jock, a football player with a hairy chest, and he was pretty good, but I just couldn't get off. I guess I wanted you, or someone like you. Did you ever notice that Philip had your build?"

"I never really saw the resemblance, but I guess he was about my height and size so I suppose I see what you mean."

"Shauna wasn't like me, so maybe you weren't as obsessed as I was."

"Trust me, sis, I did sometimes fantasize about you, especially before I met Shauna and a few times since she died." Thinking of Shauna was making me feel sad again, so I changed the subject.

"So when you were watching me jerking off all those years ago, what did you do then?"


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